Tag Archives: civil war

A Visit with General Albert Pike

FK – This is interesting from a historical perspective, minding what Napoleon said about history. It seems to have been created for the benefit of Masons or pending Masons. As far as proving the org.’s innocence in larger world affairs it does little.

Anyone can be a lower ranking member of an org. or institution or whatever and believe or think it really stands for the official purposes but unless one is directly involved in the upper rings of power or whatever one cannot honestly comment on their activities but only trust in their word. Only a child does such.

I’ve read part of Pike’s book that I found several years back in a thrift store. It can be bought on Amazon. I agree with some of what he wrote but not all. I’ve been told by someone more educated than I in ancient philosophy that Pike got some things wrong. Many evil activities have been shielded by shiny words and works. See the early 20th Century. See the current tool in the now red house and those running to take its place.

I can see where hardcore Christians would agree out of hand and vehemently with Pike’s idea of an ideal world or whatever, likewise the fundie ragheads. I also noted how the current Mason supported the ‘official’ version of 9/11.

I would prefer a world, that I know I won’t be here to see for it is many generations away, where all live in respect for human Liberty and where the governments of the world are forced by the arms and resolve to use them of the common people to likewise respect it.

Sadly we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age and millions or billions more may yet have to die because so many of us insist on clinging to the darkness of the past and the collectivism of the present.

Case in point:

Limited Nuclear War Within 18 days as Saudis (and Friends) mass 350,000 troops, 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 Planes, 460 Helicopters for Syria Invasion

FK – While I wouldn’t say that scenario is impossible it’s likely the Soviets, excuse me, the Russians, have a sufficient military force and technology to discourage Saudi Arabia. Israel, if it’s also involved in that mess as some claim, might be another issue.

Let’s go ahead and kill millions and/or billions over ancient tribal propaganda. It’s the human thing to do.

Here’s the YouTube channel for Lewis Masonic, which appears to be a Brit Masonic site.

War is not always voluntary

War is not always voluntary
Barry Bright
Feb. 9, 2016

Again this is basically a response to a YouTube star. And again I just can’t let it go.

Watch the vid first. And don’t miss the comments.

FK – Lot’s of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars because they are able to fight. If you don’t believe me try to carry a 50 pound pack and 200 rounds of ammo and a 10 lb weapon while doing double time after you turn 50.

During amerika’s not-so-civil war both governments, and the Confederacy was an official ‘legitimate’ government, had to resort to conscription. Whether either side was ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in doing so I won’t get into it here if for no other reason than most wars are usually both ‘just’ and ‘unjust’ for various reasons. Search the ‘New York draft riots.’

If several state governments finally grew a backbone, which many claim will be necessary to restore Liberty here, and decided to defy some edict of our beast system or of one of our elected tools in the now red house or a ruling by a commie SCOTUS you can bet there’d be conscription again, on both sides.

I didn’t come from a ‘military family’ except for my father who ‘served’ in the 50s during the Berlin Crisis and some ancestors who fought in the War for Southern Independence. One of them came from a slave owning family and my relatives want to think he fought for the Union, which he may have.

I voluntarily joined the military back in the 80s before it was ‘cool’ for the average mush head to do so because the stink of the Vietnam fiasco(from which we should have kept our troops home and had them kill our commies here first) and vividly remember a female cousin asking me if I could somehow ‘get out’ of being activated for what became Desert Storm. I also remember the looks one would get if the sheeple thought you were military. There were no yellow ribbons around trees in pre-gulf-war days.

The meaning of her question still haunts me. Do we ever fight for a ‘just cause?’ Is the petrodollar, which goes a long way to providing the standard of living we enjoy here a ‘just cause?’ Again, maybe that’s a question for another time. But my cousin’s reasoning, I’m sure, was not because of any great political understanding, because at that time I was not really ‘awake’ and I know she’s still politically oblivious after all these years, at least beyond voting for a candidate based on whether or not it meets her standards of ‘morality’ which come not from years of thought or education but from years of mindlessly attending church.

I don’t remember if I attempted to explain to her that it would be wrong to try to ‘get out of it’ if for no other reason than that would be grossly unfair to my fellow Marines and to some sense of camaraderie that all people in such situations should feel on some level. I really think I just stared at her in disbelief, and disgust.

But then our American individualism may be too far advanced for that. The zombie apocalypse that’s on our doorstep and in Europe’s living rooms due to our failure to hunt our white “Liberal”(commie) trash to extinction may prove this.

The point of worrying about what she asked me is this: There are real monsters in this world and sometimes we do have to band together to kill the cave bear. This will likely never change no matter how often moronic, dangerous, real and false pacifists claim so.

I vividly remember a fellow Marine reservist saying one day, way before the 9/11 ‘false flag’(to whatever degree), that there’d never be another ‘conventional’ war and the next one would be nuclear. Such was the propaganda of the times. Our drones, satellites and aircraft carriers and other assorted tech exist on a slender thread of electricity that is not guaranteed to continue to flow.

There are many memes floating around that remind us of a Japanese General saying how dangerous it would be to invade America because “There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” On Parris Island there are airstrips that were built during WWII because during that time they had reduced boot camp to six weeks and were flying them straight out to war. But they were still training them.

From my time in the militia I can tell you that the average patriot is not ready to go to war at the drop of a hat. If you get ‘American men'(very loosely defined) to volunteer and show up overnight to fight some true organized force they would die like flies. During the American Revolution there were times when the militias fought admirably and won the day and others when they ran screaming like little girls. That is war.

From my time in the military I can tell you how hard it is to maintain discipline and readiness among those who have been trained. Before the first Gulf War we received some training but when we were actually over there I saw many issues that had not been addressed.

During our time in Saudi Arabia serving as Combat Military Police one of our sergeants told us a female Marine had been caught sending 50 grand in cash and checks home in a sea bag. I’ll leave how she earned that up to your imagination.

That ‘Intel’ could have been a product of the rumor mill that always exists in such situations but it wouldn’t surprise me. There were times when female Marines certainly distracted me. Ignoring human biology and the communist propaganda that uses it is not only childish but dangerous.

I constantly see morons(trolls) online claiming we could never stand up against the ‘modern’ military. The same liars will claim the empire lost in Vietnam because they couldn’t fight an organized guerrilla campaign when a Vietnamese general allegedly said after the war that it was won over here where our real enemies have always been. Even if he didn’t make the statement it’s certainly true.

Guerrilla warfare is the oldest form of killing our fellow kind in an organized fashion. The fights over waterholes or shelter or hunting grounds were carried out in such a fashion. They didn’t likely stand back with flags and diplomats and have gentlemanly discussions before or after. That came later.

A constant meme among ‘pro-gunners’ and Second Amendment activists is more or less ‘what would the holocaust have been like if the Jews had been armed and fought back.’ A tiny ‘volunteer’ force did fight back in the Warsaw Ghetto. It was too little too late.

FK – But then as now too many fail to understand, because thinking is the hardest work to be done and most avoid it at all costs, that sometimes humanity’s back is thrown against the wall and there is no other choice but to kill or be killed.

As I used to write in comment sections: ‘Millions will dig the ditch that they’re told to dig then wet their pants as the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this ever happen to me?”

Common sense, something in severe short supply nowadays, tells us that not everyone can or should be ‘on the front line.’ There are many ways to fight, with or without advanced technology. We used to learn in school how Betsy Ross sewed the flag. Now they walk and spit on it and we’re stupid enough to call them our ‘fellow Americans.’

That above all things must change.

Why You Can’t Win Arguments Online

FK – After a couple minutes my mind started to wander and now I’m typing…

And no, from my experience after 30 years of trying to pay attention, the last thing the average dumbass wants is ‘objective truth,’ whatever that is(From a comment made by the the originator of this vid).

Why do you think the “Liberal”(commie) trash websites are shutting down their comment sections? Why is it when I write or paste into a ‘moderate’ conservative site what we so desperately need to be doing they ‘moderate’ my words out of existence?

Why will so many ‘christians’ be disappointed if/when they learn the vast majority of humans that ever existed won’t be burned alive in fire forever? Why does “Liberal”(commie) trash continue to lie and will continue to lie even though we’ve had the internet for 20 years and it’s so incredibly easy to learn why their ideology is so evil and why any effort to disarm the common people is the most evil endeavor any government or entity can participate in? Or why do ‘libertarians’ and ‘conservatives’ who claim to want to protect us from our governments, as they should, including the ones they run, but not from the corporate workaholic assholes that will treat us all like ‘human resources’ and kick us to the curb when they’ve worn us out in their efforts to get richer?

Seven minutes in and it’s still hard for me to listen to you.

“The truth is the best propaganda.” – Adolf Hitler(allegedly)

Is it so much what’s ‘true’ or not but what their goals for the propaganda are? There is ‘climate change,’ and we may be affecting it to whatever degree but that’s not the issue so much as the “Liberal”(commie) trash are using it, under the guise of ‘environmentalism,’ to control every aspect of our lives while the hated ‘corporations’ and elites are turning carbon credits into another money system while both use it to control every aspect of our existences in this world.

For the simple minded and half awake it’s more about taking sides, good guys vs. bad, white and black hats and all that shit. Yay team because we are herd animals by nature. See the superbowl, or the toilet bowl.

While much of this is basically true, politics is human nature and vice versa. But that doesn’t really pin it down. History is various ‘isms’ clutching at one another, sometimes tearing off flesh and breaking bone. That’s how we’ve evolved so far. I don’t expect to be here long enough to see the end of that process, if there is one. Oh wait, I forgot, we don’t have to do anything, heyzeus is going to beam us up soon or fly in on a white horse and kill all those evil people for us.

And who with a brain gives a flying frak if you’re using a green screen or not? Are you concerned mindless morons will be turned off to your vids because some likely paid troll flipped that switch in their little minds and thus negated everything else you say and do? The real problems are we allow the paid trolls to exist and we allow the mindless morons to vote.

That comes from the fact that the average dumbass would rather die than think or take responsibility for what happens in the world around them. But then we have billions who believe falsehoods to the point that they’re willing to see billions more killed. Maybe that’s the real issue.

They’re shutting down the comment sections because they were losing the war for the sheeple’s hearts and minds.

It makes me wonder from time to time what the government and universities really had in mind when they set up the structure that became the net.

“Nothing in politics happens by accident. If something happens it was planned that way(paraphrased)” – FDR(allegedly)

When I ‘argue’ online, which I rarely do anymore, I don’t expect the average piece of “Liberal”(commie) trash to convert. Many to most of them never will. Look at the klintons, highly intelligent educated evil.

I long ago switched my efforts to trying to get the dumbasses that claim to value Liberty to develop the resolve to do what will be required. They are waging war on us all and on our Bill of Rights. That is ‘right,’ not ‘right wing.’

As I read the article on the MIT site I’m reminded that while I like photography and art and literature and music as soon as I get around “Liberal”(commie) trash that shares the same interests but that realizes I don’t ‘agree’ with them politically, i.e., their on-going efforts to totally enslave all of us, it usually immediately proves to me how arrogant it is. Usually the conversation doesn’t have to get that far. Most of them only have to learn I live in the country, on a farm, have an accent and own guns and when told to turn them I’m going to start hunting and killing the trash. Well, I don’t usually tell them the last part. But they need to know it. And if you don’t think that can happen you haven’t been listening to Hitlery.

They don’t disagree with us, as I wrote above, they’re waging war on us. Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking it’s anything but that.

And after college I started out as an ‘environmentalist’ and quickly realized most of them were socialists and over time learned what it was really about. So when ‘right wingers’ started telling me about the ‘wilderness project’ and Agenda 21′ and the efforts to drive us off the land into some modern soviet style system I knew they were right.

But don’t worry, that little experiment only killed at least 70 million, in their empire, not counting the proxy wars. Don’t think for a heartbeat those who flaunt their false pacifism won’t order their black-suited Nazis and soldiers to kill those who don’t want to go along to get along with their evil system. They proved that in Oregon recently.

They won’t stop until we force them to.

If you really want to ‘win’ the argument just ask them this: Which do you value most, the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto or the Bill of Rights. They know the answer in their hearts. Those two documents are incompatible and antithetical. If the answer is the former they don’t belong in OUR country and they need to GTFO. We ain’t askin’.

And don’t miss the comments on that one. The rabbit hole only gets deeper.

As I was writing about the toilet bowl:


FK – Exactly. But it’s not ‘reform’ we’re after, it’s restoration of the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional. Reform is what they’ve been doing all these decades and what got us in this mess. It was intentional.

I guess I’m a fan of human Liberty and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

So they do care about what we see?:



FK – And of course it doesn’t stop with ‘speech.’:

Stewart Rhodes on LaVoy Finicum: “The Oregon Governor Has Blood on His Hands”


FK – I wasn’t aware of these facts, about the politicians calling for quick action, but I’m not surprised.

Patriots and the everyday sheeple consistently fail to realize/understand the arrogance/hubris/evil of their domestic blood enemies. They’re all stuck in a fantasy world where this can be solved ‘politically'(war by other means) by electing a ‘strong man’ that will wave his magic wand or where god’s army is going to swoop in and save them or beam them up without them having to lift a finger.

What a sad pathetic state we’re in.

The sheeple in the rural areas, I’m surrounded by them, are in deep denial because of ignorance and the false, intentional, indoctrination in a religion that tells them to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end while their children grow up in an increasingly dangerous world. People in the Eastern states especially don’t understand the situation out west and how it will one day be brought here.

Stewart Rhodes interviews Oath Keeper SWAT Officer About the LaVoy Finicum Shooting

Feds Tell Texas Ranchers Gov Owns Their Lands

Feds Tell Texas Ranchers The Government Owns Their Land Despite Owners Having Deeds, Paying Property Taxes On The Land

Gov’t Tells Texas Rancher His Land No Longer Belongs to Him — He Knew It Was Serious When He Claims Official Said These Six Words

Family of Oregon occupier shot by law enforcement alleges cover-up

FK – As I wrote above:


FK – The American sheeple and patriots are now in the same position as the Indians were in the pioneer days. They fail to see the big picture of what is being done to them, only thinking about their own pitiful little existences and at most the town, county or state they exist in, their immediate social structure, friends, church members, whatever. The ‘nation’ to them is whatever tool they vote for that seems to be waving the most magical wand every four years but in reality is telling them the same lies its predecessor was yet they vote for it anyway.

Let’s see how good the commies are at keeping their promises to their dupes:


FK – Remember Iran/Contra and the cold war? This is how the commies always treat their dupes. They will do it here.

We have failed to call our domestic blood enemies what they really are and to do what should be done to them.

And what do we have here?:

FK – What we MUST LEARN AND LAY DOWN AS LAW is that there is no such thing as a ‘right’ to work to totally enslave others in a free country.

We MUST begin to point out what these evil creatures are, what their foundations and NGOs and rich donors do to us all and not only refuse to cooperate with their evil but to begin to at the least kick the evil trash out of this country. It doesn’t belong here.

If we do not do this in a generation or two real Americans, real patriots, that value the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, will find themselves with their backs against the wall as the zombie horde that’s now taking over Europe swarms around them.

As Steward Rhodes said in the first vid above our domestic blood enemies are colluding with others to bring about our downfall:

Weak, Effeminate, Indulgent Westerners Are Surrendering The West To Islam

Left-Wing Journalist Knife Attacked by Calais Migrants, Blames Britain For Not Letting Them In

Hundreds of migrants arriving in Norway had mobile phones containing images of executions, severed heads and dead children, police reveal


FK – Note all the passersby in the background. The Brits have really effed up their country. They did it by electing commies that call themselves by cute names like ‘socialist’ and ‘liberal’ and ‘leftist’ and ‘progressive’ and ‘labor party’ and even ‘tory,’ that isn’t really ‘conservative’ at all.

The worst thing they did was stupidly and with great cowardice surrender their weapons to their government without opening and conducting an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby they could have eradicated enough of their domestic blood enemies to establish real human Liberty there. But they are a nation of cowards and whores, kind of like us.

This is the ‘solution’ provided by the commies for their ‘rape epidemic’:


FK – This is one of those things that leaves a thinking person almost speechless from its absurdity. But the government indoctrination system has produced nations of numbskulls that will take this as sound advice, if for no other reason than it alleviates them of really thinking about the kind of world we really exist in and from acting on that knowledge or taking any real personal responsibility for it.

It will be up to that tiny minority as always. The zombie apocalypse is on our doorstep.

But not all are numbskulls, and the Europeans are beginning to see the light from a not-so-distant fire. Will enough of us wake up in time?:

BRITS ARE PISSED: All Hell Is Breaking Out And Muslim Migrants Are on the Receiving End (IMAGES)

Norwegian Army Chief: Europe Will Have to “Fight” to Preserve Its Values

FK – None of which will do any good until we decide to eradicate the domestic blood enemies of western civilization that are responsible for letting this Trojan Horse in the gates.

German Youth Group Speaks Out Against Left-Wing Policies and ‘Foreigners’


FK – Some of us ‘Americans’ realize the zombie apocalypse is on our doorstep and in your living rooms and who and what is to blame for it and what will be required to deal with it.

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?

Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.

So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?

What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.

What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment.

Was the Inland Center a ‘gun free zone?” Why is commiefornia still a ‘may issue’ state? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?

If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.

The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.

We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.

I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

Rules for the militia

Will enough of us be as determined as they claim to be?

What can I do?

Did FBI Plant Gun To Cover-Up Oregon Murder?


FK – Your “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ voted to kill LaVoy and you. They are waging war on us and the Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

FK – Or another version:


FK – One cannot assume that these ‘highly trained’ gestapos always do the right or smart thing. They have already made bad decisions in putting their paychecks and retirement plans over human Liberty and our Bill of Rights. They have already made bad decisions in choosing to serve an evil beast system that clearly doesn’t care who or what it kills.

On top of all that no one knows for sure how they’ll perform in a firefight. Their adrenaline was already high as was that of the patriots in question. As the old saying goes “After the first round goes down range all plans go to shit.”

What little bit of a conscience these servants of evil have may already be chewing at them, we can only hope at least.

Maybe one of them will decide to step forward and tell what really happened or was planned, assuming again that we can ‘trust’ any of them.

It’s unlikely any of these patriots will see the light of day for a long time. LaVoy probably realized this. The “Liberal”(commie) trash wanted revenge for real Americans standing up them at Bundy Ranch:

Court denies bail to Ammon Bundy & 3 others as Oregon occupation continues

‘ANONYMOUS’ Calls For Justice In Murder Of LaVoy Finicum, Issues THIS Chilling Message To FBI

FK – Of course anyone can claim to part of ‘anonymous.’

And we have this supposedly from someone ‘on our side’:

LaVoy Finicum Was Not Murdered. He Forced Oregon Police To Shoot Him.

FK – Regardless of what LaVoy chose to do no one forced the LEOs to serve their evil beast system.

That website apparently no longer allows comments or at least I couldn’t see a way to comment or a comment section. Have they become like the “Liberal”(commie) trash sites that hate free speech on the net and deny what the internet is about: links to information that the ‘authorities’ and our domestic blood enemies don’t want us to think about?

Whose lives matter?


FK – Again, no one forced the LEOs to serve their evil beast system. They’re putting their paychecks and retirement plans over human Liberty and the Bill of Rights. This is undeniable. They’ve had the internet for 2 decades just as the “Liberal”(commie) trash have. There are no excuses for not understanding the evil they participate in.

We’ve explored this before.

Invisible Terrestrial Entities, Vatican LUCIFER Telsecope, CERN & Fake Disclosure 2016!


FK – The question is why does the vatican have a telescope if they blindly believe their ancient tribal propaganda as they expect their ignorant flock to do? Maybe they have an idea from all the ancient scrolls or whatever they keep locked away in their libraries that the ancient tribal propaganda isn’t so inerrant after all.

The simple-minded would rather die than actually think about the world/universe(s?) around them. The vatican/elite/globalist/bankster leadership certainly knows this. They want the tithes/taxes to keep coming in and the slaves to keep working.

When ‘disclosure’ or whatever occurs the church(es) will simply find a new verse to explain it or create a new ‘interpretation’ as they always do so the simple-minded can regurgitate as if it actually means something. Nothing much will change except that those of us who do actually attempt to give a damn about something that matters besides some sadistic asshole of a god that’s going to ‘save’ us from itself will have a whole new set of issues/problems to try to follow/understand.


Apparent Detection via New Telescopes with ConcaveLenses of Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities (ITE)

Another version of mindlessness:

FK – The smartest one knew enough to admit its ignorance. The guy with the helmet was about to have a thought? Maybe for the first time in its life?

But they all know what a tattoo is…

This proves beyond doubt that we must get control of who or what votes.

It’s all about what’s put on that ‘blank slate.’:

FK – We must program the biological robots in such a way that they remain docile and obedient.

Do you know what the word ‘allegiance‘ means?

I stole this quote from one of the commenters:

“Artificially extending childhood is the way schools cripple the majority of our population life long. Many parents have been gulled into assisting this procedure, don’t you be one of them.” – John Taylor Gatto

Don’t know if he actually said/wrote it but it fits. There are many ways of being a child.

FK – The unfortunate fact that the elites understand is that most parents are children. It’s always been that way. Probably always will be.

The question is who or what has control over what is written on the blank slates.

Why Schools Don’t Educate


FK – There’s nothing new about this. It’s just that the elites need a population of biological robots that are just indoctrinated well enough to read and pay their electric bills and keep paying their taxes and tithes.

The popularity gene comes from evolutionary biology. The monkey that didn’t go along to get along didn’t get the banana or the sex.

Response to Ammon Bundy


FK – It’s time to live to fight another day guys. This whole op was ill-advised from the beginning.

It’ll be hard enough to get Bubba to put down the steak and ice cream and shut off the big screen when the black-suited Nazis have just killed his dog or grandma or kid on their way through his door. You’re more intelligent than this and you stuck your necks in the noose for the Fed Nazis and their commie/globalist masters so in reality you can’t expect others to come join you. That’s the sad reality of your situation.

This war is a shit bowl, kinda like the over all world. We inch forward when we can and the rest of the time try to hold our ground or find a way to re-position and just survive. We’re gonna need you for the big fight that’s coming. Make no mistake, it’s coming.

Ammon Bundy Admits Defeat, Calls On Remaining Oregon Occupiers To “Stand Down, Go Home”

This is not how to run a restoration:

‘If they stop you from getting here, kill them!’: Remaining occupiers ask for backup

Oregon occupiers: What officials say happened at traffic stop

Oathkeepers: Malheur SITREP – 1900L 29 JAN 16

FK – A zoomed excerpt from the killing:

FK – When I first watched the original vid I thought he pulled a gun.

FK – Now we’ll likely see how the Fed Nazis railroad patriots into prison.


FK – Tricky? There are no perfect wars nor perfect warriors. We must get over, grow out of, this mentality.

FK – Regardless of how ‘planned’ it was to kill Finicum or how ill-advised to stupid this entire op has been from the beginning the fact remains that we’ve had the internet for 20 years now and the average dumbass can get it’s ignorant paws on a smart phone and spend some time educating itself about this evil system which means those ‘educated’ Fed Nazis are fully capable of understanding the evil system they participate in. What choices are they making on a daily basis? That is the question that matters.

And on a not so slightly different note:


FK – It’s not about the Marxist mutt. It’s about the system that appoints a prez after a contest that amounts to a quest for the idiot vote. During every prez term some idiots say that prez is going to declare himself dictator and never leave office. I’m pretty sure I heard that about Bush the First, and certainly about every elected tool since then. It’s all absurd. The elites who appoint them don’t need them to stay in office, only to do what they’re told until the next tool is shuffled in.

It will likely take blood conflict to end this process.

Though we keep lying to ourselves about this reality:


FK – I’ve been watching this process for 20-30 years. Blood conflict will be necessary for two reasons:

Not enough average dumbasses see the necessity of becoming truly politically involved, that means more than voting based on choosing which spin or sound bites has the most emotional appeal which means we will wake up one day, as the Europeans are now, with our backs against the wall.

Our domestic blood enemies, who have white skin and wear expensive suits will NEVER throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” They will have to be forced to end their nearly completed overthrow of our Bill of Rights, which is their real enemy. The loopholed, ignored con-stitution was never a worry to them because it was probably their creation.

A dictatorship would not be necessary, just a few simple to understand constitutional amendments, such as: no more ‘gun control;’ no more socialism of any kind; no more income tax on any level; no tolerance of commie/authoritarian front groups because in reality there’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work to enslave those around you; a strict definition of what government property is and should be; a militia force to make sure the granite gallows in front of every government building doesn’t fall into disuse. It’s not rocket science.

Will it be easy? Will it make a ‘perfect world?’ The doctor that oversaw your momma squeezing you out didn’t hand you a warranty guaranteeing you a rose garden. It’s time to wake up and grow up and get over it because nobody’s gonna get beamed up.

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

Complete, Unedited Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 0126, The Execution of LaVoy Finicum

FK – So the restoration will be televised.

As we watch this unfold in the cold silence we have to remember that the murderers of the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family have never been brought to justice.

We have to remember that if we had a ‘system of justice’ in this country the BLM bureaucrats would already be in prison; Hitlery and its husband and the Marxist mutt and dubya and many others would already have been executed for treason; the BATF Nazis would have been shut down, the ‘gun laws’ they enforce repealed, their retirement plans distributed among their victims and they all tried for treason; those who enforce income tax laws on every level would be in prison; the trash that pushes programs such as ‘Smart Growth,’ ‘Agenda 21,’ the false ‘sustainability,’ the ‘wilderness project,’ and the ‘global warming’ propaganda as all the rest designed to control every aspect of our existences while destroying private property rights per the Communist Manifesto would all be tried for treason and executed; those who run the Marxist/globalist foundations, NGOs, PACs and on and on would at the least be expelled from this country with a warning never to return upon pain of death.

The list is nearly endless. The war crimes/treason trials will take years. The sad part is that by the time the dust settles many of them may be dead of old age.

FK – Oh we have ‘rule of law’ alright, just not the law we’re supposed to have.

The sheeple and the ‘patriots’ and ‘conservatives’ et al have yet to understand that they outnumber our domestic blood enemies, and especially the conscienceless garbage that enforces their evil laws for a paycheck and a retirement plan and a false hope.

Here’s the ‘criminal complaint‘ against these ‘dangerous felons.’

They apparently weren’t very dangerous.

I can’t agree with their tactics or short term strategy, whatever one prefers to call it. Too many morons think the government has a ‘right’ to own the vast majority of several western states.

I’m not against ‘public land’ for recreation or even for preserving some ‘wilderness’ that is open to all for enjoyment but all that is a lie in an on-going plan to destroy the foundation of this republic that was founded by poor people that inched forward into a wilderness so they could own their piece of land as their former feudal lords of Europe had done for millennia.

It’s yet to be seen what will come of this battle in our larger war:

The Latest: FBI releases video of Oregon shooting


FK – As the old saying goes once the first round goes down range all plans go to shit.

We may grow old looking for the perfect war.

Even a Canadian can see what’s happening:


FK – Our domestic blood enemies will call us every name in the book until the last one spews out it’s last filthy breath.

As I’ve written before:

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

From a ‘mature’ negotiator:

FK – We see how ‘peacefully resolved’ is turning out.

“…a federal building that doesn’t belong to them…” And the whore probably believes the crap that’s spewing out of its trap.

“…Waco and Ruby ridge started with murder…” Yes, by Fed Nazi trash. The arrogance is never ending, except for the end we will be forced to apply to it.

Trespass is not a felony. The ‘just-us’ department and it’s commie/globalist masters are seeking to make an example of these men.

This only proves that the FBI needs to be trimmed back or exterminated and then an agency created whose only purpose is to prosecute government corruption.

Why is Hitlery still running for prez?:


FK – It’s about power. Uranium is just another resource. The don’t call us ‘human resources’ because they respect us as human beings.

The Clintons: is the Oregon standoff really about uranium?

The Clintons: how Putin grabbed a fifth of all US uranium

Bundy arrested, Oregon militia spokesman killed in confrontation; Reportedly shot while holding hands up

On Tuesday, Les Zaitz reported that Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, the spokesman for the militia members who occupied a federal facility near Burns, Oregon, was killed “after law enforcement officials stopped vehicles about 20 miles north of Burns.”

According to Zaitz, Ammon Bundy told his wife that Finicum was cooperating with authorities at the time and had put his hands up while laying on the ground.

Then, Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore said, Bundy alleged that he saw officers shoot him three times.

FK – What possessed them to think they could move down a highway to a meeting?

1 killed as feds move in, arrest protest leader Ammon Bundy

BREAKING: FBI Issues Statement on Bundy Militia Shootout in Oregon. 1 Dead.

1 dead, 8 arrested after leaders of armed group occupying refuge clash with FBI

BREAKING: Ammon Bundy Taken Into FBI Custody

FK – It seems that the first casualty, or maybe most recent one, has been created in this war. We are writing and living history that will either be celebrated or condemned or ignored depending on who or what writes the future history books. We know who that has to be.

Don’t do stupid things;

Man joining Ore. occupation tells police, ‘I will kill all of you’ during traffic stop

Pacific Patriots Network – Official Statement for Immediate Release

The Feds accommodate Ammon Bundy and give him his John-Brown-at-Harper’s-Ferry moment, and we get to make a choice.

Oathkeepers: Malheur SITREP: 2100L 25 JAN 2016

Rules for the Militia

FK – The first casualty?

This vid explains some of the ‘legal’ issues with the evil BLM. It was made during the Bundy standoff:


FK – And this is what he’s talking about:

FK – Someone recently asked me to define a commie. I told them this off the top of my head: “Arrogance that will find no limit of its own accord.”

We will be forced to limit them.

When is it time to FIGHT? Oregon Standoff Strategy Check – Rex Reviews


FK – Do you think George Washington had god’s army? Really? There’s never been any such thing and never will be outside of stories in ancient tribal propaganda.

I agree that the initial action was foolish, misguided, maybe intentionally by instigators or idiots or both take your pick. But this event has put this issue all over the world. It’s up to us now to make sure the sheeple understand that we are in the right in a war against this beast system that started it.

Even if the first real firefight, that was really in Texas 20 years ago, that they started, if totally their fault, as it was, they, our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and wear expensive suits and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, will call us every name in the book and eventually use all the military’s might against us if they have a president in the now red house that is, as always, one of their tools along with a congress of fools, cowards and whores.

In short, it won’t be an easy or short fight. For a time it may or probably will look as if the evil ones are winning. If we seek to fight them in the open on a large scale they probably will win. If we focus on eroding their foundations, another outcome may be possible. But make no mistake, it will be forced upon us, and even if it’s not we are fools for not expecting it to be and for making every possible preparation.

But then we don’t have a nation of men anymore, but a nation of cowardly whores and even the so-called pre-eminent ‘pro-gun’ group can’t find the backbone to publicly state what will be required.

I was involved in the patriot movement in the 90s when the OK City bombing went down. I saw the patriot/militia movement deflate because of that. That’s because this is a nation of cowards. But even after that we still had a militia movement of sorts but it’s never been what it should be and making it what it should be is what we need to focus on. To do that we have to get over our fear of the ‘m’ word that’s actually in the Second Amendment.

When the metal meets the meat it’ll be about who has the courage to at least show up or act on their own in whatever way they can not about who’s ‘official.’ Most of the ‘officials’ are whores.

It’s not about what we want. It’s about what will be required.

The patriot movement won’t grow up until it learns to do three things:

Stop worrying about what our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies that have white skin and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, including the mainstream newswhores, say about us. The last one of them to stretch a rope after the war crimes trials will still be lying as its last filthy breath spews out of its upper sewer.

Stop kowtowing to their “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends’ who vote to kill them every time they vote.

Stop being cowards and start openly declaring what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed: an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season whereby we eradicate enough of our natural born statist/authoritarian vermin to restore Liberty and the Bill of Rights.

See what evil they are preparing for:

Oathkeepers: Malheur SITREP: 2200L 23 JAN 2016

FK – And what they have proven they are capable of:


FK – How much longer until we bring them to justice? For more on this evil go here.

From a couple weeks back:


FK – The Fed Nazis and their evil communist/globalist masters have proven they have no problem with ‘collateral damage,’ i.e. women and children and your grandma and your dog.

Mitch McConnell Wants To Give Obama Unlimited War Powers

FK – We’ve had 20 plus years of speeches and the internet for 20 years. The saturation of the ‘awake’ may not grow much more. It’ll be, as always, up to that tiny minority.

And we won’t always win every battle, or always be right, but we will always be ‘in the right’ because our domestic blood enemies are so clearly evil:


FK – The mainstream newswhores will NEVER give the real patriots good press. Thinking they will is a fool’s quest. Our domestic blood enemies will call us every name in the book no matter what side fires the first shot and no matter who’s winning or losing. We need to make sure we’re the ones who write the future history books.

The ‘range war’ has been going on for decades, unkown to the average cowardly dumbass in this country that only cares about its little pathetic existence and its subservience to its employers and the banksters.

Most of them are still in total denial of what’s coming:

FK – Heard this on Radio Paradise this morning which I find to be ironic. Can’t say for sure what they mean with their song but I know what it means to me. Will we really sit back and let things get that bad?

Maybe we already have:

Brandon Smith: The Advantages of Barter and Localism