Tag Archives: gun laws

GOA: Senate “Sentencing Reform” Bill Could Crack Down on Gun Owners

The bill in question is supported by anti-gun Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT). They are cosponsors of S. 2123.

So what are they getting for their support?

Well, while many non-violent offenders are being let off the hook — and even some violent offenders who plea bargained down to “non-violent” offenses — the bill actually increases penalties for many law-abiding (non-violent) gun owners.

Hence, section 105 of S. 2123 increases — from 10 to 15 years — the potential prison sentences for “prohibited persons” and for those who merely possess a new machine gun, even if they are licensed under the NFA.

Have a gun, go to jail … for a long time!

Regarding the penalties for “prohibited persons,” the increased penalties in the bill would include the more than 175,000 veterans who have lost their gun rights, if there is still a gun anywhere in the house.

And it would include the 4.2 million seniors whom Obama proposes to strip of their gun rights by doing a computer search of social security.

Think about it: While this bill lowers sentences for many offenders, it raises the penalties for law-abiding gun owners who have had their gun rights stripped from them — like veterans and seniors mentioned above.


ACTION: Please take action today and urge your Senators to demand the removal OF ALL OFFENDING language that would penalize law-abiding gun owners.

FK – This is why we need a militia in every county in the country. Any time any BAFT Nazi trash tries to railroad anyone into prison it should be hunted along with any shysters participating. It’s garbage and should be treated as such.


First Day Of The Second American Civil War


FK – Will we really let it get that bad before we fight back? Pathetic.

GOA: Marxist mutt Promises “Executive Action” on Gun Control

Oregon Residents Rebuke the President

You probably remember the now-infamous mantra that we’ve heard from this White House:  “You never let a good crisis go to waste.”


Well, the President traveled to Oregon today to further politicize the tragic shooting that occurred there last week.

But residents of Roseburg are not amused, and they are decrying the President’s visit today.

Over 8,000 people have signed onto a website declaring that the President is “not welcome” in Oregon today.

Some massacre survivors are boycotting the President. Some have told him to “quit with the gun control.”


Don’t be surprised if we also see a presidential push for Universal Background Checks (aka, Universal Gun Registration).

We cannot let this stand. The President is trying to make an end-run around Congress, at a time when the House is in chaos.

That’s why it’s all the more important that we DEMAND that the next Speaker of the House use the appropriations process to defund (aka, kill) every illegal Executive Action on gun control.

Defunding gun control — that is, using the congressional “power of the purse” — is the same way we repealed an FBI gun tax under President Clinton, overturned a shotgun import ban by Obama, and killed the ATF’s multiple sales registration throughout the country.

This is the best way to repeal gun control, but it will require the Republicans to put on their “big boy pants.”

Please use our pre-written letter and take action here today!

FK – How about we loudly and continuously demand a de-funding of the BATF Nazi trash and a repeal of all the laws they ‘enforce?’


FK – Respect a piece of trash that would see me killed in a heartbeat for refusing to obey its edicts? I don’t think so. It’s a Marxist/globalist tool and works for those who consider us to be livestock. So many still have so much waking up to do.

If you’re not a faker and if you truly value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights and think this is supposed to be a free country then there are two inescapable solid facts you must come to grips with: Your “Liberal”(commie) trash so-called ‘friends’ voted to kill you, and continue to do so every time they vote and their masters, the elites who run this world, consider you and them to be livestock.

The crime and ‘mass shootings’ issues are red herrings, distractions and excuses. The words ‘illegal gun’ and ‘license’ and ‘common sense gun laws’ and ‘concealed carry’ and ‘open carry’ and ‘fully automatic’ and ‘semi-automatic’ and ‘hunting’ and ‘sporting purpose’ and ‘civilian’ are not in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.


FK – How many are still in denial that the empire would do the same here it does overseas?

Armed protesters greet Obama during Oregon visit

Protesters in Roseburg: ‘Everybody should carry a gun’

Hillary Clinton Pledges to Go After Gun Stores if Elected

An Open Rant Aimed at Those Who Would Repeal the Second Amendment

FK – It wouldn’t in reality involve all that. The ‘gun laws’ on the books already infringe, all of them. The ‘assault weapons’ ban infringed but we put up with it. When enough commies get into the congress and the now red  house again they could very will gut the Second Amendment by doing what Australia and England did. A commie SCOTUS would not rule in the favor of Liberty. So where would we be then?

A Second Amendment that is treated like a toy to be taken to the range or the deer stand is a toy that can be regulated, registered, licensed, and confiscated. Only when enough real Americans come to grips with what the gun battle is really about and that we could win the gun battle but still lose the war and then develop the resolve to do what will be required will things really change.

Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies who have white skin and were likely born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world will not relent in their efforts to fully enslave us until we force them to. They will never throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” They’re incapable of that.


FK – While I certainly agree with the gist of this vid I have to ask: Will Palestinians traveling and working in their former homeland now controlled by its invaders be allowed to carry guns to defend themselves against the invaders?

Gun debate heats anew and president politicized it

Admitting yesterday that he wants to politicize the debate over firearms, President Barack Obama seemed to have led with the chin with his remarks about the Umpqua Community College (UCC) rampage, because his remarks were immediately taken apart by various pro-Second Amendment critics.

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly challenged the president’s statements. In comments that may be watched here, O’Reilly noted Obama’s selective outrage because the president routinely ignores the carnage in Chicago, his adopted hometown. In the process, he demolished the president’s assertion that places with the toughest gun laws have the lowest violent crime rates.

As the Seattle Times noted, “Obama dispensed with any pretense of accommodating his critics, rebutting predicted responses in unusually blunt terms. He noted that even as he spoke, he knew counterarguments were being prepared: that what was needed was more guns, or fewer restrictions.”

FK – From the above:

“According to NBC News, UCC had considered hiring armed security for the campus. School officials ultimately rejected the idea. According to retired UCC President Joe Olson, “We thought we were a very safe campus, and having armed security officers on campus might change the culture.” One wonders how yesterday’s events might “change the culture” on the small campus.” 

One wonders what kind of ‘culture’ the commies were trying to instill in their indoctrination center. I can guess.

Remember, your “Liberal” friends voted to kill you…

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

Video: Armed vet says he was prevented from stopping Umpqua shooter


FK – He should have told the ‘staff’ to shove their cowardice up their ass.

Roseburg: Antis exploit campus shooting

‘Filled with hate’: Witnesses say Oregon gunman targeted Christians in community college mass murder

FK  – Why do these idiots get the idea that killing average brain-dead sheeple is going to help their cause in any way?:


FK – Maybe we should wage a propaganda war against all forms of authoritarianism. The religions are certainly forms of that. Simple fact. Why these idiots think their cause can be helped by killing average brain-dead sheeple is another matter.

It’s about human nature, not about any specific religion. We have a ‘must control others’ gene that is manifested in various ways.

Modern ‘Christianity’ is so infiltrated as to be useless, if it ever was anything but another way to keep the slaves working. It’s certainly not the religion of the Founders who stepped out of their homes leaving their families behind and who went forth to do what was required. Oh for such men and women now…

If the fundie ragheads ever gain any real political ground in this country it will be because of our failure to deal properly with our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and were born here and who will pass the laws that make it possible.

WWIII may very well be fought over whose version, sub-version, subversion of whatever sadistic asshole of a god will get to burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever. What a sad and disgusting commentary on the ‘human race.’ And we’re getting all excited over a lone nut who killed several morons who didn’t have enough common sense to be able to defend themselves.

The human race is still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age.

Leaked Audio: Hillary Says Supreme Court ‘Wrong’ About Second Amendment, Calls for a GUN BAN

Obama Wants to Tie the UN Noose Even Tighter Around the Necks of Gun Owners

Obama wants more UN-styled gun control

Right now White House officials are booking flights to Mexico…… and they’re not bringing back souvenirs.

They’re on their way to the UN Small Arms Conference, to be held in Mexico City on August 24.

And they’re planning to bring back the framework for a global gun control regime.

It’s important that you contact your Senators right now and tell them to vote NO on any agreement reached at the Mexico UN conference.

Obama has already signed the UN Small Arms Treaty and it is waiting ratification by the Senate.

Obama’s global gun grabbers are jetting down to Mexico to iron out the details of this tyrannical new regime.

It requires signing nations to “establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list.”

That means not just NATIONAL gun registration. You will be entered into a GLOBAL gun registration database (according to Article V, Section 4 of the treaty).

ACTION: Click here to contact your senators. Tell them to vote NO on any UN gun control agreement reached at the Mexico UN conference.

FK – Until we begin to twist some hemp around the necks of those responsible for such garbage it won’t end. But that will require a nation of men, something we don’t have as far as I can tell.



Murray signs Seattle gun tax; Detroit top cop has better idea

FK – They’re not ‘progressives.’ They’re communists. Calling them by the cute names they labeled themselves with to hide their evil only furthers their agenda: our total enslavement.

It’s not about crime. Crime is a red herring. The “Liberal”(commie) trash want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally awake to the necessity of doing what will be required.

I’ve long been in favor of ‘re-wilding’ the cities. Spend the money some want to waste on a border fence and enclose our real enemies. Erect a 14′ high fence around all major metropolitan areas and release grizzlies, cougars, wolves and rattlesnakes. Then let the eco-commie freaks ‘get back to nature.’ Disallow those who choose to arm themselves from shooting any wildlife that is feeding on “Liberal”(commie) trash.



Oathkeepers, in partnership with CATI Armor, are asking for support from our members to help raise money to get liberty artist and honorary OK member Jordan Page’s powerful 2nd amendment anthem ‘Arm Yourselves’ professionally recorded and to produce a music video. We will be adopting Arm Yourselves as a national theme song and will use it and the music video as a flagship tool for direct outreach to active military on bases in the US. The video will feature Oath Keepers from around the country standing in solidarity against state violence and corruption.

Here is a live performance of Arm Yourselves from Jordan’s performance at PAULfest in 2012.

FK – Click on the header link to read the lyrics. We need millions more like him.

This one’s even better:



FKIn reality the word ‘illegal’ isn’t in the Second Amendment. If they come under the purview of the police the question is why aren’t they arrested and sent home, with their gun?

The Senseless Death in a Charleston Church Could Have Been Prevented

pinckney-H3025Every time an American community suffers a tragedy involving a firearm, the anti-gun crowd unveils itself in full tribal dress.

Wednesday night, a 21-year-old sandy blonde-haired white man with blue jeans and Timberland boots walked into a historically black church in Charleston, S.C. and killed 9 people.  That’s a horrible, murderous act, made worse by the fact that the man is still at large.

UPDATE:  Dylann Roof, the shooter, was apprehended by police in Shelbyville, N.C.  I’m glad they got him, and I’m glad there will be an opportunity for justice.  But it’s sad that this wasn’t stopped before it happened.

The New York Times reported S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s statement about the tragedy.

“While we do not yet know all of the details, we do know that we’ll never understand what motivates anyone to enter one of our places of worship and take the life of another,” the governor said. “Please join us in lifting up the victims and their families with our love and prayers.”

The Rev. Clementa Pinckney was among those killed.  Pinckney was a S.C. state senator, a Democrat who served since 1998, was on the Corrections and Penology and Education committees, among others.

His voting record indicates that he was not a supporter of expanding gun rights for S.C. citizens.

In 2014, he voted against S.308, which Haley signed in law, allowing a Concealed Weapons Permit holder to carry firearms into restaurants that serve alcohol, while preserving the restaurant owner’s right to ban individuals carrying firearms in their establishment.

Current S.C. state law prohibits permitted individuals from carrying a weapon in a church (S.C. Code Ann § 21-31-215).

FK – While I don’t think such actions do us any good, I can’t feel sorry for the victims, especially if it was a commie church. They had a commie pastor so go figure. Those who think they have “Liberal”(commie) trash friends are sorely mistaken for if you think we’re supposed to be living in a free country and your most basic right is that of self-defense from criminals in govt. or common criminals then every time your “Liberal”(commie) trash friends vote, they vote to kill you.

It’s way past time for all who want to be free again, for we are not free now, to come to grips with what will be required, for our domestic blood enemies will not stop attacking our Liberty until they are forced to stop.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

More on this evil(the propaganda, not necessarily the shooting):

CAPTURED: What We Know About Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof

Charleston Shooter Was on Drug Linked to Violent Outbursts

Charleston Shooter Recently Faced Drug Charges


FK – That’s “Liberal”(commie) trash. They’re not ‘liberal’ they’re commie authoritarians.

And you know they won’t house him with other inmates.

It’s time to push harder to repeal all the gun laws and educate the common dumbass about their right, duty and responsibility to be armed against tyranny and common criminals.

Those who don’t like that are free to leave this country for such creatures don’t belong here. If they stay and continue attacking human Liberty and the Bill of Rights they will fully deserve what ever is done to them.


FK – Their religion didn’t save them either, or rather their willful ignorance of it:

“But now one who has a money bag should take it, and likewise a sack, and one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.” – Jesus Christ. Luke 22:36

“When a strong man (a man of superior physical strength) armed (to furnish fully with arms; weapons) keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace.” – Jesus Christ. Luke 11:21

“Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.”  The word of God to Jeremiah. Jeremiah 48:10

“Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.” – Psalm 144:1

“The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.” – Proverbs 14:15

From my ‘Favorite Quotes‘ page. Don’t let your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ talk with you unless they’ve read it for if they read it and remain “Liberal”(commie) trash then you will know what you are really dealing with and what will have to be done.

Race war? No, it’s a commie war:


FK – It’s way past time to start deporting those who ‘hate America’ and want to turn it into Amerika. Without the backbone and resolve to stand against our domestic blood enemies we have no future, Liberty has no future and the Bill of Rights will be an esoteric topic whispered about in closed circles for generations to come.

Charleston Shooting: Liberals Call for Disarming All White People

Shaken Charleston mayor: ‘Far too many guns out there’

In 2013, the Rev. Clementa Pinckney — the pastor of the church hit by the Wednesday slayings and believed to be among the dead — used his role as state senator to sponsor a resolution lauding a high school senior for an award-winning speech urging for tighter gun laws.

But many other lawmakers in South Carolina oppose greater limits on firearms.

FK – I’ll thank the trash for proving my points…

GOA Alert: House Bill to Protect Gun Owners from Being Framed

Last week, Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) introduced a bill that will protect many gun owners from being framed by Obama’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

H.R. 2753, or “The Fairness in Firearms Testing Act,” would require the ATF to make a videotape of any guns they test and to make those recordings available to everyone.

Rep. Hice — an A+ rated freshman who was strongly supported by Gun Owners of America in his initial bid for Congress — wants to protect gun owners from official harassment. His bill would require the ATF to visually document (via recordings) any of its gun testings. This is extremely important, given their controversial decisions where they’ve classified semiautomatics as full automatics.

Gun Owners of America has worked with law-abiding Americans who have been victimized by ATF’s “secret tests.” And we are disgusted by the bureau’s refusal to release testing information which does not comport the results ATF desires.

The Obama administration claims to value transparency. But ATF has been less than transparent when it comes to testing that affects the livelihood of thousands, the constitutional rights of millions, and the potential criminal liability of many.

You can help by urging your Congressman to cosponsor H.R. 2753.

ACTION: Please urge your Representative to cosponsor H.R. 2753, a bill that will protect innocent gun owners from getting railroaded by the ATF.

FK – The pertinent question is why haven’t all the BATF Nazi trash been arrested, tried for treason and executed for enforcing evil laws that shouldn’t exist here? Why haven’t those that participated in the raid and subsequent murders of the Branch Davidians been brought to justice?

Gun Rights Group Wins Access To Potentially Embarrassing NY Gun Registration Data

Cuomo and his anti-gun allies in Albany exploited the horrors of the Sandy Hook School disaster to ram through the NY SAFE—a gun control “kitchen sink” bill that was jammed full of absurd, inaccurate, often unenforceable provisions—and has been fighting a defensive battle ever since. Many upstate law enforcement officers have publicly stated their refusal to enforce the draconian law, and many gun owners reacted by refusing to comply with “assault weapon” registration requirements.

The vast majority of gun owners felt that this registration attempt was a possible prelude to a future confiscation effort. Non-compliance is thought to be stunningly high, something in excess of the estimated 90-percent non-compliance rate for registration in neighboring Connecticut. These are truly “just paper” laws which the citizenry has brazenly ignored, and which the state law enforcement agencies in both states dare not attempt to aggressively enforce for legitimate fears that they could trigger a violent insurrection.

FK – We need to bring the troops home, activate the militia and have them hunt our domestic blood enemies in these Yankee states and in Commiefornia.

Everytown Ignores Fact That Background Checks Didn’t Stop Cop Killers, Pushes More Gun Control

FK – The crime issue is a red herring. Always has been. Our domestic blood enemies want us disarmed so we can’t hunt them when enough finally see the necessity of doing what will be required. Simple fact.

FK – What a concept.

FK – We need to demand a full repeal of ‘all’ gun laws.

GOA Alert: Shaneen Allen Reminds Us Why We Need Concealed Carry Reciprocity

ACTION: Click here to urge your Representative and Senators to cosponsor legislation establishing concealed carry reciprocity. Even if they’ve cosponsored other similar bills, they need to cosponsor the Cornyn-Stutzman legislation because it’s the ONLY one that protects citizens from Constitutional Carry states.

Concealed Carry Reciprocity is Desperately Needed

Remember Shaneen Allen? She was the Philadelphia mother of two who was arrested for having a gun in her car while in New Jersey.

Despite being a permit holder in Pennsylvania, she was run through “legal hell” because New Jersey refuses reciprocity with its neighboring state.

She was finally given a full pardon by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie last month, but her arrest record has kept her from working for two years.

She has paid a high price for exercising her right to keep and bear arms.

FK – Repeal all gun laws. Stop enforcing the evil. Now.


FK – Repeal all the gun laws. One of those things that must be done.

House Bill Would End Online Ammo Sales

Dems Have A Bunch of New Ideas to Stop You From Buying Ammunition

Do Cops Want Us Armed ? Chicago Police Sergeant Tells All WeaponsEducation

FK – So does Commienoise and chicawgo now recognize ccws from other states? I don’t think so. Is it a felony there or a misdemeanor? It might be a ‘big deal’ depending on which cop asks the questions.

If the police want our respect overall they need to stop enforcing the police state, to include the drug war, which is largely the reason for all the crime in urban areas.

We’re still a long long way from where we need to be, on many fronts, in this multi-front war. When the blood letting starts, it might not be over the Second Amendment. We exist in perilous times, in a very dark age.