Tag Archives: creationism

An Agnostic’s Case For Religion

FK – That or similar thinking has also led to a lot of evil. In light of current science, however politicized, no sane or intelligent person can argue for a young earth or a flat earth or a global flood, at least as it’s described in the borrowed version found in the ancient Hebrew tribal propaganda.

I see religionists lie all the time to themselves as much as to those around them, and the only reason I can figure is that they must see some societal need for their version, sub-version or subversion.

All cultures have/had a moral code of sorts. The Greek warriors thought they were doing the manly thing in taking on a young male lover who they’d also train in the art of their version of manhood.

The Spartans had a slightly different code which basically taught their young men to steal if necessary as a normal act of warfare and their girls/young women were as naked on the athletic field as the boys.

All the insanity spewing from the commie globalist propagandists is another attempt to replace one form of so-called morality with another, one that ignored real issues that most were afraid to openly discuss to one that celebrates birth defects and mental illness.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

Choosing sides

Being raised rural southern Baptist and skipping church to watch Star Trek as a teen I learned there’s more ‘hope’ in a positive future for humanity than in a sadistic bronze age god that was patterned after ancient tyrannical kings threatening its slaves with eternal torture or eternal death(a minority of subversions) for not being some primitive version of good.

The simple sad truth is the average religious dumbass couldn’t name half a dozen ‘great people’ who should be remembered for the good they did in their time here and the ones they do name would likely be fakers. They can give a truncated version of the history of some ancient desert tribe that they don’t belong to and whose priests had no conception that people would be taking their religious propaganda seriously 3000 years in the future.

The more I think about it the more absurd it sounds.

Blind faith, blind obedience, blind willful ignorance, blind patriotism are all the foundation stones of tyranny. We desperately need to raise young tool-using monkeys who are capable of independent thought, not blind adherence to a set of standards they probably don’t even understand.

Plus we’ve had a Bill of Rights for 200 years that says ‘no cruel and unusual punishment’ that was written by a set of real men who threw off the ideas of kings and royalty and blind allegiance to priests or gods or whatever else. It’s sad to horrifying that so few are capable of understanding this. It may be our downfall.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Earth Catastrophe Cycle | Stories to Tell

FK – We have no control over any of this. We CAN control whether or not we are FREE! In fact it IS UP TO US!

What can I do?

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

What all young adults/teens should be learning:

FK – Do they understand their greatest enemies aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?

What to teach your kids

My point proven once again:

FK – So much for blind libertarian and ‘conservative’ love for big business.

They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘human capital’ and ‘consumers’ and treat us like products on the web because they respect us as human beings. They consider us to be livestock.

A modern 10 commandments

The amerikan communist insurgents won’t stop lying until we force them to. There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

What mix are you, vanilla wafer crossed with angel cake?

They don’t care because they’re commie trash first, and whatever else is handy second. When the gays are worn out they’ll shift to another minority with real or imagined grievances. This is a WAR. Principles in war? Really? The allies firebombed civilians in the last ‘great war.’ But then those ‘civilians’ allowed their govt. to do what it did or actively encouraged it for their own reasons.

War is not always voluntary

If you really believe all that shit you’re their tool.

Do robotic biological tool-using monkeys have rights?

Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

What our domestic enemies will bring here if they aren’t stopped:


Global Weather Anomalies in the Middle of Summer 2018

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

This is what started this:

FK – “Paradigm shifting?”

Whose paradigm are they planning to shift to where or what?

.”…whatever happens in the civilian world, it’s game on.”

Whose game?

Officers don’t become generals unless they are true team players. Whose team are they playing for now?

Common sense tells us we can’t trust any creature associated with the hitlery campaign. It was the most vile creature to ever run for the ‘highest office in the land,” or planet, if one so chooses.

But Trump won and he’s throwing bones to ‘conservatives'(very loosely defined) and still the products of the military industrial complex continue to rain down on the Middle East.

There is no truth they won’t try to twist to their advantage. No lie too big to tell. Modern propaganda on the net is now that pink goo they make into mcnuggets or whatever.

There are many in the ‘UFO community,’ whatever that really is, who would gladly bow down to whatever technologically superior beings show up just as many are willing to bow down to Earthly demagogues for a meal ticket or a job or steak, ice cream and a big screen.

I won’t blindly trust the first group that shows up, nor the second group, nor the 2002nd group. Don’t be political children. Exopolitics is now a thing.

The most important fact to understand is ‘they’ consider us to be livestock.

MSNBC Anchor: “Our Job” Is To “Control Exactly What People Think”

What are they really finding out there?:

FK – Amazing to me how the ‘scientists’ report on the ‘possibility’ of ‘life out there’ while there is over-whelming evidence for other ‘forms of intelligent life’ that have been visiting us for millennia. But I suppose they won’t get paid if they talk about that.

These seven alien worlds could help explain how planets form

FK – I didn’t bother to comment on the nature article since I’m probably not enough of a politically corrected scientist for them to take me seriously. Oh well. I’m used to being ignored because I don’t have a title, earn a large salary or wear a suit that makes me look important and I consistently type truths and realities that cause the mind of the average mush head to slam shut out of fear and mental laziness.

Now to the point of all this(Which started in a thread under the SecureTeam vid):

Mitzo9814 hours ago (edited)
The reason why NASA doesn’t just come out and say “Hey We Found Aliens” or acknowledge the fact that they do actually exist, is because they’re scared of how the general population would think, and react.   NASA is tied directly into the Government so as with anything that they want keep the public from knowing, they’ll happily and conveniently deny their existence, not because it’ll keep you any safer, just so it’ll create the illusion you are.

For, I’d say about 100-250 million UFO believers out there who follow new files/reports and videos with anything to do with aliens are convinced because they also believe almost completely in science,  where as the religious believers only choose to accept the Scientific breakthroughs in medicine and technology.

Which brings me to expand on probably the most reasonable reason why NASA is scared to say that aliens exist, “Religions”, so what if you are a believer in religion?.. you see these people talking about aliens and think that its blaspheme.  well that ladies and gentlemen is what the government and NASA are doing, they are hiding behind that to cast the affect of millions people to discard the witnesses of UFO’s and other findings.

if you believe that i may be on to something can you please like the comment so that TYLER can see it, thank you.

Mitzo’s comment had many responders. Some of which I can’t resist addressing:

They’re here for our resources:

First of all, the ‘watchers’ are not likely here to steal our resources. It’s unlikely they need them to any great degree beyond a few gallons of water now and then. We are probably the resource. As I’ve written before if we’re lucky they consider us to be a nature preserve. Or we may be an-ongoing science project of some sort. If so we’d better hope they don’t tire of us and dump the Petri dish.

‘Disclosure’ will disprove, end, religion.

Uh no. They may have very well handed us our gods, or our laws, or our versions, sub-versions, or subversions of what god is or should be. But then the human mind is quite capable of manufacturing such things itself. That’s what’s been going on since they decided to ‘make us in their image’ or since the Hebrew god that was obviously patterned after ancient tyrannical kings decided to wager with Satan, probably one of his sons, on whether or not Job would remain faithful to his sadistic king even if mistreated.

Religion wouldn’t end. It would simply evolve as it’s done in the past. They’ll find a verse or two to ‘prove’ whatever they want to believe about the ‘watchers,’ as they’ve already done, or they’ll write a new version, or send missionaries to alien worlds to ‘convert’ the poor alien sinners and save them from one sadistic god or another.

Or if western civilization’s globalist communist insurgency succeeds in allowing the fundie ragheads to rule us our descendants may be climbing on board interstellar troop ships to wage jihad on distant worlds.

A species that can baptize or circumcise newborns or little girls or condone eternal torture in the name of such is still capable of great malevolence.

‘Disclosure’ will only be defined by the common mush head having to face the reality of alien life or contact on a daily basis such that it can’t be ignored or laughed off any more. How many are ready to see them walking down the street without reaching for a shotgun?

For years we’ve heard from ‘new age’ types for lack of a better description how the aliens or ‘ascended masters’ are here to teach us to ‘live in peace’ or to ‘care for the Earth’ or some-such feel good garbage. Well, some of them may be, or at least in part. Some of them are probably here just to consume us in some way or another, or to treat us as consumers, or toys, or pets, or curiosities, or pawns in interstellar war games.

They’ll bring us ‘free energy.’

Who will sell you the gear and what will it cost and how will you earn the money to buy it? The basic questions won’t change.

While a better cleaner energy source may be possible it may not be what we actually need or should even want. The fossil fuel companies aren’t to be trusted any more than the solar panel makers or the bird killing windmills or the ‘global warming’ propagandists but would the makers of the ‘free energy devices’ sell them at a price affordable to the average person? Would the banksters finance them at such a rate it would take a lifetime to pay for it?

If ‘free energy’ was handed to the ignorant masses of the world’s ‘less developed’ countries would they start breeding like rats to the point that there’d be no place on the planet to escape the human stench? Sorry, that’s coming eventually anyway. See what’s happening in Europe.

‘Compensation’ for abductees?

Well that’s a new one. We might have to appeal to the galactic parliament/congress/courts for that one. How likely would they be to let us in when technologically or culturally we don’t even qualify as tadpoles in a mud hole?

If that issue alone were given widespread ‘scientific’ consideration, in a public way, the authorities would then have to admit there’s a force/group/intelligence/power/whatever they have absolutely no way to fight or they’d have to answer questions about possible ‘agreements’ made with the beings allegedly conducting the abductions. They’d rather die and the average mush head would too.

As noted above exopolitics is now a thing, or really has been all along, though millions will continue to laugh if off, possibly for multiple generations to come. Politics is human nature and so is lying, to oneself and others in the name of ‘feeling safer.’

Think it’s hard to keep track of all the crap going on now? Wait till the newswhores start lying about 50 different worlds. Wait until we allow morons to vote in interstellar elections, if they have them. They may have evolved way past any such thing, or they may be the avaricious sadistic galactic bluebloods who wager on their subjects’ slavishness.


FK – The primary purpose of any government should be to protect and increase human Liberty. But instead they view us as livestock. Or maybe ‘they’ view us as livestock.

Is This The First Pro-Science Pope?

FK – It’s not about science. It’s about control and human nature. Religion, like democracy, is another form of manipulation. That’s why we need to demand Liberty.

“And that was back in 1988…” He says. LOL. Very LOL. You know back in the old days, when I graduated college and no one was arguing about this stuff.

But why didn’t you mention the name of the Vatican telescope: LUICIFER? Just search it.

The Catholic church has also said they’d happily work to convert any aliens that might happen to show up.

The Catholic church has long been infiltrated by communists. Look into the Jesuits. This Pope is a fellow traveler so the mainstream newswhores were tripping all over themselves to regurgitate whatever comes out of his mouth.

To my knowledge Jesus was never quoted as saying “Force thy neighbor to be a good Samaritan at the point of a govt. sword or gun.”

How Do We Know Who Our Human Ancestors Were?

FK – Whenever I go into a public bathroom stall and see where some so-called adult human male has urinated on the commode seat I have no problem with the idea that I have cousins that are gorillas.

FK – He looks like he just saw his daughters first boyfriend…

New human-like species discovered in S Africa

Is It Possible For Evolution To Reverse?

FK – Walking around in any redneck mecca will answer this question.

This commenter seems to get it:

anubis2814 1 day ago (edited)

Wow, this video was just Awful! Evolution is just change caused by environmental pressure.  These is no REVERSE EVOLUTION the nomenclature is absolutely wrong. If genes change due to natural selection, that is evolution.  If suppressor gene breaks and old genes re-express and it is advantageous to the species overall, and nature doesn’t filter it out, it is still just evolution.  That is how evolution works. None of this is turning evolutionary science on its head, and scientists have known about this for years, if scientists are against it is because they are against the use of the word reverse evolution. People have a bad enough understanding of evolution as it is, and especially creationists claim to not believe in evolution but reverse evolution because we started out perfect and are getting worse.  When a usually legitimate science show get something this wrong, it just gives fodder to the bad pop-sci out there.

But our ‘scientists’ still have a lot to learn:

FK – Meanwhile we’re working hard at our own extinction:

Soda Habit May Prompt Early Puberty in Girls, Study Suggests