Tag Archives: free speech

Goodbye to the First Amendment

FK – The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. Too many are blind to that.

The Founders were mostly classically educated men so they knew full well the insanity of humanity. We just call it by different names.

Check this:

Left-wing professor admits: “My liberal students terrify me”

And they’re not ‘progressives.’ They’re communists. Please don’t call them ‘leftists,’ or ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’ or any of the other cute names the commies dreamed up to hide their evil. Doing so only helps our domestic blood enemies wage war against Human Liberty and the Bill of Rights.

And we Americans haven’t turned in our guns to our govt. When they take the First Amendment we fall back on the Second. That’s what it’s for.

Women Should Keep Reading the Comments

Never read the comments. It’s the resounding motto of the internet, for good reason. The truism knows no shame or bounds: it applies to Facebook posts, YouTube videos, parenting blogs, tweets, even pictures of your family, because that is all fair game for some of the most disturbing, disgusting, vile people write on the internet.

Unfortunately, you can’t always “never read the comments.” Some of us were lucky enough to be in the actual audience yesterday at Google I/O. But the rest of us were left watching livestreams of what looked like a fantastical, future-filled two hours of magic wherein everyone was pleasant and professional and respectful. If, like me, you were watching the show YouTube were subjected to passively noticing an unending stream of comments ticking up the right side of the screen.

It’s strange to be watching some of the most groundbreaking, innovative technology in the world, while your peripheral vision is populated by racist, misogynist garbage-speak.

FK – This is probably a created ‘problem’ in need of a ‘solution,’ i.e. kill off all comments so that only the ‘official’ version(lies) gets out to the common sheeple. Google is working to mainstream the net and kill free speech and human Liberty. Simple fact.

John Stossel – Ruling The Internet

FK – We can’t blindly trust the govt. or the damned corporations. They consider us to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that. We must constantly hold a knife to their throats to force them to respect us.


FK – The Brits turned their guns into their govt. without a fight so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

David Cameron to unveil new limits on extremists’ activities in Queen’s speech

The measures would give the police powers to apply to the high court for an order to limit the “harmful activities” of an extremist individual. The definition of harmful is to include a risk of public disorder, a risk of harassment, alarm or distress or creating a “threat to the functioning of democracy”.

FK – Oh dear, how dare someone endanger democracy, the newest way to keep the slaves working.

Limiting the abilities of those who actively work to destroy human Liberty would involve throwing more commies out of western society than ragheads. Simple fact. We should’ve started that long ago. They’re the ones who let the fundie rageheads gain so much power in Europe.

Prime example:

Owner of looted Baltimore shoe store on handling of crisis


FK – Well, gee. He’s dumb enough to think the police are there to protect him and his property. I just can’t feel sorry for these sheeple any more.

The SCOTUS  has ruled multiple times the police have no responsibility to protect anyone.

Is this another Ferguson?:


FK – We can’t know unless we were there. We can’t trust the govt. We can’t trust the newswhores. We can’t trust the commie organizers who are really causing the violence. Nothing will get better until the upper middle class, the smart people with money, figure out there’s no more corn in the trough and commit themselves to doing what will be required.

Baltimore riots: Who will protect rights, lives and property of city’s residents?

FK – This doesn’t get as many hits or as many views or ratings:


FK – They need to be marching on their legislature and their city and county government buildings. Commies protest. Real patriots work for real ‘change.’

It’s official: Police were ordered to stand down and let the Baltimore riots rage out of control

Up until now, there had been some unconfirmed reports that police in Baltimore had been ordered to “stand down” during the riots, but nobody had been willing to come forward and go on the record.  Now that has all changed.  Michael Lewis is the Sheriff of Wicomico County, Maryland and what he has to say is absolutely jaw dropping.  When he saw what was happening in Baltimore, he gathered up some of his fellow officers and drove down to the city to help.  But when he got there, he says that all of the police were being ordered not to take any action and to let the rioters destroy property.  Lewis made this astounding claim during a discussion on a Baltimore radio station

FK –  Gee, why didn’t someone point them to the white “Liberal”(commie) trash neighborhoods and say “There’s Whitey!”

The commies are firing for effect. What are their real goals for all this? Looks like it’s going to be a long and interesting summer:


FK – They don’t have the manpower to oppress us equally. If enough understood that we outnumber them this could be fixed…

And they will refuse to listen to the few with any common sense:


FK – I’ve long said that if Jesus was walking down the street today the preachers would be screaming the loudest to kill him again.

Well, at least she’s making an attempt:

FK – Does she understand how the commie newswhores that are interviewing her are part of the system that have done so much intentional damage to her race?

Baltimore and Their Crap-Happy Looters

FK – The basics will always be popular… So stock up on things like brass, copper, lead and steel. It will be needed.

This guy has his priorities straight:


FK – Ice cream has long been at the top of my food pyramid…

SPLC Racist History Exposed


FK – SPLC is a Marxist/Zionist front group. We need to concentrate on ceasing their influence on LEOs.


FK – Being ‘listed’ by such trash is a badge of honor. I think the old version of my website made it long ago…

Google’s Plan to “Estimate Web Sources’ Trustworthiness” | Space News

FK – It’s not about dogma or groupthink, it’s about control. They consider us to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that.

The corporations will save us from big govt. Not:


Facebook Tracks Users Without Consent, but Users Can Take Control

Facebook has spent years earning a notorious reputation for sacrificing users’ privacy for increased advertising revenue. Now the social networking giant may be in serious legal trouble with the European Union for violating EU laws about tracking Internet users without their consent.

A report issued by ICRI/CIR and iMinds-SMIT for the Belgian Privacy Commission claims that Facebook is tracking Internet users — even those who are not logged into a Facebook account — and capturing their browsing habits across the web. In many cases, the tracking involves users who do not even have a Facebook account.

The method by which Facebook tracks users is the ubiquitous “Like” button found on most websites. Sites that have the button must allow certain computer scripts to run. These scripts allow Facebook to see what websites users visit even if the users do not click the button. Facebook then uses that information to allow advertisers to direct their ads to targeted users. The practice is controversial in the United States and illegal in the European Union. The issue at stake is that if users agree to have their browsing habits tracked across the Web, it is a valuable service; if they do not, it is an invasion of their privacy. The “Like” button simply appearing on a website does not amount to a user’s consent.

To make matters worse, Facebook also ignores “Do Not Track” requests from users who activate that setting in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. In doing so, Facebook joins ranks with Google and Yahoo as well as a slew of disreputable sites.

FK – I got back on Fake Book after being blocked a couple years back so I can interact with like-minded people and piss off “Liberal”(commie) trash. It’s not like ‘the authorities’ don’t know who I am. FB apparently hasn’t yet figured out it’s me. They wanted my cell no. to ‘verify’ my account and that I wasn’t a ‘spammer'(for using my standard rants to tell idiots and “Liberal”(commie) trash what I’m tired of having to repeat after all these years) at the time and I refused to give it to them. Didn’t have to this time. Don’t know if it’s a policy change or if I just slipped through the cracks.

We’ll see how long it takes the trash to boot me off this time.

I use Ghostery to block a lot of things.

Israel pushes to have “anti-Semitism” recognized as international crime

Earlier this year, at the behest of the Jewish state of Israel, the organized international Jewish community, and traitorous politicians working for the Jews in the West, the United Nations held an informal plenary session on the alleged “rising tide of anti-Semitism” around the world.

Of course, all respectable mainstream politicians, journalists, and public policy makers agreed that “anti-Semitism” must not be tolerated anywhere in the world, that it should be immediately condemned, and that “anti-Semites” should be ostracized, shunned, and even criminally prosecuted for “hate crimes” and “anti-Semitic speech.”

FK – Regardless of what one thinks about David Duke or the unmentionables or ‘anti-semitism’ the First Amendment and free speech must remain inviolate. No group anywhere for any reason is immune to having their motives questioned.


FK – More key terms and phrases such as ‘racist,’ extremist, homophobe, right-winger, Nazi, ammosexual and on and on. Why are most modern ‘Jews’ secular Marxists and have so much in common with our domestic blood enemies?

FK – Some rare honesty.

More of the same:


Alex Jones: Your Fear Is His Power


FK – The average sheeple is already doing nothing but grazing and breeding, waiting for the world to end. Telling them to stay home and spend time with their families because it’s all gonna end soon is part of the problem.

If you want to focus on something focus on changing the laws we exist under at the point of a gun. All the ‘self-change’ in the world won’t impress the black-suited Nazis when they break your door down for the empire and shoot your dog, or your grandmother or your kid.

We need a system for protecting patriots so that no one has to fear dying alone, or at least dying with the knowledge that their deaths will be avenged.

Jones may be just another change agent, used in some twisted way. But as far as I can tell he’s done more good than any of the others out there except maybe for the Birchers. The ‘tea party’ could certainly benefit from listening to him so they can learn there’s more to this than electing another NWO hack who invokes Jesus once a campaign and who says whatever the audience in front of him wants to hear.

Pointing out each other’s faults is one thing, but I don’t see waging war on each other when our real enemies are right in front of us.

I can’t think of a YouTuber or ‘patriot’ or ‘liberty’ group I agree with 100 percent. Probably never will.

We need to focus on our collectivist enemies who are attacking the Bill of Rights.