FK – Wow. This is what’s wrong with amerikan schools.
Do they get to practice at home? Can they or their parents own those weapons?
I just wish I could get an AK mag inserted that fast.
FK – Wow. This is what’s wrong with amerikan schools.
Do they get to practice at home? Can they or their parents own those weapons?
I just wish I could get an AK mag inserted that fast.
FK – Does the medical tech exist to determine who is vulnerable to these issues/complications?
FK – Follow the money, or as they say: ‘funding is control.’
FK – What was it Linus used to say?: “What’s a little rubella among friends?”
In a report aired originally on WLKY Target 32 News, news anchors begin the story by explaining that the station had to go to court just to get permission to air their investigative report, because the State of Kentucky attempted to censor their report from the public.
Reporter John Boel states that they were “being swamped with complaints” against CPS in Kentucky. He explains that his report gives an “in-depth look” into Kentucky CPS which exemplifies what they were hearing from so many other families who were coming to them.
Boel reports that children are often removed quickly with no evidence of parental wrong-doing, and that the State retaliates against those who try to fight back.
FK – Time to force the legislatures to deal with this issue, and if they won’t, find out why. Obviously CPS has too much power.
But so far, the threats are only emboldening the opposition.
Perhaps the most outrageous threat so far came from Obama’s education chief, Duncan, who boasted in recent years of using government schools to create “green citizens” with UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) as a “global partner.” Late last month, Duncan, who was greeted by protesters urging him to “stop test bullying,” threatened federal intervention to force Americans to take the Common Core tests if states would not do the job. “We think most states will do that,” Duncan proclaimed at an Education Writers Association conference in Chicago. “If states don’t do that, then we [the federal government] have an obligation to step in.” In reality, of course, the federal government has an obligation under the U.S. Constitution to butt out. But despite swearing an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, including the 10th Amendment, Duncan has led the charge in recent years to finish federalizing the government school system — and to use it as what he called a “weapon” to “change to world.”
Sounding oblivious to America’s federalist system of constitutional government, Duncan proclaimed that he expected state governments to hold “districts’ and schools’ feet to the fire on this,” as if state governments were mere administrative units to enforce decrees from the all-powerful federal executive branch. Hundreds of thousands of students in New York recently opted out. Almost nobody took the tests in some districts amid a full-scale uprising by teachers, students, and parents. In Chicago, where even the teachers’ union has blasted the federal takeover, school officials were threatened with the loss of more than $1 billion in state and federal “education aid” if not enough students were successfully coerced into taking the Common Core-aligned tests. Still, few details were provided on what it might look like to have the Obama administration “step in” and force students to take the controversial tests — an outrageous threat he also made in a discussion with Motoko Rich of the New York Times.
FK – All this seems far more bizarre than the ‘education reform’ the commie globalists have attempted in the past. Their arrogance has exceeded their grasp but will it exceed the tolerance of enough real Americans so that they will see the necessity of doing what will be required?
FK – I have to agree with them on one point, a family should equal love. That means we shouldn’t look at these kids who are obviously suffering from a birth defect or mental illness and declare: “You’re committing a SIN and you deserve to burn in HELL!” Nor should we be lying to them about how ‘happy, healthy, and carefree’ the ‘gay lifestyle’ is.
We should be looking for real cures or prevention if medically possible. That won’t happen as long as idiots are yelling at one another.
The lawsuit against participation in the scheme was filed late last year by a group of taxpayers seeking to uphold the rule of law, safeguard public funds, and stop Common Core. Judge Daniel R. Green, with the Circuit Court of Cole County, Missouri, ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and ordered the state to immediately halt all involvement with the federally funded “multi-state” testing regime. In particular, Judge Green noted that Congress had never approved the interstate compact being foisted on states by the Obama administration’s Department of Education.
“The Court finds that the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, a.k.a. Smarter Balanced, Smarter Balanced at UCLA, SBAC, and SB, is an unlawful interstate compact to which the U.S. Congress has never consented, whose existence and operation violate the Compact Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article I, § 10, cl. 3, as well as numerous federal statutes,” the judge ruled. “Missouri’s participation in the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium as a member is unlawful under state and federal law.”
As such, the court declared that “any putative obligations, including the obligation to pay membership fees, of the State of Missouri to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium … are illegal and void.” The judge also declared that “no Missouri taxpayer funds may be disbursed to SBAC in the form of membership fees, whether directly or indirectly.” Finally, the court permanently prohibited state officials, and “all those in active concert with them,” from “taking any action to implement or otherwise effectuate any payment of Missouri funds as membership fees to SBAC, whether directly or indirectly.”
FK – They’ve been ‘reforming’ the government schools all my life and they’re churning out morons who can barely read their electric bills and who vote for liars who keep telling them the same lies. They know what they’re doing after all.
FK – The elites know full well what they do…
FK – If spanking encourages more ‘aggression’ later in life maybe we need more of it since this is now a nation of pacified dumbed-down enslaved morons who have no idea they’re slaves and no conception that it’s their right, duty and responsibility to rectify this situation by whatever means necessary.