Tag Archives: global warming

Antarctic Ice SPECIAL REPORT | S0 News May 30, 2015

FK – Expecting the “Liberal”(commie) trash to stop lying about this issue is like expecting the Earth itself to stop turning. There’s been ‘climate change’ as long as there’s been a climate and we’ve only been keeping records for a couple hundred years so we are ignorant about much and falling back on mythology to explain the weather and Earth tectonics is just a lazy way out. Expecting the ‘young Earth creationists’ to stop lying about that fact is like expecting, well, you get the idea…

FK – Hitler was right. The people don’t think.

How Much Of America Is In A Drought?

FK – Wow, 4 minutes eleven seconds without mentioning ‘global warming(man caused).’ I’m impressed.

Climate change is UN-led hoax to create ‘new world order’ – Australian PM’s adviser

FK – Of course there’s been ‘climate change’ as long as there’s been a climate, which the evidence shows is billions of years. The evidence also shows the “Liberal”(commie) trash will use any excuse, real or imagined, to control every aspect of every existence on this planet. It’s in their nature. They won’t stop until we force them to stop.

Top 6 Climate Change Problems


FK – What so many fail to understand is that this is all part of a larger war.

The “Liberal”(commie) trash who call themselves ‘environmentalists’ will lie until their last raspy breath leaves their pathetic tyrannical ever-grasping bodies. It’s their nature and purpose and in the end there will only be one proper response by those who seek to maintain what Liberty we have left.

Why Big Oil Takes Huge Risks In The Arctic


FK – My response to this young propagandist:

You’re not seeking very far. Global warming is a lie. How do I know this? Because the “Liberal”(commie) trash that calls themselves ‘environmentalists’ keep repeating it over and over again.

When I was your age and younger they told us A. We’d all starve to death by now. B. We’d be out of oil. C. We’d be living on space stations.

There’s always been climate change, as long as there’s been a climate. Why don’t you do a show on carbon credits and how much ‘money'(carbon credits) the evil global corporations are making from them and how they’ll be used to control every aspect of our existences in this world. Would your ‘sponsors’ let you do this?

The important thing to remember about the global warming propaganda, and it’s ‘all’ propaganda, is that the “Liberal”(commie) trash who call themselves ‘environmentalists’ to hide their evil will use it as an excuse to control every aspect of our existences in this world. The ‘evil’ corporations love it too cause they can make money off carbon credits and the governments love it because it’s another way to control us all.

Enforced Energy Poverty: Coal, Oil, Gas Must Stay in Ground Say Alarmists

National Geographic, like other choristers in the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) alarmist choir, is hyping the latest “climate research,” in this case, the new computer modeling program of a team at the University College of London’s (UCL) Institute for Sustainable Resources. The scientist-activists at UCL claim that their computer model provides overwhelming proof that the plentiful hydrocarbon fuels the developing countries are expecting will lift them out of poverty and that the developed countries are looking to for assistance for struggling economies must be put off limits.

Yep, lock up that coal, oil, and natural gas, and forget about ever getting clean, running water for your village … or electricity … or sewers … or basic industry, infrastructure, hospitals, housing, schools, etc. For a couple billion of the world’s poorest citizens, the UCL proposals mean condemnation to perpetual poverty, ignorance, hunger, disease, and suffering. For billions more of our planet’s inhabitants who qualify as working poor or middle class, it means a downward economic spiral toward lower and lower living standards, less opportunity, and less job security. But, hey, your misery, suffering, and privation today just may stave off the theoretical catastrophe of theoretical AGW fifty years from now — or not.

Never mind that even many of the top alarmist individuals, institutions, and media organs now admit there has been no measurable global warming for more than 18 years.

FK – Can’t blindly trust any of them. If the corporates weren’t making huge profits off oil and coal they’d be doing something else. The eco-commies are control freaks who want to control every aspect of our existences in this world. The corporates who only care about money will continue to make money off ‘carbon credits’ if they can.

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming.

This was only the latest of many examples of a practice long recognised by expert observers around the world – one that raises an ever larger question mark over the entire official surface-temperature record.

FK – “Liberal”(commie) trash, our biggest enemies, posing as ‘environmentalists,’ lie. Why anyone should be surprised at this is a puzzle to me. Oh wait, I know, most sheeple spend their existences grazing and breeding and would rather die than think. Our elite masters know this. They consider us to be livestock.

The evil fake pacifist trash will happily hire whores with badges and guns to enforce their evil on all of us:


FK – When I’m told I can no longer hunt I’ll begin hunting PETA trash and other assorted “Liberal”(commie) trash. We desperately need an extended and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season.

Bill Gates on His 15-Year Plan, Capitalism’s Downside, and Measles at Disneyland

The UN is working on its update to the Millennium Development Goals. How do you think it’s going?

We’re definitely on track. It will be a much longer document, and a broader set of goals than the MDGs were.

But the MDGs were so powerful because they were so succinct. Do you worry that if these goals become too broad, it will be harder to keep people focused?

That absolutely is a concern that I have. Then again, there are unfinished MDGs, and they will always have a very unique position. Key things like child health are so critical. If you have malnutrition you can’t do education very well.

I do think the new document will be so long that fewer people will read the whole thing. Then again, when we talk about books like the Koran or the Bible, not everybody reads every word of those things. I think of the MDGs like the Ten Commandments.


You’ve dedicated a ton of resources to delivering vaccines to remote areas of the world. It must drive you nuts when people in the rich world choose not to vaccinate their kids.

I just read this book called On Immunity: An Inoculation—which is so well written, it’s unbelievable—that talks about this. It’s a little bit unsurprising considering you’re saying to parents, “Hey, take this needle and inject it into your kid! Honestly, we’re sure that it does no harm!” It really takes explaining to people why this is not only beneficial to their child but to society as a whole.

The anti-vaccination crowd, it’s very unfortunate. They create risk and in some cases there have been pertussis-based deaths and measles deaths. Those are the two that show up pretty quickly when you get any group of kids that haven’t been vaccinated. People thought, “OK, we have the Internet, information will get out there.” But misinformation got out there as well.

I do think we’ll keep vaccination rates high in the US. Rationality will succeed. But it will take cases like this Disneyland thing to remind people how irresponsible it is. The science about the safety is very, very strong.

FK – Why didn’t they ask the trash why it wants to disarm the common people?

They don’t call us ‘human resources,’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ because they respect us as human beings.