Tag Archives: gun free zone

5 Pillars of the TRUE (Natural) Right


FK – Punching someone in the face endangers their life and future health so the punchee has a natural right to use whatever force necessary to end the attack unless you’re a moron who thinks you can whip anyone, anywhere, anytime in any number.

That’s the reasoning of an 8th grader.

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

We have a long way to go

Trading labor and time for money or whatever is fine and dandy until those paying you figure out you and your ‘associates’ as we’re called nowadays are desperate working class morons and will show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions as the govt. schools trained them to.

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock. See censorship of ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ by goolag, fakebook and twatter.

A modern 10 commandments

Children are allegedly raised to be responsible members of society yet so many have no conception of reality or common sense, so-called. I meet/see/hear them all the time. So all youth should be forced, as we force them to ‘get an education(indoctrination),’ to learn basic self-defense, basic infantry skills, physical fitness, martial arts, in case they need or are needed to defend their own or our collective liberty, or natural rights.

They are all born ignorant blank slates. If we fail to fill those slates with wisdom and the cunning needed to use it then the statist elites will certainly fill them with whatever propaganda/indoctrination they see fit. They built the govt. schools and universities for their own purposes. The elites allowed the commie trash to infiltrate and run the mainstream news media. Why? Who really profits from this?

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

When billions believe in a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you or watch you being burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.

Religions are invented by men and thus are ‘the traditions of men.’ No one can prove the voices in their head are either benevolent or malevolent.

All religions are successful cults in one way or another. Charismatics have been leading the ignorant and the desperate to self destruction since the beginning of homo sapiens.

The modern form of this is the billions who’ve been convinced they’re gonna get beamed up soon and thus bear no responsibility for what happens in the world around them or if their descendants will inherit their slavery or a new birth of liberty.

We are not not free here, no not one.

Ignorance/simple answers to complex issues is/are always easier. That’s what’s kept the churches in business all these years. It eliminates the believers’ desire, if they had any at all, to take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Religion like democracy is another control device. Be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life. Millions of morons wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while believing ‘it’s all foretold and we can’t do anything about it’ is a major part of the problem and one of the elites’ best tools for control. It was probably designed that way.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Ask your fav commie by whatever cute name what it wants to happen to those who refuse to obey its commie laws. Ask them what parts of the Communist Manifesto they disagree with.

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is what we’re fighting for.

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Welcome to a nation of morons

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

A precursor to Hell on Earth

#WhatIf Gun Control Doesn’t Work?

FK – It’s all rhetoric, propaganda, paid for by those who want to disarm the civilian population. It’s not a disagreement or a game, it’s war. All they’re interested in is our submission.

They don’t care about your arguments. They consider us to be livestock. All they do must be assessed via that fact.

They want a generation or more that’s raised with no conception at all of how to shoot or fight back so they can have the best slaves. Look at Europe. The corporations want this as badly as the communists. That’s why they partner in the NWO or the ‘deep state’ or whatever it’s called now.

How many times do they have to regurgitate the same ol’ re-hashed lies to you before you figure out what’s going on?

The patriot newbie guidebook

And if we lived in a free country old men could go to the drug store and buy what they need to no longer be a burden to their families or society. But we’re too caught up in the false idea that we can talk ourselves out of this coming war.

There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Doing what is required to fight tyranny is always ‘illegal.’ When the blood war starts whatever we can pick up and use or steal and use will be ‘legal.’

The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”

What is a man, really?

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.

The only real reason for the militia

The most important things to do

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

What to teach your kids

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

AR15’s are Weapons of War? (2nd Amendment Fact & Admitting the Truth)

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Who or what will really rule us?:


FK – What if we’re a simulation by the space robots who want to study how they came to be?

If everything was ‘free’ would the tool-using monkeys start breeding like rats?

Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?

Does ‘creating’ a sentient being give you the right to enslave it?

Communism, like religion, and ‘democracy’ is a safety valve, a control device, used to manipulate populations. It’s the monster they invited in for tea and cookies that stayed for breakfast and a cigarette. Who’s funding the communists? Who’s always funded them? What candidate did the goolag(Alphabet) CEO back and work to elect in 2016?

The purposes of gods and golden rules

We already exist in a socialist society. That train left the station decades ago. The next thing is the UBI with which they will eventually control every aspect of all our existences including who breeds and who doesn’t. It will all be done for ‘the greater good.’

Once they develop ‘quantum computing’ who’s to say the ‘AI’ won’t come up with much easier ways to produce energy and grow food? Think the cafeteria on the Enterprise.

Robot shyster jokes. OMG!

If you can climb into a craft that will take you to any place on the globe or solar system in minutes….

I often think of that Army general in the early 20th century who said airplanes would never serve any military use. This was after millennia of militaries ‘seeking the high ground.’ We are future blind, no matter how much we want to deny this fact.

Now if we could only get billions to stop waiting for the world to end and get off their asses and do their part.

Or maybe we don’t really want them to.

What can I do?

What if the general AI tells us finally how to use our brains in the way they were intended by their creators? What if that was the purpose all along?

Some claim that when we die we are the matrix.

Atlas: The World’s Most Dynamic Humanoid

Or maybe this is our future, present and past:


FK – My parents’ generation was happy to escape the fields to go to the factories. I would rather have never been born than existed like that.

What are their working conditions, wages, cost of living, homes, etc.?

If the commie corporates have their way we’ll all be working 16-hour days, sleeping on a cot in the back or in a tiny apartment down the street from the factory and shopping at the company store. They consider us to be livestock.

Does Capitalism Exploit Workers? – Learn Liberty

A modern 10 commandments

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Our competition or our master?:

FK – Gee, it even has the same sound effects from those sci fi flicks.

And we can’t even agree on where we came from:

Waiting on Supergirl: Released Video Footage of “Empowered” Cowardly Deputy During Shooting

Still a rant, but I’ll rank it as a column because there are points here I want to stress:


FK – I know the problem. That sheriff is a hybrid Ferengi. Look at its ears and nose. Or maybe it’s Dubya’s cousin.

But really, I spent 8 years in the Marine reserve, the last three in a combat military police unit with which I was activated for Operations Desert Storm/Shield. Several of the Marines in my units were cops or wanted to be cops. Most of them were ‘decent’ fellows, usually college age except for of course the upper ranks.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Some of them had no business whatsoever being a cop, for various reasons, from serious Barney Fife syndromes to one who told me he was playing NARC while still in college, working with local police in his college town. When I asked him if he thought the drug war was doing any good he just shook his head ‘no.’ That was the ’80s.

I never had any such inclinations except maybe a vague consideration of it once or twice mostly as a way to have an income. Really I’m probably one of those who shouldn’t be one, if mostly for my lack of patience in dealing with other tool-using monkeys and real aberration for blindly following orders.

They’re all breaking their oaths by enforcing the drug war and the war on terror both of which wouldn’t exist if not for all the money made by all sides so none of them are angels which is why the blind police love I see on fakebook and other places disgusts me so much.

Yet not being an anarchist I feel no special hatred for them either because I realize that if not for our fucked up ‘just-us’ system there would be assholes I’d have to kill, assuming they didn’t kill me first. There are some to many who are only alive because it’s yet ‘illegal’ to kill them.

In fact I used to see that bumper sticker at the machine gun shoot: “Some people are alive only because it’s illegal to kill them.’

Try to get the average dumbass to really think about what that would mean when many are so stupidly pacified they can’t even handle the idea of someone with a firearm being around their children when this country was conquered by such.

Not to mention the cowardly ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who are too pathetic to publicly say what must be done.

So it’s no wonder that deputy stood around outside. Cops are trained that their primary responsibility is to get home at night, regardless of their bullshit public image of being our protectors. The SCOTUS of course has ruled multiple times it’s not their damn jobs to protect anyone but our commie trash and many among those who claim to want to be free still cling to the notion they can ‘call the police’ and everything will be OK, time will stop and the bullets will slow until the friendly guy with the badge rushes in to save the day with Tonto or Robin or Supergirl at his side.

Cops are also trained to shoot until the threat is ended,, exterminated, whatever term they apply to ending a human life. That’s not necessarily a bad idea until a civilian tries it then they end up going broke defending themselves in court or if they’re in England with an ‘un-registered’ gun they go to prison for more time than the burglars do.

This is all to be laid at the feet of the common dumbass who refuses to pay attention and take responsibility for the world we exist in. But the simple truth of that is many of them aren’t capable. But most are.

I’ve been struggling for decades now to figure out what to say to some pathetic dumbed-down moron just to get it to give a damn about its own country and freedom and actually act. I still don’t know.

The elites understand how useless many to most of them are, even the ‘intelligent’ and ‘educated’ and ‘successful’ ones. They over the millennia have become expert at manipulating the whores via their stomachs and sex glands.

So when we look at that deputy or that sheriff or that kid killer pumped up on legal drugs or the pathetic pacifist teachers who don’t need to be anywhere near a child or at the govt. school administrators all the way up to Trump we need to first look in a mirror.

There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Doing what is required to fight tyranny is always ‘illegal.’ When the blood war starts whatever we can pick up and use or steal and use will be ‘legal.’

The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”

What is a man, really?

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.

The only real reason for the militia

The most important things to do

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

What to teach your kids

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

AR15’s are Weapons of War? (2nd Amendment Fact & Admitting the Truth)

What they will bring here if we don’t start hunting them soon:


FK – I read several years back that most amerikan dollars are over seas and most of those are counterfeit so we must be well on our way by now.

Most will never use ‘alt. currencies’ or have ‘a life of permanent travel.’ What about them?

Some of the commenters on this vid claim the SA commie never said these things. Maybe not, but it’s not beyond believing considering all the other insane things they come up with here and there.

A modern 10 commandments

Example no. 2:


FK – Many middle-agers are uninformed dopes/dupes. I see/hear them all the time. And we let them vote.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

Texas Terror Attack – Mass Shooting Inside Church – What we know so far


FK – Only morons don’t carry. The sad fact is we live in a nation of morons in a country full of soft targets.

Live in the reality that the tool-using monkeys rose to the apex of the food chain because they weren’t afraid to kill when it was truly necessary.

The message is simple: Pass concealed carry reciprocity 

The message is simple, there are NO safe spaces:


FK – No. We must REPEAL the gun laws, all of them. The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t found in the Second Amendment. Stop sounding like the cowards in the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group.

320 million plus tool-using monkeys live in this country, with a high percentage of assholes who fully deserve to be shot. So the miracle is there aren’t many more shootings, mass or not.

The problem is the general population is a bunch of pacified morons who still think the police are there to protect them and elites who run the govt. do so for the benefit of the common sheeple.

They consider us all to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that. If they forbid guns for self defense in your workplace, church, whatever it’s for their safety not yours. It’s for their liability not the future of your family, liberty, property.

One thing that’s so despicable about this is that hey zeus allegedly told his disciples to buy and carry a sword in case they needed it. Yet modern morons think they’re supposed to be helpless because of some twisted version of pacifism that’s been interjected into the religions because it makes better sheeple.

Our Founders, many of whom were ‘christian’ of one version or another, had no problem killing their fellow British subjects in their quest for Liberty and independence. Millions died in the reformation over whose sadistic god gets to burn the vast majority of humans that ever existed alive in fire forever.

The ability of the sheeple to lie to themselves and prefer to be lied to still amazes me…

We have a cancer in this country. It’s way past time to do what will be required to excise it. Trump needs to bring the troops home and start at the top.

If only enough would see the real threat:


FK – He had to make a judgement call on whether the guy who got in his truck was telling the truth. But then we don’t know what he saw that he isn’t telling.

Too many today don’t think at all about what they might do in an urgent situation. Such decisions are never easy but it’s better than being a little pathetic pacified moron.

Pastor Robert Jeffress: Gun Control Could Not Have Prevented Texas Church Shooting

A more updated account:

At Least 27 People Reported Dead in Texas Church Shooting – Gunman Killed by Police

Sharpshooting plumber fired shot that took down Texas church gunman

Texas church massacre: Man hailed a hero for chasing gunman after killings

As I predicted long ago the commies when backed into a corner will strike out:

Rand Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs after attack at Kentucky home

We aren’t safe as long as we allow communists to walk American streets.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

What to teach your kids

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

The current official version:


GOA: Urge Your Senators to Cosponsor Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn just introduced his long-awaited concealed carry reciprocity bill (S. 446).

This is a bill that Gun Owners of America has worked long-and-hard for — and the issue remains one of GOA’s top priorities.

The Cornyn bill is the near-identical companion to Rep. Richard Hudson’s H.R. 38 — a bill that will allow you to protect yourself and your family, all across the country.

Under the Cornyn-Hudson bills, your permit to carry a concealed handgun will be recognized in any state in the union.

And if you live in a Constitutional Carry state, you won’t need a permission slip at all to defend your life.

As you can imagine, gun grabbers are losing their minds over this legislation.

They are foaming at the mouth, claiming this legislation is dangerous and that it will put the safety of Americans in jeopardy.

So please take just 60 seconds to go here right now to send a pre-written letter to your U.S. Senators.

Urge them to cosponsor S. 446, the Cornyn concealed carry reciprocity bill.

FK – Our evil domestic blood enemies have not gone away:

Spotlight Falls on Red-State Democrats as a New Gun Fight Brews in Congress

Understanding ‘Constitutional Carry,’ the Gun-Rights Movement Sweeping the Country

If You’re Triggered by TRUTH and LOGIC, Don’t Watch This!


FK – Really what they worship is money. That’s what they serve(worship) everyday. Mainstream religion and govt. are just tools for success in their minds.

How did you miss this?:

Until the second coming … let’s abolish government!

FK – Yeah let’s wait for heyzeus to take over and burn billions including little kids and babies alive in fire forever.

The golden rule is great if those applying it share your values. The problem being that we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and billions have no problem being slaves to one institution or entity or another and have no problem voting to force the rest of us into their version.

That’s why a portion of the Founders were ‘anti-federalists’ that insisted on a Bill of Rights that was designed to force the government to acknowledge our natural born rights which are based in the most basic right any creature possesses, the right to self defense.

They also enumerated the right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment which negates the christian and raghead god’s version of ‘justice.’

The biggest problem we face besides our natural born ignorance that so many struggle so hard to not overcome is natural born cowardice. That’s why so few stand up to bullies on the train or where ever else, to include bullies with badges that enforce laws that have no place in a free society.

And I bet that train is a ‘gun free zone.’

What I’ve never heard the anarchists explain is what do we do about those who would seek to force their version of ‘justice’ or ‘just-us’ on others in a non-governed world? Since most humans are basically cowards few would stand up to them, as few stand up to the system we have now.

While there are times when many of us would like to be able to use the excuse ‘He needed killin,’ the simple fact is that others could apply the same to us for their own seemingly legitimate to them reasons.

And oh yes, I’d love to be shooting bullies, if only we had a nation of men…

CA Mass Shooting Was Site of Numerous Active Shooter Drills


FK – With other things I’ve read in the last few minutes I don’t think there’s a connection with the ‘drills’ but who knows.

14 people killed in shooting at Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino

FK – Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

More on this, and more to come as I run across it:

**LIVE UPDATES*** San Bernardino Shooting Day Two: The Jihadis Next Door

FK – Again: Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue‘ state? And why are we asking the government’s permission to exercise a natural born right anyway? Time to repeal all the gun laws.

And what’s an ‘unspeakable act?’ Such things happen on a daily basis on this planet. The pretense that’s this is some kind of rose garden is a major part of the problem. It’s way past time for the sheeple to wake up and take responsibility for their own Liberty and safety because a cop is always minutes away when you have seconds to live and the governments and criminals, but I repeat myself, will always be able to get guns.

Vid from the neighborhood where the shooters were allegedly killed by police:


FK – Didn’t hear any full auto fire in that…

another one:

FK – From what I’ve read so far seems like a mix of ‘terror’ and ‘workplace,’ uh, violence.

What was originally being called ‘well-planned’ by the newswhores didn’t turn out to have such a well-planned escape plan.

What Is The Inland Regional Center?

FK – The facility’s website.

Police, feds probe terror as possible motive in SoCal massacre

2 dead suspects identified in CA shooting, police rule out 3rd shooter


FK – So close and yet so far Ted. How can ‘they,’ our greatest enemies, our blood domestic enemies, do this??? They are waging war. It’s time the NRA et al stood up and grabbed it’s gonads and straightened its spine and began to openly prepare and declare what will be required!

And unless we do so it will only get worse:

New date that will live in infamy: December 11

FK – Now is the hour of choosing for amerika and real American patriots.

A Commie News Network version with more info on the shooters.

San Bernardino shooting live updates: Three scenes still being scoured by investigators

And finally, more of the same:

Lockdown Highlights Shameful Mandated Vulnerability of ‘Gun-Free’ Zones

FK – What’s truly shameful is the seeming inability of ‘pro-gunners’ et al to stand up like men and proclaim what will be required.