Tag Archives: civil war

Gun Owners of America: Abolish Background Checks, Destroy Linked Database

On August 31, Breitbart News spoke with Gun Owners of America’s (GOA) executive director, Larry Pratt, about background checks for gun purchasers, and he made clear that GOA opposed them when they were first introduced under President Bill Clinton and that GOA believes they should be abolished now.

Pratt also stressed that the database tied to them should be destroyed.

Our conversation began with a discussion of how yet another public attacker, Vester Lee Flanagan, demonstrated the impotency of background checks by passing one to acquire the gun he used to shoot and kill Alison Parker and Adam Ward in Virginia.

Pratt responded by pointing out that public attackers are not the only ones background checks fail to stop. He said, “During the last year of record, although the government has done millions upon million of background checks, they brought 14 prosecutions to court for trial–hardly a crime-fighting tool.” He said some people respond to this by pointing out that there were people who were “denied getting a gun at the point of sale,” but these people fail to note that criminals get guns in ways that completely circumvent the checks.

Pratt said:

Many mass murders have gotten their hands on guns by passing a background check, while other criminals are resourceful. They are evil, but they are resourceful, as well, and they get their hands on guns. The idea that somehow we’re safe if we do a background check is simply not true.

FK – I have to disagree with Mr. Pratt on who the ‘evil’ ones are. Most shooters as most criminals are probably suffering from some form of mental illness. It’s the highly educated intelligent authoritarians who seek to disarm us all who are evil, for they fully understand what they do.


FK – And not all our enemies are domestic, though they’re not hiding in a cave on the other side of the world but on our own real estate:

Want to Own a Gun? Help to Get US Out!


Join Oath Keepers for The 2015 Appalachian Mountain Summit!

This is an open invitation to every red blooded American patriot from across our great country to join Oath Keepers and our brothers and sisters from the Appalachian Mountain area for a 3 day, 5 State summit, in Gilbert, West Virginia. In this summit we will be sharing critical information, working on team building, community preparedness, and sharing of critical skills. This is an incredible opportunity to meet like minded individuals from your local area and across the country. Join Allen Lardier, Mike Holbrook (summit organizers,) Stewart Rhodes, Founder and President of Oath Keepers, Liberty Musician Jordan Page, and so many more great patriots just like you, from across the country. Jordan Page will also be putting on a concert on Saturday night! Please see the video at the bottom of this post to see the video for Jordan’s song “Arm Yourself”

Please note that you DO NOT have to be an Oath Keepers Member to attend this event. You just have to be a patriot who believes in the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the equal rights of all men regardless of race, religion or party. We also welcome leadership and teams from other groups, as well as families and individuals.

Predictive Programming For The Coming US Civil War In New Captain America Movie


FK – Back in the 90s I expected civil war to break out before 2000, during the klinton era, when hitlery didn’t have to run for election.

Now I understand that for that to happen the hogs will have to figure out there’s no more corn in the trough. Anything else will likely be fake.

But I do keep dreaming…

Special Report: Border Wars Coming Soon


FK – Fences work both ways. End the drug war and end the policies that bring them here and most certainly end the commie attempt to turn illegals into voters.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’


FK – We must absolutely stop allowing the “Liberal”(commie) trash to dictate our language, our actions, the flags we fly, the weapons we own. This will eventually require an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of the garbage to end its influence on our governments.




Thomas Sowell – Legacy of the Welfare State

FK – Why? Is the interviewer a moron? The amerikan communist insurgency is waging war on this country and the Bill of Rights and human Liberty. This is a nation of cowardly whores or we would be hunting them.

Josh Cook interviews Stewart Rhodes, president of Oath Keepers


FK – An interesting comment on the vid and my response:

teddybruscie 1 day ago
I see the problem here. He has a misunderstanding of what’s going on.

The issue isn’t a false choice, the issue is the people in Ferguson never had the choice to begin with. Black people have been discouraged from having guns through felony disenfranchisment laws that tell you that if your commited a felony you can’t own a gun. A black person with a gun has historically been a threat. We’ve lived with this for generations. We don’t arm ourselves because we fear we would be gunned down unjustly and we know the cops will fix the evidence and assassinate our character to justify their actions. So it’s a systemic problem. Our skin is already a threat, to have a gun would only increase that threat. Now you can say that that’s a false perception but black bodies are constantly seen as threatening and thanks to places like Fox News a black person with a gun is typically portrayed as a thug simply by how he chooses to dress.

As far as police presence we don’t have a say in that. Black communities have been a police state for a century. We’ve never had control over them. So the presence we get is what we get.

And if you look at the Ferguson report you would see that the police have systematically violated, suppressed and removed the rights of the black people in Ferguson to where if they were to get a gun much of them would be have been arrested. So people can’t practice rights that they’re not allowed to practice.

So he’s talking about choices we’ve never safely had.

And the reason there was backlash is because people did not know who they were so they saw them as an extension of the Police through vigilantism that we attribute now with George Zimmerman. So people saw them as a group of Zimmermans looking for a reason to shoot black people.

But my biggest issue isn’t even with them, it really with black groups like the Nation of Islam and the Huey P Newton gun club who should have been there instead of them. Who should have been out there with their guns and protecting the people of Ferguson.

waypasthadenough 1 second ago
+teddybruscie Sir, what political ideology has the black urban population been voting into power all these years? What color is their skin? Who are our real enemies?

Police Chief Admits Gun Rights Are a Headache


FK – The significant thing to me is we have a reporter walking around in ‘America’ with a bullet proof vest on. We are in the middle of a slow escalation.

The communist(liberal and progressive) insurgency responsible for this evil must be rooted out as well as those truly responsible for the ‘drug war’ and the ‘welfare state.’

The police ‘leadership’ answers to the “Liberal”(commie) trash that runs these larger cities. They are our enemies, our greatest enemies. If we had a nation of men they’d be hanging from light poles and trees from shore to shore, from border to border.

The goal needs to be for everyone to be able to defend themselves under liberty. The ameri-commies will gladly arm themselves and repeat what they did all through the 20th century, murder in the name of their evil authoritarianism.

The Federale goons would just as happily arrest you if they felt they could get away with it with the black-robed shysters and beast system prosecutors standing by to railroad you into prison.

We need a nation-wide force to deal with this evil. We need it yesterday, actually two decades ago and more.

And it’s so funny and so sweet that the mainstream commie newswhores were beat up by the products of their propaganda and the evil system they defend and seek to enlarge. Too bad the thugs didn’t rid us of them completely. They will happily see us all killed for opposing their communism.

The best ‘management’ we could employ for this situation would be an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our blood domestic enemies to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights to this country for they will not stop forcing their evil upon us until we force them to stop.

From Oathkeepers:

The Truth In Ferguson




Cornyn Mental Health Bill Promises Protection but Raises Concerns


NRA News Cam & Co | Chris W. Cox: “We’re Going to Win This Country Back”


FK – There’s not supposed to be any such thing as an ‘illegal’ gun or ‘illegal’ gun owner. There are no ‘good gun laws.’ It reads thusly: “…shall not be infringed.” Dictionaries are free online nowadays. We must stop apologizing to our domestic blood enemies and stop pretending that their rhetoric(propaganda) has any relevance what so ever. Doing so only helps them destroy us.

The battle for the Second Amendment, defined on a web page linked below, is part of a larger war for the entire Bill of Rights and for the entire country and for the future of human Liberty. We could ‘win’ the gun battle and still lose the war.

The NRA needs to cleanse its ranks of RINOs and fat cats who only care about votes or safaris or clay pigeons. A Second Amendment treated as a toy to be taken out of the gun safe on weekends and played with at the range is a toy that can be regulated and repealed.

Without the backbone and gonads to openly discuss the evil we face and what will be required to destroy our domestic blood enemies who have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world the NRA or any other ‘gun rights’ groups is just an empty shell waiting for the right foot to crush it.

As for the ‘so-called Second Amendment groups,’ I’ve been watching all this for 20 years, since I began waking up. The NRA had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war. Simple fact. And it’s still a long-long way from where it should be.

Why isn’t the NRA openly working with the militias, Oathkeepers and other groups to train people for what will be required?

Every presidential administration in my lifetime has waged war on the Bill of Rights and human Liberty. If anything the Marxist mutt has helped our cause because it keeps gun and ammo sales high and keeps the ‘conservative’ idiots off the golf course and the couch so that maybe they’ll eventually learn enough about the situation we face to understand and take personal responsibility for what will be required.

Putting a RINO NWO hack in the now red house will not help us. It will only put millions of idiots back to sleep. Every republicrat candidate in the race is questionable, even Rand Paul, and he’s the only one who’s even in the ball park of what a president is supposed to be. The rest aren’t worth the hemp it would take to remove them from this mortal coil.

What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.

Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Ferguson Embattled as Shooting Breaks Out Again


FK – Refuse to participate in the staged race war. Our real domestic blood enemies have white skin and infest our govt., schools, universities, news and entertainment media.


Have We Lost Our Constitutional Republic?

FK – I’ve known for years the communists/globalists oppose the battle flag and the south simply so they can say, “See, they were evil because they owned slaves,” so they can later say “See, the Founders were evil because they owned slaves,” which will provide an excuse to nullify, erase, all they did from history and our government.

Waking up is hard to do

There’s ‘some’ common sense left in Kentucky, but you can hold it in a spoon:

Panel: Jefferson Davis statue will remain in rotunda

“Republican Matt Bevin and Democrat Jack Conway, the candidates to replace the term-limited Beshear, both support removing the statue. Collins said a governor’s executive order, legislation from the General Assembly or a court order could overrule his commission’s decision.”

FK – Well there goes my vote for either mainstream candidate in the guv’s race.

When will we get a candidate with some gonads and backbone?

GOP Congressman Confirms John Boehner DOES NOT Have The Votes to Remain Speaker

FK – What is the primary purpose of any elected, hired or appointed public servant? To protect/enforce the Bill of Rights and expand human liberty.

Questions for your candidate

FK – The problem is this is a nation of cowardly whores and we’re allowing our real enemies, our domestic blood enemies, who have been working for 160 years and more to destroy the Bill of Rights and the idea of a limited government, to go on living and breathing. Their arrogance will not end until we force it to.

And we must get the creatures out of our schools and away from the children:


FK – The govt. indoctrination system is doing exactly what it was designed to do…