Tag Archives: google search

Congressman Issa Grills Google About Manipulating Search Results


FK – The net is way past emerging tech. goolag is vandalizing it along with the rest of the globalist corporate commies. When its CEO worked to elect hitlery that pretty much tells us what we need to know.

This trash’s version of ‘accountability’ is not ours nor is it likely to be. goolag is evil.

Search what Jefferson said/wrote about ‘newspapers.’ A ‘non-biased’ reporter/journalist has never existed and never will. The First Amendment doesn’t mention a ‘press pass’ or an ‘official’ news media.

Our press is now our computers and smart phones and anyone can use one to say what the hell they damn well please or question the motives of any individual, group, institution, ethnicity and on and on and any piece of shit that doesn’t like that doesn’t belong in this country or on this planet as far as I’m concerned.

The killer bees of fake news

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

Christian rebels and modern cowards