Tag Archives: civil war

URGENT ACTION: Hundreds of Patriots Needed at Sugar Pine Mine!


FK – Here the Oathkeepers page on this issue.


FK – I’d happily go if I could afford it. There are many who could but lack the understanding or the conscience or both.

Confederate Memorial Day still recognized in Alabama and across the South

The event, Kirk said is about remembering the dead, both Confederate and Union, and the massive pain inflicted by “brother fighting brother.”

“It was about the burial of the men, north or south. They were someone’s child when they died,” Kirk said. She said the group shies away from the political. The ceremony will include the Pledge of Allegiance and Star Spangled Banner.

“A lot of people want the Confederate monuments taken down. They want the holiday to be done away with. I don’t think you rewrite history. I don’t think you need to. … What better place to show how far we’ve come then to see the history of Montgomery,” Kirk said.

People wearing Confederate uniforms will gather at a separate event Monday on the grounds of the Alabama Capitol.

FK – The victors write the history books. “History is a set of lies agreed upon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte.

We need to be mourning the death of the republic. Too many ‘conservatives’ don’t get that the bad guys won that war. Lincoln killed the republic for a tax. Read “The Real Lincoln.”

GOA Alert: Anti-gun Loretta Lynch Sworn in as Attorney General

ACTION: Please take action by clicking here to hold Senators accountable — “spanking” Senators who supported the anti-gun Loretta Lynch, and thanking those who opposed her. This is an action item for which everyone (even those living in anti-gun states) should be able to take part!
Twenty Republican Senators helped break filibuster against Lynch

Loretta Lynch was sworn in as the 83rd Attorney General of the United States on Monday.

Lynch is an extreme, anti-gun advocate who supports reenacting the so-called “Assault Weapons” ban which sunset in 2004.

While every Democrat supported her, the Republicans listed below cast their support, as well. For starters, every Senator below — both bolded and non-bolded — voted to break the filibuster against her nomination.

FK – This might help with some of them but I fear McCommie(The Kentucky one) is too far gone. I told it Kentucky should be ashamed of it but many of us figured out what trash it is long ago.

The war crimes trials will involve republicrats as well as commiecrats.

McConnell Introduces Bill to Reauthorize Patriot Act Until 2020

Republicans move to extend spies’ power to collect phone data

FK – At least we’re slowly winning in one arena:

South Carolina House overwhelmingly passes unlicensed concealed carry

Gun control groups outspend NRA 5 to 1 in Vermont, lose on background checks

FK – The fact alone that we have to beg trash for a restoration of our natural born rights shows how far down the sewer this country has been for a long time.

Oklahoma Defeats Push for Risky Article V Convention

The primary concern cited by opponents of an Article V Convention is that it could put the entire existing Constitution at risk, making it virtually impossible to restore it and the liberties it protects. For critics of the Con Con, the Constitution is not and never was the problem. Instead, the problem is that the Constitution is often ignored by federal officials who take an oath to uphold, and that the American people allow it to happen due to a lack of understanding. As such, more amendments to be ignored, even if they were good ones, are not the solution.

Supporters have largely dismissed the fears of a runaway convention, arguing that states could limit the scope of the convention and block any bad amendments that may emerge. However, there is ample evidence to suggest that it would be impossible to restrain a convention once it is called. The late U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, for example, is among the many legal experts and scholars who have warned that a Con Con cannot be limited.

“I have repeatedly given my opinion that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention,” he said. “The Convention could make its own rules and set its own agenda. Congress might try to limit the Convention to one amendment or to one issue, but there is no way to assure that the Convention would obey. After a Convention is convened, it would be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like its agenda…. Our 1787 Constitution was referred to by several of its authors as a ‘miracle.’ Whatever gain might be hoped for from a new Constitutional Convention could not be worth the risks involved.”

While the issue may be dead in Oklahoma for this year, the battle to stop a Con Con is far from finished. Supporters of the effort are working across America to have states apply for a convention, as opponents work to stop it. Considering the well-documented risks, the American people and their elected representatives must become educated about the potential dangers. If and when the Constitution is gone, there will be no going back.

FK – How many of the delegates could pass this test?: Questions for your candidate

The fact that the amerikomies and republicrats are in favor of it and would be allowed to participate is enough reason to stop it at all costs, unless there’s a militia contingent outside the front door of the facility to immediately dispense swift justice to any who threaten the Bill of Rights, the most essential part of the Constitution that the Anti-Federalists insisted upon and is what really makes this country ‘exceptional.’ If we lose that, we lose all.

For Clintons, speech income shows how their wealth is intertwined with charity

What sets the Clintons apart is the vast reach of their donor network and the extent to which they have tapped it for the broad range of their personal, political and charitable work.

The Post’s analysis, based on foundation disclosures, State Department documents, financial filings and other records, shows that the lines between Clinton’s paid speeches and his work for the foundation often blurred as he traveled the world promoting the charity and reaping millions in payments.

Technology companies Microsoft and Cisco Systems, for instance, donated at least $1 million each to the foundation. The two companies paid Bill Clinton a total of $1.02 million in speaking fees for a series of lectures.

In September 2012, the Italian fitness equipment company Technogym paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech in the northern Italian city of Cesena at a conference devoted to “creating a better and more sustainable world through people’s health,” according to financial disclosures and documents Bill Clinton’s office submitted to the State Department.

Technogym, which has also given between $25,000 and $50,000 to the foundation, reported in a news release that the speech came about in part because of the foundation’s work fighting childhood obesity.

FK – I think of this every time some idiot says “Impeach the Marxist mutt!” Klinton was impeached by the House but not convicted by the Senate. The Marxist mutt will be doing the same thing if they don’t try to make it the king of the U.N. or some such.

As long as the traitorous republicrats run the congress nothing good of consequence will happen.

This is happening because those who know better aren’t standing up and preparing to do what will be required. Trash like this should’ve been executed for treason long ago.

Shot Heard Around The World Revisited


FK – How do those northeastern Yankees stay so stupid? But then how do millions more all over this land of the no-longer free and the not-so-brave?

Yes, it will have to be repeated. It must.

Our ancestors allegedly went to war over a few cents tax. Today’s pathetic amerikans hand the government their children’s minds:

Obama ‘Education’ Secretary: If Parents Opt Out of Common Core, Feds Will Force Them Back In

Google’s Plan to “Estimate Web Sources’ Trustworthiness” | Space News

FK – It’s not about dogma or groupthink, it’s about control. They consider us to be livestock. There is nothing more important to understand than that.

The corporations will save us from big govt. Not:


Congressman Massie’s 500-Yard Run That is Driving Congress Crazy

For those that are not aware, Congress passes a lot of bills! In the 112th Congress, there were 561 bills that passed in one year. If we do some basic math, Congress is in session for 132 days and in that time they pass 561 bills, meaning they are passing roughly 4 bills a day. An example of one of these bills is the 600-page Highway Flood Student Loan bill that was given to the Senate the day of the vote. On top of that the bill had 23 additional amendments.

Congressman Massie explained that voice votes are frequently used to pass motions, amendments, and resolutions. There are several problems with taking voice votes on important issues. First, the voice vote does not hold politicians accountable for their votes. Many of our congressmen that we send to Washington are voting against what they ran on, but we do not have a record of all of these votes. The second problem with this method of voting is that it is solely at the discretion of the House Chair. Under normal circumstances, this would be Speaker of the House John Boehner. He is the only one that is allowed to interpret the vote.

The House is supposed to have something called a “quorum” to have a vote. A quorum is defined by at least 218 congressmen. The way that Boehner decides if there is a quorum is by squinting his eyes and declaring he thinks he sees 218 people. Congressman Massie said sometimes there will only be ten congressmen present.

FK – When are we gonna go up there? That’s what it’s gonna take, and nothing less.

Senate Leadership Stabs Gun Owners in the Back

— Loretta Lynch is confirmed as Obama’s new Attorney General

“Eric Holder began disregarding the Constitution and laws after he was confirmed as Attorney General. Ms. Lynch has [already] told the Senate that’s what she’s going to do.” — Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), speaking in opposition to Lynch’s nomination on the Senate floor, April 23, 2015

ACTION: See below to contact Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to express your deep displeasure with his role in pushing the confirmation of anti-gun Loretta Lynch.

Mitch McConnell leads the betrayal, joins with Harry Reid to support Lynch

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his leadership team put a big, fat knife in the back of gun owners in connection with the confirmation of anti-gun Attorney General Loretta Lynch today.

Close to 50 senators had announced their intention to vote against Lynch’s nomination, and pro-gun senators were filibustering Lynch.

Not only that, GOA was prepared to work with Senators to invoke a parliamentary maneuver which would have killed Lynch’s nomination, because in the weeks leading up to the vote today, she didn’t have the 60 votes necessary to shut off a filibuster under Rule XXII of the Senate rules.

In fact, 43 Senators ultimately voted against Lynch, which would have been enough votes to continue a filibuster and keep her from being confirmed. But more on that below.


You can see which Senators VOTED TO FILIBUSTER the Lynch nomination here.

And, you can view the FINAL CONFIRMATION vote here.

In both cases, a “NO” vote is the pro-gun vote.

FK – At least Paul voted the right way. Mccommie either has late stage oldtimers disease or it’s been a commie/NWO hack plant all along.

Chinese State Media Demands US Citizens Be Disarmed

FK – Looks like it’s time to buy more ammo.


A defensive shooting incident in Chicago involving a legally-armed Uber driver who intervened when a gunman opened fire on a crowd in Logan Square could not have happened without a concealed carry law that was passed by the Illinois Legislature because of a federal lawsuit brought by the Second Amendment Foundation.

No charges will be filed against the unidentified Uber driver, who used his licensed handgun to stop the alleged shooter, a 22-year-old man who now faces criminal prosecution. SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb noted that, had this armed citizen not been present, this incident could have turned out much differently, and much worse.

“This widely-reported incident could not have happened without our lawsuit in Moore v. Madigan, which forced Illinois to adopt a concealed carry statute allowing law-abiding citizens to be armed,” Gottlieb said. “The concealed carry law our case demanded needs no further justification, based on the standard so often tossed out by gun control proponents to push restrictions. It has saved one life, and possibly more lives.

FK – The dangerous nuts have been writing the laws for 150 years…

Cleveland council passes gun law admittedly that won’t stop violence

Cleveland gun edicts violate law, infringe on rights and won’t stop violence

FK – Which proves they want us disarmed so we can’t hunt them as the Militia
in the Second Amendment, that so many seem to be so frightened of, should already have been doing long ago. The crime issue has always been a red herring.