Tag Archives: courts

Was Antonin Scalia Murdered?


FK – Calling the communists ‘liberal,’ or ‘progressive,’ cute names they tagged themselves with, is helping them hide their evil.


The amerikan communist insurgency works feverishly 24/7 to finish overthrowing the form of government we’re supposed to have here and to obliterate the Bill of Rights and the concept that we are born free, not owing ‘allegiance‘ to any entities or institutions. Our failure to hunt them to extinction is what’s killing our country.

Scary doesn’t start it. What’s most horrifying is the millions of self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ and ‘patriots’ et al who don’t understand that the SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our natural born rights. WE ARE!

We have the right, duty and responsibility to do what will be required to restore Liberty here. Failing to do so will be seen as the biggest accomplishment of cowardice and apathy in the history of mankind.

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

FK – Your commie ‘friends’ are slobbering at the mouth at the thought of putting another commies on the SCOTUS:

Here’s how the law would dramatically change if a liberal replaces Scalia

FK – Fact: The amerikan communist insurgency that calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ is waging open war on the concept of natural born rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights, human Liberty and this country.

Fact: The commies have infiltrated every institution in this country that they can including the republicrat party, which was the original party of big government in the 1860s when it waged a war to secure the power of northern states to tax the southern states. See modern commie love for Lincoln.

Fact: Allowing a commie justice to be appointed adding to those already present will bring about rulings that will necessitate the waging of a restorative war, or civil war, across this land.

Fact: The commies will tell any lie, twist any reality, to forward their evil agenda. As always they will call slavery ‘freedom’ and taxes ‘donations’ and self defense ‘murder’ and on and on.

Fact: The only qualification that will matter for an appointment made by the Marxist mutt is that the candidate be a screaming commie by whatever cute name they apply to it this week.

Fact: The commies, such as the blonde trash in the vid(on the Yahoo page with the article above) love the term ‘gridlock’ because they hate any hampering of their communist(‘progressive’) agenda.

Fact: The amerikan communist insurgency has long used race as a tool for waging war against us all. No matter what color their black-robed shyster is on the outside it will be pink on the inside. No matter what genitalia it sports a hammer and sickle will be its primary tools.

For any trash taking exception to my facts demand to know this: Which document does it prefer, The Bill of Rights or the the planks of the Communist Manifesto?

Those who show rare honesty will prove I’m right in all the above.

And oh, the blonde trash ‘disagrees’ with the ‘outcomes’ of Scalia’s opinions, meaning it lies about what the Founders meant and twists or ignores their words to bring about the commie society it craves.

The amerikan communist insurgency doesn’t ‘disagree’ with those who wish to restore the Liberty that was stolen from them, it’s waging war on them. This is not just semantics or rhetoric it’s reality.

And it’s not ‘hopes, dreams and aspirations,’ it’s communism. Time to wake up and grow up and stop allowing our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, to lie about what they plan for us all: total slavery.

Offending “Liberal”(commie) trash should be the daily objective of every one who claims to love liberty. Their false pacifism and false civility have been allowed to shore up and conceal their arrogance for too long.

And this is an example of why we must pass a simple easy to understand hard to lie about Constitutional Amendment banning all forms of socialism in this country:

In Defense of the Constitution: The Battle for Obamacare

From reading that article we can surmise that if the business of making law can be akin to the workings of a sausage factory the business of ‘interpreting’ it can be similar to the job of an organic fertilizer analyst.

They’ve been allowed to lie about our natural born rights for too long. This must end.

The ‘Drudge Report’ is questioning this death now so it must be ‘legitimate’:


FK – The elites may well profit from his death just as they profited from 9/11 regardless of to whatever degree they participated in either.

A war of restoration, or civil war, if not waged correctly and effectively by those who claim to love human Liberty, could prove profitable to those who want to totally enslave us all.

Our focus should be on winning the war and saving the sorting out of all the conspiracy theories for the war crimes/treason trials that must be held upon its conclusion.

Cell 411 Is About to Become Your New Favorite Tool

FK – I’ll look into it for sure.

We need a militia in every county to deal with this growing evil.

Cell 411 website.

But don’t be dumb enough to get into this situation:

FK – That’s great but patriots need to stop doing stupid things. This is war. Stupidity causes un-needed and un-profitable casualties.

We should already have had a militia in every county to deal with this evil.

Rules for the militia

Antonin Scalia MURDERED by Obama to Open Supreme Court Spot for a Liberal? – Illuminati Conspiracy


FK – This is not a ‘political disagreement.’ A disagreement is when a man and wife go to buy a car and he wants a blue car and she wants a pink one. Working openly to disarm real Americans, not amerikans, to destroy the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is not a ‘disagreement.’ It’s an act of war. This evil scat is waging war on us and our failure to respond accordingly, as it’s our right to do, as there’s no such thing as a right to enslave others, is what’s killing us.

While I doubt he was assassinated, I wouldn’t put it past our domestic blood enemies to do so. Their wicked ideology killed 200 million in the 20th century alone. Their false pacifism will not keep them from killing more of those who stand up to their evil.

The vid he referred to:

FK – It’s disgusting to think of the millions of morons in this country that don’t believe their govt. is capable of using these tools on any of us at any time.

McConnell Makes a Stand: Vacancy Shouldn’t Be Filled Until America Has a New President

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has released a statement, saying the vacancy should not be filled until Americans choose the next president.

“Today our country lost an unwavering champion of a timeless document that unites each of us as Americans. Justice Scalia’s fidelity to the Constitution was rivaled only by the love of his family: his wife Maureen his nine children, and his many grandchildren. Through the sheer force of his intellect and his legendary wit, this giant of American jurisprudence almost singlehandedly revived an approach to constitutional interpretation that prioritized the text and original meaning of the Constitution. Elaine and I send our deepest condolences to the entire Scalia family,” McConnell released in a statement. “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President.

FK – Regardless of how this comes out there is only one fact that matters: The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any commie ruling could and should be contested by millions of us going to the district of commie criminals and doing what will be required resulting in lots of expensive suits and black robed shysters hanging along Pennsylvania Ave.

If only we had a nation of men.

Hey, The Supreme Court Might Decide On ‘Assault Weapons’ After All

FK – See comments above. The situation hasn’t changed. Only copious amounts of blood will do that now.

They deserve what’s coming:


FK – Another reason if we had a nation of men we’d have a militia company in every county whose primary job it would be to make sure the granite gallows in front of every government building doesn’t fall into disuse and the rope all elected, hired and appointed public servants are required to wear every day doesn’t grow too slick from rubbing against their over-priced clothes.

How much longer?


FK – A percentage of the court is openly communist, or may as well be. Calling them ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’ is only allowing the evil scat to hide it’s evil behind cute key terms and phrases.

Here’s what they will do to us:

Venezuela Is Out of Food: Here’s What an Economic Collapse Really Looks Like

FK – The collapse has been on going here since NAFTA, passed by a commie congress and signed by a commie/nwo tool prez that said it was against it during its first campaign.

How much longer? When will American men decide to be men? Are they even capable anymore?

FK – Our domestic blood enemies don’t want to debate us. They want to rule us.

They must shut us up. They must herd all the real Americans on the net off to some dark corner where the average mush head will be to afraid to go.

What will we be forced to do after they steal our natural born right to free speech?

Oathkeepers Media Director Investigating 68 Warrants issued for Those Who Stood at Bundy Ranch, Oregon Refuge and Mines

FK – We should have had a militia unit in every county in this country decades ago to deal with such evil.

And with evil such as this:


FK – Will ‘the public’ ever get upset enough to do what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed?

If the elites appoint their CFR witch to be the next prez then war will be our future. It will appoint more commies to the SCOTUS which will have to be dealt with during the treason/war crimes trials with executions to follow.

If we do not do what will be required for a restoration of the Bill of Rights and the form of government we’re supposed to have here, Venezuela is our future.

Once again my standard responses to such –

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment.

Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

What is our ‘duty‘ exactly?:

FK – What is our duty, exactly? What are we fighting for, a false system or a Bill of Rights? The zombie apocalypse is already on our doorstep. Who or what do we really owe ‘allegiance’ to?

Prepping for slavery

GOA: Senate “Sentencing Reform” Bill Could Crack Down on Gun Owners

The bill in question is supported by anti-gun Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT). They are cosponsors of S. 2123.

So what are they getting for their support?

Well, while many non-violent offenders are being let off the hook — and even some violent offenders who plea bargained down to “non-violent” offenses — the bill actually increases penalties for many law-abiding (non-violent) gun owners.

Hence, section 105 of S. 2123 increases — from 10 to 15 years — the potential prison sentences for “prohibited persons” and for those who merely possess a new machine gun, even if they are licensed under the NFA.

Have a gun, go to jail … for a long time!

Regarding the penalties for “prohibited persons,” the increased penalties in the bill would include the more than 175,000 veterans who have lost their gun rights, if there is still a gun anywhere in the house.

And it would include the 4.2 million seniors whom Obama proposes to strip of their gun rights by doing a computer search of social security.

Think about it: While this bill lowers sentences for many offenders, it raises the penalties for law-abiding gun owners who have had their gun rights stripped from them — like veterans and seniors mentioned above.


ACTION: Please take action today and urge your Senators to demand the removal OF ALL OFFENDING language that would penalize law-abiding gun owners.

FK – This is why we need a militia in every county in the country. Any time any BAFT Nazi trash tries to railroad anyone into prison it should be hunted along with any shysters participating. It’s garbage and should be treated as such.


Gav Seim — Know the Law in 8 Minutes!

FK – Our ‘human rights’ are determined by what we decide to tolerate and what we are capable of resisting.

Through history human govt. had the power it was capable of or willing to achieve.

Law is what those in power determine it is, or what ‘is’, uh, is. In our representative republic ‘we the people’ are theoretically supposed to be in charge of this process but in reality it’s always the ‘educated’ aristocratic class, through its tools, the politicians, who determine what ‘law’ is, except for rare exception when groups, or ‘constituencies’ conglomerate their power and use it to achieve whatever goals they have.

All the ‘theories’ are great, and all humans should be born ‘free,’ but that simply isn’t the case. No amerikan alive today has known true Liberty and in actuality none ever has.

The war for Lincoln’s tariff and the 13th and 14th Amendments put all of us in the same level of slavery and it’s been downhill ever since.

So now instead of a militia of ‘able-bodied’ men of a certain age with military weapons in their homes and local armories we have a ‘national’ guard whose weapons are kept locked in federal armories.

We only have the ‘rights’ we are willing to fight and kill for. All the lies from all the pacifists and the govt. shills and “Liberal”(commie) trash won’t change that reality.

Every time your authoritarian ‘friends‘ of whatever stripe vote, they vote to kill you.

The elites consider us all to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that.

Governments and those they front for understand one thing: power. Read ‘The Prince’ and ‘The Art of War.’

Guns without the will to use them are toys that can be regulated or taken. We have lost our will as a people. Maybe we’re slowly getting it back, I don’t know for sure.

The Bundy Ranch incident last year may show they are beginning to fear us again or that they are simply waiting for a more opportune time.

The shysters have created their own system of ‘just-us.’ Look at the ‘just-us’ centers they’re now building in small towns. The biggest, highest buildings often show who is the richest and most powerful in history. They want the state, represented through them, to be paramount.

The seminaries and churches were obviously infiltrated long ago, if not created for the purpose of keeping the slaves working. Religion is part of the problem. It’s a tool, always has been. Look up Chuck Baldwin, he has a clue.

Your neighbors, again, will readily vote to kill you if it suits their interests.

Again, it’s about power, them having it and the pawns not:


FK – The ‘law’ ultimately comes out of the barrel of a gun. Who will have the guns? Us or those who consider us to be livestock?

REPORT: Navy to Charge Officer Who Fired on Islamist During Chattanooga Terror Attack

What’s happening to this heroic Navy officer from the Chattanooga shooting will make your blood BOIL

Revealed: Navy Officer Did Something Heroic During Chattanooga Shooting, But May Be PUNISHED For It

The First Male Has Been Arrested For “Manspreading” In NYC

The MTA has been asking men to keep their legs closed, without any sense of irony. And now, someone has been arrested for it.

The government of New York spent on an ad campaign telling men to stop sitting with their legs spread. On May 22nd, police arrested two Latino men on the charge of ‘man spreading.’

Some people are arguing that this is an excuse by police to increase their arrest quotas, and to crack down on undesirable ethnic minority males. Russia Today reported that the NYPD issued approximately 1,400 summonses for manspreading in 2015.

Robert Gangi, Director of Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP), said to Russia Today “We think it’s driven by a quota system. There is almost no other rational explanation for why the cops would conduct this kind of arrest unless they are under pressure to meet certain numbers, to meet with their productivity goals. It’s a classic pattern. Somebody gets a summons for a low-level thing, they don’t show up in court, the warrant is out… A cop stops you a second time, even if for another low-level thing, and it’s the policy of the department to arrest you.”

The first man arrested had his charges dismissed, due to the fact that he was arrested at 12:11 a.m. and the judge believes that no one was likely to be inconvenienced at such an early hour.

FK – Now we know why new yawkers aren’t allowed to carry guns. Any cop participating in such fully deserves whatever is done in response. How much longer?????

Relax, if You Want, but Don’t Put Your Feet Up

Police officers handed out more than 6,000 tickets for these violations in 2011. But a $50 ticket would have been welcome compared with the trouble many passengers found themselves in; roughly 1,600 people like Mr. Peppers were arrested, sometimes waiting more than a day to be brought before a judge and released, according to statistics from district attorneys’ offices.

In some instances, passengers were arrested because they had outstanding warrants, or did not have photo identification. Some arrests were harder to explain, with no apparent cause other than the seat violation. In at least one case, the arrest led to deportation.

FK – And new yawk city wants tourists huh? Anyone would have to be a fool to travel there… Read all of that one, and weep for amerika.

Settlement Won’t Even Cover Medical Bills For Baby Whose Face Was Blown Apart By Police Grenade…

Habersham County, GA–  In May of last year, Bounkham “Baby Bou Bou” Phonesavanh, 19-months-old, was asleep in his crib. At 3:00 am militarized police barged into his family’s home because an informant had purchased $50 worth of meth from someone who once lived there. During the raid, a flash-bang grenade was thrown into the sleeping baby’s crib, exploding in his face.

Beyond the disfiguring wounds on the toddler’s face, the grenade also left a gash in his chest. As a result, Bou lost the ability to breathe on his own and was left in a medically induced coma for days after the incident.  Bou was not able to go home from the hospital until July.

No officers were charged for their near-deadly negligence, and the department claimed that they did not know that there were children in the home.  They defended their reckless actions by saying that they couldn’t have done a thorough investigation prior to the raid because it “would have risked revealing that the officers were watching the house.”

Now, a nearly $1 million dollar settlement has been reached between the family and the county.  One of the terms of the settlement is that the family may not sue individuals involved in maiming their son. Instead of coming from the wallets of the negligent officers, it will come strictly from the taxpayers.

FK – The shysters involved in these ‘settlements’ should be paying out of pocket for the difference. The insane ‘war on drugs’ and ‘war on terror’ must end and real safeguards installed for the use of these SWAT Nazis. We must gain control of how these Jr. Nazs are educated/indoctrinated. They must learn to put the Bill of Rights first.

But I fear we will be forced to do what will be required before that happens. Our governments and ‘just-us’ systems are just too far gone.

No Charges for Cops Who Disfigured Toddler with Grenade During Negligent Drug Raid

FK – Maybe they managed to do something right:

Supreme Court: Cops Can’t Violate 4th Amendment by Prolonging Traffic Stops to Wait for Drug Dogs

FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

What to Say When the Police Tell You to Stop Filming Them