Tag Archives: globalism

2016 GOP Convention Societal Collapse


FK – This has been coming for years. Eventually one side or the other will get pushed into the political corner and will have to choose between fighting or kissing, fondling and sucking whatever is stuck in their face. We know if we’re the ones on our knees there will be no limit to what that might be.

If those ‘on the right,’ who allegedly value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights would put on their big boy pants and at the least start demanding arrests and treason trials for the leaders of the commie/globalist front groups we could begin to see some moderately ‘peaceful’ progress. But no one has the balls to do this. It boils down to this simple concept: There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work openly or covertly to enslave those around you.

Our domestic blood enemies with white skin are our biggest enemies and have been all along but too many are in denial of this. If the commie front groups are paying their protestors why couldn’t some or many of the hard corps “build a wall” Trump morons be getting paid or at least trained to do what they’re doing as well? I put nothing past the elites. They’ve obviously infiltrated the Libertarian Party. The whole thing may be a setup.

There’ve been massive riots before. LA burned during the Rodney King riots which someone told me once were emulated around the country but the newswhores didn’t talk about the others so much. The authorities fear such only because it might interfere with their economies.

There will be two important questions: Who or what side controls the military during the next revolution/restoration and how much of the guns and ammo sold over the past few years has been bought by commies and fundie ragheads. The time is coming soon, and I thought this 15 years ago, when the average man, if there are any men left here, and many women and children, are going to be forced to learn the difference between cruelty and viciousness.

If millions would descend on the district of commie criminals and new yawk city and a few other “Liberal”(commie) trash enclaves what kind of world would we have when the dust finally settled? It wouldn’t be perfect by a long shot but at least we might finally end their constant lying and permanently remove the Marxists from our government schools and universities and newsrooms and publishing houses.

The sad fact is not long after that we’d be fighting to free ourselves from another inquisition of some kind or another while trying to get the young Earth creationists out of the schools. Sigh. Are we really condemned to constantly crawl from one ridiculous extreme to another?

Or will we fight?

FK – As I’ve been begging patriots for years: Stop calling the communists by the cute names they invented to hide their evil. They’re not ‘left’ or ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists, Marxists, socialists, evil. Democracy is the road to socialism is the road to communism… It’s time to demand Liberty.

Their kind killed 200 million in the 20th century alone so of course they’re capable of violence and they’re likely not finished.

Too bad so many who claim to love Liberty and the Bill of Rights are not so.

The churches have long been infiltrated if the christian religion wasn’t created from the beginning as another way to keep the slaves working. When I read the ancient tribal propaganda I usually come down on the latter side.

Your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ voted to kill you. They vote to kill you every time they vote.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Can you imagine the screaming commies if an openly civilian force started showing up at Trump rallies? This may be what the elites are hoping for. Not that they wouldn’t have a right to protect themselves but that could be the kickstart to a ‘civil war’ that will leave our real enemies unscathed.

Unless all this takes another turn:


FK – Stop it with this ignorance about the KKK and the democrat party. The parties were polar opposites back then. The Republican party was the original party of big government. Lincoln was elected largely by the socialists in the northern states.

“This used to be Mexico…” the moron says while wearing a U.S. Marine cover.

It would be sad if this turned into a ‘race war’ as our white skinned enemies desire but I fear that may be the case…

Alex Jones’s CRAZY “‪Message To Bernie Sanders‬’‪ Supporters‬”

FK – Can’t say I agree with Jones about ‘everything’ but in this case he’s 1000 percent right. I would only add that despite the fact that communism was a created tool of the elites the sad fact remains that if millions are willing to kill you over a falsehood that makes it very real.

And make no mistake every time a piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash votes, whether out of ignorant greed and envy or out of a serious desire to control all of humanity it votes to kill those of us who value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

What do you value more, Marx’s Communist Manifesto or the Bill of Rights? If the answer is the former you’re garbage and don’t belong in America and should be hunted to extinction.

It’s not only a pity but an act of war that the corporations that have been infiltrated by commie/globalist trash aren’t teaching individual Liberty and patriotism to human liberty.

No human system has ever been perfect nor ever will be but one does not cure heart disease by introducing cancer. Socialism by whatever cute name is a cancer, a plague on humanity. What’s happening in Europe now proves this beyond all doubt. The fact that Sanders and other commies work so hard to disarm us via ‘common sense gun control’ proves what they are, authoritarians, and that we will be forced to deal with them with the harshest means.

Chomsky is just another commie propagandist. The trash that agrees with it’s ultimate goals should be ran from our shores or hunted to extinction.

The rich elites are the system. The fact that the welfare state was created to encourage the stupid and the lazy to breed so that the democrat party would have guaranteed generational constituents shows this. They know full well the evil they do.

The klintons are highly intelligent educated elite tools that know full well the evil they do. Sanders may very well actually be stupid enough to believe the scat he spouts.

Oh look, we have a ‘choice’:

FK – If we had a nation of men both of these pieces of trash would’ve been arrested, tried for treason and executed decades ago.

When NAFTA was passed by a demoncrat congress and signed by a demoncrat prez that said it was against NAFTA during its campaign 30 million of us should’ve gone to the district of commie criminals and hung the lot of them.

The same should be done to any that support so-called ‘free trade’ that allows ‘American’ corporations to move jobs overseas where they can treat foreign peasants like jackasses. Only a child thinks finishing the job of turning America into amerika will ‘make things better.’

Sanders like all politicians mixes truth and lies, or in this internet age runs them through a blender. As someone once said “Hitler did a few good things.” They all use ‘the truth’ when it’s convenient, to help cover up their larger lies.

Any candidate that supports disarming the common people cannot be for the common people.

Here’s what the trash is doing here because it wants more commie voters:


FK – Why didn’t he mention the real and most dangerous reason the commies want the illegals here: so they can get them to vote commie?

The zombie apocalypse is on our doorstep and in Europe’s bedrooms because of the failure of western civilization to deal with it’s commie/globalist trash in the harsh way that will be required to excise this cancer once and for all.

Here’s what it’s doing in Europe:


FK – The zombie apocalypse is on our doorstep and in Europe’s living room. This is due to intentional international planning, as the welfare state was created to guarantee commie constituents, they at the least want more ignorant voters to ensure the complete transition of western civilization into the controllable authoritarian global police state the elites dream of, all on the votes of the ‘common man(herd animal).’

The Europeans need to start smuggling guns and munitions because it’s a matter of time now until they are forced to use them. Let’s hope they realize their real enemies have white skin and aren’t fresh across the border but were likely born there.

Real Americans already see this need but we will need many more. We can be sure our domestic blood enemies are mostly false pacifists and not only vote to kill us every time they vote but will pick up weapons and use them to add to the millions their ideology has already murdered in the last century and a half.

Despite all this and what Jones said about communism being a creation of the elites I place the blame for our sorry state squarely on the shoulders of the average dumbass that has the ability to understand our situation but would rather die than make the effort to do so:


FK – Bread and circuses have been turned into beer and pizza and a big screen. It obviously works. But the sad fact is that most of them wouldn’t give a damn about anything that actually matters anyway or have the courage to do what needs to be done if they did. Or at least they have yet to show that to me.

The elites know full well what they seek to create:


FK – I never understood the concept of allowing someone to try to break my neck or of trying to do it to someone else. Not that participating in sports is bad, it has many benefits. But the mindless adoration for and ‘fanatical’ love of something that really doesn’t directly affect someone’s life is pathetic especially when we have so many pressing issues, like ‘How many amerikans are we gonna have to kill?’ to fix this mess if it can be fixed.

We are fools to blindly trust any of them:


FK – Sanders, as most of his supporters, may be stupid enough to swallow their own commie kool(k) aid, but that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. Every time they vote they vote to kill those real Americans who value human liberty and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional. Maybe we need to start telling them this openly and what we will do to them if their ‘savior’ gets the power it craves and succeeds in any of its goals, especially that of working to disarm us all.

We must at some point stand up and tell them “NO MORE! YOU’RE DONE HERE!”


FK – Don’t miss the last guest on that one.

And don’t forget to vote to elect another tool:


FK – How much longer until we tell them “NO MORE!”?

Did FBI Plant Gun To Cover-Up Oregon Murder?


FK – Your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ voted to kill LaVoy and you. They are waging war on us and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

FK – Or another version:


FK – One cannot assume that these ‘highly trained’ gestapos always do the right or smart thing. They have already made bad decisions in putting their paychecks and retirement plans over human Liberty and our Bill of Rights. They have already made bad decisions in choosing to serve an evil beast system that clearly doesn’t care who or what it kills.

On top of all that no one knows for sure how they’ll perform in a firefight. Their adrenaline was already high as was that of the patriots in question. As the old saying goes “After the first round goes down range all plans go to shit.”

What little bit of a conscience these servants of evil have may already be chewing at them, we can only hope at least.

Maybe one of them will decide to step forward and tell what really happened or was planned, assuming again that we can ‘trust’ any of them.

It’s unlikely any of these patriots will see the light of day for a long time. LaVoy probably realized this. The “Liberal”(commie) trash wanted revenge for real Americans standing up them at Bundy Ranch:

Court denies bail to Ammon Bundy & 3 others as Oregon occupation continues

‘ANONYMOUS’ Calls For Justice In Murder Of LaVoy Finicum, Issues THIS Chilling Message To FBI

FK – Of course anyone can claim to part of ‘anonymous.’

And we have this supposedly from someone ‘on our side’:

LaVoy Finicum Was Not Murdered. He Forced Oregon Police To Shoot Him.

FK – Regardless of what LaVoy chose to do no one forced the LEOs to serve their evil beast system.

That website apparently no longer allows comments or at least I couldn’t see a way to comment or a comment section. Have they become like the “Liberal”(commie) trash sites that hate free speech on the net and deny what the internet is about: links to information that the ‘authorities’ and our domestic blood enemies don’t want us to think about?

Whose lives matter?


FK – Again, no one forced the LEOs to serve their evil beast system. They’re putting their paychecks and retirement plans over human Liberty and the Bill of Rights. This is undeniable. They’ve had the internet for 2 decades just as the “Liberal”(commie) trash have. There are no excuses for not understanding the evil they participate in.

We’ve explored this before.

The Bilderberg Group’s Plan for Global Government

FK – The average dumbass is clueless about what’s going on around them and does nothing but graze, breed and die. It’s up to that tiny minority as always. That’s why we preserve and increase human Liberty, for the tiny minority in each generation that actually cares about it and will use it to advance humanity and civilization instead of sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end like mindless morons.

From the maelstrom:

FK – Oh I’d have to have one of those shirts. With all these young guns in the alt. media covering this maybe there’s a chance of getting the word out to the kids who’ll have to exist in the NWO, and fight it.

Their goal needs to be this: a real global Bill of Rights that forces all govt.s to acknowledge our most basic right: the ability, tools, mindset, training, education, to fight back against any and all who would enslave humanity or enslave humanity further. It’s ‘further’ for all of us actually. We have a long way to go.


FK – Vid could use some background on this guy.

Nothing wrong with getting rich, unless it’s done dishonestly or you’re fucking over people for profit. Then that needs to be addressed. If Wall Street is trying to run our govt. or our world that needs to be addressed as well. Maybe we need a granite gallows in front of the stock exchange and a New York militia force to make sure it doesn’t fall into disuse.

FK – And a report from a homeboy:


FK – Someone needs to ask what the gun laws are over there and how ‘security’ would be conducted for these rich elites here in the states in such an area. I have no problem with them having some ‘security’ but their meeting(s), seminars, whatever, if about the things many say they are, need to be open to the public, recorded and posted on YouTube unedited.

It’s way past time to demand accountability of these creatures.

Trade Promotion Authority Imperils American Independence

On April 16, a new Trade Promotion Authority bill was unveiled by the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee. These committees are expected to expedite this bill and report it out for a vote in the full House and Senate in the next few weeks. Votes on the bill could be delayed if there aren’t sufficient votes for passage.

President Obama had asked Congress for “fast-track” Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) so that he can finish negotiating and sign two trade “partnership” agreements, one with eleven Pacific Rim nations known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and another with the European Union known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

We consider the introduction of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill to be a very big deal. Arguably the biggest threat to the continued existence of the United States as an independent nation under the Constitution is the Obama administration’s current initiative to negotiate and get congressional approval of the TPP and TTIP agreements. These agreements would put our nation on the path to political integration with the other nations involved in these negotiations and are being promoted by the same organizations that destroyed the independence of 28 European nations with the creation of the European Union.

And, since virtually everyone believes that the TPP and TTIP deals cannot be approved by Congress without a TPA bill in place, we must prevent congressional approval of TPA. We’re asking our members and all supporters of our national independence to phone their representative and senators now in strong opposition to the TPA bill.

FK – Click on the link. Call your elected public servants and remind them of their place.

The Futility of Arguing what the New World Order is


FK – I do agree we should wait for the war crimes trials to figure out who we need to hang.

I nominate this trash for the front of the line:


FK – If it’s still breathing after the war crimes trials can I put the rope around its neck?

Distant Past Calamities Keep Us Craving Bad News – Morris


FK – Sheeple have been waiting for the world to end, since it began. Maybe we were programmed that way.


FK – My parents’ generation and before knew real poverty. Now they can go get steak and ice cream and watch the propaganda cast on their big screens so every thing must be OK. The ‘baby boomers’ were the first spoiled generation, of which I am in the tail. Most of us are too stupid to see what’s in front of our faces.

Kids today? The Ron Paul ‘revolution’ was certainly ‘progress,’ but not in the communist sense of ‘progressivism.’ Most of them are still indoctrinated by the govt. schools and universities, but now it’s countered by the net, for those who seek to pay attention. A minority they will always be. They will be the ones who will have to fight this war.

But to say things haven’t ‘progressed’ is blind. The ‘gun rights’ movement has made ‘progress’ though we have a long way to go. We are still deep in the war zone but to say it’s hopeless is cowardice, which many choose, and always will simply because it’s easier.