Tag Archives: civil war

GOA Alert: Obama Strikes Again with a New Gun Ban

ACTION: Click here to urge your Representative and Senators to lead the charge against the new Obama gun ban. Urge them to cut all funding for this ban — and to leave our seniors alone!

Millions of seniors could lose their guns, jeopardizing the ability of kids and grandchildren to inherit them

“I didn’t know the VA could take away your guns,” the young Marine said.

The harsh truth is that the Veterans Administration can do that — and they have been for years — to veterans who have committed no crimes whatsoever.

But it’s not just veterans who are on the chopping block.

Obama’s latest gun grabbing scheme could be his cruelest and most dangerous to Americans.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the Obama administration is pushing to “ban Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns” if they lack the mental capacity to “manage their own affairs” — a move that could affect millions of senior citizens.


FK – It took an oath to uphold the Bill of Rights. It’s advocating the destruction of the Bill of Rights and our most basic right so it should be arrested, tried for treason and executed.

But that won’t happen because we exist in a nation full of cowardly whores who are too stupid and apathetic to do what will be required. It will be up to that tiny minority as it always is.

There are enemies in both parties:

America’s Time Is Running Out!


FK – Gee, some of us have been trying to say similar things for years, uh decades now?

We should already have a militia force in place to deal with our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, who have white skin, were probably born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Free Kentucky Column: What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Waking up is hard to do

Rules for the militia

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Congress is Exempt from ObamaCare?!

FK – What about those who refuse to pay the fines? Will we stand by while their property is seized and they are imprisoned like the pathetic cowardly slaves we have become?

And it’s ‘commie care.’ The klintons tried to do the same thing.

Stewart Rhodes calls for emergency summits by state, in preparation for economic collapse


FK – Those who are looking for a ‘perfect’ force or for ‘god’s army’ to save them will die of old age in slavery. Do what you can, with what you have, where you are, and prepare for what will be required.

This is also posted on their site:


The MOST Patriotic Merican Song EVER!!!


FK – Have we become caricatures of ourselves?


FK – Gotta keep the skeer on:


FK – Who let’s them in? Who and what are our real enemies?: Waking up is hard to do

EXCLUSIVE: The 30 Americans ALREADY arrested in 4th of July terror alert – including ‘bad b******s plotting another Boston bombing’, National Guardsman who wanted to ‘repeat Charlie Hebdo’ and ‘Minnesota Martyrs’

Conley told the court she had renounced the warped ISIS interpretation of Islam and only ever wanted to be a ‘catalyst for good’.

But in social media posts in the run-up to her arrest, she revealed her extremist views and hatred for western values, sneering at American women for dressing ‘like ‘sluts’ and describing herself as a ‘Slave to Allah.’

Conley’s parents, John and Ana Maria, have accused US authorities of making an example of their impressionable daughter.

They described her as ‘an incredibly naive and idealistic young woman who trusted that others were telling her the truth.’


John T. Booker Jr was arrested April 10 as he fumbled with wiring in the back of a van parked near Fort Riley, a military post in Kansas.

Prosecutors say Booker was attempting to arm what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb – in fact it was a dummy device supplied to him in an elaborate FBI sting.

According to court documents, the 20-year-old wanted to slaughter Americans on behalf of ISIS and boasted to an undercover FBI agent: ‘I will kill any kuffar.’

Booker Jr’s fanaticism first came to light in a series of warped Facebook posts discovered when he applied to join the military in 2014.

‘Getting ready to be killed in jihad is a HUGE adrenaline rush!!’ he wrote in one. Booker Jr admitted enlisting so he could carry out an ‘insider attack’, including turning his weapon on his fellow soldiers at a firing range or murdering them with a sword.

FK – Without govt. assistance would most of these ‘terrorists’ have any hope of becoming martyrs?

And the brain dead ‘conservatives’ will eat this up and once again lose focus on who and what our real enemies are:

Schumer to push more gun control, the ‘all-purpose, knee-jerk solution’

Maybe this should be our new national anthem:

Changing of Our Guards

This weekend we celebrate the changing of our guard.4th art lead

Which, when you stop to think about it, is more than a little odd. Do the inmates of Rikers Island throw a party when they get a new warden? To celebrate the changing of the color of the uniforms worn by their cagers?

And yet, we do.

This coming weekend, Americans will celebrate not being free to – among other things:

Buy and display fireworks themselves.

Choose whether to wear a seat belt.

Say “no thanks” to the health insurance mafia.

Travel without permission (and decline to produce your “papers” on demand).

FK – It will be up to that tiny minority as it always is.

And if we do it right, most of the brain dead sheeple will never know what happened:

FK – And we let them vote! That must end!

Is This Racist?

FK – The ‘melting pot’ thing used to be commonly used by “Liberal(commie) trash. Can we say ‘queer?’

Is Confederate flag racist? Majority of Americans says no

FK – Apparently not all our ancestors thought so either:


FK – Can’t believe I never heard it before.

The lyrics:

Artist: Bobby Horton

Verse One:
In the year of sixty one we left our native land 
for we could not bend our spirits to a tyrants stern command 
And we rallied to our Buckner while our hearts were sad and sore 
To offer our blood for freedom as our fathers did before

And we’ll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old Kentucky home.

Verse two:
When first the Southern flag whirled its folds upon the air,
Its stars had hardly gathered till Kentucky’s sons were there,
And they swore a solemn oath as they sternly gathered round
They would only live as freeman in the dark and bloody ground.

And we’ll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old Kentucky home.

Verse three:
With Buckner as our leader and Morgan in the Van,
We Will plant the flag of freedom in our fair and happy land
We will drive the tyrants minions to the Ohio’s rolling flood,
And will dye her waves in crimson with coward Yankee blood.

And we’ll march march march to the music of the drum
we were driven forth in exile from our old Kentucky home.

Verse four:
Then cheer ye Southern braves, ye soon shall see the day,
When Kentucky’s fairest daughters will cheer you on your way,
And then her proud old mothers will welcome one and all
For “United we must stand, but divided we must fall”.

You can learn about the Orphan Brigade at this website.

Man Refuses To Take Down His Confederate Flag, Puts Up 149 More

GOA Alert: Obama, Senators Want to Resurrect Gun Ban

— Seek to blame all gun owners for actions of a lone Dirt Bag

“The President wants to blame an inanimate object — the gun,” [said] Erich Pratt, spokesman for the Gun Owners of America. “But that just deflects blame away from the real culprit: gun-control policies that leave people defenseless in the face of evil perpetrators who are never effectively prevented from acquiring weapons.” — Newsmax, June 20, 2015

They’re coming for you.

Anti-gun Senators Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey just announced they want to bring back their toxic legislation stripping Americans of their gun rights without due process of law.

And the President is ready to sign this gun ban into law.

You may recall our battle against the Manchin-Toomey language in 2013. Their legislation sought to BAN many private sales of firearms, forcing countless gun buyers to run to a dealer and submit to a background check before making their purchase.

Thankfully, Senators Toomey and Manchin failed because Gun Owners of America and its members got in their way. According to the New York Times, and other liberal media outlets, GOA was able to put enough heat on the Senate to defeat this pernicious legislation.

FK – Think the republicrats won’t turn on human Liberty and our most basic right? Think again;

Tell Boehner to Stop Attacking Pro-gunners!

FK – This will come to a blood fight, give them time, and enough rope to hang themselves.


Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating


FK – Sounds like good news to me, if it’s true. All the cowardly whores and commie trash(Cameron) are leaving so we can have our country back. So it will be up to that tiny courageous minority to do what will be required.

And after we take our country back we can send spec ops to hunt them down around the globe and bring them back to justice.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.