Tag Archives: grand conspiracy

What the Media Won’t Tell You About FRANCE

FK – “He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” – Thomas Paine

They’re still farming us and most of the livestock don’t mind.

The unarmed yellow jackets or whatever will only at best succeed in reforming communism one more time…

Notre Dame including its large bells is like us, cosmic dust hurtling through space at millions of millions of miles per hour and will return to such.

Some day Earthly or Alien archeologists may did up its remains and try to figure out what the hell it was.

So who’s our biggest enemy, our commie Janes or the fundie ragheads which are still a tiny minority of our populations?

What should our troops really be hunting?

A precursor to Hell on Earth

MAX IGAN ~ Archons & Puppet Masters Of The Empire Of The Three Cities [Age Of Truth TV] [HD]

FK – The Aussies surrendered their weapons without hunting their white-skinned commie trash to extinction so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Feel free to share, if you have the courage.

Being able to deal with evil is also necessary.

As I’ve been trying to tell people for years we need to take our governments back so we can hold the war crimes trials and figure out who or what we really need to hang.

So what exactly is ‘his’ direction? It won’t be healed in a day.

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”