FK – Dumbo is a long recognized moron here in Kentucky. Let’s hope the election really means something and the sheeple didn’t just hire a bunch of RINOs.
Tag Archives: democrats
Hillary Voters Love Sharia Law
FK – So who or what are our real enemies? Are they hiding in a hole on the other side of the world?
It’s way past time to require something to vote besides just showing up with half a brain:
What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’
Swedish Politician says the Country is ‘Facing Collapse’ Due to Mass Influx of Muslim Refugees
FK – This is news? In what way?
Our real enemies were born here, have white skin and vote to kill all those who think this is supposed to be a ‘free country.’ We’ve had the internet for 20 years. There’s no excuse for the willful ignorance any more.
The End Of The U.S Empire Is Here
FK – Who can make war against the Beast? We’d better, or it will consume us.
FK – So who really runs Saudi? The empire could roll over them militarily in less than a week, probably much less. Why hasn’t it done this? Who or what is really in control of the oil?
Tell Congress to End Sanctuary Cities
The recent shooting death by an illegal alien who had been previously deported from the U.S. 5 times, highlights the federal government’s refusal to enforce our country’s existing immigration laws. Please end the existence of so-called “sanctuary cities” by supporting S.1842 that would require cities and states to cooperate with federal immigration agents.
The Obama Administration’s recent decision to end the Secure Communities program that allowed federal immigration agents to detain illegal aliens held at state and local jails is only part of the problem. More than 200 cities refuse to cooperate with federal immigration agents, and the Obama Administration has done nothing to prevent them from doing so.
But Congress shares the blame as well. For years, bills have been introduced to end “sanctuary cities”, but lawmakers have done nothing. I urge you to prevent future tragedies committed by criminal illegal aliens and support S.1842, introduced by Sens. Jeff Sessions and Ron Johnson, that would end “sanctuary jurisdictions” once and for all!
FK – Click on the link, send the message…
GOP divided, Democrats united…
FK – The republicrat party was the original party of big govt. Read “The Real Lincoln.” Both parties are infiltrated by globalist, communist, elites and/or their tools. Nothing short of a real physical cleansing is gonna fix this mess if it can be fixed.
Our country is Doomed
FK – It will be up to the tiny minority as it always is:
Free Kentucky Column: What must be done A manifesto of the ‘isms.’
As far as the border goes, fences work both ways. End the programs they come to sign up for. Make it easier for them to legally come to work, without voting rights. See my column.
American corporations didn’t move their factories to Mexico, Latin America and Asia because they felt sorry for peasants.
The Founders would spit on us for our cowardice.
Allegedly the govt.s are insolvent. So with or without civil war your check may not be a guaranteed thing anyway.
The preachers are whores. If Jesus was walking the streets today most of them would be screaming the loudest to kill him again.
The human race must stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism.
Hillary Clinton Supporters Actually Don’t Support Hillary
FK – Time to stop stupid sheeple from voting. One of those things that must be done.
Clintons Made A Whopping $25 MILLION Making Speeches Over 16 Months
FK – Made the mistake of voting for klinton in 92 when it said it was against NAFTA. That was the only reason. Then of course it pushed NAFTA through ‘the party of the little man’ congress and signed it and bragged about it. See the Wikipedia entry on NAFTA. That was the real beginning of my political enlightenment. Haven’t voted for a mainstream candidate for prez since. No more NWO hacks in the now red house.
Keeping the inter-generational constituents happy:
FK – If I’m not mistaken most food stamp recipients are white so it’s definitely a racist program.
Soon You Might Be Able To Receive Food Stamps Over The Phone
The report says that the increase of participants from 17 million in 2000 to nearly 47 million recipients in 2014 is one reason why the application process should be made easier and less costly, but others have argued that more relaxed entry requirements into the program are the very reason it has expanded so much.
“The evidence suggests that much of the increase was due not to the economy[,] but to deliberate policy choices by both federal and state governments, which loosened eligibility standards and actively sought new participants,” a report from the libertarian Cato Institute detailed. “At the same time, evidence that the expansion of SNAP has significantly reduced hunger or improved nutrition among low-income Americans is scant at best.”
FK – Of course, the commies are creating more inter-generational constituents.
The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients
And one from the other side:
FK – No more NWO hacks. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter. Questions for your candidate.
Communist Defector Says KGB Created “Liberation Theology”
Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former three-star general in Romania’s Securitate, or secret police, said he first learned of liberation theology during meetings with Nikita Khrushchev and General Aleksandr Sakharovsky, then chief director of the KGB, when Sakharovsky accompanied the Soviet premier on a six-day visit to Romania in October of 1959.
“Khrushchev wanted to go down in history as the Soviet leader who had exported communism to Central and South America,” Pacepa said in a May 1 interview with the Catholic News Agency. “Romania was the only Latin country in the Soviet bloc, and Khrushchev wanted to enroll her ‘Latin leaders’ in his new ‘liberation’ war.”
Sakharovsky was little known to the world at large during the “hot years” of the Cold War, when secrecy was so highly valued that not all the members of the British and Israeli governments knew the heads of their own intelligence agencies, Pacepa said. But Sakharovsky played a key role in the East-West conflict as an architect of the export of communism to Cuba, the Berlin crisis and the building of the infamous wall, and the Cuban missile crisis that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, Pacepa said.
Liberation theology “was born in the KGB, and it had a KGB-invented name,” the former general said. During those years, the KGB had a penchant for “liberation” movements, he noted, citing as examples the “National Liberation Army of Columbia created by the KGB with help from Fidel Castro; the National Liberation Army of Bolivia, created by the KGB with help from ‘Che’ Guevara; and the Palestine Liberation Organization created by the KGB with help from Yasser Arafat.”
FK – Oh, but communism is dead. Dan Rather said so.
US Iran Tense at Hormuz Strait, Fed Not Raising Rates, TPP Bad Deal, Jade Helm Laughs
FK – The entire situation over there is bizarre. When will the empire overthrow the Saudis? Why haven’t they already? What’s the real reason the unmentionables were allowed, encouraged, to take back their ‘promised land’ based on 3000-year-old tribal propaganda when most of the settlers in the early days were European socialists?
They’re all pretending to be against the TPP. Remember what side of the deception controlled the congress and now red house when NAFTA was shoved down our throats? Yep, that’s right, ‘the party of the little man.’ What did klinton claim in it’s first campaign? “I’m agains NAFTA,” then shoved it through congress and bragged about signing it.
The red house press whores are there at their masters’ approval. They don’t ask inappropriate questions.
If we’re lucky commiefornia will slide into the ocean, at least the far western urban parts. If not it will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered. Simple fact.
Congressman Steve King: How can Jews ‘be Democrats first and Jewish second’?
“There were some 50 or so Democrats that decided they would boycott [Netanyahu’s] speech … I don’t understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their president,” King told Boston Herald Radio’s “Boston Herald Drive” program.
“It says this, they’re knee-jerk supporters of the president’s policy,” the congressman added.
When asked on the show if anti-Semitism was a factor – it’s not clear whether the host was referring to Obama’s policies – King said yes, alongside “plain liberalism,” according to CNN.
FK – If you’re living in the United States and don’t put this country and our Liberty and the Bill of Rights first you don’t belong here much less deserve to be here!!!!!