Tag Archives: fear based religion

The RISE Of The Cashless Society & The TRUTH About Bitcoin with Jeff Berwick


FK – They’ve had us marked since the 30s. What can the average sheeple do w/o a socialist security no.? And no one got beamed up.

What happened to the Liberty Dollar? Anything that truly challenges the banksters will get shut down eventually.

IMF Reveals That Cryptocurrency Is The New World Order End Game

Historically money is whatever the market decides it is. The early settlers on this continent used wampum, glass beads, because it worked with the Indians.

As long as we let morons vote here we’d better damn well worry about who we let in. We have enough natural born ignorant morons as it is without bringing in more to vote commie for the demonscat party, or the republicrat party for that matter.

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

All this is decided by those who use the necessary force to enforce their will on others. Simple fact that you’re not gonna escape any time soon.

Until we use the force necessary to restore our Bill of Rights and put the governments in their proper place with a militia force in every county to keep them in their proper place as our SERVANTS then nothing will get better.

Anarchy will mean you’ll have to decide who you need to kill first.

Shooting him in the head might result in his family/friends coming after you. That’s why we’re supposed to have courts in a justice system not the ‘just-us’ system we have now.

The problem is not the concept of government but the lack of personal responsibility on the part of those we allow to vote.

How will the Acapulco govt. deal with a fundie raghead showing up and claiming the ‘nude pools’ interfere with her freedom not to be naked and not to see a bunch of ugly fat naked anarchists?

Bless your hearts.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Points For “Good Behaviour”: Canadian Government Introduces the Creepiest App Ever


FK – Of course the healthiest thing one can do is never question authority and certainly NEVER fight back!

Why don’t you all shave your heads so we all look the same and no one has to feel inadequate?

And why does anyone brush their teeth in the morning? Is that for that sleep snacking?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Ad Friendly Makeup Tutorial


FK – Google is evil. Its hierarchy worked to elect hitlery.

You don’t need makeup sweetheart. You’ll bring a high price at the fundie slave market without any at all. I hear they prefer them brought fresh from the shower so they can tell what they’re getting.

Read this for my experience of cultural enrichment in the land of camels and ragheads:

What Every Girl Needs To Hear

“Unacknowledged” PROOF That Aliens Are Here! 4/25/17

FK – Whenever ‘ufo investigators’ start sounding like “Liberal”(commie) trash as in “They’re here to bring us peace and tech that’ll save us from the evil fossil fuels’ then I know that’s someone who can’t be trusted.

Likewise when some simple-minded moron tells me they’re all ‘angels and demons’ I know I’m dealing with a child.

It’s not simple. It’s never been that simple and probably never will be.

The commie globalists, like the ‘military industrial complex’ and like the religious nuts that want to keep us in the dark ages, will use this issue as propaganda for their own purposes.

None of them can be trusted.

For the sake of those heavily indoctrinated in ecocommunism: A real replacement for fossil fuels might be a good thing, or it might not be. What would be its true cost? How much would the banksters charge us for it?

There is NOTHING free in this world. We pay a price for everything in some way or another. Do we want ignorant people to be able to, or think they can, ‘freely’ feed all the babies they can produce? That was called the ‘welfare state’ and was created to guarantee inter-generational constituents for the demonscat and republicrat parties.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Our problems are never that simple:

FK – The swamp will take much more than draining:

Trump as click bait, and other things…

As we’ve long said – three to seven percent actually fought in the American Revolution. How many will fight in the restoration, and for which side(s)?

From watching this for so long I’ve concluded there really are no men here anymore. Oh some of them will fight when their backs are against the wall. But we should’ve started hunting our domestic blood enemies long before this. We should’ve kept the troops home from Korea and Vietnam and killed the commie globalists here first.

This vid’s show notes.

The patriot newbie guidebook

And still we beg them for permission:

FK – Yes, the Bill of Rights was written in an attempt the force the govt. to acknowledge the most basic right we possess: to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would enslave or in our case enslave us further.

Too bad so few have the courage to even admit this to themselves much less speak it publicly.

This is no longer a nation of men but still a very primitive society. We have a representative republic but many act as if they’re electing a king every four years that will wave a wand and magically solve all their problems for them.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

If There Is a God…


FK – All that happens is ‘god’s will’ and god only does ‘good’ thus the holocaust, and the 200 million killed by Marxists in the 20th century were all good things, right.?

The Nazis opposed the Bolshevik Jews who were working to communize the world as are their ideological descendants, the ‘reform Jews’ and the ‘progressives’ and ‘liberals’ and ‘sjws’ and whatever other cute name they come up with.

The Nazis were still authoritarians, like the fundie ragheads and like the amerikan communist insurgency and like most hard corps religious nuts who try in one way or another to force their version, sub-version or subversion on others either at the point of a gun or sword or by threatening them psychologically with eternal torture or eternal death or being ‘cast into outer darkness’ or whatever.

If There Is No God, Murder Isn’t Wrong

What to teach your kids

Until the second coming … let’s abolish government!

FK – Yeah let’s wait for heyzeus to take over and burn billions including little kids and babies alive in fire forever.

The golden rule is great if those applying it share your values. The problem being that we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and billions have no problem being slaves to one institution or entity or another and have no problem voting to force the rest of us into their version.

That’s why a portion of the Founders were ‘anti-federalists’ that insisted on a Bill of Rights that was designed to force the government to acknowledge our natural born rights which are based in the most basic right any creature possesses, the right to self defense.

They also enumerated the right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment which negates the christian and raghead god’s version of ‘justice.’

The biggest problem we face besides our natural born ignorance that so many struggle so hard to not overcome is natural born cowardice. That’s why so few stand up to bullies on the train or where ever else, to include bullies with badges that enforce laws that have no place in a free society.

And I bet that train is a ‘gun free zone.’

What I’ve never heard the anarchists explain is what do we do about those who would seek to force their version of ‘justice’ or ‘just-us’ on others in a non-governed world? Since most humans are basically cowards few would stand up to them, as few stand up to the system we have now.

While there are times when many of us would like to be able to use the excuse ‘He needed killin,’ the simple fact is that others could apply the same to us for their own seemingly legitimate to them reasons.

And oh yes, I’d love to be shooting bullies, if only we had a nation of men…