Tag Archives: dubya

5 Reasons NOT To Join The Military!

FK – Uh, as in “We don’t live in a free country anymore and the military is actually fighting for the empire and the petrodollar and the military industrial complex?”

As an enlisted member when you sign that line you become their property. That’s how they view you. In a time of war for profit as ‘all’ wars are now officers are bullet sponges just like the rest.

If we had the govt. we’re supposed to have here I’d have no problem telling young people to join. In fact I think some basic infantry training should be required for all young people.

Who deserves to vote?

Politics, human nature, is a factor in all human environments, the corporate world and the military.

We should’ve kept our troops home from Vietnam and Korea and had them kill the commies here first. We need to bring them home now.

If the military were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.

The empire’s military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The most important things to do

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Facebook Prez Revealed Something About Zuck’s Dark Intentions You Should Know!


FK – I despise that beeping shit. I despise all computer sounds. I’m only on fakebook and other ‘social’ sites to disseminate ze propaganda.

I always post it in the comments under the ads.

We ABSOLUTELY MUST get away from the ‘individual prepper’ mentality and ORGANIZE, ARM AND TRAIN for what will be required.

Sitting at home waiting your turn is a recipe for defeat.

The only real reason for the militia

If any significant portion of the population starts ‘hunting and fishing’ for sustenance they will soon be hunting each other. Time to grow up and deal in reality.

There are fresh sheeple on these sites and others who are still waking. The key is to get congress to force the commies out of the control of these outlets.

Are we even close to ready? No:


FK – We were told in Feb. or March of 01 that there would be a major event in Aug. or Sept. of that year with a major change in law to follow.

So at the least the federal bureau of instigators or other ‘agencies’ knew 9/11 was coming and allowed it to happen.

The most important things to do

10 Questions for Conservatives

FK – The short answer is the tool using monkeys are still a very primitive species and neither ‘side’ is really interested in freedom. They only want to force their version of authoritarianism on others because it makes them feel secure, either from a big bad world they’d rather die than understand and really deal with or from a sadistic god that will burn billions, including kids and babies, alive in fire forever.

We still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. It’s a long climb out of the well of ignorance.

Only a few really attempt it.

The most important things to do

The purposes of gods and golden rules

On to questions for commies:

FK – You mean communists. We’ve had the net for 20 years. There’s no excuse for the evil they do.

The patriot newbie guidebook

3 Unbelievable Theories PROVED In October

FK – ‘National Security’ as always means the security of their rule.

The most important things to do

NEW CLUES To Alien Coverup In President Bush Interview 3/5/17

FK – He should’ve asked him if he’d rather fight the bottle or the aliens. He also should’ve asked him about ‘skull and bones.’ But then he probably had to agree not to just to get dubya on the show.

“Are there things you can’t tell?” How absurd. Even without the high strangeness and treason in high places and the fact they allowed 9/11 to happen so they could increase the police state and make money there would be ‘state secrets.’

Kimmel is not a friend of human liberty.

And we have the tired old warnings:

FK – A ‘fake’ alien attack doesn’t mean there aren’t aliens. But then when Greer says the ‘aliens’ are here to help us and give us free energy and planetary peace I know he’s full of crap. They will likely do, some to most of them, what is in THEIR best interests.

If we’re lucky we’re under some form of protection. Maybe that’s why so many are not yet forced to accept the reality of ‘exopolitics.’

I have a real hard time with the idea that the modern empire of note has some of the tech exhibited by these other beings. I don’t think they can float their victims through walls or take them from suburban or urban settings without the neighbors noticing.

If they have such it was given to them. I think Greer is an ‘asset.’

On what level will this ‘hoax’ occur? Will it be like 9/11 where only 3000 sheeple out of a nation of 300 million died but the ignorant mush headed masses were slightly stirred from their lifetime mental slumber and out of fear and ignorance OK’d all the internal tyranny that followed and the millions of deaths in the Middle East in the name of fighting the ‘bad guys?’

…and the newbies:

FK – So are you familiar with what the former Canadian defense minister had to say about this topic?

Governments are HIDING aliens, claims former defence minister: Paul Hellyer urges world leaders to reveal ‘secret files’

FK – Hellyer is a Canadian commie so whatever it says has to be taken with a huge grain of salt. But as I’ve written before all sides will seek to profit from this issue, generating whatever propaganda they feel is appropriate. Of course with Hellyer it’s ‘the aliens want us to take better care of the planet and fix global warming.”

I can hear them snickering from here.

9/11 Scientific Study: Towers Collapsed Due To Controlled Demolition

A European scientific study has concluded that on September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers were brought down by a controlled demolition. 

The study, conducted by four physicists and published in Europhysics Magazine, says that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.”

Wnd.com reports:

“Given the far-reaching implications, it is morally imperative that this hypothesis be the subject of a truly scientific and impartial investigation by responsible authorities,” the four physicists conclude.

The study is the work of Steven Jones, former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University, Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer with over 25 years of structural design experience in the aerospace and communications industries, and Ted Walter, the director of strategy and development for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a nonprofit organization that today represents more than 2,500 architects and engineers.

15 Years later: On the Physics of High Rise Building Collapses

FK – And don’t miss this:


FK – The only thing that will bring justice in this issue is doing what will be required.

Pentagon Cannot Account For $6.5 Trillion Dollars

Why is the MSM (Finally) Reporting on the Petrodollar?


FK – So is this why the empire has never invaded Saudi?

It’s real backbone is old fashioned ignorance and greed.

And most times are interesting. But too many are too busy waiting for the world to end to realize that.

His show notes.

MUST WATCH: Federal Reserve April Surprise


FK – The Saudi thing is likely just another front. What about involvement by other parties, domestic and otherwise among our alleged allies?

Response to Ammon Bundy


FK – It’s time to live to fight another day guys. This whole op was ill-advised from the beginning.

It’ll be hard enough to get Bubba to put down the steak and ice cream and shut off the big screen when the black-suited Nazis have just killed his dog or grandma or kid on their way through his door. You’re more intelligent than this and you stuck your necks in the noose for the Fed Nazis and their commie/globalist masters so in reality you can’t expect others to come join you. That’s the sad reality of your situation.

This war is a shit bowl, kinda like the over all world. We inch forward when we can and the rest of the time try to hold our ground or find a way to re-position and just survive. We’re gonna need you for the big fight that’s coming. Make no mistake, it’s coming.

Ammon Bundy Admits Defeat, Calls On Remaining Oregon Occupiers To “Stand Down, Go Home”

This is not how to run a restoration:

‘If they stop you from getting here, kill them!’: Remaining occupiers ask for backup

Oregon occupiers: What officials say happened at traffic stop

Oathkeepers: Malheur SITREP – 1900L 29 JAN 16

FK – A zoomed excerpt from the killing:

FK – When I first watched the original vid I thought he pulled a gun.

FK – Now we’ll likely see how the Fed Nazis railroad patriots into prison.


FK – Tricky? There are no perfect wars nor perfect warriors. We must get over, grow out of, this mentality.

FK – Regardless of how ‘planned’ it was to kill Finicum or how ill-advised to stupid this entire op has been from the beginning the fact remains that we’ve had the internet for 20 years now and the average dumbass can get it’s ignorant paws on a smart phone and spend some time educating itself about this evil system which means those ‘educated’ Fed Nazis are fully capable of understanding the evil system they participate in. What choices are they making on a daily basis? That is the question that matters.

And on a not so slightly different note:


FK – It’s not about the Marxist mutt. It’s about the system that appoints a prez after a contest that amounts to a quest for the idiot vote. During every prez term some idiots say that prez is going to declare himself dictator and never leave office. I’m pretty sure I heard that about Bush the First, and certainly about every elected tool since then. It’s all absurd. The elites who appoint them don’t need them to stay in office, only to do what they’re told until the next tool is shuffled in.

It will likely take blood conflict to end this process.

Though we keep lying to ourselves about this reality:


FK – I’ve been watching this process for 20-30 years. Blood conflict will be necessary for two reasons:

Not enough average dumbasses see the necessity of becoming truly politically involved, that means more than voting based on choosing which spin or sound bites has the most emotional appeal which means we will wake up one day, as the Europeans are now, with our backs against the wall.

Our domestic blood enemies, who have white skin and wear expensive suits will NEVER throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” They will have to be forced to end their nearly completed overthrow of our Bill of Rights, which is their real enemy. The loopholed, ignored con-stitution was never a worry to them because it was probably their creation.

A dictatorship would not be necessary, just a few simple to understand constitutional amendments, such as: no more ‘gun control;’ no more socialism of any kind; no more income tax on any level; no tolerance of commie/authoritarian front groups because in reality there’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work to enslave those around you; a strict definition of what government property is and should be; a militia force to make sure the granite gallows in front of every government building doesn’t fall into disuse. It’s not rocket science.

Will it be easy? Will it make a ‘perfect world?’ The doctor that oversaw your momma squeezing you out didn’t hand you a warranty guaranteeing you a rose garden. It’s time to wake up and grow up and get over it because nobody’s gonna get beamed up.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’