Tag Archives: fiction

What do Jews in Israel think about Jesus Christ the Messiah and God in the Flesh – YAHWEH

FK – If there is any justice in the universe the followers of the three insanities will end up in each others’ hells.

Here’re my questions: Do you know what ‘Reform Judaism‘ is? Why was ‘modern Israel’ founded by European Socialists? Why are most modern Jews secular Marxists?

Loving thy neighbor can be a great thing, unless they don’t love you and don’t mind being slaves to some govt. or god then they’ll readily vote for you to be enslaved along with them.

But these insanities were created when the sheeple had a Caesar to pay tribute to. We aren’t supposed to have that anymore. But sadly most are too brain dead to understand this.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Commies are as commies vote, to kill those who don’t ‘agree’ with their slavery:

Muslims Need a Civil War! | Louder With Crowder


FK – Oh good grief. Such ignorance. If you think that as ‘racist’ as ‘Americans’ were in the mid 19th century that they killed 600,000 white men and tens of thousands of civilians to ‘free the slaves’ you’re a child.

Read “The Real Lincoln‘ and ‘The Life of Billy Yank‘ and ‘The Life of Johnny Reb.’

Kentucky officers almost mutinied when the emancipation proclamation was released as propaganda to appease the Europeans and keep them out of the war.

What were the soldiers that were conscripted on both sides fighting for? What were the Irish immigrants Lincoln was taking off the boats fighting for?

Has ‘christianity’ matured? We don’t burn heretics at the stake any more though I’m sure some would if they could. The catholic church sprinkles water on babies to ‘save’ them from their sadistic god’s eternal hell. It’s not a symbolic act. Protestants cajole 8-year-olds into ‘gettin’ saved’ for the same reason.

It would be a dark day if most modern ‘christians’ actually began to read and understand their ancient tribal propaganda and began to do what it demands of them. Their savior was quoted as saying he came to ‘fulfill’ the law of the Torah not change it. But then only a child takes any of it literally. It’s called ‘literature‘ for a reason.

King James Bible – Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

‘Moderate’ muslims are like ‘moderate’ christians who are simply hedging their bets but at the end of day care more about personal profit/success than pleasing their chosen god. Only by indoctrinating each generation away from this ancient madness can we hope to see a real future for humankind.

We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.

We’ve evolved away from earlier versions of our own insanity:

Is Our Universe a Fake?

I began bemused. The notion that humanity might be living in an artificial reality — a simulated universe — seemed sophomoric, at best science fiction.

But speaking with scientists and philosophers on “Closer to Truth,” I realized that the notion that everything humans see and know is a gigantic computer game of sorts, the creation of supersmart hackers existing somewhere else, is not a joke. Exploring a “whole-world simulation,” I discovered, is a deep probe of reality.

FKHow do we know our ‘self awareness’ is really ‘self awareness?’ It’s human arrogance/ignorance that ranks us above anything but tadpoles in the pond and death is no guarantee of escape from the Matrix.