Tag Archives: democracy

More Than A Million New Yorkers May Get The Right To Vote For The First Time

The city council is currently drafting legislation that could be introduced as soon as this spring which would permit noncitizens who are legally documented residents to vote in municipal elections, according to The Guardian. Non-citizens currently make up around 21 percent of the voting age population of the city and almost one million of the 1.3 million non-citizens in New York are documented immigrants who would be enfranchised by the law change.

The proposal, which has been discussed since 2013, would let legal immigrants who have lived in the city for six months or more vote in municipal elections if they met the state’s voting requirements.

“New York immigrants contribute around $18.2 billion in New York state taxes annually, and that’s a sizable proportion of people with no representation in the city they invest in,” Joanna Cuevas Ingram, an attorney for LatinoJustice and a member of the Coalition to Expand Voting Rights, told ThinkProgress.

FK – Well, they may not be much more stupid than the average voter in that cesspool.

Barry Bright: Questions for your candidate

Questions for your candidate
Barry Bright March 22, 2015

It’s that time again. Not only are we beginning to hear the same old lies in the 4-year-cycle of the misled mal-educated sheeples’ attempt to elect a king to magically solve all their problems for them but this spring’s primary season is popping its collectivist heads out of the still muddy half-frozen earth.

So in that spirit I dreamed up some questions and answers that should be demanded of all whom seek to rule over us:

What’s the primary purpose of any elected, hired or appointed public servant?
Answer: To uphold their Oath to protect the Bill of Rights and the constitution of their state and the constitution of the United States. Everything, that’s the ‘everything’ that’s in the dictionary, comes second. Can’t live with that? Stay out of OUR government.

What’s a conservative?
Answer: Read the U.S. Constitution and the constitution of the state you’re campaigning in and stay within those boundaries without making up a bunch of horse manure about a ‘living breathing document.’

Who will my employers be once I am elected?
Answer: We the People

What rights do ‘We the People’ have concerning the fate of an elected public servant that oversteps his bounds, breaks her oath, lies like a rug, proves as ‘transparent’ as catfish dung on the bottom of the river?
Answer: Whatever they deem necessary, from voting me out, to imprisonment to execution to showing up with the required force of citizens armed in an equal or superior way to the average soldier to drag me down the capital steps, provide a speedy treason trial and turn me into tree food.

Why are you to be called a ‘public servant’ and not an ‘official’ after taking office?
Answer: Because the word ‘official’ causes the simple minded to falsely, foolishly think/believe that somehow the government office holder is ‘over’ them in some capacity or another.

What is ‘law?’
Answer: If ‘We the People’ are really in charge then ‘the law’ is what they ultimately say it is, not a row of black-robed shysters some or most of whom are guaranteed to have an authoritarian bent in one direction or another and will bend ‘the law’ to their evil desires. ‘We the People’ are the final arbiters of their rights, not a row of ‘judges.’ (If the candidate says it’s a book by Frédéric Bastiat then there might be some hope but there are no guarantees.)

What is ‘justice?’
Answer: It’s not ‘just-us.’ Leaving people the hell alone unless they have actually harmed someone or their property. It’s not railroading victims into prison in the name of quotas, profits, political careers, political power or some false morality.

What is ‘democracy?’
Answer: A lie. Another form of manipulation. Two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Spreading ‘democracy’ means spreading misery and war and fooling the peasantry into thinking they’re better off when they can elect their masters who are approved by the elites rather than having a Bill of Rights the governments are forced at the point of a gun in the average person’s hands to respect and adhere to.

What is liberty?
Answer: A well armed sheep contesting the vote. The right to fight back and say “No, Hell No! We’re not gonna do it that way anymore!” In other words any person’s Liberty is based on their most basic right, the right to self defense that any creature possesses, whether it be against predators from any government, the street or the darkest forest or the biggest mansion on any hill or any other institution known to so-called civilization.

What is taxation?
Answer: Theft.

What is an income tax?
Answer: Illegal and unconstitutional in any form because it’s the second plank of the Communist Manifesto. When ‘they’ are stealing ‘their’ money out of your paycheck before it even reaches your hands you’re a slave.

What is the ‘drug war’ or the ‘war on terror?’
Answer: Neither would exist if the ‘right’ people on all sides weren’t making money or increasing their power over ‘We the People.’ Thus we need to end them and concentrate on our real enemies, our domestic blood enemies who have been working to destroy our republic from within since its inception.

What is a ‘budget?’
Answer: What do truly responsible parents tell their five-year old when they give him a dollar? Do they say, “Run down the street to the store and buy twenty bucks worth of groceries and tell the clerk you’ll send your kids to pay the rest in 30 years?”

What is ‘foreign policy?’
Answer: A recognition that even though we live in a dangerous world with no ‘safe’ places it’s still not our responsibility to attempt to dictate how everyone else on this planet should live nor is it the government’s responsibility to ensure every or any corporate entity a ‘good business climate’ or profit from war.

What is ‘the golden rule?’
Answer: Not, ‘those with the gold, rule.’ The golden rule is a great thing properly applied. The problem with it is that many don’t mind being enslaved, abused, killed, for one ’cause’ or another thus they have no problem seeing those things done to others. Some evil creatures among us will claim/ask “Can’t we all be reasonable or pass ‘common sense’ laws?” So-called reasonable people often agree to enslave everyone around them and few laws have any purpose other than to increase the power of the state.

When you’re dismounting Air Force One or Helicopter One or whatever they call it do you A: Splash your latte on the Marines in a half-assed salute. B: Do a Somersault down the steps and land on your head and hope it improves your thinking ability. C: Slide down the banister and dive into the presidential limousine before the sniper can get a shot off. D: All the above because you’re the man who told us “Yes we can.”

We all know the answer to that one…


FK – We need to stop looking for a hero to save us and stop waiting on ‘someone’ else to do what it’s every member’s of a supposed ‘free republic’ right, duty and responsibility to stand up and do.

If the ‘man’ in front of you falls in one of the battles of this war, what do you do then?

FK – Don’t miss my ‘10 Rules for the voting booth‘ and ‘Stages of political awareness

“In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant.” —Charles de Gaulle

“Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.” – Daniel Webster

“Anybody that wants the Presidency so much that he’ll spend two years organizing and campaigning for it is not to be trusted with the office.” — David Broder (1929- ) Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author, television talk show pundit, and university professor

And demand your ‘candidate’ read my quotes page. If they come back to you and keep arguing for the destruction of our rights then you know what will be required.


Gun Rights Haters Try To Learn About Guns

You read the title correctly, Delaware County United for Sensible Gun Policy (Delco United) held their “Firearms 101 Presentation” Monday night (02/02/2015) in Springfield, PA. They figure if they gain a little book knowledge about guns they’ll have more credibility. OK, stop laughing, you have an article to read.

A page from the handout questioning
the nonexistent gun show loophole

As you can see by following the link above, the presenter,
Larry Glick, is well credentialed being a former law enforcement officer and a former National Rifle Association member. Unfortunately, my request to video his presentation was denied. Let me start with one of the most most important things that he said, “there is no gun show loophole”. He went to great lengths to explain that the idea that there are many gun sales going on at gun shows with no background checks performed is false. Glick very directly told the Delco United people not to pursue that angle. Let’s let that sink in for a moment. At a meeting of one of the major gun rights hating groups in the Philadelphia area the speaker debunked one of the biggest lies that gun rights haters put out.

The evening started out interestingly enough. When I first got there Terry Rumsey and Robin Lasersohn, Co-Chairs of Delco United, recognized me as the leader of the Open Carry Counter-Rally For Gun Rights that stole the thunder from their march and rally for universal background checks in Media, PA last June. They took me aside and expressed their concern that I might try to disrupt their meeting. “We don’t want people being afraid of being mocked when they ask questions”, is how I recall Robin Lasersohn putting it. After agreeing to behave, which was my intention all along, I was allowed to stay.

FK – My comments, mostly in response to comments on the column linked above:

The most ‘private property’ anyone possesses is their own body/life/health. No piece of mindless pacified trash has any ‘right’ to tell us we can’t defend ourselves where ever we are.

If the creatures can’t or won’t ‘accept our guns’ they don’t belong here. There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to destroy our most basic right.

The ‘non-aggression’ principle is pacifist Bravo Sierra. Of course we shouldn’t attack ‘peaceful’ people or always resort to violence first if there is a true viable alternative, but if I learn a group is planning to come attack me I have every right, duty and responsibility to destroy them in place if I’m able.

The Ameri-commies, the “Liberal”(commie) trash, are working openly to destroy this country and rob us of the Bill of Rights, which wasn’t written by Libertarians. They will happily send their black-suited Nazis, soldiers, to kill us for refusing to obey their evil laws despite their false pacifism.

Carry anyway and lie to your domestic blood enemies, because it’s their nature to lie to you.

All warfare is based on deception. – Sun Tzu


More news from this multi-front war:

Vermont ‘gun control’ push draws organized opposition

As Moms gather in Olympia, MoveOn.org launches library gun ban effort

Some of the morons:

FK – Is that a neutered male standing to the right of the purple cow? And what about that shifty eyed nutbar standing behind the propagandist? Have they been vetted for voting, the most violent act anyone can engage in?

Here’s a real mom, and a real woman:


FK – Who would you want home alone with your kids, the purple brain-dead cow or the hot red-head who knows how to shoot?

A little good news:

Federal court rules interstate handgun transfer ban unconstitutional

FK – Unfortunately we’re still operating under their evil system and their evil laws. Too many cowards in the ‘gun rights’ movement to openly demand the repeal of all ‘gun laws’ I suppose much less construct the organization that will be necessary to do what will be required.

This guy has bigger gonads than most of us: