The more I think of it and study it I realize communism really is a construct, a tool of the elites, another way to manipulate the masses, by dangling that carrot just out of their reach and keeping them occupied. The problem is the monsters that communism creates along the way. When millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it or watch you be burned alive in fire forever that makes it very real.
We must get control of the schools and universities and kick the commies out of them forever. Then we must pass a constitutional amendment to ban socialism, by whatever cute name.
Ask your fav commie by whatever cute name what it wants to happen to those who refuse to obey its commie laws.
They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.
If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.
The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is what we’re fighting for.
Why we must get control of the schools and the textbooks:
FK – It’s all about the propaganda of the moment and controlling the message. They know the sheeple have short lives and shorter memories.
This is a civil war we’re living in. It’s just hasn’t yet escalated to full blown blood conflict.
The real problem is the morons on the ‘left’ and ‘right,’ and I hate using those constructs, who really think they’re supposed to be living in a safe world, as if any such thing has ever existed or ever will.
All the ‘isms’ ignore those aspects of human/nature behavior they find inconvenient. Both ‘sides’ really only want their version of authoritarianism forced on those around them. We are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age. Millions are yet to be shot into the ditch. And nobody is gonna get beamed up.
FK – I wouldn’t go on that show unless they let me carry a baseball bat. It would take 3 swings or less in less than a couple seconds to splatter that commie newswhore’s brains on the wall. Then they’d have to start screaming about banning bats right?
This trash doesn’t give a fuck about your ideology. It only wants your submission. It will not stop lying in its quest to secure that until we force it to stop. This is all theater in the name of that quest. Grow up and prepare for what will be required.
The elites behind all this want our weapons so we can’t kill them when enough FINALLY get the necessity of doing that. The children are tools.
I’ll only be comfortable with an end to the commie globalist insurrection in this country and carrying out the extensive and thorough liberal(commie) trash season that is so necessary that the tree of liberty is screaming out to us for another watering.
The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is the only reason this ‘discussion’ is taking place. Without it we’d already be like England and Australia. Our elected public servants have to at least give it lip service. The anti-federalists knew the federalists didn’t have ‘We the Peoples’ best interests at heart. Read Hamilton and find yourself muttering “Bullshit, bullshit” under your breath as he notes all the things the govt. won’t do when in our time it has done far worse.
There are no innocent adults in reality. Study the major religions. In this representative republic we all have a responsibility to pay attention and fight back when necessary. The blood our govt.s have shed is on all our hands. Don’t help the average dumbass sheeple cop out.
If we took some AK-47s and black rifles back in a time machine I’m sure General Washington would decline to use them on their fellow Englishmen and British govt. employees because it would be ‘un-sporting.’ What a hoot, or it would be if I wasn’t so sick of the trash constantly asking that asinine question.
Dear fatso: “I need it because if I’m told to surrender my weapons because of your vote to kill me for not doing so, if I see you I will use it on you and not waste time explaining my actions to you.”
Another reason to avoid ‘social media?’
FK – I can proudly say I’m already on every list they have.
Have you called:?
FK – The problem is ‘negotiating’ or ‘compromising’ with the amerikan communist insurgency. We should be hunting them to extinction.
FK – Twitter and fakebook prefer statism. Why were they banned?
There’s always been state or corporate sponsored propaganda. The net only makes it faster to disseminate and more widespread.
At the end of the day we need to expand the First Amendment to include large social media platforms. If not we in essence won’t have ‘free speech’ in the future. It will be no different than three decades back when the major newspapers and a handful of networks determined what ‘news’ was.
‘Advertising revenue’ should never be a determining factor in what we are ‘allowed’ to post.
What fakebook and twitter seem to want:
FK – Regardless of what Marx or his financial supporter Engels intended it’s now ultimate arrogance that will find no limit of its own accord that is usually funded by our modern mega corporations.
FK – And the Trump and hitlery voters, uh sheeple, graze on…
As our ancestors conquered we must be ready to defend or we will be conquered. Or maybe we already have been.
Why are we pushing democracy when we’ve lost our Liberty?
“Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx
So when will the republicrats repeal the 16th amendment and the evil gun laws and pass a constitutional amendment to ban socialism?
Why are we REFORMING COMMUNISM? WHY is NO ONE asking WHY we HAVE an income tax?
Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!
FK – The problem with the tool-using monkeys is they’re born grossly ignorant, ‘blank slates‘ as some philosopher once called them. Most of them violently oppose changing their condition except for gaining whatever knowledge or skills are required to earn a lot of filthy lucre so they can buy the toys and false security they think they can’t live without.
Lincoln also claimed the right of the people to alter or overthrow their govt. then proceeded to kill 600,000 plus so he could keep taxing the southern states. Search ‘Lincoln’s Marxists’ on your fav book seller site.
Until we wrest the indoctrination of each generation from the statists/theocrats/whatever ‘ism’ one chooses and indoctrinate them in the maintenance and increase of human liberty little will improve, except maybe in the tiny increments we are accustomed to.
And the commie globalists will as always instantly seize upon that last Jefferson quote as another excuse to enslave us all.
Until those who claim to want to live free develop the resolve to do what must be done which they obviously lack the backbone, brains and gonads to do, little will change.
It’s always up to the tiny minority to alter the course of the herd.
Why are we pushing democracy when we’ve lost our Liberty?
“Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx
So when will the republicrats repeal the 16th amendment and the evil gun laws and pass a constitutional amendment to ban socialism?
Why are we REFORMING COMMUNISM? WHY is NO ONE asking WHY we HAVE an income tax?
Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!
Attempting reason with communists and many ‘conservatives’ is akin to slitting one’s wrists and jumping into shark infested waters.
We must make amerika free.
“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. – Sun Tzu
As for our current situation there is only one fix for it, if it can be fixed. But western so-called men have been de-backboned and de-nutted and shrink from the idea of shedding blood when the tree of Liberty cries out for it in such a plaintive and alarming way.
What does ‘We the People’ actually mean?
It means we are responsible…
We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.
We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.
We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.
We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.
We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.
We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.
If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.
That is not the Deep State’s version of what a president is supposed to be.
Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barack Obama—they were good boys. Globalists. The intelligence establishment and the military industrial complex knew “the situation” was well in hand. Trump is the strange intruder. The “crazy one.”
If his swaggering indifference to the Deep State’s agenda is merely a pose—a formidable acting job—then why is he subjected to withering attacks every day, even from his own Party? After all, he has surrounded himself with Goldman Sachs big shots—can’t they be relied on to keep him in check? What’s the problem?
FK – I was calling Trump a demagogue during his campaign and predicting he would win, and trying to get his supporters to understand why I couldn’t vote for him.
If Trump’s term comes to an end and the republicrats have once again failed to end the fed, the income tax and repeal all the gun laws we’ll know the answer won’t we?
FK – The fundamental problem with communism is it enslaves the working poor, the group it’s allegedly set up to help, by forcing them into a system that steals their labor, their speech, their property, and usually moves to disarm them, which is the most evil thing any entity can do to another.
All that being written why hasn’t ‘capitalist’ jeff bozo changed the editorial policy of the commie rag he bought, the washington compost? Why did goolag ceo what’s-his-face work to get hitlery elected and why does goolag and gootube do all they can to destroy the free speech of those who are simply trying to establish human liberty?
Why did amerikan corporations move their factories to poor countries after NAFTA was passed? Hint: It wasn’t because they felt sorry for the peasants and wanted to give them a leg up. It was so they could find desperate ignorant workers who would do or say anything to get or keep a job(just over broke) and show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions.
How is Toyota and its affiliates getting away with forcing its workers into 12 hour days, 7 days a week? What is ‘just in time delivery’ and what does that do to truck drivers, many of whom admittedly are stupid enough to already be destroying their health in the name of ‘getting the load’ and ‘competition.’
If there were any men in this country we’d have a hanging party once a month picking from among the commie insurgents and the corporate workaholic assholes.
If I order some gizmo I have NO RIGHT to expect anyone involved in the process of getting that to me to commit slow or fast suicide, degrade their health or their quality of life or any damn thing else!
FK – There are way too many softies in this country who have no conception of reality much less sweating or the skills they will need for the zombie apocalypse, which we’re already in by the way.
FK – Democracy is evil, another form of manipulation, two wolves and a sheep voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote and killing the wolves. We MUST DEMAND LIBERTY!
The surrender of the Confederacy was indeed a sorrowful event. It allowed the radical Republicans, who were the ‘big govt.’ advocates of our day, to turn our nation into an empire. Read “The Real Lincoln.”
At least you mentioned tax day, the day millions file forms they’re not legally required to file for an amendment that was never ratified by enough states to become law:
FK – Their ‘ideas’ go back to Paine’s time and beyond. They just didn’t call it ‘socialism’ or ‘communism’ back then.
The opening scene reminds me of the mini series ‘Rome’ when the elites were handing out free grain to the plebes or whatever so they wouldn’t overthrow them.
Lincoln worked for years on a plan to send freed slaves back to Africa or some other place they could call their own. I’m beginning to think he really had a good idea except we need to send the white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash, our greatest enemies, along with them.
There are good people of color, and plenty of white trash. The time is coming soon when we will have to separate the sheep from the goats.
Marx was supported by Engels. Look it up. The elites created a system in which they create parasites which will behave in predictable ways so they can be easily manipulated. The welfare state had exactly the outcome they were looking for.
But as always they have to keep the lid on a boiling kettle. The question is it about to boil over or is this just another show for the simple minded?
“Democracy is the first step in the Revolution.” – Karl Marx
Their insanity comes from the top down. Who’s telling them what to say and think and funding their marches? Most sheeple are too busy trying to survive to march.
What I’ve been sayin’ all along:
FK – I was trying to tell people, patriots way last year(2015) that no matter which tool lied its way into the now red house the result would be civil war.
The ‘manginas’ may be pathetic but many of them are highly intelligent and perfectly capable of killing their perceived enemies by the millions just like Stalin did. Many are just as sociopathic and amoral as he was. They can buy weapons and ammo just like anyone and their false pacifism and false civility is just that, false.
Can the deer hunters organize and act as a unit? How many of them are physically fit enough to do what will be required?
How far gone are we?:
FK – The tool using monkeys, or self-replicating robots, take your pick, are born as blank slates and are only acting as programmed.
It’d be easy to say it must be that Fukishima radiation but in reality it’s the commie indoctrination, or lack of indoctrination in our history, Bill of Rights and human Liberty.
If we had that maybe we wouldn’t feel a need to go to the govt. to get ‘permission’ to get married or to do a lot of things and the police would know to immediately arrest the law creators instead of the ‘law breakers.’
But I fear a lot of blood, sweat and tears will have to be shed to get us to that point.
FK – “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Who said/wrote that?
150 years ago an airplane would’ve been pixie dust to the average person and indeed seemed useless to some military leaders when flight was first conquered, even after millennia of the militaries and governments seeking the high ground.
Similarly maybe someday someone will come up with a system that ‘works.’ Ours would ‘work’ if the sheeple didn’t have a slave mentality that was either designed into their DNA or has been bred into them over millennia of the submissive surviving to breed, or both. The elites have used this knowledge to their advantage, to the point of paying the stupid and lazy to breed so their offspring could be encouraged to vote.
All the excuses for govt. not working, chiefly the tendency of humans to seek to increase power over others, could be stifled if the average sheeple could be indoctrinated in the mindset that it has not only a right but a duty and responsibility to fight back. Most of them are nowhere near possessing such mostly or at least partly because the schools and churches are not set up to teach such. When my ‘liberal’ teachers told me we’re supposed to be ‘free’ here they meant their version, as socialist slaves and my sunday school teacher meant under a sadistic god patterned after ancient tyrannical kings who looked down their noses at their subjects(slaves) and said “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you.”
I’ve seen one or two good arguments for ‘anarchy,’ real anarchy not communism posing as such, but I cannot forget, while living out here in podunk, or even in some large city, that the average dumbass is never going to watch a video much less read a book about how much better it would be. Those dumbasses can be dangerous and sometimes need more than a smile and a nod.
When ‘we the people’ can’t even organize a militia force to stand against an obviously evil empire how are we to deal with the local miscreants?
What the sheeple and indeed many waking ‘patriots’ need to learn is they are the authority and the elected, hired and appointed public servants and even the black-robed shysters serve at their leave, not the other way around as was the standard through most of history. Maybe that old standard is still buried too deeply in our DNA.
In the meantime let’s concentrate on the battles we can win:
FK – Mccommie should’ve been tried and executed for treason decades ago but sadly we are no longer a nation of men.
No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights Barry Bright March 21, 2016
In light of ‘current events‘ and despite the predominate human nature we need a global Bill of Rights, based upon the Bill of Rights sponsored by the anti-federalists in the post revolutionary years of the United States which was of course part of the evolution of government in this country and the world.
Of course it’s not ‘perfect’ and I’m not expecting to see it instituted in my time in this realm, but here we go anyway:
Self defense against tyranny from any government or human institution, or organization or common criminals or otherwise is the most basic natural born right any human being possesses and is the basis of this document. This document is an acknowledgment of that pre-existing natural-born right, not an allowance or a creation of it.
The right to free speech on a free press or on a free internet or on the airwaves or in any spectrum electromagnetic or other wise is sacrosanct and not to be brought into question. This means there are no ‘sacred cows’ nor any groups or ideologies whose motives cannot be brought into question.
The right to bear arms of whatever kind against government oppression/criminals or common criminals is not to be brought into question. In other words there’s no such thing as an ‘illegal weapon.’ This stems from the fact that self defense, the most basic right that any creature possesses, is the natural born right that this entire document is based upon.
All governments are to be secular and to have no say in individual religious choice insofar as that choice doesn’t infringe on the Liberty of others. As humanity evolves so does its need for more freedom, liberty, concepts that of course have evolved over time. Any and all governments that refuse to recognize this reality and continue to oppress, enslave, control, populations in the name of whatever ideologies shall be and must be opposed and ended.
No worker shall have money, currency, credits, wages of whatever form of modern or new definition stolen from their paychecks before they even reach their hands by any government on any level.
Taxes shall be ‘value added’ or a sales tax only, not to exceed one percent of the value of the item or goods being purchased. All governments shall be held to a budget that puts the needs of the common people first which means roadways and affordable fuel are more important than bombers or ICBMs.
Property rights of individuals are to be sacrosanct. The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense. Eminent domain shall only be applied when true and dire public interest is at stake. Any who are proven in a court of law to profit from such takings shall be executed.
Cases to be tried by juries shall consist of a jury of peers from the local area. Judges shall never advise the juries that they must abide by ‘the law’ as it is written as sometimes laws are wrong and simply evil. Judges shall advise juries of their right to nullify any and all law except that which protects the natural born most basic rights of all described above.
Prosecutors and police that are proven to have railroaded any innocent person into prison for political or monetary or any other gain at any point in their careers are to be executed.
All cruel and unusual punishment is banned as the primary job of prisons is to keep violent humans who have been convicted of committing crimes against persons or their property off the street. Only elected, appointed or hired government employees that have broken their oaths to uphold the natural rights of human beings and the Liberty of all shall face execution except for murderers that have been proven beyond all doubt, not on circumstantial evidence, to be guilty.
Judges may not have exclusive power to decide what is evidence and any defendant may demand that all pertinent evidence be seen or heard or examined by a jury via an outside body not subservient to the courts.
Appeals processes in criminal cases are not to exceed two years and are to be immediately turned over to outside agencies not affiliated with those that brought the prosecution.
No government shall spy on its citizens or seek to examine their personal papers, memories, minds, records whether held by them or others nor require backdoor decryption nor surveil their activities in any form by any means without a warrant generated by a court of law nor may any home or private or company office, facility or vehicle be searched without a warrant or probable cause.
Warrants shall only be issued upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Crimes of possession are hereby banned. Excessive bail or fines for minor cases or non-violent crimes is banned. Forfeiture of property of those accused of crimes by law enforcement agencies or any other bodies is forbidden.
(And let’s just borrow directly from the U.S. Bill of Rights because I’m not sure the next two paragraphs could be worded any better.):
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Voting shall be considered as a privilege to be earned not a right. All who wish to vote must prove citizenship in the country, state, district, precinct, however defined locally and must prove they are literate in the local language of that area and take a test to prove they understand the theory of limited government and individual liberty and the right to fight back that is possessed by all.
This is necessary because of the human trait that often prefers slavery of whatever form to Liberty, a trait which often has no problem killing, torturing, abusing, slandering any who oppose their efforts to enslave the rest of humanity in their dogmas, rituals, religions, collectivist/statist governments including those not herein mentioned or defined.
All candidates for public service on any level must publicly provide on the internet or whatever technology replaces it a resume to include their past voting records, their affiliations, memberships, names of each and every donor/PACS/or other cute name for influence where the donation exceeded the amount a common citizen might be expected to provide.
Debates on the presidential level for any nation must take place within a week of the primary, caucus or election that is held on the same day nationwide, be available for broadcast on all available outlets, be preceded by the presentation of the candidates’ resumes to the people and of donor lists. Moderators may not be members of the ‘mainstream news media’ and a panel of interviewers must consist of real activists that have proven they have a true in-depth understanding of ‘the issues’ and limited government and its reason for existence: the maintenance of human Liberty. In other words, there’s no such thing as a right to work openly or surreptitiously to erode or destroy the rights of others.
Whenever candidates/government employees(elected, hired or appointed public servants) are elected, hired or appointed they must take an oath to uphold and defend this Bill of Rights. Those with records of not doing so are to be immediately tried for treason against human Liberty and executed before their evil is allowed to filter into any government.
Pure or impure forms of democracy, socialism, communism, and other forms of authoritarianism are banned. Dictatorships and monarchies by whatever name or description are banned.
All governments exist for the Liberty/benefit of the common people and shall be organized by a ‘separation of powers’ to include two houses of a congress, an executive with strictly defined and limited powers and a judicial branch, but with personal responsibility enforced upon each member for the defense of human Liberty. All failures to uphold their oaths to such shall be responded to with a speedy treason trial and execution via the granite gallows to be erected in front of every government building.
A special agency shall exist for the investigation of government corruption and no other law enforcement purpose shall be assigned to it so it cannot be turned on the people. This agency shall be under the purview of the local militia force that shall use the granite gallows to deal with cases of bribery or corruption within the force or agency itself.
No more wars for profit. Those waging such wars will be tried by a local or national or international criminal court, whichever catches them first, to be followed by their execution.
All young people(adults of legal age) before their 25th year shall be conscripted into basic military service for at least six months of active duty and two years of reserve training because so many would choose to not even be able to defend themselves much less the Liberty of their neighbors. All able bodied members of society who value human Liberty and show consistent support for this Bill of Rights are considered to be in the militia for the duration of their lives.
The military arts and physical fitness and health maintenance shall be taught in the schools along with the basics that produce literacy in language and mathematics and the arts because sadly it is often human nature to choose lifelong ignorance on these issues which can lead to the enslavement of those around them.
The Oath of fealty to human Liberty to be taken by all elected, hired or appointed public servants:
“I recognize the right of those who have elected, hired or appointed me to kill me if I degrade or attack or infringe their most basic right, that of self defense against me, or any other entity or institution, in any way or form. I shall never allow anyone to call me an ‘official’ for fear that would cause them to think I hold real power over them, rather my primary task is to ensure good government that sadly is sometimes necessary for the benefit of Human Liberty, property rights and the free society it fosters.
“If serving in law enforcement or the military I shall never enforce laws that impinge, attack, abridge the most basic right of the people, the right to fight back against and kill if necessary those who would enslave them or enslave them further. As a hired public servant my first responsibility is to this Bill of Rights which means arresting any who seek to attack, impinge or abridge any of its contents.
“I take this Oath and promise to uphold/enforce it upon myself and my fellow public servants upon pain of death.”
Obviously I tried to update according to current concerns and allow for a few future ones. My own definition of the Second Amendment can be found here.
How to enforce this? Until we develop true interstellar flight or make the military’s black budget space force public we use Australia as a global penal colony. All those that wish to exist under or rule an authoritarian system are flown there by a B-52 and kicked out at 20,000 feet with a poorly packed parachute. If the tiny number of Australians that value human Liberty don’t want to move we can always fall back on Antarctica.
So there you have it. The government can use a tax agency as a weapon of political intimidation to target a minority of dissenting citizens, and according to the Justice Department, that’s perfectly legal.
FK – So there you have it. We’re at war, not with some brown-skinned raghead hiding in a cave on the other side of the world but with our own white skinned amerikan born commies. Yes, amerika has political prisoners. Search Irwin Schiff.
FK – Will the NWO hacks in the Congress do anything about this? Of course not. What about the next tool the musheads in the middle vote into the now red house? Of course not.
We’re gonna have to go up there, not packin’ signs.