Tag Archives: evil

Harvard Gun-control Study Destroys Gun-control Agenda

Buy a gun, folks — do it for the children. That could now be the message after the revelation that a Harvard University study has thoroughly refuted the gun-control agenda. The research, conducted in 2007 but suspiciously ignored until now, is enough to make a grown man cry — if that grown man happens to be Piers Morgan. Writes BeliefNet:

According to a study in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, which cites the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the United Nations International Study on Firearms Regulation, the more guns a nation has, the less criminal activity.

In other words, more firearms, less crime, concludes the virtually unpublicized research report by attorney Don B. Kates and Dr. Gary Mauser. But the key is firearms in the hands of private citizens.

FK – No surprises here but does it matter?

The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.

All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.

When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins. The newswhores die first.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

Obama Considering Executive Order Mandating Gun Background Checks

Supreme Court to Announce This Week Whether It Will Hear Huge Second Amendment Case

FK – So when will the NRA start supporting the militias and helping real Americans get ready for what will be required?

Let hitlery win…
The Hitlery will do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Wake lots of sheeple up, piss lots of people off, sell more guns and ammo than her husband ever thought about and maybe, just maybe, awake enough to what will be required.

A republicrat NWO hack in the now red house will put the brain dead tea partiers back to sleep or send them back to the golf course.

Questions for your candidate

FK – Would those who would be our elected public servants really take a stand?


FK – We need many more like him but what we really need is a militia unit in every county to be ready to deal with any fed nazis that show up, or local yokels that decide to enforce any evil commie laws.

Does anyone wonder why?:


FK – See my standard answer above for what this trash will do if it wins. The same as the hitlery.

Don’t let yourself be part of the propaganda stream nor the emergency room stream:

Toddlers in the U.S. average one shooting per week this year: Study reveals 43 cases of shootings involving children 3 and younger in 2015

The TRUTH about mass shootings! [Profanity]


FK – Yep. Especially the last part. We need lots of that if this country is to survive.

Yet another psych drug shooter: Oregon gunman Christopher Mercer was taking five types of medication, likely vaccine-damaged with autism spectrum disorder


FK – How much longer?

Should You Join a Militia?

There is historical basis and precedence for militia. Our forefathers even went so far to plan for the need of a “well-regulated Militia” and outlined this in our Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights. Their reasoning in my, and countless others minds, was that a militia could one day be “necessary to the security of a free State”. The militia concept was preferable to a standing Army which many of our founders were vehemently opposed to.

For example, James Madison said:

In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people.

Simply put, we might need our own defensive forces to step in to defend us in dire circumstances. Each state used to be responsible for their own militias. State Militias still exist, but they are nothing like the forces they once were, they are rare and most people think the National Guard has taken their place.

This article isn’t an argument about the Second Amendment, or a dissection of those words our founders sacrificed so much for. The common expression of Militias today exist as a symbol largely that has been used by people on both sides of the argument over whether Militias are necessary or unneeded relics that should be confined to history.

One side of this argument almost universally depicts any group that calls themselves a Militia as radical, violent, racist and bent on overthrowing the government. The other side largely views the role of a militia as some bulwark against a rising fear of tyranny. The question on my mind started largely with a simple question that one of our readers posed a while back. Should you join a militia?

FK – In my estimation there is really only one reason to join a militia, even though many I have trained with may disagree, and this is to restore our Liberty, the Bill of Rights, and the form of government we are supposed to enjoy in this country. All the ‘fighting terrorism’ and ‘civil service’ and preparedness and disaster readiness and on and on are only public relations functions at best.

Our real enemies are right here. They have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

We should have, decades ago, established a militia force in every county in this country to deal with: the BATF Nazi trash who have proven themselves to be murderers, and exist to railroad people into prison in the name of evil laws that the Second Amendment doesn’t allow; the IRS Nazi trash who steal people’s property and ruin their lives and imprison them in the name of enforcing a tax that isn’t supposed to exist in this country and in fact wasn’t ratified by enough states to become law; and the FBI who have been involved in one way or another with every ‘terrorist’ incident over the last several years; the ‘drug war,’ like the ‘war on terror’ which would not exist if all the ‘right’ people on all sides weren’t profiting from it.

But since we don’t have a nation of men but a nation of cowardly whores we have the situation we have: lots of small groups under several different names, some public, hopefully many not, who will have to deal with the ultimate blood war that history shows always comes, in the best way they can.

This situation will not likely change until the upper middle class, the ‘people'(loosely defined) with money and intelligence, figure out there’s no more corn in the trough.

So all I can reasonably offer at this point is this: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Or as our domestic blood enemies like to say “Think globally, act locally.”

This will likely be true at the beginning of any future conflict whereby we will have to erode our enemies’ support at the foundation in the vein of the movie “Michael Collins.”

From my own personal experience this is my immediate advice: Rules for the militia

The First Male Has Been Arrested For “Manspreading” In NYC

The MTA has been asking men to keep their legs closed, without any sense of irony. And now, someone has been arrested for it.

The government of New York spent on an ad campaign telling men to stop sitting with their legs spread. On May 22nd, police arrested two Latino men on the charge of ‘man spreading.’

Some people are arguing that this is an excuse by police to increase their arrest quotas, and to crack down on undesirable ethnic minority males. Russia Today reported that the NYPD issued approximately 1,400 summonses for manspreading in 2015.

Robert Gangi, Director of Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP), said to Russia Today “We think it’s driven by a quota system. There is almost no other rational explanation for why the cops would conduct this kind of arrest unless they are under pressure to meet certain numbers, to meet with their productivity goals. It’s a classic pattern. Somebody gets a summons for a low-level thing, they don’t show up in court, the warrant is out… A cop stops you a second time, even if for another low-level thing, and it’s the policy of the department to arrest you.”

The first man arrested had his charges dismissed, due to the fact that he was arrested at 12:11 a.m. and the judge believes that no one was likely to be inconvenienced at such an early hour.

FK – Now we know why new yawkers aren’t allowed to carry guns. Any cop participating in such fully deserves whatever is done in response. How much longer?????

Relax, if You Want, but Don’t Put Your Feet Up

Police officers handed out more than 6,000 tickets for these violations in 2011. But a $50 ticket would have been welcome compared with the trouble many passengers found themselves in; roughly 1,600 people like Mr. Peppers were arrested, sometimes waiting more than a day to be brought before a judge and released, according to statistics from district attorneys’ offices.

In some instances, passengers were arrested because they had outstanding warrants, or did not have photo identification. Some arrests were harder to explain, with no apparent cause other than the seat violation. In at least one case, the arrest led to deportation.

FK – And new yawk city wants tourists huh? Anyone would have to be a fool to travel there… Read all of that one, and weep for amerika.

Not merry old England: Protein World advert: Formal investigation launched into ‘beach body ready’ campaign

A formal investigation has been launched into an advertisement for Protein World after a campaign asking viewers if they were “beach body ready”.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) confirmed it had launched an investigation to establish whether the advert breaks harm and offense rules or is socially irresponsible.

The advert has also been banned from appearing again in its current form.

The ASA said: “We’ve met with Protein World to discuss its “Are you beach body ready?” ad campaign.

“It’s coming down in the next three days and, due to our concerns about a range of health and weight loss claims made in the ad, it can’t appear again in its current form.

“Although the ad won’t appear in the meantime, we’ve launched an investigation to establish if it breaks harm and offence rules or is socially irresponsible.

FK – It’s so very strange how the human race goes from one insanity to another. Decades back this ad would have been ‘sinful’ to most of western society and would’ve never seen the light of day. Now commies by some cute name or another, who have worked tirelessly to destroy western religion, are making up their own similar rules for supposedly different reasons. We are still a very primitive species and existing in a very dark age.

The Brits have lost their freedom of speech, what they had of it, to their commies. Since they turned their guns in to their government without opening “Liberal”(commie) trash season they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

These are real women:

7 Women Changing the Shooting World

7 women shooters feature image

FK – Well maybe. Will they prep for what will be required? What if they were told to ‘turn them in?’ Would they comply or begin hunting their domestic blood enemies?

FK – Where’s the NRA? It ain’t about ducks and safaris.

GOA Alert: Anti-gun Loretta Lynch Sworn in as Attorney General

ACTION: Please take action by clicking here to hold Senators accountable — “spanking” Senators who supported the anti-gun Loretta Lynch, and thanking those who opposed her. This is an action item for which everyone (even those living in anti-gun states) should be able to take part!
Twenty Republican Senators helped break filibuster against Lynch

Loretta Lynch was sworn in as the 83rd Attorney General of the United States on Monday.

Lynch is an extreme, anti-gun advocate who supports reenacting the so-called “Assault Weapons” ban which sunset in 2004.

While every Democrat supported her, the Republicans listed below cast their support, as well. For starters, every Senator below — both bolded and non-bolded — voted to break the filibuster against her nomination.

FK – This might help with some of them but I fear McCommie(The Kentucky one) is too far gone. I told it Kentucky should be ashamed of it but many of us figured out what trash it is long ago.

The war crimes trials will involve republicrats as well as commiecrats.

McConnell Introduces Bill to Reauthorize Patriot Act Until 2020

Republicans move to extend spies’ power to collect phone data

FK – At least we’re slowly winning in one arena:

South Carolina House overwhelmingly passes unlicensed concealed carry

Gun control groups outspend NRA 5 to 1 in Vermont, lose on background checks

FK – The fact alone that we have to beg trash for a restoration of our natural born rights shows how far down the sewer this country has been for a long time.

Congressman Massie’s 500-Yard Run That is Driving Congress Crazy

For those that are not aware, Congress passes a lot of bills! In the 112th Congress, there were 561 bills that passed in one year. If we do some basic math, Congress is in session for 132 days and in that time they pass 561 bills, meaning they are passing roughly 4 bills a day. An example of one of these bills is the 600-page Highway Flood Student Loan bill that was given to the Senate the day of the vote. On top of that the bill had 23 additional amendments.

Congressman Massie explained that voice votes are frequently used to pass motions, amendments, and resolutions. There are several problems with taking voice votes on important issues. First, the voice vote does not hold politicians accountable for their votes. Many of our congressmen that we send to Washington are voting against what they ran on, but we do not have a record of all of these votes. The second problem with this method of voting is that it is solely at the discretion of the House Chair. Under normal circumstances, this would be Speaker of the House John Boehner. He is the only one that is allowed to interpret the vote.

The House is supposed to have something called a “quorum” to have a vote. A quorum is defined by at least 218 congressmen. The way that Boehner decides if there is a quorum is by squinting his eyes and declaring he thinks he sees 218 people. Congressman Massie said sometimes there will only be ten congressmen present.

FK – When are we gonna go up there? That’s what it’s gonna take, and nothing less.

GOA Alert: Massie Bill Would Keep Our Kids Safe

It’s become a world-wide problem:  A university in Kenya where 147 students were recently gunned down.

A newspaper publisher in France where over 20 people were either murdered or injured.

Or the long list of schools in the United States where unarmed students and teachers alike are relegated to the status of “sitting ducks,” while armed gunmen — who ignore laws banning guns — carefully and methodically execute innocent people.

Colorado state representative Patrick Neville (R-Castle Rock) knows something about school shootings.

You see, Neville was a student at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.  On that tragic day, two disaffected students killed 13 unarmed victims, and injured more than 20 others.

The victims included students and teachers, boys and girls, but all of them had one thing in common:  They were shot down like “sitting ducks” in a gun-free school zone — a place where teachers and staff were prohibited by law from defending their lives and the lives of their students.

Clearly, the fact that Columbine High School was a “gun-free zone” didn’t mean that Columbine would be free of guns.  It only meant that the “good guys” wouldn’t have guns.

FK – The ‘world wide problem’ is the “Liberal”(commie) trash in the government schools that keep children from learning the realities of the dangerous world we exist in.

Why Big Oil Takes Huge Risks In The Arctic


FK – My response to this young propagandist:

You’re not seeking very far. Global warming is a lie. How do I know this? Because the “Liberal”(commie) trash that calls themselves ‘environmentalists’ keep repeating it over and over again.

When I was your age and younger they told us A. We’d all starve to death by now. B. We’d be out of oil. C. We’d be living on space stations.

There’s always been climate change, as long as there’s been a climate. Why don’t you do a show on carbon credits and how much ‘money'(carbon credits) the evil global corporations are making from them and how they’ll be used to control every aspect of our existences in this world. Would your ‘sponsors’ let you do this?

The important thing to remember about the global warming propaganda, and it’s ‘all’ propaganda, is that the “Liberal”(commie) trash who call themselves ‘environmentalists’ to hide their evil will use it as an excuse to control every aspect of our existences in this world. The ‘evil’ corporations love it too cause they can make money off carbon credits and the governments love it because it’s another way to control us all.

BATF Ammo Ban Violates Its Own Regs As Well As The Constitution


FK – This will not be solved permanently until enough develop the resolve to hang lots of expensive suits along Pennsylvania Ave. and Wall St.

GOA Alert: Will Obama be Forced to Swallow a Repeal of the AR-15 Ammo Ban?

ATF’s ban on common AR-15 ammo

As GOA activists know, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently proposed a ban on “green tip” AR-15 ammo.

The ban is completely lawless and unconstitutional, and there are legislators who want to fight the ban.

At least one Republican office is considering an amendment to block Obama’s illegal AR-15 ammunition ban by attaching it to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill.

But if you’ve been watching the news, you know that there is a royal battle right now over this bill because of Obama’s Executive Amnesty, something that GOA has reported on before.

ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators and Representative. Urge them to support a repeal of ATF’s AR-15 ban. And tell them to vote against the DHS funding bill — specifically urging your Senators to vote against any cloture motion that would facilitate it.

FK – This is a multi-front war. Act politically but prepare for what history shows will be required.

2nd Amendment Rally at Knob Creek Gun Range

Saturday, February 28, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Join 970 AM The Answer and Knob Creek in defense of our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. Resistance-Radio host Jim Coyle will emcee the event with guest speakers ranging from 2015 Gubernatorial Candidate Matt Bevin to Project Apple Seed, Gun Owners of America, Freedom Training Group, The NRA, Rick Howlan: the Black Heart Conservative from 970 AM The Answer and more. Grassroots activist and local business will have booths on hand to spread information and rally people to action in defense of the constitution! This is your chance to learn more about guns, gun safety, self-defense, security and what is happening in the courtroom and at the UN that could affects your 2nd amendment rights! Come out and stand up for the Constitution and experience the local gun community on a whole new level.

Location: Knob Creek Gun Range, 690 Ritchey Lane West Point, KY 40177 (1 mile off Dixie Highway on Highway 44)
Sponsored By: 970AM The Answer

FK – Thanks to the Marxist mutt for proving my point above.
