Tag Archives: deleting accounts

The REAL reason for the Alex Jones, InfoWars ban — and why more purges are coming

FK – It’s all propaganda, for good or bad or something in between. I’ll kill if necessary for your free speech but you have NO RIGHT to work covertly or overtly to further enslave, completely enslave, everyone around you.

The average dumbass has no understanding of this as do very few patriots.

They are our enemies. We should be eradicating them, not tolerating them. The ‘left’ understands this. They know they’re at war. Do you?

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

And I’ve been called every name in the playbook for exercising my ‘free speech.’

Really I think the fact that many don’t like Jones’ ‘style’ is further evidence of the pacification/pussification of our populace.

Even if Jones is an actor someone that can’t understand passion and anger over something so critical as our Liberty is a pathetic creature.

Again, we should be hunting them by now. But there are no men here.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

The killer bees of fake news