Tag Archives: crime

.45 ACP vs 9mm: 14 Experts Give Their Answers

Our round table of military, law enforcement and other industry experts answers the age-old debate between .45 ACP and 9mm ammo.

Of the many debatable topics of conversation in the firearms world, one that pops up a lot more often than others, relates to caliber. To be more specific, we’re talking about the age-old debate between 9x19mm Parabellum and .45 ACP.

Yes, it’s a classic argument that pits small caliber (9mm) versus large (.45 ACP) and extra capacity versus brute stopping power. While there are many varied opinions on this topic, we turned to a trusted panel of industry experts to weigh-in with their opinions on the matter.

FK – I have to agree with the ‘experts.’ It’s all about what feels good to you and what you can hit with. I carried a .40 for a while and never liked the recovery time due to recoil. When the average person knows they’re hit and sees blood they’re out of the fight. A .45 might be good to keep handy in the car if carjackings are an issue where you live or commute but most 9mms are easier to carry, handle and have more rounds for better crowd control.


The Second Amendment Foundation is disappointed that federal Judge Benjamin H. Settle today dismissed without prejudice our lawsuit challenging provisions of Initiative 594, the 18-page gun control measure passed in Washington State last November.

However, SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb noted that in reaching his decision, Judge Settle acknowledged that “The Court is sympathetic to Plaintiffs in that one must actually be prosecuted or under actual or immediate threat of prosecution before the Court may address the constitutionality of a statute.” The judge further observed that “the fairness of this rule may definitely be questioned…”

“It is mind boggling that a law-abiding citizen evidently must put their civil rights, not to mention their clean criminal record, at risk before a court can rule whether a law is constitutional,” Gottlieb observed. “It is definitely unfair, and we believe every American will think it unfair that someone has to be chained and incarcerated before they are allowed to challenge an attack on their constitutional rights.

FK – There’s nothing ‘mind boggling’ about it. We’re at war. Our domestic blood enemies want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and eradicate them after enough finally see the necessity of doing so. That’s all it’s ever been about. The crime issue is a red herring, an excuse to persuade the ignorant.

Recall Efforts Underway for Oregon Lawmakers Who Supported SB 941

URGENT: Obama’s Top Secret ‘Fast Track’ Bill Authorizes TOTAL Gun Control… Read More HERE



FK – Why would someone that smart bother with shyster school, all that debt with no guarantee of a job?

Chuckie Schemer is the real danger. It should’ve been tried for treason and executed years ago. But ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ lack the brains to work together and the backbone necessary to form the militia force that would be necessary to do what will be required.

GOA Alert: Massie Bill Would Keep Our Kids Safe

It’s become a world-wide problem:  A university in Kenya where 147 students were recently gunned down.

A newspaper publisher in France where over 20 people were either murdered or injured.

Or the long list of schools in the United States where unarmed students and teachers alike are relegated to the status of “sitting ducks,” while armed gunmen — who ignore laws banning guns — carefully and methodically execute innocent people.

Colorado state representative Patrick Neville (R-Castle Rock) knows something about school shootings.

You see, Neville was a student at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.  On that tragic day, two disaffected students killed 13 unarmed victims, and injured more than 20 others.

The victims included students and teachers, boys and girls, but all of them had one thing in common:  They were shot down like “sitting ducks” in a gun-free school zone — a place where teachers and staff were prohibited by law from defending their lives and the lives of their students.

Clearly, the fact that Columbine High School was a “gun-free zone” didn’t mean that Columbine would be free of guns.  It only meant that the “good guys” wouldn’t have guns.

FK – The ‘world wide problem’ is the “Liberal”(commie) trash in the government schools that keep children from learning the realities of the dangerous world we exist in.

US police killed more people in March than UK did in 20th century – report

FK – The numbers are likely true but ‘Think Progress‘ is a commie site. It’s staff and ownership should be kicked out of this country. Yes we can!

The amerikan communist insurgency will happily send the cops and soldiers it professes to hate so much to kill those who refuse to comply with their commie laws.

If you value Human Liberty when a piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash votes it votes to kill you.

Governments will always be able to get guns. That’s why we need to be better armed than they are, always.

Gun Rights Champion: GOP Leaders Are The ‘Most Spineless Group Of Urchins’ One Can Imagine

According to Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment supporters are telling him the “Republican Party is an enormous disappointment.”

He continued, “People elected them to come and stop Barack Obama. They said that was the one thing they would do.”

“They are the most spineless group of urchins that ever could have been imagined,” Pratt declared. “They signed up for the job and now they’re MIA.”

Pratt is calling for more primary challenges to the Republicans who said one thing and then changed when they got to Washington. He thinks “we need 100 more like David Brat,” the college professor who campaigned, challenged and beat Eric Cantor in a primary last June.

FK – Mr. Pratt shouldn’t insult urchins like that.

Man with concealed carry stops slaughter

Harry Reid to retire, will not be seeking re-election; he served for 5 terms

FK – For once a piece of trash realizes when it’s too old and won’t die in office.

Harry Reid endorses Chuck Schumer to be the next Senate Democratic leader

FK – That’s like trading a leech for a poisonous snake. But it will be even more hated by middle America so that’s a good thing.

Kroger CFO: We Reject Moms Demand Action’s Push To Disarm Our Customers

Newtown Destroys Suspected Sandy Hook Shooter’s Home

[VIDEO] Rape Survivor Confronts Maryland Lawmakers On Concealed Carry, Leaves Them Speechless


Inconvenient truths about Jones’ successor at ATF warrant investigation

No great loss to 2A advocates as Harry hits the road…except

FK – Schemer’s arrogance can be used to our advantage. It’s hatred of middle America should be better publicized.

Zimmerman statement coverage highlights media shallowness

FK – The elites have controlled the newswhores for 100 years, then the commies infiltrated in the later decades and by the 60s and 70s there was no such thing as an ‘unbiased’ reporter, not that there really was before that. Most to all American newspapers were founded to support one party or cause or another. It’s more to do with human nature than ‘freedom of the press.’ There’s no mention of a ‘press pass’ in the First Amendment by the way…

Ann Coulter: Why Is Congress Worrying About ISIS When Illegals Are Killing People Every Day Right Here In America?

You can always tell the media are hiding something when they obsessively focus on Muslim atrocities someplace else in the world. Cable TV could cover Muslim atrocities 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from 632 A.D. to the end of time, without repeating themselves.

For at least a year after 9/11, I used to turn on the TV, and if I saw a “Survivor” contestant, I’d think, “Good. No news.” These days, I turn on the TV, and if I see former U.N. ambassador John Bolton, I think, “Good. No news.”

By now, the public knows more about ISIS than they know about the Kardashians. But it has no idea that the very same Senate Democrats who claimed to oppose Obama’s amnesty when they were campaigning are currently filibustering a bill to defund it, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready to cave.

FK – So where are our real enemies? Might they be the ones who write the ‘laws’ that allow all this?

Republicans start to renege on numerous promises

FK – Didn’t vote for McConnell, knew better.

We must get across to those assholes that we don’t send them up there to stand around with their fingers in the dike.

FK – At least with Frank, ya’ know what ya’ got.

Defense fund grows for NJ man busted by cops over antique pistol

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb issued a bristling press release late yesterday, stating that the case is “appalling.” If convicted, Van Gilder faces up to ten years in prison, amounting to a life sentence for the septuagenarian.

“New Jersey was the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights,” Gottlieb observed, “and apparently the last state to recognize it. New Jersey officials need to be reminded that their state is still part of the United States, not a police state.”

But the nationally-known Second Amendment advocate went farther, noting, “This case underscores the vicious nature of gun law enforcement in New Jersey.” He pointed to the case of Shaneen Allen, the single mom from Philadelphia who was arrested last year for having her legally-owned and legally-licensed handgun after crossing into New Jersey on a social visit. Nappen also represented Allen, an African-American woman with a clean record, in a case that attracted national attention.

Van Gilder’s case is “sitting with the prosecutor,” Nappen said. “This case speaks volumes about the absurdity of gun laws in New Jersey.”

This morning, Van Gilder’s defense fund had grown to more than $14,000 of a $25,000 goal. The National Rifle Association’s NRA News has done a story on Van Gilder’s dilemma that is streaking across YouTube.

FK – “Streaking across YouTube.” Considering some of the stuff that’s on there I’m getting a not too pleasant visual…

Man, 72, faces ‘life sentence’ for unloaded, antique gun

FK – Maybe someone I know is right when he says we need to put the trash responsible for this kind of evil on a rock pile in Montana, for as long as they exist in this realm.

New York Times anti-gun agenda not limited to editorial page

Obama acting like ‘dictator in chief,’ Gottlieb asserts

FK – Some slightly better news:

Moms Demand Action Loses Again: TX Gov. Abbott Says He Will Sign Open Carry Law

‘Anti-gun’ attorney arrested for gun at airport

FK – And some questionable legislation?:

House panel fast-tracking bill to eliminate death penalty

FK – This is your answer: Search Kirk Bloodsworth. Read his Wikipedia page.

He spoke at a TBK meeting a few months back. I asked him if he was in favor of the death penalty for any reason. His answer is that once you kill an innocent man you can’t get him back. You can release an innocent man from prison, but not from the grave.

Our ‘just-us’ system is completely untrustworthy. It railroads people into prison on a regular basis. It’s set up that way. Prosecutors and cops are more interested in their records or quotas than in justice. Most convictions are on ‘circumstantial evidence.’ Even eye witnesses can’t always be trusted, simple fact.

We need a granite gallows in front of every govt. building in this country and the death penalty for elected, hired or appointed public servants who break their oaths to uphold the Bill of Rights and a militia force in every county to enforce it and make sure the granite gallows don’t fall into disuse.

‘Conservatives’ need to learn that the govt. can’t be trusted no matter which party is in control.

Cities repealing overreaching gun laws across Pennsylvania

Doylestown, Bethlehem, Allentown and Liberty, includes the list of dozens of cities across the Keystone State that are in the process of scrapping illegal laws to comply with an National Rifle Association-backed preemption measure.

The municipalities are scrambling due to Act 192, signed into law last year by Gov. Tom Corbett (R). As outlined in the language of the law, member groups such as the NRA can stand in for local citizens in challenging ordinances in court that exceed the state’s own gun laws.

The gun rights group at the time called the bill “the strongest firearms preemption statute in the country” and a “much-needed protection for gun owners in the Keystone State.”

In the scant weeks since its enactment, towns from one side of the state to the other have dusted off their laws and evaluated them for compliance.

FK – Every state needs pre-emption on gun laws and a militia force in every county to conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season because our domestic blood enemies are never satisfied with a small slice of our cake, our our Liberty:


Bloomberg Suggests Banning Young Minority Males from Gun Ownership

FK – The evil gun laws, that should ‘all’ be repealed, already ban youth from carrying handguns. If a 16-year-old has the responsibility to drive a 2000 lb vehicle down the highway that same young adult has the right to defend herself.

Indiana Takes First Step To Become Constitutional Carry State

Constitutional Carry is the precedent currently set in 5 states which dictates that a law abiding citizen needs no permission or permit from the government to exercise their God given right to keep and bear arms.

Alaska, Wyoming, Vermont, Arizona and Arkansas may have a new state joining their ranks if State Rep. Jim Lucas of Indiana has anything to say about it.

Lucas has introduced House Bill 1144 which would strike down the permitting scheme currently in place and would repeal whole chunks of the nearly 30 pages of laws dealing with carrying firearms.

Most important among them is the “poll tax” that requires law abiding citizens to pay for the ability to exercise their rights.  Colloquially known as purchasing a carry permit.

FK – A right applied for is a privilege.