Tag Archives: free speech

Homeland Stonewalls on Communications Kill Switch


FK – The net is one of those pointy double-edged swords. Try to take it away and we’ll show you the pointy end.

FK – Blindly trusting any source is the problem. Blind faith got us into this mess and it won’t get us out.


FK – I’ve long strived to be interesting…

It’s an outrage, like every damn thing else they do.

Dieudonné Defies Holocaust Religion!


FK – Must be French humor. ‘Shoah’ is a ‘modern Hebrew’ word for holocaust.

Regardless of how many actually died or how it’s been used as a hammer by cultural Marxists, and most ‘Jews’ are cultural Marxists, just as many of them were in Germany, to control any and all who question them or their agendas.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives can’t be questioned. If you participate in such you are a traitor to this country and the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment doesn’t mention any god’s chosen as being exempt. But they will make it that way if they can.

Journalist Who Covered Stratfor Hack Sentenced to 63 Months in Prison

Brown said the “novel, and sometimes even radical” claims the government made during his sentencing threatens “every journalist in the United States.”

“The government asserts that I am not a journalist and thus unable to claim the First Amendment protections guaranteed to those engaged in information-gathering activities,” he said in a statement to the court. “Your Honor, I’ve been employed as a journalist for much of my adult life, I’ve written for dozens of magazines and newspapers, and I’m the author of two published and critically-acclaimed books of expository non-fiction.”

“If I am not a journalist, then there are many, many people out there who are also not journalists, without being aware of it, and who are thus as much at risk as I am.”


FK – The First Amendment doesn’t say anything about a ‘press pass.’