FK – For the zillionth time: They’re not ‘liberal,’ there’s nothing ‘liberal’ about the commies. They’re evil authoritarians and our failure to treat them as such is what’s killing us.
I saw her and her van at a tea party event in Frankfort a few years back. That’s a few too many bumper stickers for my taste, and I’ve been accused of being ‘tacky’ by the brain dead for having too many on my vehicle.
FK – After reading Kevin McAlister’s comment below it seems obvious that what I’ve felt about some of the Founders for some time is indeed true. They made a great leap forward, such a great leap that many today are obviously incapable of understanding much less valuing what they accomplished for us yet they were products of their time and monarchical culture whereby the elites made all the decisions and the unwashed masses were expected to know their place.
Washington was referred to as ‘his excellency’ during his term of office, our military still has an officer class that holds the power of life and death over the enlisted and the American flag flew over slavery for another 80 years until the blacks were elevated to another form of slavery and we were lowered to that same level by the results of a war that was waged over the power to tax as most are.
So it’s no surprise that our government, 200 plus years after its founding, still clings to many old world ways especially in the arena of foreign policy and war making though our empire is a far more humane colonizer than many of the past. Well, at least we don’t pull up outside a city’s gates and blatantly demand “Surrender or we’ll kill you all.” We just go to war for some excuse and kill millions for the false paradigm of democracy when the diplomats and spies and NGOs and corporate raiders et al fail to colonize by other means.
And on top of that we have, in a supposed free country. a group, ethnicity, race, religion, political organization whatever it really is, that we’re not allowed to question. This is preposterous to evil especially when considering that millions of ignorant mush heads think its OK because this tribe’s ancient tribal propaganda commands them to support them no matter what.
It’s a sickening horrifying situation. The ‘great deception’ has been with us for a long time. It’s nothing new.
Trump will do just as every U.S, president / Federal government has done. Make deals with foreign countries behind closed doors. We peons do not get invited in these negotiation whether it be France, Haiti, Britain, Israel, Panama, China, Russia, Venezuela, Argentina, Guam, Puerto Rico, Japan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, et cetera. Hell, we are not even provided with the minutes of the meetings. Seems like they could at least televise it along the same lines as what they do on C-Span. It’s all SO private, and yet they claim they are a representative government. We have no freaking idea exactly what they are saying with corporate leaders in say, Iran or Mongolia. We do not know what they are negotiating when they fly to Hong Kong or Taiwan to meet with their political counterparts. It is all hush hush, yet they claim to be representing us. Trump has said that he already has a team of his own picking to lead this international corporate brigade. Ok, who are they?? What is the plan and what will be negotiated behind closed doors in foreign countries? Can all Americans listen-in on these trade / political deals? I am pretty sure I already know the answers to my questions.
I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.
FK – I’d like to see/hear the entire speech by Avnery. I can’t find it on youtube.
How sad and pathetic that millions would be too scared to even watch this because of the multi-headed beast of the news/entertainment media and organized and clearly infiltrated religion that produces fear in the minds of the ignorant via key terms and phrases.
We’re going to have to fight our way to light at the end of the tunnel. Time to wake up and grow up.
Is their empire really crumbling?
FK – Nothing will get better until we become a nation of men again and develop the resolve to do what will be required. Too many are still in denial of this reality.
His vid on oil:
FK – Gas needs to be affordable.
Some other points that shouldn’t be ignored:
FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!
And I’d bet those sailors didn’t wander in, they were likely on a mission. They didn’t look like normal sailors to me.
FK – You want to ‘heal’ the country? Really? Start by actually reading the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It says each state is guaranteed a ‘republican form of government,’ not ‘democracy.’ The word ‘democracy’ is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND in any of the Founding documents.
Democracy is another form of manipulation, like religion, designed to help keep the slaves working by convincing them they have a voice when they don’t, especially in the presidential race. Karl Marx wrote in his manifesto that “Democracy is the road to socialism.”
Surely these people are capable of realizing that the communist/globalist insurgency has long used minorities of all kinds to achieve their evil goals by deceiving them into thinking they are working toward ‘freedom’ when the opposite is their goal?
So what exactly would a ‘more perfect union’ entail? For some odd reason they don’t mention that. We can guess can’t we? Commie propaganda is typically feel good horse manure that doesn’t really say/mean anything but it’s still lapped up by the gullible who prefer a pretend easy solution to their problems or a ‘savior’ instead of waking up and growing up and taking personal responsibility for the world they exist in.
It’s time to demand Liberty.
What are you really pledging allegiance to?:
FK – I’m really disappointed that he didn’t mention the definition of the world ‘allegiance‘ and it’s root word ‘liege‘ and what it means:
The Wikipedia entry on the our ‘pledge of fealty‘ is interesting as well.
We should be teaching kids about patriotism, to human Liberty, not a piece of ground and certainly not to any government or a piece of cloth that long ago lost its meaning.
The American soldier or fighting man hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.
What does all this lead to?:
FK – Trump may be what so many seem to hope he is but I wouldn’t bet a moldy sandwich on it. Millions will vote for Trump for the same reason millions voted for the Marxist mutt. They want someone or some thing that strokes their emotions and makes them ‘feel’ better or ‘safe’ and that most of all alleviates them of real responsibility for what happens in the world around them.
FK – How many are arrogant “Liberal”(commie) trash that want to vote for Trump because they know it’s a ringer or a faker or a fellow traveler?
We want to think it’s because hitlery has actually admitted it wants to attempt to disarm the civilian population and thus start a civil war, that should be a restoration of the Bill of Rights and of human Liberty. I fear we and they will be disappointed.
But with so many among us that have this kind of mentality?:
FK – Where can I get a video game that lets me shoot video game creators?
In a country that calls this, the killing of real if misguided patriots, ‘entertainment,’ and votes for demagogues and those who use religion to gain the favor of the ignorant:
FK – “A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.” – Aristotle
No, I’m not calling Cruz a tyrant. He has a good to great voting record on some issues. I can’t trust his wife, a former wall streeter. GOA did endorse him and I might very well vote for him against a commiecrat. But when people vote based on their religion we have a real problem.
When ever some one or some creature demands you ‘fear’ them then you know it considers you to be a slave.
I could only stand to watch about half that last vid as I generally find political speeches to be a waste of time:
What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.
FK – The question is why does the vatican have a telescope if they blindly believe their ancient tribal propaganda as they expect their ignorant flock to do? Maybe they have an idea from all the ancient scrolls or whatever they keep locked away in their libraries that the ancient tribal propaganda isn’t so inerrant after all.
The simple-minded would rather die than actually think about the world/universe(s?) around them. The vatican/elite/globalist/bankster leadership certainly knows this. They want the tithes/taxes to keep coming in and the slaves to keep working.
When ‘disclosure’ or whatever occurs the church(es) will simply find a new verse to explain it or create a new ‘interpretation’ as they always do so the simple-minded can regurgitate as if it actually means something. Nothing much will change except that those of us who do actually attempt to give a damn about something that matters besides some sadistic asshole of a god that’s going to ‘save’ us from itself will have a whole new set of issues/problems to try to follow/understand.
“Artificially extending childhood is the way schools cripple the majority of our population life long. Many parents have been gulled into assisting this procedure, don’t you be one of them.” – John Taylor Gatto
Don’t know if he actually said/wrote it but it fits. There are many ways of being a child.
FK – The unfortunate fact that the elites understand is that most parents are children. It’s always been that way. Probably always will be.
The question is who or what has control over what is written on the blank slates.
FK – There’s nothing new about this. It’s just that the elites need a population of biological robots that are just indoctrinated well enough to read and pay their electric bills and keep paying their taxes and tithes.
The popularity gene comes from evolutionary biology. The monkey that didn’t go along to get along didn’t get the banana or the sex.
FK – Oh but we can’t question the chosen ones… We might have to surrender our slave mentality.
I call them the unmentionables.
In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.
FK – The current quest for the idiot vote is replete with morons. Well, some of them may be smart enough to understand the evil they do. Good tools don’t have to be smart, just efficient.
FK – In the birther movement? At least he did something right. LEOs in Arizona have proven the illegitimacy of the Marxist Mutt’s ‘birth certificate.’ The Marxist mutt’s daddy was probably an amerikan commie activist. Look it up.
It’s possible Trump has really developed something of a ‘conscience’ by whatever definition but I wouldn’t bet a rotten moldy cold baloney sammich on it.
While I think it’s his right to own a casino if he chooses those places aren’t built to give money away, but to take it from idiots.
Hey, if it wins we can park Air Force One for a few years and save millions on transport of the latest tool.
FK – Trump is a ringer or some version thereof. The desperate mal-educated half awake ‘tea partiers’ are grasping at straws like the cowards they are instead of standing up like real men and women and doing what will be required to take our country back.
I call them the unmentionables: In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.
Rodger only used ten-round magazines during his attack.
According to The Sacramento Bee, the ballot proposition would also make it illegal for anyone other than a Federal Firearm License (FFL) holder to sell ammunition, thus guaranteeing that ammunition background checks would be done on every sale and enable the state government to know where every round was going. The initiative is also designed to put in place a system for confiscating guns from those “prohibited from owning them” and would force citizens to report lost or stolen firearms to law enforcement.
FK – My standard answer:
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.
Will your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ vote for this kind of garbage? Let me give you a hint, they’re not you’re friends. When they vote they vote to kill you:
FK – See my standard answer above. Such cowards we have in this country. This trash should’ve been executed for treason decades ago.
FK – Hell, I think I’ll run for president. Everybody else is. I have a better record than most of them… But like Bro. Nathaniel I’d need extremely good security.