FK – Imagine the political implications of “Who gets to go into the underground bases and ‘maybe’ survive?”
The cowards in and out of the governments wouldn’t touch that one with an ICBM. We certainly don’t want the tool-using monkey waste in the congresses and parliaments surviving to breed the next evolution of homo sapiens sapiens.
Meanwhile we have to exist here. Why not be free? In order to be free those who claim to value such must learn to rule those with no such compulsion or we will all be ruled by those willing to manipulate the brain dead masses.
FK – The tool-using monkeys prove once again they’re collectively insane. This garbage for its mindlessness and those who know better for tolerating it.
Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.
This is the real problem:
FK – How pathetic and disgusting. Will it tell us to ‘cut it in half’ or take it to the BATF Nazis THAT WE SHOULD BE HUNTING TO EXTINCTION when it’s semi-autos that are banned?
There are NO MEN HERE!
We are already without ‘rule of law’ because the Bill of Rights, the document that ACKNOWLEDGES our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS is IGNORED ON A DAILY BASIS.
If there were we’d have local genuine peoples’ militias in every county and the BATF nazi trash and the other fed nazis and the republicrats and demonscat that keep funding them would be terrified to set foot out of the district of commie criminals.
The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS! WE ARE!!!!!!!!
Their only goal is our submission. All the rest is propaganda.
When we allow our enemies to decide what we are ‘allowed’ to say or do or own they own us.
The republicrats have proven multiple times they have no interest in saving us or our Bills of Rights. The Tree of Liberty must be watered and soon.
Until those who claim they want to live free learn to rule those who don’t nothing will get better.
Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?
All gun control is an act of war.
Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.
Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.
In reality the American revolution was brought about by economic conditions created by the British Parliament. They banned the use of colonial script throwing the colonial economies into depression. American patriots were a tiny minority working often behind the scenes and going to the pubs where unemployed workers gathered. The general dissatisfaction with British rule built up for decades.But in those times they had MEN which we lack today.
Just try discussing what must be done with the average ‘conservative’ or ‘libertarian.’ They’ll get that deer in the headlights look and run away like the cowardly pussies they are.
One argument is that the shot came from behind a fence by a patriot who wanted a war. WE HAVE NO SUCH MEN TODAY AND NO MEN TO BACK THEM UP. Instead we have sickos who shoot civilians and/or false flag Manchurian candidates who produce fodder for propaganda.
The unfortunate truth is that current law proves there are many dirtbags with badges willing to enforce evil law who will readily consent to show up at your door and murder your family and railroad you into prison or ‘take your gun from your cold dead hands.’
This evil cannot be dealt with without an organized local genuine peoples’ militia in every county that will make the fed nazi or local scum realize they won’t be safe on the roads, in their offices or homes. Until that happens most ‘gun rights activists’ or patriots or whatever are simply waiting their turn.
Then we have the traitors within:
FK – Of course any longstanding institution like the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group will be heavily infiltrated.
Sounds like some of those being quoted may have been infiltrators from the beginning. Now they’re posing as ‘gun owners’ in order to sew discontent and propaganda. Not that these issues can’t be real in part.
“The truth is the best propaganda.” – Adolf Hitler
The real problem is the NRA’s refusal to publicly state what must be done when we are finally told to ‘turn them in’ and to organize the genuine peoples’ militias with the proper training and resolve to do what must be done.
But who am I kidding? There are no men here anyway.
Teachers and other so-called adults who don’t feel comfortable being able to shoot back don’t need to be around kids. They’re setting a bad example. Lot’s of fat out of shape teachers are setting a bad example as well.
We’re flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water-soaked fire spitting rock. The only ‘safe zones/spaces’ are in the minds of morons. If I had a teen he/she would be trained in how to fight back and for damn sure be able to access a loaded weapon in the home if need be. We don’t live in a country that destroys everyone’s natural born rights because of the actions of a tiny minority.
We have an epidemic of communism/globalism that must be dealt with as the cancer that it is.
We MUST get the commies out of the schools and the universities and the textbook companies and teach reality and real history warts and all to children including basic survival skills, martial arts including shooting, physical fitness and military skills as the Boy Scouts were created to do.
Then ALL young adults must go through some basic military training where they learn basic infantry skills and get further exposed to reality before they are allowed to vote.
Yes, the AR15 and its variants is a ‘weapon of war.’ Stop apologizing to your enemies for your right to kill them.
What the commie globalist trash hopes to accomplish is our submission. Our failure to hunt them to extinction will ensure their success.
The right to fight back is the right to private property. The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.
Crime is a red herring for ‘gun control.’ Always has been. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to reduce common crime it would still be evil as it would render the common people unable to kill government criminals when necessary.
Governments will always be able to get guns so we should ALWAYS be better armed than the average soldier, sailor, Marine, guardsman, whatever.
There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.
There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.
Doing what is required to fight tyranny is always ‘illegal.’ When the blood war starts whatever we can pick up and use or steal and use will be ‘legal.’
The question is not “What will you do when they come for your guns?” but “What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?”
The tool-using monkeys have always been collectively insane and existence in this world has always been a nightmare. The difference is the historical bubble amerika and western civ. has been existing in for the last several decades. It will burst and reality will re-flood the existences of millions who are not prepared for it mentally nor physically.
FK – Don’t worry, amerikan politiks has become like the cards vs. the cats and the fanatics are now too stupid to understand that their savior is just another tool that was never intended to work for them.
Oh, and there are NO MEN HERE to do a damn thing about it or we’d have public genuine peoples’ militias in every country to deal with this evil.
There’s nothing new in the human psyche about looking for saviors:
FK – For multiple millennia the sheeple bowed before ‘god appointed’ kings or kings who claimed to be gods now they vote for the savior of their choice and ignore the real results of their actions. In reality they are voting for tools that don’t represent us but most are too blind to see this.
Whatever ‘created’ us or manipulated our DNA probably saw an advantage in the control device that religion provides. Most so-called adults are really children anyway. I see it every day.
You really need to learn to ‘read around the fringe’ as one of my psych professors encouraged us to do and then enlarge the fringes. The scholarly world has its own bugaboos.
Religion like democracy was either created or infiltrated and manipulated as another control device.
Real or not, this info like religions and political saviors can and will be used as another control device:
FK – Wars and rumors of wars. It’s always been that way and probably always will be.
We are the biological weapon symbolically represented in the ‘Alien’ movies.
So-called ‘non-violence’ aka pacifism is dangerous and evil. It’s raising children to be willing slaves.
It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.
Ignorance/simple answers to complex issues is/are always easier. That’s what’s kept the churches in business all these years. It eliminates the ‘believers’ desire, if they had any at all, to take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.
Religion like democracy is another control device. Be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life. Millions of morons wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while believing ‘it’s all foretold and we can’t do anything about it’ is a major part of the problem and one of the elites’ best tools for control. It was probably designed that way.
FK – “The truth is the best propaganda.” – Adolf Hitler
So was Jones compromised about the time his wife divorced him or was he a faker from the beginning? Or is he just scared that he’ll end up on the street the rest of his life? He was against the militias back in the 90s and that always made me suspicious of him.
I still can’t see the math of faking the deaths of 20 kids and expecting what, dozens to hundreds, to keep their mouths shut?
When it would be so much easier and cheaper to hire a couple extra shooters to ensure a high body count.
As I predicted years ago this war will only grow more confusing and it will grow harder over time to discern the good from the bad, if indeed that in itself isn’t a gross oversimplification.
When one considers that our political arena has transformed into a competition between cheering sections, the masses vote for candidates that have to prove nothing but how well they can lie or persuade the ignorant then we have further proof that we are the modern Rome and it’s only a question of when not if the bubble bursts.
If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a political child.
It’s absolutely evil to proclaim any group or country to be above the law and that’s what it amounts to when we are told we can’t question them or their motives:
FK – Israel has neither a constitution nor a Bill of Rights like ours that ACKNOWLEDGES our NATURAL BORN rights.
Modern Israel was founded by European Socialists and is committing an ongoing slow genocide against those who stand in the way of its planned empire.
Zionism is one of those things that historically it was hard to talk openly about because so many were so deeply indoctrinated in a simplistic interpretation of the ancient tribal propaganda of a desert tribe that in reality no longer exists because most modern ‘jews’ 1. Are not representative of all the original tribes; 2. Are secular Marxists with a very watered down version of their own religion, kinda like most ‘christians’; 3. All but run our government or maybe does because of the tremendous influence AIPAC has on our congress and executive branch and news media and even much of the alternative ‘conservative'(very loosely defined) media; 4. Are another front for the international banksters and their globalist goals.
Do we need ‘protection’ from a tiny handful of probably CIA and Mossad funded ‘terrorists’ or from this global ‘deep state’ or New World Order that Israel is so obviously at the center or near center of?
The international banksters have their tentacles in most countries of the world. Is that why Israel is so ‘popular?’
The NSA is evil. So he’s bragging about their version of evil?
In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.
Most modern Jews are secular Marxists. Simple fact. What is ‘Reform Judaism?’
Or maybe the net is already a dead man walking:
FK – This was easily predictable.
Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.
It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.
The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(‘Liberals’ and ‘progressives’)?
FK – It’s a representative republic, not a democracy. “Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx
This is an informative vid in some respects but it leaves much to be desired because there’s never been an ‘unbiased reporter.’ That animal has never been born and likely never will be.
There has never been a ‘golden age of American journalism.’ Early newspapers were often started to push the interests of one party or group or another.
“… the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.” – Thomas Jefferson, Memoirs, Correspondence And Private Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Ed. By T.J. Randolph
Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. Thomas Jefferson
The Maine is a known false flag.
People ‘respected’ those old time newswhores because they were ignorant. When I was in Journalism school I was never taught how infiltrated and evil the msm had become even by the early 80s. But whenever I watched ‘Nightline’ I felt there was something they weren’t telling us. Little did I know.
Television was researched as a weapon before an infotainment device. Look it up. Though because the net is increasingly filtered toward Marxist globalism it might be harder to find. That’s why I call it the weaponvision.
The commie news network was crap probably from the beginning. Red Ted as we called him was a blatant globalist. I helped burn a U.N. flag in front of CNN headquarters in Atlanta back in the 90s.
The ‘gatekeepers’ should’ve been lined up against the wall and shot long ago. Stalin’s crimes weren’t widely known in this country until after WWII because of the ‘gatekeepers.’
The robber barons bought the new yawk slimes and other major news rags early in the 20th century then allowed the communist infiltration of the msm. Why? Do you know?
The new yawk slimes and other large dailies follow ‘strict journalistic ethics’ and still lie with every sentence they commit to ink or html or whatever they’re using now.
He’s very right about those on the ‘left and right’ suffering from on-going confirmation bias. I see it all the time, even on the alt. social sites like Gab that are allegedly created to offer real ‘free speech.’
I don’t expect to breathe long enough to see this go away. Ignorance is always easier. That’s why some will ‘mute’ or block those presenting notions they don’t want to have to deal with and why real dissenters will increasingly be swept off into dark corners of the web where the average sheeple will fear to tread.
The flat earth crap is probably some kind of experiment or psyop or simply another excuse for limited speech on the net because it offers ‘bad ideas.’
Yep it’s getting easier to fake vid. Have you seen the streamed shooting go pro vid from the recent NZ massacre(alleged)? In some of the shots the spent brass seems to disappear before hitting the ground.
The problem with the truth is as always who gets to decide what it is. Those with enough swords behind their pens and with the will to use them usually fill this role.
The greatest threat we’re facing are those who claim we have to surrender more of our natural rights, our human liberty, in order to deal with all the ‘threats’ they claim are true.
The only cure for this is to get the communists(or statists of whatever flavor) and the theocrats out of the schools and away from the children so that they have some minor chance of growing up with a mind that allows them to think and not just react and to think not just believe and of course how to think not what to think…
The list of commie rags that’ve ‘featured’ mediafactcheck whatever tells me a lot. Commie rags don’t usually refer to sites that expose their evil.
Adding the ‘right wing’ Prager U. doesn’t help either because they are quite ‘biased’ toward Zionism and theocracy.
Existing on this planet that is flying thousands, and thousands and millions of miles an hour through space is always uncharted territory. Life is an ongoing rough patch. Proper cynicism is a healthy recognition of this reality.
FK – Proving once again that the tool-using monkeys are collectively insane.
This is why we must NEVER allow ANY religion to run ANY govt. at ANY time. The Founders left us a secular govt. for a reason. It MUST be kept that way!
The other side of this coin is what are the corporations/governments doing to us? Iranian women still look slim and attractive. So many here don’t. The grocery stores/restaurants are selling what amounts to low grade poison and making us all fat.
Why did whatever ‘made’ us or affected the DNA of the too-slow evolving tool-using monkeys instill in us such a desire to reproduce or simply fuck? This is the key core issue to all the major religions. Most of them tell us ‘sex is bad’ or to put aside carnal desires or not to want so many things including sex while ‘the world’ tells us the opposite.
The god of the Torah said ‘be fruitful and multiply’ while the Apostle Paul allegedly said don’t get married and screw unless you just can’t live without it. What if all religious people stopped breeding?
I remember very well my ‘christian’ grandmother’s and others of her generation reactions to bikinis and mini skirts and long hair on men in the 60s. Now ‘conservatives’ here defend bikinis and modern clothing all because of an irrational fear of the fundie ragheads who pose a much smaller danger to us all than the Marxist globalists or the theocracy that may replace them if by some miracle we find enough men to do what must be done.
But then I’m not holding my breath on that last one.
Religion like democracy is another control device. Be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life. Millions of morons wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while believing ‘it’s all foretold and we can’t do anything about it’ is a major part of the problem and one of the elites’ best tools for control. It was probably designed that way.