Tag Archives: civil war

GOA: Marxist mutt Promises “Executive Action” on Gun Control

Oregon Residents Rebuke the President

You probably remember the now-infamous mantra that we’ve heard from this White House:  “You never let a good crisis go to waste.”


Well, the President traveled to Oregon today to further politicize the tragic shooting that occurred there last week.

But residents of Roseburg are not amused, and they are decrying the President’s visit today.

Over 8,000 people have signed onto a website declaring that the President is “not welcome” in Oregon today.

Some massacre survivors are boycotting the President. Some have told him to “quit with the gun control.”


Don’t be surprised if we also see a presidential push for Universal Background Checks (aka, Universal Gun Registration).

We cannot let this stand. The President is trying to make an end-run around Congress, at a time when the House is in chaos.

That’s why it’s all the more important that we DEMAND that the next Speaker of the House use the appropriations process to defund (aka, kill) every illegal Executive Action on gun control.

Defunding gun control — that is, using the congressional “power of the purse” — is the same way we repealed an FBI gun tax under President Clinton, overturned a shotgun import ban by Obama, and killed the ATF’s multiple sales registration throughout the country.

This is the best way to repeal gun control, but it will require the Republicans to put on their “big boy pants.”

Please use our pre-written letter and take action here today!

FK – How about we loudly and continuously demand a de-funding of the BATF Nazi trash and a repeal of all the laws they ‘enforce?’


FK – Respect a piece of trash that would see me killed in a heartbeat for refusing to obey its edicts? I don’t think so. It’s a Marxist/globalist tool and works for those who consider us to be livestock. So many still have so much waking up to do.

If you’re not a faker and if you truly value human Liberty and the Bill of Rights and think this is supposed to be a free country then there are two inescapable solid facts you must come to grips with: Your “Liberal”(commie) trash so-called ‘friends’ voted to kill you, and continue to do so every time they vote and their masters, the elites who run this world, consider you and them to be livestock.

The crime and ‘mass shootings’ issues are red herrings, distractions and excuses. The words ‘illegal gun’ and ‘license’ and ‘common sense gun laws’ and ‘concealed carry’ and ‘open carry’ and ‘fully automatic’ and ‘semi-automatic’ and ‘hunting’ and ‘sporting purpose’ and ‘civilian’ are not in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.


FK – How many are still in denial that the empire would do the same here it does overseas?

Armed protesters greet Obama during Oregon visit

Protesters in Roseburg: ‘Everybody should carry a gun’

Hillary Clinton Pledges to Go After Gun Stores if Elected

An Open Rant Aimed at Those Who Would Repeal the Second Amendment

FK – It wouldn’t in reality involve all that. The ‘gun laws’ on the books already infringe, all of them. The ‘assault weapons’ ban infringed but we put up with it. When enough commies get into the congress and the now red  house again they could very will gut the Second Amendment by doing what Australia and England did. A commie SCOTUS would not rule in the favor of Liberty. So where would we be then?

A Second Amendment that is treated like a toy to be taken to the range or the deer stand is a toy that can be regulated, registered, licensed, and confiscated. Only when enough real Americans come to grips with what the gun battle is really about and that we could win the gun battle but still lose the war and then develop the resolve to do what will be required will things really change.

Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies who have white skin and were likely born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world will not relent in their efforts to fully enslave us until we force them to. They will never throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” They’re incapable of that.


FK – While I certainly agree with the gist of this vid I have to ask: Will Palestinians traveling and working in their former homeland now controlled by its invaders be allowed to carry guns to defend themselves against the invaders?

The TRUTH about mass shootings! [Profanity]


FK – Yep. Especially the last part. We need lots of that if this country is to survive.

Yet another psych drug shooter: Oregon gunman Christopher Mercer was taking five types of medication, likely vaccine-damaged with autism spectrum disorder


FK – How much longer?

Where’s the The Economic Collapse?


FK – What was 2008? I had people telling me about the housing bubble years before. I thought things would be much worse by now. Maybe as long as we have the interstate system and ‘civilized’ people need toilet paper, cigarettes and whiskey there won’t be a ‘total collapse’ of the walking dead type.

What’s funny is all those who put back all that food and water and whatever as if they’re gonna be the ones fighting the zombies. The zombies are among us now. They have white skin, were born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world and can be divided roughly into two groups: The evil highly educated/intelligent elites who know what they do and their whores and those who voted for/support their policies because they’ll get a check or a job or whatever out of it.

The Fed is ‘the’ bank right, for the biggest most powerful empire ever in human history? What does that really mean? Who really was behind the Communist Manifesto? Who supported Marx financially? Money makes revolutions and wars.

I think we’re being ‘guided,’ that’s ‘think’ not believe which means I’m not 1000 percent convinced but there are questions… If the universe is ancient and if we are in a younger section of it and if ‘life’ by whatever definition evolved or whatever in other older sections then what would that mean? We’re someone’s petri dish, or farm, or nature preserve or ant farm, or resource or all the above.

The markup is due to wealth or eco guilt? Reminds me of shopping in these upscale grocery stores where a jar of green sauce sells for a buck or two more than at the redneck mecca. Funny stuff. My eco guilt wore off long ago. I bought a couple bananas and left.

Method for Stopping Shooting Rampages Emerges

Hard evidence — not doctor theories, news commentary, conjecture, hyperbole, rumor, innuendo or any other proposals — clearly shows that the only known way to actually stop spree murderers is to shoot them — or scare them into shooting themselves. Time and again society has found this works.

According to the evidence, every mass murder in recent times has been halted, in the final analysis, by shooting the murderers, or threatening to shoot them, with guns. Members of the press corps continue to debate the subject, despite the evidence. Sources speaking privately say the media consciously reject this fact. In stark contrast, self-defense incidents using guns are suppressed, by news-media policy, and do not appear on the public stage.


Further analysis conducted by The Uninvited Ombudsman, has determined that background checks, or newly proposed additional background checks, recommended by Mr. Obama and others, would be pointless for people who already own guns, since they already own guns. The best estimates indicate this is about 100 million armed Americans.

And in other analysis conducted by The Uninvited Ombudsman, waiting periods have no meaning whatsoever for Americans who already own guns, when they go shopping for guns, since they already own guns. That is also 100 million Americans.

FK – 100 million armed Americans and we can’t take our country back?


FK – So who are our real enemies? Are they hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?


FK – Let Hitlery win. It’ll do the same thing the Marxist mutt has done: Keep the idiot tea partiers and ‘conservatives’ off the golf course and the couch, keep ammo and gun sales high and maybe just maybe, if the Marxist mutt doesn’t beat it to it, do something so arrogant that enough will finally see the necessity of doing what will be required.

Who are our real enemies? Do they have brown skin and are they hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?

FK – The word’s ‘illegal gun’ are not to be found in the Second Amendment. What we need to change is the pacified mindset of the average amerikan and the cowardice of the average ‘conservative’ and ‘libertarian’ so they will stand up, man up and prepare to do what will be required.

We need to stop wasting time arguing with domestic blood enemies who will not stop lying until we force them to stop lying.

The sad thing is that there are so many levels of awareness out there:

FK – What we need is a militia unit in every county in this country who can and will arrest every piece of trash that has created, voted for or supported a ‘gun control law’ and most especially those who enforce them and prosecute the victims of this government terrorism.

The Second Amendment doesn’t say anything about an ‘illegal gun’ or getting permission to exercise it.

Lot’s of ‘good people’ have shot lots of other good people into ditches because they were too stupid and cowardly to say ‘No.’ Most ‘good people’ in this country have been pacified by the government indoctrination centers, the mainstream news and entertainment media and the organized religions. They are willing slaves.

Don’t carry a gun until you have thought about using it in various circumstances. I learned by reading and shooting over the years. There are tons of vids on the net that can teach those who can’t afford to drop 600 bucks on a class. You don’t have to be Rambo to stand up for your Liberty. That’s what this is ultimately about. The crime issue is a red herring.

Did you offer to teach those college kids for free? It’s a good bet that they can’t afford a 600 buck class.

The commie newswhores won’t report on a ‘good guy with a gun’ unless they are forced to, at least on the national level. Lots of big city newswhores are probably prone to pressure from the local commie politicians not to do such reports. That’s the last thing they want is the common sheeple getting the idea they can stand up for themselves, especially against them and their badge wearing tools.


Umpqua Community College not a gun-free zone: Oregon laws prevent that

Umpqua Community College, site of a mass shooting Thursday, bans guns, knives longer than 4 inches and other weapons from campus.

But that policy has one big exemption that renders the pastoral 100-acre campus near Roseburg anything but a gun-free zone: Everyone with a concealed firearms license is allowed to bring guns on campus.

That is because a 1989 Oregon law forbids any public body except the Legislature from restricting the rights of concealed weapons permit-holders to bring guns where they wish.

FK – Everyone’s asking the wrong questions here.

The pacifist mindset encouraged by our indoctrinational system is as much to blame as anything. But then it’s intentional. The “Liberal”(commie) trash want a population of pacified morons who’ll obey their laws, never ask inappropriate questions or stand up to their collectivist agenda so they must create a society that is disarmed, dumbed-down and again, pacified.

We are at war. Our greatest enemies have white skin and were likely born here.

The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.

All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.

When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins. The newswhores die first.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

Don’t miss the comments on that story.

Oregon shooting: 2 days later, here’s what we know

FK – The descriptions of the ‘victims’ are very telling. Mainstream society has been indoctrinated to value mindless pacifism and stupidly over awareness, alertness and readiness and possessing the dignity and knowledge necessary to fighting back against criminals in government or on the street or in a classroom. How sickening, sad, disgusting and horrifying.

This is far more horrifying than the handful of shootings that occur a year, and the thousands that are stopped by someone with a gun, whether a shot is actually fired or not. In a nation of 300 million that holds a healthy population of assholes who fully deserve to be shot the real miracle is there aren’t many more.

If Mintz or some other student or a professor had been armed and ended this situation after the first shot or two then the commie newswhore and Marxist front groups across our once (sort of)free country wouldn’t be screaming their heads off and their propaganda mills wouldn’t be turning full speed for that outcome wouldn’t fit in with their evil communist agenda.

Umpqua Community College victims shot with handgun, not military-style rifle

Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.

On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe.

This amounts to nothing less than the overriding of American laws, up to and including the United States Constitution, in favor of United Nations laws that would henceforth be implemented in the United States itself – without any consultation of Congress at all.

The United Nations is a sharia-compliant world body, and Obama, speaking there just days ago, insisted that “violent extremism” is not exclusive to Islam (which it is). Obama is redefining jihad terror to include everyone but the jihadists. So will the UN, driven largely by the sharia-enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the pro-Islamic post-American President Obama, use a “global police force” to crush counter-jihad forces?

FK – So who are our real enemies, some ragheads hiding in a cave on the other side of the world?

They have lots of fun things planned for us. What do you have planned for them?:


FK – All security is false. There is only the dignity of fighting back.

Here’s the evil site: Amerika2050

UN Orders Countries To Ban Internet Free Speech!


FK – It’s been ‘on’ for a long time. How much longer?

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

FK – I bet they’re all ‘nice’ people. Lots of nice people have shot lots of other nice people into ditches because they were too stupid and too cowardly to say “No.”

The Invasion of Europe

FK – Your democracy is what’s killing you. Your failure to demand Liberty allows the sham of democracy, another form of manipulation, to continue.

Your failure to start killing your commies and your globalists when they told you to turn your weapons over to them will finish your civilization. The ragheads will have no problem circumventing their ‘gun laws’ and importing whatever they need to rule you.

They’re not ‘progressive Pollyannas.’ They’re communists and they know full well what they do. Your failure to hunt them to extinction, like ours, is what’s killing you.

All this is intentional. The question is who is really behind this and what are their real goals? One thing must be known above all else: They consider us to be livestock.

20 Rules to Win a Firefight…

Afgh-kunar-firefight-checkpostIn this guide we are going to go over the Top 20 Firefight Rules for any warfighter to live by.

In this day and age of high speed drills, and ‘tacticool’ gear we can often lose sight of essential firefight rules, fogging up the basics and getting your ass in a world of hurt.With this in mind we are going to talk about 20 bedrock rules anyone who will end up in a firefight should know.

Focus on these rules first and foremost, worry about looking cool later.

Ditch style for the kill

I know you guys all love Travis Haley, focusing on your stance and strategies.

The reality is in a firefight all that shit goes out the window and no one will give a damn about your stance, tactics, or caliber.

The only thing that matters is who lives, and who dies, if you have to operate dirty for the kill, do it.

FK – There’s no ‘stance’ that will replace long practice and being able to shoot from any position…

Report: John Boehner to Resign from Congress

But more mainstream Republicans said it would be a pyrrhic victory for the tea partyers.

“The honor of John Boehner this morning stands in stark contrast to the idiocy of those members who seek to continually divide us,” said Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) of Florida.

“The shutdown caucus as I call them has a small victory,” Jolly said.

FK – As if the imperialistic beast system would actually ‘shut down.’

Speaker Boehner stuns Congress, announces resignation