Tag Archives: civil war



FK – Who’s the guy in the blue suit coat? Why is he so nervous? And more importantly why aren’t they using these ‘exercises’ to catch illegals?

I really think this is all over blown. Could it be something serious, yes but not likely. Is it conditioning? Yes but not that much more than the crap they see on the weaponvision.

Just make note of the idiots around you in these areas and get ready for what will be required.

Seems to be the entire presentation:


FK – I’d be interested to know how Tim feels about disarming the civilian population and will he or not shoot the officer that commands him to do so????

I think this is being overblown overall by the alt. news media. But that doesn’t mean the ‘training’ couldn’t be used for malevolent purposes.

Is this the Gen. Cleveland he’s referring to?

GOA: The Bigot Game

Mitch McConnell is reported to be prepared to hoist the white flag of surrender in the face of this barrage of insults.

If he does, you can expect that THE BIGOT GAME will become a standard way of doing business — to an even greater extent than it is now.

Understand this: If you give a bully what he wants, you have guaranteed that the bullying will never end.

Take into consideration, also, that, if Democrats retain the White House, Lynch will almost certainly be nominated to replace Anthony Kennedy or Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. And, if Republicans believe they are experiencing pain now, wait till the “swing vote” for the entire federal judiciary is on the line.

So the GOP is now in the unique position of choosing how miserable it wants to be. When you feed a test animal, you get more of the same behavior. And confirming Lynch will be the ultimate reward for the Democrats’ loathsome campaign.

FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

Everytown for Gun Safety Poll of 8 Democrats Per 5 Republicans Still Finds Majority Support for Guns in Iowa Schools

Ohio Now Recognizes All Out-Of-State Concealed Carry Permits

FK – But the trash just keeps being trash:

Cleveland City Council President: Gun Control Needed Whether It Works or Not

FK – Meanwhile in another big city:

Concealed Carry Uber Driver Stops Gunman In Chicago

Martial Law? Obama Confiscates National Guard Helicopters From All 50 States

In all, the Defense Department will confiscate 192 Apaches from National Guard units around the country and give them to the active duty Army.

In exchange for the heavily armed and highly maneuverable choppers, Guard units will receive 111 UH-60 Blackhawk transport helicopters from the Army, Defense One reports.

Last week, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, claiming that the measure will save taxpayers $12 billion, over the next three years.

FKThe NATIONAL guard is all federal property anyway. They created it to discourage the states from having their own militias…

Local police amassing arsenal of surplus Army weapons

3rd Amendment No Longer Offers Protection Under the Police State

Interview: Tennessee 2nd Amendment Preservation Act is 1st Step to Ending Federal Gun Control


FK – We must take back the Kentucky House so we can get the commie chairmen out of the committees who’ve been stopping these type of bills.

Tennessee Constitution on the right to bear arms and the militia.

Shall Not Be Infringed

Tenth Amendment Center

The Futility of Arguing what the New World Order is


FK – I do agree we should wait for the war crimes trials to figure out who we need to hang.

I nominate this trash for the front of the line:


FK – If it’s still breathing after the war crimes trials can I put the rope around its neck?

Sugar Pine Mine – Oath Keepers Public Information Officer Interview


FK – When the war starts we won’t be shooting at spirits. Time to wake up and grow up and stop choosing from among ALL the forms of authoritarianism. Nobody’s gonna get beamed up.

Wow. Our Founders fought a bloody war to get us away from evil tyrannical kings who looked down their noses at their subjects/slaves and said “Obey me or I’ll torture you and/or kill you.” Some of the Founders, the Anti-Federalists, insisted on a Bill of Rights that included an acknowledgement of our natural born right to not be cruelly or unusually punished yet billions don’t mind the idea that all those who don’t agree with their version, sub-version, or subversion deserve to be tortured alive in fire forever.

Believing it is condoning it. That’s how that works. The human race is still a very primitive species and we’re still existing in a very dark age.

FK – We need a miitia in every county in the country to deal with such evil as this. Sourced here.

The Man Who Fired The Shot Heard ’Round The World

I am absolutely convinced that one of the biggest reasons America is in the sad condition it is in today is because the sermons most Americans frequently hear from modern pulpits refuse to deal with the salient issues of the day and, therefore, our Christian people are mostly uneducated and ignorant of the great Biblical truths relating to liberty and Natural Law. This milquetoast preaching, along with a totally false “obey-the-government-no-matter-what” misinterpretation of Romans 13, have made it next to impossible to find Christian men with the courage and resolve, and even more importantly, the knowledge and understanding, to stand against the assaults on our liberties.

America cut its spiritual teeth on the powerful preaching and exemplary examples of men such as James Caldwell, John Peter Muhlenberg, Joab Houghton, and, yes, Jonas Clark. That most churches do not have pastors such as these is the main reason America is in the miserable condition it is in today.

Then again, for the most part, our churches have the kind of pastors they want, don’t they? I wonder just how many churches today would even tolerate the kind of sermons Jonas Clark delivered. So, ask yourself, dear Christian friend: if you claim to be a patriot, why do you stay in a church that lacks a patriot-pastor? We have the kind of government we vote for and the kind of church we attend and give to. Think about it.

At any rate, this Sunday, April 19, marks one of the most significant dates in American history. And it is significant, in great part, because of the courage and sacrifice of a pastor and church congregation. I wonder how many pastors across the country will even mention it from the pulpit this Sunday. I wonder how many people in the congregation will miss it if they don’t.

FK – Modern so-called ‘christianity’ is certainly one of the biggest threats we face. When millions are sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end, too stupid to see how bad things are already, and nobody got beamed up.

April 19, our nation’s real birthday because that’s the day they shot back, should be our biggest holiday.

FK – Our ancestors weren’t perfect. Neither are we. Yes we can!

Chief of Staff: U.S. Army at 33% Readiness

In a speech last week, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno said that budget cuts were negatively affecting unit readiness in addition to downsizing the Army to historically low numbers.

“Right now, we are at 33 percent readiness,” Gen. Odierno said, referring to the Army’s 32 Brigade Combat Teams.  “What keeps me up at night more than anything else is that I might get a mission to send some of our soldiers and we haven’t properly trained them or given them the right equipment to do their job.”  Now at less than half the desired level of readiness for its Brigade Combat Teams, the U.S. Army should be maintaining 70 percent readiness, he said.

“If sequestration occurs [in 2016], for the next three to four to five years, we’ve moving towards a hollow army,” Gen Odierno said in a January speech.

Since Gen. Odierno became the U.S. Army Chief of Staff three years ago, the Army has shed 80,000 troops, with another 40,000 likely to be dropped through attrition.

FK – Sigo(a commenter) is right. But I must ask what if the general is just lying in the hopes for a budget increase? How is ‘readiness’ really defined? Readiness for what? A two front war? Civilian insurrection? Or just more of the same NWO corporate profiteering we’ve seen for decades?

If some are right when they claim the Marxist mutt fired the officers who won’t go along with its plans then just how ‘hollow’ or hollow headed or hollow hearted is the military?

Why Is the Pentagon Moving Communications Equipment to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex?