Tag Archives: climate change

What will amerika do with Trump’s ‘victory?’


A visiting angel to John Dee:

“Ignorance was the nakedness wherewithal you were first tormented, and the first Plague that fell unto man was the want of science… the want of science hindreth you from knowledge of yourself.” – From True and Faithful Relation, John Dee, sixteenth century English Magus as quoted in ‘The Alien Intent’ by Raymond A. Robinson


I’m still recording the fall and watching while they wrench defeat from the jaws of victory.

And I’m already regretting my vote, for the first time, for the lessor of the evils we were presented.

The lessor of the evils had actually done a few good things as in his SCOTUS appointments, though far from perfect, at least kept lying commie trash off the bench.

But we’re seeing who or what really owns Trump and in fact what owns us. As the old saying goes “Ask whom you cannot question and find out who really rules you.”

The demented tool on the right is easily guilty of treason and various other crimes. But because of our lack of MEN it will likely die of old age and be given a presidential funeral.

The former twatter now x files has disabled my account twice because I wrote we should be hanging our domestic enemies.

They claim this is ‘violence.’ I didn’t write ‘lynching.’

So much for Musk’s version of free speech.

All hangings should be preceded by war crimes trials that we don’t have the MEN to bring about.

Does one forgive a rattlesnake in a sleeping bag while it’s biting them?

These creatures that would sell gasoline in hell will NEVER throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you.”

How many serial killers would change their ways if released?

They will always claim you are being ‘extreme’ no matter how absurd their agenda is. We were ‘extreme’ in the 90s when we claimed a basic right to self defense via concealed carry, you know, as part of the process of begging for grains of sand from a beach we already own.

But then we had morons who upon seeing an open carrier, if they noticed at all, would assume he was a cop or occasionally stupidly ask, “Do ya have a license for that?”

Kentucky’s constitution has never forbade open carry and only banned concealed carry after it was re-written mid 19th century allegedly after a legislator attacked another in the capitol building with a sword cane.

We were ‘racists’ and ‘nazis’ and ‘antisemitic‘ and all the other evil things because we were defending and trying to restore the Bills of Rights of the U.S. Constitution and several states.

That’s what this war is about and nothing else. Trump must keep the haters of the concept of natural rights out of his cabinet and any other appointments he makes.

But he’s already failed at that.

It would be better if we were hanging them. If not they will do as they always do and slither off to some dark corner to rehash their lies and come up with more cute names/causes to hide their relentless evil all the while plotting to return at the globalists’/banksters’ behest.

If they’re still not running the show.

First Trump must kick all the Marxist upper echelon officers out of the military. They’re teaching Marxism in the military academies as if it’s a good thing.

Then of course Trump voters must melt down the phone lines to their congress of whores and demand the alphabet soup agencies that only exist to enforce the NWO be de-funded, shut down and tried for treason and executed.

Then our congress of whores must ACKNOWLEDGE our right to kill them when they overstep(ped) their bounds, about a century and a half back.

The fed and the income tax must die despite the reality that  the avg. voter is so stupid they probably think we’ve always had those things.

But then all democracy is a manipulative lie.

When our domestic enemies, our GREATEST ENEMIES, think they’re losing ground they regroup and rehash their lies, propaganda and seek to control whatever storm, in their eyes, they think is coming.

Like Paul probably tired of trying to destroy early christianity and decided to infiltrate and control.

It’s the oldest game. It’s called King of the Hill.

The alphabet soup agencies need to be replaced with a militia force whose only mission is to investigate govt. corruption and to try and hang whatever authoritarians that infiltrate the govt. from the ‘right’ or the ‘left’ or whatever direction.

Our Bills of Rights of the U.S. Constitution and of the several states that have documents that ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS must be ACKNOWLEDGED which would mean our congresses and legislatures and county and city governments of whores would immediately declare any such ‘law’ that infringes on the above is IMMEDIATELY defunct/repealed/unenforceable, on and on and on.

We’ve covered this ground for decades:

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

A new birth of Liberty, or death

What Trump Should Do

Trump’s Geopolitical Strategy (or Lack Thereof) in Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal

Follow the yellow brick road:

– The simple sad truth is the voter/activist cycle runs maybe 10 years for most. By this I mean a sheeple wakes up, becomes political to whatever degree, then realizes the prez races are really selections.

And of course the winning side goes back to their golf courses, yard work, couch, fav porn site, church to wait for a savior that isn’t coming, fav sports bar, fishin’ hole or whatever and pays little attention to what really gets things done.

And we still let the morons vote.

The Trump Regime Is Being Defeated Before It Takes Office

The emphasis on profits means that income and wealth will continue to concentrate in the top one-tenth of one percent. Hegemony means wars, not peace. Trump has even spoken of invading Greenland and Panama to add them along with Canada to the American Empire, and Trump’s appointment of Israel’s friends points to war with Iran.  But perhaps not. As I recently wrote, an Israeli government committee has concluded that Israel must prepare for war with Turkey over which of them gets Syria.  Is the land to belong to Israel as part of Greater Israel, or to Turkey as part of a reconstituted Ottoman Empire?  As Turkey is a NATO member, this produces a dilemma for the Trump regime which is firmly in Israel’s pocket.  Instead of making American great again, Trump will be focused on helping Israel become Greater Israel.

Infographic: A Who’s Who of All Trump’s Cabinet Level Nominees

Reviewing Trump’s Cabinet: Deep State Penetration?

FK – Uh, no, we must get the Marxists out of the govt. school systems for only a tiny percentage of the pop. will ever be indoctrinated in private, charter, christian, home, whatever schools.

Marx wanted the govt. to control the indoctrination of children for the same reason the church did for centuries.

The ONLY WAY to judge any of them is by their political resume, their voting record and who or what funds them. What they claim during a campaign cycle MEANS NOTHING.

The New American has long banned me from commenting on their site and I’ve never been able to get an explanation as to why.

I suspect they share the same cowardice of many ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ who are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

It’s all a circus:

Liberal Lawyers Push Plan for Democrats to Block Trump’s Inauguration

FK – Does this mean the joint chiefs will issue a statement that Trump WILL BE INAUGURATED as they did for the demented in chief?:

Generals: We will murder real Americans

Will they?:

Exclusive: Pentagon ‘Scrambling,’ Wiping Evidence of DEI as Trump Readies to Fire Woke Generals

FK – They need to go generations farther back than the marxist mutt.

Read ‘War is a Racket.’

They need to train to defend the BILL OF RIGHTS, you know that thing they swore to uphold and protect, not murder civilians in foreign wars for corporate profit.

Pete Hegseth’s plan to overhaul the military: ‘You need to fire a ton of generals’

FK – And probably many other ranks. The upper echelons don’t gain rank unless they’re part of the team. It ain’t our team.

And send other people’s children off to another war for profit:

FK – They should be conscripting the banksters, board members, chairmen, ceos, marketers, and stockholders of the corporations that make trillions off these wars for profit.

Why aren’t they paying for veterans’ health care?

We’re the ones getting plucked:

A Serious Pentagon Must Hold a ‘Plucking Board’

FK – Well gee, since they’re teaching Marxism in the military academies I would claim as always that our greatest enemies are HERE!!!!!!

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Which is scarier –Hegseth or the combined brainpower of the Senate Armed Forces Committee?

Well they tucked their tails and certified him:

*** Election Certification Livewire *** Congress Convenes in Snowstorm to Certify Donald Trump’s Historic Election

FKActually voted for Trump this time. And from what I’ve seen already regretting it.

If it’s gonna be so different this time why has he appointed so many Zionists? The pink elephant is still in the room.

It’s obvious with most of Trump’s appointments that the zionists are the real uniparty.


FKI actually voted for trump this time. This makes me regret it.

If his admin and the republicrats don’t DESTROY the NWO starting at the TOP and hold WAR CRIMES TRIALS for all the conspirators including those responsible for creating the special little country that shouldn’t even exist then I will regret it.

Maybe that was my dose of hopium.

What Israel is doing is called genocide. Nothing more nothing less.

How Trump plans to “shatter the left’s censorship regime”

FK – Gee, does that mean we’ll be able to question the motives of the special little country and the congressmen that put Israel over America without being called that special ‘a’ word?

The Israel Lobby: All our candidates won

FK – The phone lines in the district of commie criminals need to burn until the whores learn to put America(The concept of NATURAL RIGHTS as ACKNOWLEDGED in our Bills of Rights) first.

From the mouth of the beast:


Any creature that thinks that’s OK doesn’t belong in this country.

Simple truth(This was on tik tok which our ever wise jackasses in the fedgov decided to ban because it might do whatever that our domestic enemies have already been doing for generations. He has an x account and maybe others.):


Trump Obama And Presidential Requirements #erikwarsaw Erik Warsaw

♬ original sound – Erik Warsaw

“Our Job Is to Flatten Gaza. No One Will Stop Us.”

SS IDF Is ‘Liquidating’ The North Gaza Ghetto

After a day of רצח עם (retsach um), murder of a nation, as genocide is referred to in Israel, the soldiers, as ugly a people as I ever saw, are pumped. Their elated and distorted mugs resemble nothing so much as primates in heat—profuse apologies to primates, it goes without saying, for the unflattering and undeserving figure of speech. Log into X formerly known as Twitter, and click this link (https://x.com/DoubleDownNews/status/1844371141487636620) to view Israel’s finest. For on Elon Musk’s X, the sharing code of Israel-incriminating videos is mostly disabled. (I have this fact confirmed by an expert coder.)

Trump’s Picks Are All Neocon Warhawks Ferociously Devoted to Israel

John Mearsheimer On How The Israel Lobby Works In The United States


The United States of Israel EXPOSED


– All democracy is a manipulative lie. So certainly modern Israel is a democracy.

The only possible solution is mass migration of ‘jews’ whatever that really is, out of the Levant and into some place like Australia where they can exist in some form of their own peace.

It’s been TWO THOUSAND YEARS since many to most of them were kicked out by the Romans, a conquering force. So it’s absurd for them to claim a ‘right to return.’

The ten commandments so-called were only meant to apply to other Israelites/Hebrews/Canaanites/whatever they really were.

Extremist Israeli settler leaders invited as ‘special guests’ to Trump inauguration

Gee, someone must have read my mind:

FK – Hating someone for the way they’re born is as mindless as blindly defending them for the same reason.

If we can deport millions of illegals, why not millions more?:

Israel’s Population Reaches 10 Million Mark in 2024

How Long Can Christians Continue To Turn a Blind Eye To Israel’s Atrocities?

Gee, what did the Crusaders do? What did the Catholic Church do to the Cathars? What did the protestants and Catholics do to each other during the 30 years war or Reformation?

The sheeple in general are simple minded. Believers often more so. They don’t think beyond a handful of words handed to them by some priest, preacher, or politician or some other authority figure.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Trump Announces Gaza Hostage and Ceasefire Deal

FK – Until the next false flag gives the IDF an excuse to resume the genocide and advance toward ‘Greater Israel.’

Will they yet manage to steal the oil and gas?

What happened to 70×7?

Trump ‘Promised Netanyahu He’ll Support Israel If They Decide to Violate Ceasefire’ – Israeli Media

Historian: Nazi Army Included 150,000 of Jewish Descent

Did You Know That The United States And Israel Created And Funded Hamas?

How many more children will have to pay a price for their own ancestors’ ignorance and greed? And I mean HERE not there, because eventually evil goes both ways:


Tim Walz Reflects on Election: ‘How in the World Did We Lose to a Billionaire?’

FK – The short answer is the sheeple love money, the real god of this world, as much as the rich, so they admire the rich. Trump knows how to talk down to them for whatever real reason.

But do a majority of voters yet know what the ‘deep state’ really entails? Not likely. I’ve been watching this for a quarter century plus and I don’t claim to understand all of it.

Doing so would require war crimes trials, starting at the top of the pyramid or as close as we can get. But that would require MEN that western civ. no longer has because our enemies have been successful.

Why is Trump hiring mostly Zionists with a few globalists thrown in for good measure?

Much stranger things are coming:

– One simple answer: We FAILED to HANG THEM!

And don’t miss this if you’re an anti-whatever:

Sorry no original source for this. But it wouldn’t surprise me:

California High-Speed Rail Wikipedia page with what may be the actual map.

And then we have this:

What will be happening next on your little speck of Terra?

More big names join Trump admin: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum latest on dream team

FK – Gee, I’ve never heard of most of these characters. Would their resumes show they’ve dedicated their careers to restoring the Bill of Rights and putting the concept of NATURAL RIGHTS above all other things?

Why not shut them down after shutting down the batf nazis and hanging them for treason?:

Trump’s Selection of Kash Patel to Lead FBI Electrifies America First Movement

FK – Huh?:

“That’s not to say his supporters are unhappy with any of the other selections–they’re not.

“Trump’s supporters are very fired up about all of them so far, and excited as the former president builds out his comeback administration. But there’s something about the Patel selection that has really got the base jacked up and excited.”

WTF planet is the author of this article on?

Trump’s hired zionist after zionist with a few globalists thrown in for good measure.

They’ve done it again.

The fed bureau of instigators needs to be shut down or transformed into an agency that only investigates govt. corruption and govt. authoritarians of whatever stripe or side in the culture war so-called:



FK – I’m glad you do what you do but are you afraid to mention Dominion?

Fascism is communism’s little brother. Why do we listen to creatures we should be hanging?

What day we vote matters not. The traceability of each vote is what matters.

We should all have voter numbers that are EARNED not given to just any ignorant jackass and get a receipt when we vote that can be checked online the next day to make sure our votes were registered correctly.

There should be a list online of each voter no. and how it voted. If they’re voting for communists or theocrats or any other version of authoritarian they DON’T BELONG HERE.

Any communist or authoritarian that gets ‘elected’ that ran on an authoritarian platform gets arrested the moment they finish taking their oath based upon the fact they broke it before they took it.

I learned about COMMUNISTS’ attitude toward free speech after getting in trouble for leaving a conservative tabloid in an elementary school teachers’ lounge in the early 90s.

That was when I learned we don’t live in a free country and what my ENEMIES, my domestic enemies, MY GREATEST ENEMIES, really are and what would have to be done about them.

If we don’t start HANGING THEM they will simply do what they always do: slither off to some dark corner and re-group and re-hash their lies and call themselves by some different cute name next time that dumbass ‘conservatives’ will repeat instead of calling them COMMUNISTS because most ‘conservatives’ are COWARDS.

Similarly many trump voters will go back to the couch, the golf course, the fishin’ hole, the sewing circle, the prayer group or the church and wait for the world to end or the nudie bar and wish for a world that doesn’t exist.

Reagan allowed CFR members and other globalist trash into his admin.

If Trump doesn’t find a way to CLEANSE our governments of all such garbage, starting with the military, including upper echelon officers who are just there so they can transition to high paying jobs in the defense industry et al, then he may as well hire Kamala as his chief of staff.

Democracy the golden shitty lie

If the military fights for our liberty based upon the Bill of Rights they swore to uphold and protect, why aren’t we free?????

America’s real birthday – The day they shot back

This is what they’re doing next:


FK – Well gee, low I.Q. idiots have allowed their country to be destroyed along with western civilization.

They haven’t proven me wrong yet.

The COMMUNISTS always take three steps forward and two steps back, still gaining ground, because we don’t hang them.

I exist in podunk Kentucky and am surrounded by white skinned willfully ignorant morons that have no more conception of what AMERICA not amerika is supposed to be about than most immigrants. Actually I’d claim at least some ‘educated’ immigrants may have a far greater understanding of our concept of natural rights than the ignorant trash we allow to go to the polls.

In the end it’s the culture that matters not the ‘race.’ Why don’t we have engraved in granite copies of our Bills of Rights on granite gallows in front of every govt. building for our elected, hired and appointed public servants to swear their oaths upon and that are handy for when they break those oaths, usually during their campaign cycles.

All empires fall. amerika will be no different. Something will replace it. What kind of slavery(democracy?) will it be?

We are supposed to have NATURAL RIGHTS not ‘civil rights’ that are granted and can thus be taken back.

But western civ. has NO MEN or ADULT women to enforce this concept. Our enemies have been successful.

The ranting communist is quoting propaganda created by whites via an ideology created by white Europeans.

Western civ. has been full of willing slaves for GENERATIONS.

Maybe this will be why:


FK – Big food, big pharma, big banking, big war. Looked for a meme with those and couldn’t find one. Maybe I’ll make one so x can block it from being seen.

The last I looked bitcoin and all other cryptos allegedly excluding monero are trackable and thus taxable and thus the black suited nazis can physically show up at your door, murder you, call you an extremist, drop a bag of whatever or an ‘illegal gun’ or device or a drive with some kiddie porn on it and get away with it all free and clear.

If the CIA et al have no issue with drug dealing for funding then isn’t it likely they’re already deeply invested in cryptos if not already controlling them?

From my limited understanding the fedgov runs on electronic fiat currency created out of nothing by the banksters, whomever they really are. In the not distant future the national debt so called will allegedly be 40 TRILLION(look that up and see the graphics on how much ‘money’ that really is).

How they have sustained this circus so far is beyond my understanding beyond what I keep writing: This is a nation of cowardly whores who elect governments of whores and we have NO MEN to put a stop to any of it.

Let them prove me wrong.

Believing or thinking any of this will still be going on in 10 generations is blindness. Do a search on what 19th century tool-using monkeys thought the future would be. Or remember the Army general who allegedly claimed there’d never by any military use for airplanes.

Most propaganda is a mix of truth and lies measured out according to how many brain cells the propagandists feel the audience may possess. Or as Hitler allegedly claimed “The truth is the best propaganda.”

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Those who actually have money to experiment on such things, or think they do, comprise what percentage of the pop.? I know I don’t. If I did I might own a little of some of it along with the gold and silver stuff but the most important things in the future will be steel, copper, brass, lead, smokeless powder and dried food because the Indian summer morning IS coming. If not in what’s left of my existence here then someone’s.

But then what MEN do we have to organize and end this circus instead of sitting on their piles of dried food, toilet paper, ammo, precious metals or whatever and pretend they can singly defend it from the govt. or anything that calls itself the local govt. which of course according to history is the entity than can provide overwhelming force.

But the sheeple are too stupid to understand the situation they’re really in and their apathy ensures they fully deserve what’s coming.

The true and only purpose of any currency, crypto, fiat, emoney, wampum or whatever is to transfer value from one physical commodity to another. Even ones and zeroes drawing interest on a physical server in some banksters’ warehouse or however they do that is prone to destruction via the Indian summer morning.

I’ve heard too may eotw scenarios over the last quarter century, really half century, to pretend I have a crystal ball. It’s all dragged on far longer than I ever imagined.


– The creatures will only pretend to move on. You can count on that.

The globalists built the govt. schools for their own purposes. Who was John Dewey?

There’s no mention of the word ‘antisemite’ in the First Amendment.

The first thing Trump must do is kick the Marxist upper echelon officers out of the military. They’re teaching Marxism in the military academies. How many are too stupid to grasp what this means?

French President Emmanuel Macron, 46, fires back for first time at claims wife, 70, was born a man

FK – I’ve never looked under its skirt and have no desire to.

EXCLUSIVE: FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs

The name Muhammad has overtaken Noah as the most popular for baby boys in England and Wales

FK – Who or what brought this about? It wasn’t the fundies.

Great Replacement: White British Set to Become Minority by 2050 as PM Admits Failed ‘Open Borders Experiment’ Imposed by ‘Design’

FK – The brits stupidly surrendered their modern weapons over 20 years ago without killing any of their commie globalist trash so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

Now back to the ongoing plandemic:

Renowned Doctor: mRNA ‘Bioweapon’ Has Destroyed Immune Systems of Covid-Vaxxed


Study of 9 Million Exposes ‘Devastating’ Neurological Damage Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed

Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’

Top Experts Debunk Claims That Covid ‘Vaccines’ ‘Saved Millions’

United Nations Testing Vaccine-Tracking Digital ID Systems in Africa Ahead of Global Rollout

The vax is the next thing to that ‘mark’ that religionists are so scared of:

UK to Roll Out Digital IDs for General Public This Year

But then we’ve already been ‘marked’ since the 1930s. What can the average dumbass do without a socialist security no.?

Bill Gates Pushes to Launch ‘New Global Pandemic’ Using ‘Catastrophic Contagion’

Top Cardiologists Reveal Covid ‘Vaccines’ Are Sole Cause of Heart Failure Surge

Censored Autopsies Study Confirms Covid ‘Vaccines’ Caused 74% of ALL Deaths

In case I haven’t posted this before:

Scientists Develop ‘Airborne mRNA’ to Vaccinate Public Without Consent

Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game – Time to Resist Authoritarianism in the U.S.!

FK – FDR certainly new an attack was coming, maybe even knew it would be Pearl. The powers arranged for and allowed the 9/11 false flag.

And what was the war of 1812? I guess that one was too far back to count.

In 1775 our ancestors shot back and killed govt. employees. It should be our greatest holiday:

America’s real birthday – The day they shot back

High-Grade Sarcoma Triggered by Second Dose of Moderna ‘Vaccine,’ Doctors Warn

‘Threatens every child in America’: Boy forced to get COVID shot against parents’ wishes, now court agrees with it

Trump Picks Covid Vaccine Supporter, Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, To Become US Surgeon General

Bombshell Study Confirms Covid ‘Vaccines’ Alter Human Behavior

FK – They want an even more docile pop. than the billions of morons that wore the masks and took the vax.

mRNA Injections Turn Bodies of Covid-Vaxxed into ‘Vaccine Factories,’ Study Warns

Renowned Virologist Warns ‘Vaccinated People’ Face Looming Wave of Death & Disease

FK – There is a plus to this: An overall improvement to the human gene pool as the less intelligent will not be existing to breed.

“The Pfizer Papers”: The Story of Covid Tyranny and Evil

And What of Accountability?

Much of this information will not be revelatory to The New American’s readers. Also not news, to any of us, is that accountability today only seems to be for the common man. Stansbury wonders, however, if murder charges are applicable to Big Pharma CEOs who withheld damning information. (Likely not; I’d assume corporate law precludes this.)

Murdered government whistleblower warned in 1995 about global depopulation using engineered bioweapons, followed by planetary-scale extermination of the human race

Schools Can Force-Vaccinate Children Against Parents’ Wishes, State Supreme Court Rules


There’s a reason for this evil beyond the blind greed:


Maybe they’re counting on most of the mistakes being dead or too disabled to do anything:


Again the last several links are a minuscule percentage of what’s out there or of what I’ve managed to read over the last few months.

The avg. dumbass still doesn’t know or care and thus fully deserves what’s being done to them.

Yep, I did:

Real or not, Corona is a setup

All in the name of the oldest game, King of the Hill:

How lies become facts and the world ends

Speaker Mike Johnson Takes Thomas Massie, One of the Most Constitutionally Obedient Congressmen, Off Rules Committee


Limitless arrogance and hubris:

– There used to be a saying: “The press is free if you own one.”

Now most of us own one. The elites that bought out the major newspapers over a century ago and built the radio and weaponvision stations can’t stand this.

There’s nothing new about any of this.


FK – If the shit stands on my front porch and tells me it’s come to check my freezer I’ll turn the shit into tree food.

If the military fights for our liberty based upon the Bill of Rights they swore to uphold and protect, why aren’t we free?????

Not holding my breath:


FK – Well I guess I’m one ah them ufo nuts…

They’re doing the same things the shamans have always done, depend on ignorance and fear to help them play the oldest game: King of the Hill.

When the sheeple face the unknown they return to the fear and ignorance that has always ruled their existence at the behest of money, greed, the real god of this world.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

This one is just too much fun to miss:



FKI have news for the aliens, they still haven’t got it right.

So are they coming back for more copper, an ore that is allegedly rare now? Why didn’t they just use advanced machinery to do the work back then instead of apes with sticks?

Not exactly what he was referring to. But I’ve never heard of copper being associated with that tech.

Without war crimes trials we will never know the ‘truth’ of any of this, if very much at all. But we have NO MEN to arrest the elites and try them.

The question for the future is ‘Will we have anything resembling liberty based on the concept of natural rights?’

Since most of the tool-using monkeys have no understanding of this at all I highly doubt it.

Future archaeologists will dig our bones out of the rock and dust and ask ‘Was there ever really an America?”

If they’re allowed to by future collectivists of whatever variety. Recent history shows that ‘being human’ isn’t necessarily something to be proud of much less brag about.

And I’m referring to the vast majority of poorly evolved tool-using monkeys that use their natural apathy, fear, ignorance and insane religions to sit on their asses and pretend they have no responsibility for what happens around them.

There are likely elements of reality, which differs from ‘truth,’ in all of the ancient tribal propagandas.

Our natural born ignorance doesn’t ‘prove’ any of them.

Passing info along huh? What percentage of the adult pop. wouldn’t read a book if it was stapled to their face? They love their ignorance and their fear too much.

And we stupidly let them vote.

True ‘disclosure’ would destroy ‘human’ civilization. Maybe that’s the plan.

The problem with these programs is, as they as most often do, fail to look at the big picture.

Or this:

FK – Historically the educated and intelligent know religion has always been and remains a control device that used/uses the same basic techniques as the NWO.

Mainstream religion so-called has already been dis-proven in many myriad ways but the religious keep lying to themselves and us about it for whatever true psychological reasons.

There’s nothing new about any of this.

Deception is the first rule/act of warfare.

Confusion and fear is all they need.

They don’t need 100% of the pop. but just enough to seem legitimate. What did the Catholic church do to the Cathars?

They always overreach then act satisfied with what they get after the controlled opposition pretends to compromise. In this manner they always advance.

Just because there aren’t any aliens doesn’t mean there aren’t any aliens.

Have you watched ‘Colony?’

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

Sourced this here:


Christie: Without Federal Information ‘Drone Vigilantes’ Are Going to ‘Start Taking them Down’

FK – Have either of these lying jackasses been out over or in the ocean to find the Iranian or alien mothership?

It would be worth it to have the Coast Guard fly them out and drop them in.

This is obvious distraction from all the Zionists and globalists Trump is hiring.

FK – Considering the huge no. of sightings over the centuries vs. alleged no. of retrieved craft it’s not that surprising.

Allegedly the military discovered that radar systems could crash some of them back in the 40s. At least he mentions that. I didn’t know the redacted guy was once at faux snooze.

Why would the elites want us to have access to the kind of power that alleged ‘free energy’ would provide? I’m not sure I’d want the avg. redneck dumbass or gang banger to have that.

Why do spiritual demons need physical craft to fly around in?

Why is a multimillionaire allegedly former mainstream newswhore parroting this garbage?

Religion is a control device. The elites and the ‘aliens’/watchers whatever if they are at all benevolent realize the avg. willfully ignorant sheeple isn’t ready for their reality.

One version I heard claimed ‘they’ said we’re culturally 20,000 years behind them.

What happened after the Indians saw those big boats with the large sails off their coast?

When the sheeple face the unknown they return to the fear and the ignorance that has always ruled their existence at the behest of money, greed, the real god of this world.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.

FK – Of course the globalists want to control the message on this. They as well as the watchers know the tool-using monkeys still exist in a very dark and dangerous age and aren’t ready for their reality.

It’s unlikely anyone breathing now will exist long enough to see that time come. The comments below prove this especially since many of them are probably paid trolls serving various causes.

The UFO movement or whatever, the ‘disclosure’ thing is fairly recent and may have been contrived by the actors you’re discussing, has always been full of infiltrators, nuts, hucksters and on and on. Just like religion and politics, but I repeat myself.

You’re focusing on some of the worst actors.

All they need is confusion and fear, or ignorance and fear, the generals or concubines of money, the real god of this world.

They’re doing the same things the shamans have always done, depend on ignorance and fear to help them play the oldest game: King of the Hill.

Tailoring our message to the ‘normie’ braindead is what got us into this situation. Most of them have no business voting. Most of them wore the masks and took the vax and shut their churches down at the behest of the puppet masters that ran the plandemic.

They”re incredibly stupid creatures.

Do tool-using monkey ‘scientists’ bother to try to have extended conversations with their lab rats?

Allegedly there are several species/civilizations coming here, all with varying agendas and attitudes towards the tool-using monkeys ranging from benevolent to malevolent. Or maybe most of them are just taking their kids to the zoo.

Blindly trust NO SOURCE.

If you’re not teaching children to question EVERYTHING then you’re teaching them to stupidly blindly obey anything.

When the sheeple face the unknown they return to the fear and the ignorance that has always ruled their existence at the behest of money, greed, the real god of this world.

When the govt./mainstream newswhores are releasing/covering something it’s about manipulating the message.


So they didn’t make it in 2024?

FK – What if the pbb propaganda/psyop is just another way to get the brain dead sheeple to mindlessly accept that there’s nothing to the ufo/alien question?

This is all distraction from forcing the republicrats to fix our country. Form your militias and get ready to do what will be required.

I keep writing ‘lab rats’ for a reason:

FK – Our tool using monkey rulers consider us to be livestock so maybe lab rat is an improvement.

If our commie globalist trash immediately ally with whatever aliens show up we’ll instantly know the ‘aliens’ are the enemy.

Ditto for the other side of the so-called culture war.

One of the better docs I’ve seen on this recently:



The tool using monkeys look worse:

Coulda’ told him that 20 years ago:

This is actually what democracy is:

And this means all of them:

And this is the enemy’s flag:

And they are, and they will never get the help they need from either side of the culture war:

As I wrote:

And amerikans or self-proclaimed Americans who aren’t training with their genuine people’s militias for what will eventually be forced upon them are also contemptible. Sadly that’s most of the pathetic dumbed down cowardly prostituted population:

They both are, all education so-called is indoctrination by default:

Now on to those pesky random vids I run across that some moron neglected to provide an original link to:






Why true anarchy can never work:


All propaganda is a mix of ‘truth’ and lies. With the net they throw a horse pill into a blender and out comes that pink goo. But this one’s just too much fun to ignore:


i was expecting something else:


Banksters with a sense of humor or ‘We Live?’:


If only we had MEN. The money would be spent on war crimes trials and rope and not fancy funerals:


Does this poor creature truly not realize how hideous it is? It’s a direct result of generations of amerikans thinking they can ignore what goes on in the world around them:


They just keep proving me right:

San Francisco Health Department Hires Obese Woman to Promote Fatness — Report

This is a reply to the above post on x, well more or less:

Does he not realize that one cannot trust someone who doesn’t share their most core values?:



Well bless his well-meaning heart. He still has a lot of waking up to do.



Murder tickles:


Almost as popular as democracy:


Well gee, someone noticed:

‘The COLLAPSE of WESTERN CIVILISATION’ – LA Wildfires Are Just the Beginning…


This has been obvious for quite some time. What MEN will do this?:


Well fuckin’ A:

Report: Number of Firearms in Civilian Possession Tops 490 Million

FK – Nearly 500 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

WOW! Alien Face Found Emerging From Antarctic Ice Could Change Everything!

FK – The young Earth creationists will simply claim that ‘the devil did it’ to deceive us.

My understanding of Blue Beam is that it’ll simply be another excuse for military funding and the continuance of the NWO or the deep state or whatever, as in ‘the war on terror,’ and the ‘drug war,’ and ‘fighting communism,’ which the fact that we’re drowning in commie zombies proves the elites were never serious about.

The religionists will at best pick out a verse or two, and there are several, that they can point to and claim whatever they decide to, as they always do. Morons that will blindly go along with slavery vs. eternal torture and call it a ‘choice,’ while planning to sing praises to their sadistic bronze age god while it burns their own loved ones and friends alive in fire forever will go along with anything that assuages their fear of the unknown.

At worst it’ll be the beginning of a new agey religion with alien gods or whatever. Sounds like a good time for the Church of Scientology to jump in.

Digital art being what it is this could have been created and planted in goolag Earth and few could tell the difference. Or some ugly vain bastard really did have its face carved into a mountain before Antarctica froze over. Nothing new about that.

What generally happens to primitive indigenous populations when they confront superior cultures?

We are the primitives… And it’s my guess ‘they’ don’t consider us ready for their tech.

‘Disclosure’ would mean going to the smallest town and seeing an obvious alien walking down the street or shopping in the local redneck mecca without fear of Jim Bob running to his truck for his shotgun or some concealed carrier drawing down on them.

We’re a long-long time as in multi-generations away from that. If the govt. suddenly announced ‘disclosure’ internet comment sections would suddenly fill with crap about ‘angels and demons’ and ‘end times’ and ‘we’re gonna get beamed up soon.’ Kinda like now.

As always we’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age.

Simple minded sheeple have to ‘believe’ in something and have a concrete simple answer to complex questions. Nowadays many have a similar ‘belief’ in our contemporary version of ‘science’ which has clearly been and really always was politicized.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

The OMG Moment – The Charlemagne Event Depicted In Stone Petroglyph – Moab Utah 3/15/19

FK – Took a pic of a foot like the upper one at 6:01 in the four corners area years ago. Very small overhang. Not much other stuff there.

Or some early Andy Warhol did all this and got paid jerky, animal skins and virgins to do shows or artwork for local tribes…

When he was 8.

If Oppenheimer thinks there was a global flood what’s the geological evidence for this? It makes no sense that all the settlements from an antediluvian or whatever period would all be under water now.

It makes no sense to claim there’d be no fossilization of our civilization/tech. How long does it take aluminum or computer chips to decay?

Wouldn’t exposed rocks in a desert environment be more exposed to what rain does fall than those in a temperate climate covered by vegetation and leaf fall and topsoil? Have comparisons been made? There are bluffs here in the east that don’t look exactly like those…

I think the average dumbass would shrug and go clock in. The bill cycle ensures it. Who’d want to starve to death before the big event?

These scratchings like the scratchings of priests of an ancient desert tribe were an effort to understand the shitty cruel world they found themselves in. Many joined monasteries and nunneries so they could eat. Such things existed long before monotheism.

Plus they didn’t have flat screens, the net and video games in those days. The sky was the screen, rocks and papyrus their media, and they had to find some outlet for active imaginations that wouldn’t get them rolled around in the fire by jealous power hungry kings.

I think it’s a centipede.

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

Connecting Dots: UFOGate to the Missing Trillions

The purposes of gods and golden rules

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

MINI AOC “CLONE” Blasts Washington Senator with Green New Deal!


FK – What catholic saint said “Give me a child until he is 7 years of age and you can have them the rest of their lives?

Those with the ‘higher claim’ are willing to use the force to maintain it. Their victims are not willing to rule over those who would rule them. It’s that simple.

A grown bull(The Holstein in the vid has a body like a bull, but with tits?) doesn’t need to posture and do karate kicks. I saw a stubby legged one bounce a several hundred pound hay bale across the pasture like a soccer ball one day. All he did was run up and butt it with his head.

AOC is welcome to come and feed our trees. Who or what is really behind it and these efforts?

When the commie trash demand we surrender our liberty teeth it will be ‘Their way or the highway.” Either way it’ll be the highway to hell on Earth.

These children as always are nothing but tools.

These lies continue because there are no men here to stop them. We need REAL MEN but our enemies have defeated us and emasculated and de-brained and de-backboned the modern amerikan male.

This may be slowed a little but neither Trump nor the republicrats are interested in destroying the Marxist globalist agenda which WILL REQUIRE a BLOODLETTING, or a watering of the ‘Tree of Liberty’ which I fear is truly dead.

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

What to teach your kids

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

A precursor to Hell on Earth

Oh, and it’s ‘chuckie schemer.’

Proven right once again:


FK – Can you hit one of those at 300 meters or 3? That’s what’s gonna matter.

The Hidden Truth about Global Warming and the Paris Climate Accord | The Climate Change Biz Boom


FK – They will continue to lie until we force them to stop.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

The Nature of Power

Stefan Molyneux Exposes Fake News: ‘Rip Through the Matrix, ‘See the World As It Really Is’


FK – You must understand that until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Feel free to share, if you have the courage.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Not What You Think It Is | The Swim

FK – Doesn’t most of it end up in landfills? Are the commies on the commie coast throwing most of their garbage in the ocean? Are other nations using the ocean as a landfill?

This sounds like the next eco lie, like ‘global warming,’ that will be used in the relentless quest to control every aspect of our existences in this world.

Send all the commie coast commie trash out their in kayaks with enough garbage bags to last a lifetime and enough bricks to make them settle to the bottom. Two problems solved.

The important thing to remember about the global warming propaganda, and it’s ‘all’ propaganda, is that the “Liberal”(commie) trash who call themselves ‘environmentalists’ to hide their evil will use it as an excuse to control every aspect of our existences in this world. The ‘evil’ corporations love it too because they can make money off carbon credits and the governments love it because it’s another way to control us all.

Ask your fav commie by whatever cute name what it wants to happen to those who refuse to obey its commie laws.

They’re commie globalists. There’s nothing liberal or progressive about them. Calling them by their cute names helps them hide their evil.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is what we’re fighting for.

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Welcome to a nation of morons

Top 5 Natural Threats to Global Civilization

FK – Are the tool-using monkeys somehow un-natural?

Thanks for reminding us again there are no safe spaces on this water-soaked fire spitting rock.

What’s the ultimate question?

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

Stossel: What Trump’s Court Pick Means for Liberty

FK – They’re communist trash and we should be hunting them to extinction.

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Global Weather Anomalies in the Middle of Summer 2018