Tag Archives: civil war

What is a man, really?

What is a man, really?
Barry Bright
Dec. 8, 2016

Off and on for the last few months I’ve been using the phrase “Oh for a nation of men” or some such or alluding to the fact that there are no longer any men in this country.

Someone has finally called me on it. It’s another sad indicator that I’m right. It was a woman, maybe a ‘conservative’ female with some clue but not enough to grasp what I was really trying to get across, someone who still has some commie indoctrination to overcome.

I’m not ‘attacking’ her. She seems to have a partial clue and may be on the way to really waking up but she still has a long way to go. Sigh. So many newbies, so little time.

Years back it used to be a common thing for trolls on the net, YouTube and various places to taunt supporters of the Second Amendment with some trash like this:

“You don’t need a gun. Just use your fists like a real man.”

Of course that’s an attitude fit for an 8th grade school yard but then this is a country full of so-called humans that never learned to think much beyond that level. Our recent quest for the idiot vote has proven that once again.

On the other end of this spectrum, or pretty close to it, was a statement a younger cousin of mine made several years back after watching me shoot a couple of coyotes with my deer rifle:

“I didn’t think you could shoot them that far away.”

They were only 150 – 200 yards away. Anyone with any rudimentary knowledge of firearms should’ve known that’s not a long range for such a tool, a weapon, that’s designed to kill.

That’s another ‘thing’ with me. It was once common for ‘pro-gun’ so-called ‘men’ to start whining when one referred to a gun as a ‘weapon.’ Their common refrain was that it might ‘scare the sheeple’ in so many words.

Pfff…. That’s always been our problem. Real men don’t whine about what their domestic blood enemies might think or say. They just move forward and stay ready to stomp their arrogant faces into the dirt.

But amerika is swamped in both kinds of ignorance, from the bully mentality developed in homes where violence is often considered the first and best resort to homes where violence is mindlessly forbidden to the point that the child never develops any kind of adult mindset, the mindset of a real human, that knows sometimes violence is the only choice.

A couple clarifications for the sake of the weak-minded and weak-willed:

It’s wrong to stupid to teach a child that violence is always the first option in any situation, and few parents intentionally do this. But many intentionally do something far more evil: teach their children and worse the children of others that violence is never an option. It’s evil because they are raising willing slaves and pathetic cowards who will probably never undertake to understand the necessity of what I write here.

Spoiling or over-protecting any child is a form of child abuse, for it is a form of neglect. Any so-called ‘adult’ that doesn’t realize it may have to kill at some point is a pathetic creature not to be pitied, but to be looked down upon as a lesser being, and they have no business voting, which is the most violent act any human can participate in.

A real man does these things:

He isn’t afraid to say what needs to be done and prepares to do it. He doesn’t ignore the effort to create a ‘new world order’ and pretend that he’s gonna get beamed up before things get too bad and then leave his descendants to exist in total slavery.

He doesn’t play word games. He owns weapons not just tools or guns or toys for the range or the deer stand that are or can be used to kill not only game for the table but the garbage that insists he doesn’t ‘need’ to able to fight back and kill them after they’ve voted to kill him by electing some piece of scat to hire some whore to come and disarm him after some group of judges have ruled it’s OK for the government to tell us to ‘turn them in.’

He doesn’t allow his bubble-gum headed wife to insist his children are raised without the basic knowledge they need to defend themselves and if necessary kill those who would enslave them or in our case enslave them further or kill any common criminal that might endanger them or their property.

He doesn’t let his “Liberal”(commie) trash ‘friends‘ get away with claiming he has no such right.

He joins or forms a militia group and helps them train in whatever way he is capable in order to be ready to water the Tree of Liberty by hunting our real enemies, our white-skinned domestic blood enemies that were born here, to extinction before they do such via the police and military to those they claim to hate and who simply wish to live in the free country the Founders attempted to bequeath to us.

I know that unfortunately I must insert a few more disclaimers so the weak-minded and the brain dead and the newly awakened may understand:

I’m not Rambo and have never claimed to be but that’s another jibe the “Liberal”(commie) trash trolls once commonly used. I’ve never claimed to be and that’s the point. In boot camp they taught us to work as a team not as individual super heroes. We must do the same.

As a veteran I never had any real issue with females in the military even though I know on a scientific and biological basis they should not be regularly placed on the ‘front lines.’

I have no doubt there are female athletes who could out run, out fight, out shoot me with little effort. But they are the minority of their sex, just as there are men who can’t make it through Marine boot camp. Eight of 10 or so graduated when I went through. As a non-athletic half spoiled non-physical fighting only child with no experience in the Boy Scouts or other organizations I had a rough time of it.

But none of that is the point of this. The point is that we must begin to train, indoctrinate, our youth in not only Liberty but in the skills needed to maintain it. This could range from learning basic martial arts such as how to shoot a BB gun to playing video games that develop skills that could be used to eliminate our real enemies, foreign or domestic.

Not everyone is willing to be on or belongs on the front line. But all should be required to learn the basic skills it takes to keep what we are supposed to have here.

And yes this is supposed to be a nation of laws, more or less, not a nation of dictators. Really it’s supposed to be a group of sovereign nation states where the most basic right of all is recognized: the right to fight and kill if necessary those who would work covertly or overtly to destroy our Bill of Rights, which acknowledges our right to do so, not grants it.

For the record there is no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. Yep, I’m talking to you, dear “Liberal”(commie) trash.


Or your cowardice.

FK – There is a way for all to do their part, even those who miss-interpret the ancient tribal propaganda whose god told it’s subjects to go over the hill and kill everything there and not bring back so much as a goat or a sack of wheat.

The only real reason for the militia

GOA: Gun Grabbers are Going to be Ticked Off

GOA Looking to Push Hudson’s Bill onto Trump’s Desk Early Next Year

Dear Friend:

I have some good news to report.

After years of waiting, it looks like we will finally be able to get concealed carry reciprocity enacted into law for the entire country.

But we are going to have to go to a full court press to get it.

Democrats are indicating that killing national concealed carry reciprocity is one of their top goals in 2017.

Which is why GOA needs your support in reaching several million more gun-owning activists.

Come January, we want to deluge congressional offices with a tidal wave of support in favor of concealed carry reciprocity.

Your contribution of $5, $10, $25 or more will help us reach millions of additional gun owners who, previously, have been sitting on the sidelines.

Thankfully, President-elect Trump has stated that he wants to sign a reciprocity bill.

And pro-gun Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) has stepped forward to meet the challenge!

As you know, there have been several versions floating around in the Congress for several years.

But the version which now appears most likely to pass is the new Hudson bill, which recognizes the right of Constitutional Carry states to benefit from this national legislation.

Hudson Bill Protects Residents of Constitutional Carry States

Shortly after the new Congress convenes in January, Rep. Hudson will be introducing the reciprocity language that GOA — along with its grassroots army — has been pushing so hard for so many years.

The unnumbered draft was unveiled this week by Congressman Hudson, and it has GOA’s support.

I must say, this Hudson bill — which protects the rights of residents living in Constitutional Carry states — is THE BEST reciprocity bill to ever be introduced in Congress.

The Hudson bill will allow persons who may carry legally in one state to carry legally in any other state in the country.

Gone are the days when a concealed carry license holder in Pennsylvania can be threatened with decades in prison because she took a wrong turn off the interstate and ended up in New Jersey.

Gone are the days when an ex-serviceman fears for his safety because a trip to his parents’ house takes him through New York.

The Hudson reciprocity law will send a clear and unmistakable signal to gun grabbers in places like New York and California.

And that signal is this: No longer will you shred the Constitution for both your own citizens and those citizens of other states who are condemned to travel through your jurisdiction.

Hudson Bill Helps Residents of Anti-gun States from California to New York

The Hudson bill is a breakthrough in two important respects.

First, it recognizes the 12 Constitutional Carry states and encourages other states to join them.

If a state recognizes the God-given right of its citizens to protect themselves and their families without getting the government’s permission, then they can do so in any state in the country.

Second, the Hudson bill benefits citizens of anti-gun states who get permits from pro-gun states.

So if a gun owner living in “occupied” California, New Jersey, or New York gets a carry permit from Utah, then he or she will be able to carry a firearm in any state in the country!

Will you help us muster additional gun owners, who have previously been sitting on the sidelines?

1. Please forward this alert to at least 10 pro-gun family members and friends. We need to enlist even more gun owners in this very important, upcoming battle.

FK – For the rest click on the links, contact your congress critters and forward anywhere and everywhere and join GOA which has a far better record of working to destroy gun control than the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group ever thought about. The NRA has been part of the problem from the beginning.

We have a long way to go

Our enemies never rest. Why should we?:


FK – Hawaii like commiefornia will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered.

FK – The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights. WE ARE!

We MUST get past this. We MUST build the militias for the day when they tell us to ‘turn them in’ and we are left with no option but to hunt our domestic blood enemies to extinction.

If we don’t plan to use the Second Amendment, which was written for hunting homo sapiens, the tool-making monkies, then we may as well allow the trash to repeal it.

GOA Alert: Anti-Gun Activist David Petraeus Under Consideration for Secretary of State

Anti-Gun Activist David Petraeus Under Consideration for Secretary of State

Please contact President-elect Donald Trump at info@donaldtrump.com. Ask him to reject the idea of nominating anti-gun activist David Petraeus to the post of Secretary of State. You can copy-and-paste the pre-written letter below to email Trump.

Dear Friend of the Second Amendment:

Anti-gun activist David Petraeus is under consideration for the position of Secretary of State in the Trump administration.

Although Petraeus seldom speaks publicly on domestic issues, he hates guns so much that he teamed up with anti-gun leader Mark Kelly and his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, to co-found the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense, an anti-gun organization devoted to “do[ing] more to prevent gun tragedies” by “urging lawmakers to toughen gun laws.”

Not surprisingly, the Leftist media is elated that a gun-hater like Petraeus might be awarded the top Cabinet post by Trump.This is true even though Petraeus, in November 2012, resigned as CIA Director and pleaded guilty to leaking classified information to a biographer with whom he was having an extramarital affair.

But Petraeus’ “Clinton-like” disregard for American security is the least of his problems.

As Secretary of State, Petraeus would play a key role in deciding whether to remove the U.S. from the UN Arms Trade Treaty (UN ATT). This agreement would mandate gun registration, and would authorize comprehensive gun bans — all goals supported by Petraeus’ colleagues Kelly and Giffords.

Petraeus would effectively decide whether to push for ratification of the anti-gun UN Small Arms Treaty.

Finally, Petraeus would have jurisdiction over the international trade (ITAR) regulations. Under Clinton/Kerry “guidance,” these regulations have been expanded to outlaw gunsmithing. In addition, a gun technician who communicates “how-to” information about guns on the Internet (without purchasing a $2,250 State Department license) could be prosecuted and imprisoned.

You can read GOA’s comments against these anti-gun State Department regulations here.

If anti-gun Paeraeus is nominated and confirmed, we can expect these policies to be continued and expanded.

Donald Trump was elected with the broad support of members of the Second Amendment community.  We believe it would be a huge mistake to begin his transition by putting an anti-gun activist in a position whether he could regulate and ban guns.


Tim Macy

Please contact President-elect Donald Trump at info@donaldtrump.com.  Ask him to reject the idea of nominating anti-gun activist David Petraeus to the post of Secretary of State. You can copy-and-paste the pre-written letter below to email Trump.

—– Copy-and-Paste this Letter to President-elect Donald Trump —–

Dear President-elect Trump:

I understand that anti-gun activist David Petraeus is under consideration for the position of Secretary of State in your administration.

But I agree with Gun Owners of America that Petraeus would be a disastrous choice.

Although Petraeus seldom speaks publicly on domestic issues, he hates guns so much that he teamed up with anti-gun leader Mark Kelly and his wife, Gabrielle Giffords, to co-found the Veterans Coalition for Common Sense, an anti-gun organization devoted to “do[ing] more to prevent gun tragedies” by “urging lawmakers to toughen gun laws.”

Not surprisingly, the Leftist media is elated that a gun-hater like Petraeus might be awarded a top Cabinet post.  This is true even though Petraeus, in November 2012, resigned as CIA Director and pleaded guilty to leaking classified information to a biographer with whom he was having an extramarital affair.

But Petraeus’ “Clinton-like” disregard for American security is the least of his problems.

As Secretary of State, Petraeus would play a key role in deciding whether to remove the U.S. from the UN Arms Trade Treaty (UN ATT). This agreement would mandate gun registration, and would authorize comprehensive gun bans — all goals supported by Petraeus’ colleagues Kelly and Giffords.

Petraeus would effectively decide whether to push for ratification of the anti-gun UN Small Arms Treaty.

Finally, Petraeus would have jurisdiction over the international trade (ITAR) regulations.  Under Clinton/Kerry “guidance,” these regulations have been expanded to outlaw gunsmithing.  In addition, a gun technician who communicates “how-to” information about guns on the Internet (without purchasing a $2,250 State Department license) could be prosecuted and imprisoned.

You can read GOA’s comments against these anti-gun State Department regulations here.

If anti-gun Petraeus is nominated and confirmed, we can expect these policies to be continued and expanded.

Sir, you were elected with the broad support of members of the Second Amendment community.  We believe it would be a huge mistake to begin his transition by putting an anti-gun activist in a position whether he could regulate and ban guns.


FK – Gee, Trump hasn’t even been sworn in and already we’re having to babysit him. I haven’t really been trying to keep track of all the NWO hacks he’s been looking at for appointments.
Is anyone surprised? Really?

 Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Is he getting a few right?:


The Bubble – SNL

FK – Why can’t we just send them all to Australia?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

Liberals Have Proven They Are Willing To Do Anything To Achieve Total Enslavement


FK – Gee, I’ve been advocating the installation of a granite gallows in front of every govt. building for some time now, for the militia to use on any elected, hired or appointed public servants that break their oaths to uphold the Bill of Rights.

But that won’t happen until enough of us develop the resolve to do what will be required.

They’ve already enslaved us. We are slaves and we art at war.

I’m a vet, do ya want to thank me?

Meanwhile in other places:


FK – Is it possible to be ‘up to date’ in Moscow? We have ‘free speech’ and a ‘free press’ and I don’t think we come close to being ‘up to date’ with everything that’s going on… We do have the ‘fake’ news services that serve the state and our corporate rulers.

Is anyone ever gonna notice that there’s always those predicting the ‘economy is gonna go south’ when in reality it went that way a long time ago?

If the modern empire of note ever loses it’s technological edge we will see landing craft on our beaches and foreign fighters in our streets and country lanes. What will this nation of dumb-downed lazy pacified fat asses do about it? Hold a 3-gun shoot or buy the latest video game?

Can we just quit and walk away?

FK – While I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Williams and think he should have ran for prez against the Marxist mutt and I agree the states certainly have a ‘right’ to secede I feel it would be a very foolish thing.

We need to take our entire country back. We need to bring the troops home, activate the militias and the ‘national’ guard and clean out the commie enclaves on the left and east coasts and in the larger cities. They don’t belong here.

There’s a reason cancer doctors seek to eliminate the entire tumor.

Our domestic blood enemies will have no problem doing it to us:


FK – Gee, I remember the reactions when we formed ‘The College Patriots’ back in the 90s at my state college. They looked at us as if we were trying to bring in the plague and they would have happily treated us as such if possible.

That’s why our domestic blood enemies, the white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash always try to stifle any ‘free speech’ that doesn’t support their evil and always seeks to disarm the common people so they can’t fight back.

The patriot newbie guidebook

What color are our greatest enemies and what should we be doing to them?:

Did you vote to #DrainTheSwamp? Take the #TrumpPledge!


FK – The mush heads will do the same thing they always do when ‘their guy’ wins: go back to the couch, the golf course, the fishin’ hole, the sports bar, the church that tells ’em they’re gonna get beamed up soon and owe no responsibility to anyone or thing in this world.

Principles are beyond most of them.

Who deserves to vote?

Here is Donald Trump’s plan for his first 100 days

Well, he has done something right, but is it meaningless grandstanding?:


FK – Good point and hadn’t heard he did this but I haven’t been paying much attention to what he says. I’m waiting to see what he actually does or doesn’t do.

And as I so easily predicted the commies are whining about the electoral college:


FK – Don’t we hear some of this every time no matter which tool is allowed into the now red house?

And we always hear how the losing side is in ‘disarray…’ If only:


FK – Maybe Trump’s job is to throw a few bones to the ‘conservatives’ and pave the way for the next globalist commie…..

Will he rid us of the IRS, the 16th amendment, the gun laws, the fed, the amerikan communist insurgency and the elites that fund them? The republicrat party was the original party of big govt. and of course it’s infiltrated just like the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group.

Is it all a big fake-out?:


FK – Here’s the link: Feigned retreat

As I’ve often noted before: We are at war.

It’s time to wake up and grow up and figure out what situation we’re really in:


FK – Politics is human nature and vice versa. Politics is war by other means and vice versa. Govt. is force thus voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in.

That doesn’t mean we can pretend that if we ‘stop participating’ that all the other participants will go home and leave the rest of us alone. Only a child would expect this.

The elites who own and run ‘the system’ certainly aren’t going home to leave us alone:


FK – I’ll be very surprised to see Trump stand up to the unmentionables, Reform Judaism, or the real roots of the amerikan communist insurgency.

I call them the unmentionables.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.

The Tea Party’s National Security Threat

Let’s rearrange the deck chairs

GUN GRIPES #122: “Post 2016 Election Thoughts…”

FK – There’ll be no gloating on my part until the laws are passed or repealed and the necks are stretched.

Regardless of what Trump proves to be we can NEVER blindly trust what they say during a campaign.

If you think the Marxist mutt or hitlery or their supporters or real masters ‘respect’ you then you’re political children. The most important thing to understand is that they consider us to be livestock and all their actions must be judged by this reality.

Oh good lord have mercy. THEY’RE ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment!!!!!!!

“Common sense?” Why the hell are you now sounding like our domestic blood enemies that know full well the evil they are doing by seeking to disarm the common sheeple????

It’s private property. Maybe you should look up what the ‘the left,’ the commies, and their hero Karl Marx think about that.

Trump may very well be a faker who was put in to keep any ‘real’ conservatives out. Maybe that’s why the CFR witch has so far said so little about its loss. There’s no guarantee Trump will be any better than Dubya or any other republicrat. And I haven’t ‘respected the office’ nor the prez in it since before Bush the first. They don’t deserve any respect!!!!!

We need to get more morons fully awake and educated and get them burning congress’s phone lines up and getting them ready for what will be required. I knew what the snake flag meant before the tea party was cool.

WE NEED TO MAKE AMERICA FREE AGAIN!!!! There is no greatness without Liberty. The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional.

If Patton had held his tongue they might not have killed him which means Trump better have some good security, if he’s actually sincere.

You two still have a helluva lot to learn about the situation you’re in. Every time the ‘folks‘ that don’t like guns vote they vote to kill you, whether they’re smart enough to know that or not.

My standard answer to this kind of idiocy:

The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.

All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.

When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins. The newswhores die first.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Meanwhile on other fronts:

FK – So there are no conspiracies are there and every prez we elect means every bit of tripe that spills out of its upper sewer…?

We’ll see won’t we?

Only a child thinks anything a prez candidate says during the quest for the idiot vote means anything. What they say during a campaign means nothing. Their records and affiliations, past and present, are all that matter.

Questions for your candidate

Who deserves to vote?

The Surreal EVIL Still Oozing from Hillary Supporters


FK – Are we ready? Of course not.

Who deserves to vote?

What if the elites do it instead?:


FK – What an opening statement for someone who worked tirelessly to put Trump in the now red house.

But you wouldn’t want the militia to provide security for Trump right? They’d be just as trustworthy as the Secret Service.

Have you been ‘forgotten?’:


FK – The forgotten man needs to wake up and grow up and figure out what will be required.

If enough of us can stop waiting to get beamed up:


FK – Maybe we should wait and see what Trump actually does while applying extreme political pressure to the republicrats in Congress and demand they repeal the gun laws, shut down the BATF Nazis; repeal the 16th Amendment and shut down the IRS and the Fed and pass an amendment banning all forms of socialism forever.

Wouldn’t that be better than whining about all our little butt hurts right now?

Meanwhile for the globalist commie trash it’s business as usual:

FK – So much for globalist commie trash respect for free speech and a free press huh?

When are enough gonna figure out what must be done?

At the least we must demand that the republicrats in the Congress and Trump shut down the U.N. and bulldoze their building and create a Liberty school so citiots can be taught what kind of country and govt. we’re supposed to have here.

Here’s some basic instruction for them:


FK – In general he’s correct, if we had a future prez that had a real record we could look at to judge his possible future actions instead of nothing but mouth and rhetoric not based in past actions. Maybe we should wait and see what Trump actually does or doesn’t do before we gloat too much…

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Though it’s hard not to pretend everything’s gonna be OK:

FK – Can anyone tell me who is telling the Saudis to fund ISIS and ‘attack’ us with fundie ragheadism? Maybe that’s the real question. The Saudis were a creation of the Brits, just like the modern state of Israel, that was founded by European socialists btw.

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

James O’Keefe: Main Stream Media Is Now Powerless

FK – Good job but it will take far more than a fear of exposure and prison to end this war.

Because our domestic blood enemies aren’t about to stop lying:


FK – The evil creatures aren’t baffled. It’s just the same old spin. They fully understand the evil they do. There will be only one cure for it.

And be careful who you call ‘friend’:

FK – Gee, I’ve been warning people, patriots, against having “Liberal”(commie) trash friends for some time now.

The fractional voting or whatever must not have been enough.

We’ve got this horse that so many wanted to ride. Let’s see how it jumps.

Five Fast Gun Reforms President Trump Will Sign Into Law

FK – Does Trump understand that the words ‘illegal gun’ are not within the Second Amendment?

When Their Gun Control Candidate Looses, Voters Threaten Gun Violence

FK – They killed 200 million plus in the 20th century alone. They will have no problem returning to their murderous ways.

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Now for some real entertainment:


FK – I do agree with the whore that the majority are stupid, but for different reasons. We’ve had the net for 20 years now. There’s no excuse for this crap anymore.

If this were a nation of thinking people and patriots and men hitlery and its husband of convenience would’ve been executed for treason and waging war on the Bill of Rights decades ago.

Now I understand how war can be so highly entertaining to some.

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?

Will we be saved by a miraculous troglodyte?
Barry Bright
Nov. 9, 2016

Well for once I actually called one right, sort of. A few months back I told someone and have repeated myself on this site and other places that Trump would likely trounce Hitlery in the general election. But the caveat I kept to myself was it depended on how much vote fraud, stealing, buying, whatever went on. But we’re all sick of prognosticators.

Now we have to listen to the demonscat party whine about getting rid of the electoral college system.

And I’ll admit it, this morning I was just shy of elated because the CFR witch was deprived of its lifelong desire to play elected dictator over all our existences in this world and not because of who or what will be entering the now red house.

Even though hitlery would’ve caused gun and ammo sales to skyrocket and the militias to continue to grow I still would’ve been afraid. Yep, the coward in me wanted to vote for Trump instead of standing up on my own two feet and fighting a war that is coming no matter how much so many of us lie to ourselves about it.

That’s the problem. Too many of us are afraid. This is our country and we have a Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, and it’s way past damn time we acted like it.

Noting wrong with taking a little time to celebrate but we still have Yankees just over the hill:

FK – The Marxist mutt didn’t ‘start’ ISIS. It’s a tool doing what it’s told.

The only thing that really brought hitlery down was Trump’s mouth, his charisma and salesmanship. The mush heads simply chose another savior. If the demonscat party had cast aside its chief witch and brought another Marxist mutt out of some urban sewer with the same level of charisma and salesmanship and a cleaner record and better looks it would’ve been a much ‘closer’ race.

We are in a cave and have found a match that might or might not burn long enough to get us a few feet closer to the entrance.

When we’re hanging them as we should have been doing decades ago I’ll gloat and smile broadly, while I’m happily flipping that lever.

Now if we could only get all the Trumpsters to stay away from the golf course and the fishin’ hole or the bar or the couch or the church pew or the biker rally or whatever their thing is and force the republicrats to do their jobs and start the arrests and the treason/war crimes trials.

Regardless, if the amerikan communist insurgency feels itself greatly endangered we may be forced to bring the troops home, activate the National Guard and the militias and send the Marines to invade the Commiefornia coast.

Their leadership and that includes the rich elite globalists that fund them, will now slide off to some dark corner to sulk and redraw their plans and adjust their lies but they will not simply throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.”

Won’t happen. Their arrogance and lust for power will never allow it. Eradication will be the only option.

Who deserves to vote?

As I noted above:


FK – As I’ve written many times before commiefornia will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered, along with the rest of the left coast and the eastern commie enclaves.

Now we have to keep all the trumpsters awake and off the couch and actually paying attention to what their savior does next and hope they don’t go along with too much of it because ultimately at best Trump is a Liberty neophyte if not an outright faker.

He still has to carry all the water his mouth spit into the political atmosphere.

Too bad we don’t have a real statesmen to do what needs to be done:


FK – As much as I respect Dr. Paul I have to ask: “Why hasn’t the CFR witch’s mind or the mind of its husband of convenience or millions of others been ‘changed?’

We’ve had the net for 20 years. What excuses do they have anymore? It’s too easy now to go online and with a few simple searches, despite google’s best efforts, to find out how evil socialism and its handmaiden gun control is.

Yet they persist.

Trump is a demagogue and may yet prove to be a faker. In some cases we’d better hope he is. We’d also better hope the tiny minority of the republicrats in the congress and our state legislatures can keep a tight grip on the authoritarians on the other side. But I wouldn’t count on it.

And Paul puts a little too much blind faith in the ‘free market.’ The free market allowed slavery for 85(really about 200) years in this country and the corporate workaholic assholes would have us all back on 16 hour days 7 days a week if they could get away with it. American corporations moved jobs overseas after NAFTA so they could find desperate workers that would put up with such and corrupt governments that would allow it.

If our governments don’t have the right to treat us like jackasses neither do our employers nor anyone or anything else.

And we still have this:

FK – Gee, I don’t see the little trash, some of whom are probably being paid, throwing up their hands and saying “We give. We’re gonna leave our neighbors alone to live in a free country now.”

“Liberal”(commie) trash season will still prove to be a necessity.

And we can keep our hopes up:


And this one’s even funnier:
