Tag Archives: blm

Google fights online trolls with new tool

Last year, gaming entrepreneur Brianna Wu, along with Harvard professors, the International Women’s Media Foundation and the social-services agency Digital Sisters, sent a list of demands to technology companies for how they can clean up their services.

To build a model that can predict hate speech, Cohen said that the Jigsaw team had originally acquired a data set of 17 million reader comments from the New York Times. The company also mined the comment sections of Wikipedia and collected data from victims of online harassment who had kept a record of their experiences.

From there, the company hired several thousand people who rated the comments as toxic or not toxic, as well as whether they thought such comments were personal attacks. Jigsaw developed its toxicity scores based on the annotations. Because there was widespread disagreement on what constituted a personal attack, Cohen’s team ultimately decided not to use “personal attack” as a rating category.

FK – It’s not name calling if it’s true. So much for google, the evil corporation, and it’s non-respect for free speech.

If I call modern ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ commies, which is what they are, is that ‘toxic?’ Of course it is, to them. It exposes their evil and how they started calling themselves cute names to hide their limitless arrogance/hubris/statism from an ignorant, dumbed-down public.

The elites created the net now they’re trying to ‘clean it up’ by sweeping all who don’t reach their ‘consensus’ for national and global slavery under socialism, communism, corporatism, into a dark corner of the net where the average mush head voter will never see or hear them. This was easy to predict.

It only means those who know better must work all the harder to finish destroying the mainstream liars. We can do it. Yes we can.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Will Google re-mainstream the net?

More evil google is up to:

This Is Bad…The Biggest Company In The World Just Backed The ACLU Lawsuit Against Trump

More corporate love for their ‘human resources’:

FK – This is an old idea, but a very entertaining one

30 million out of 7 billion? I’m not much of a math whiz but that doesn’t seem like much of a reduction. WWII killed 30 million. Around 200 million died due to Marxism in the 20th century alone, and they’re probably not done. Yet the tool using monkeys just keep breeding.

More love:

FK – The commies want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. We have to work on one enemy at a time.

Really we should be rounding up our natural born white-skinned “Liberal”(commie) trash and at the least kicking them out of the country. They are the real ‘illegals’ since there’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you.

Millions of morons voted for Trump, or hitlery, because they value their false security more than Liberty. Simple sad fact.

Trump as click bait, and other things…

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.” – Frank Herbert

Don’t Count On Trump Being Inaugurated — Paul Craig Roberts

The Ruling Establishment Does Not Intend For Trump To Become President.

The latest “explosive” fake news is that “multiple US officials with direct knowledge” told CNN that they have “classified documents” that Russia has compromising documents on Trump that would allow them to blackmail the US President. The documents consist of memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative “whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible.”

According to antiwar.com “the dossier claimed several figures in the Trump campaign were in league with the Russian government during the campaign, and that Russia had been conspiring with them to groom Trump as an ally for ‘at least five years.’ It also claims exchanges of information between Trump and the Kremlin for ‘at least eight years,’ . . . The dossier names former Trump adviser Carter Page, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, as well as incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn as having personally and repeatedly met with Kremlin officials on anti-Clinton leaks.”

FK – I personally don’t think Trump has that much to fear, except maybe a stray bullet from a crazed commie indoctrinated by the mind poison spewed out by the mainstream newswhores:


FK – The ‘Russian hacking’ is simply the propaganda stream they’ve chosen to push. Nothing new about this process.

There’s never or very rarely been ‘real reporters’ in this country. Newspapers of the 18th and 19th centuries were usually established to push one party line or another. Then the robber barons bought them out in the early 20th century and allowed the commie infiltration. To what ends? This is chess not checkers.

When the amerikan communist insurgency feels pushed far enough into a political corner a percentage of them will come out swinging.

I’m not for sending them to camps. For many it’s way too late for ‘re-education.’ We’ve had the net for 20 years now. It’s too easy to find out how evil the evil twins of socialism and gun control are yet the evil ones persist in trying to shove both down our throats at the point of a govt. gun. Have the klintons, Soros, et al turned from their evil?

Banishment and eradication should be the only goals of the next blood war.

Here’s Why Liberals Are Suddenly Embracing The 2nd Amendment

FK – I have little doubt that much of the ammo and weapons bought in recent years has gone into commie hands. They are historically more organized and willing to spill blood than those on the ‘political right’ who are often blinded by their inability to understand that every time their ‘liberal'(Amerikan) ‘friends’ vote they vote to kill them.

NavyJack – Communists Intend to Overthrow the United States before Inauguration Day

FK – Good luck with that.

Hitlery openly said it wanted ‘Australian style gun control.’ That would not be tolerated here.

More on the absurdity:


FK – Commiecrat parasites actually ‘read?’ Oh, that’s funny.

They don’t need ‘evidence’ they simply need to repeat the same lies over and over again until they are accepted. Who said that was a good procedure? Look it up.

It’s ‘all’ propaganda and a sham. Every ‘side’ ignores those aspects of human behavior/reality they find inconvenient.

We have a 200-year-history of ‘election fraud’ of various kinds and of ‘foreign influence’ in our policies, laws, whatever. Some claim the War for Southern Independence was brought about partly by British influence in their quest for global dominance.

The way we vote must be changed.

Who deserves to vote?

John Fund: Sneaky feds plot to grab state election power

Corbett’s show notes with links:

What I Learned From the Intelligence Report on “Russian Hacking”

FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report on Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

Election Interference? The U.S. Has Done It In 45 Countries Worldwide

FK – In all honestly, who the hell would want to waste time reading it? It’s so much easier to take the word of the talking heads and go vote for a check or to get one’s false conscience soothed.

And to throw in a little levity, showing how shallow our domestic blood enemies’ propaganda usually is:

FK – Julie is far cuter than streep ever wished it was. Never could understand its popularity.

Sheriff Clarke: What Causes Riots Are Failed Liberal Urban Policies


FK – So who and where are our real enemies that are intentionally destroying our country and our Bill of Rights???!!!!

It’s time to bring the troops home and activate the militias and hunt our domestic blood enemies to extinction.

A Message To those of my SEX!

FK – I’ve been waiting for the amerikan male(very loosely defined) to stand up for something that matters for 20+ years. Most of them would rather suck that big fat govt. cock after it was shoved up their anus than attempt to give a damn about anything that matters beyond a boat payment or a game score or a high priced lawn mower.

All empires fall, or transition into something lesser than what they were.

More of what they’re ignoring:


FK – If the fed nazis are ‘independent’ how does the prez. have the power to appoint their chief nazi and thus have a say in what they prosecute?

Oh for a nation of men.

And more:

FK – So where are our real enemies and why do we tolerate them?

There is no such thing as a right to work overtly or covertly to enslave those around you. Those who do such are waging war and must be treated accordingly.

And the fruits of their labor:

Video: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Rioters Target Whites For Beat Downs


FK – It’s hard for one to be a traitor to something one hates. The CFR witch and its masters hate our country and our Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional.

What will Trump do? Shut down the IRS and the Fed? Shut down the BATF Nazis and find a way to force our republicrat congress to do its job and arrest and execute all the members of the ‘progressive caucus’ and repeal all the ‘gun laws’ and bring the EPA and other commie agencies to heel? Bring the troops home and activate the militias and hunt our home-grown commie insurrectionists to extinction as should have been done decades ago?

I’m not holding my breath.

Or could it still go the other way?:

FK – I feel more like that engineer in the Titanic flick that was watching the clock because he’d done the math and knew how long they had before they felt the icy water.

Too many have already drowned and we’ve done nothing while their murderers and abusers still walk the Earth unfettered.

Oh for a nation of men.

This 77yo Vet is NOW in Prison for Building a Pond!

FK – If this were a nation of men all the garbage involved in railroading him into prison would be swinging from the granite gallows in front of the courthouse with the video on the net for the world to see.

I hope all you cowardly whores who think this can’t happen to you suffer horribly in this world for your apathy and cowardice.

Trump Wins The GOP Nomination


FK – The whole convention process is a distraction. The commies are still applying 1960s tactics, if not strategy.

And Jesus allegedly did threaten all those who didn’t want to be his daddy’s slaves with eternal torture. Look it up.

I suppose it would’ve been fun for the circus like atmosphere including the Infowars rolling sideshow but I have no business getting that close to screaming commies.

And ol’ Vermin should be Trump’s V.P. That would be a match made in the propaganda lab.

We’ve had the internet for 20 years so there’s really no real excuse for any of this except good old fashioned human insanity.

From the inside:


FK – The header should read ‘infuriated morons.’

From those looking for a savior to those who think anything that spews out of a candidate’s mouth during the quest for the idiot vote means anything to the apatetic that don’t care one way or another to those in the ‘conservative’/’libertarian’ movements who think we will resolve this peacefully and are scared to death of the ‘m’ word in the Second Amendment.

What will we do if Trump is or isn’t what so many think he is or if the elites shove their CFR witch into the now red house and disgust with the republicrats puts the national congress into the hands of the commiecrats again?

Are we ready?

As I was writing:


FK – We’ve had the internet for 20 years. It’s easy to learn how evil socialism and any form of ‘gun control'(sheeple control) is and why the commies want us disarmed: so we can’t kill them when enough wake up to the necessity of doing so but Marxist front groups like the Turks just keep lying. They won’t stop lying until we force them to.

There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. They are waging war on us, this country and the Bill of Rights.

Young minds and old lies will bring fresh blood:


FK – Why didn’t you ask them if their system would be voluntary and why not and if they favor disarming the common people and why?

Yes, we should have a ‘system’ where no one is treated like a jackass, either by any govt., our employers or by any other institution.

The ‘conspiracy’ is proven by the fact that the rich have no problem funding these commie front groups and working to disarm the masses so they can’t fight back.

What You Need to Know About Donlad Trump


FK – We won’t ‘know’ anything about Trump until four or eight years down the road. Even then we’ll still have to hold the war crimes/treason trials to get at the ‘real’ truth if that’s even possible.

If we had a nation of men the klintons and their entourage and their masters that made them and put them in place to include the Bush dynasty and the donors/leadership of the Marxist front groups/foundations/news media et al would’ve been executed for waging war on the Bill of Rights decades ago.

The war is here.

Is there a militia force in your county yet? Why not? Are you afraid of the ‘m’ word that’s in the Second Amendment?

Or do you fear this?:

FK – The fat pinko almost got its sign right. It should be ‘klinton.’

They should be scared. We should be hunting them. They’re waging open war on the Bill of Rights and on this country. Oh for a nation of men. Who’s paying them? Why do we tolerate covert and overt war on our Liberties? There’s no such thing as a right to work to enslave those around you in socialism much less to disarm them so they can’t kill you when enough finally wake up to the reality of doing so.

Michele Fiore- The War Against Rural America


FK – Oh for a nation of men.

The Ironic Occupation That Can Literally Ruin YOUR Life


FK – The sad fact is that most cops like most sheeple and ‘patriots'(loosely defined) are too ideologically, mentally, immature to understand this. They’re following a ‘career path’ for a paycheck and a retirement plan. Are they even taught the Bill of Rights in cop school and that protecting it should be their first priority? Of course not.

Their job is the same as the military’s: to serve the economic interests of the state and the corporate/elitist whores that run it from behind the scenes. In the name of protecting the collective they sacrifice the individual. That’s as old as letting the cave bear eat grandma so they can draw it into spear range.

What so many ‘conservatives,’ libertarians et al can’t or won’t come to grips with is at least half the military and cops will break their door down at 3 am and kill their grandma and kids and dog on the way to ‘taking their gun out of their cold dead hands.’

We can resist this only as an organized force. We should’ve had a militia force in every county decades ago but the average dumbass is too stupid, cowardly and pathetic to see the necessity of it. We are no longer a nation of men and most will bow down to the state even though we outnumber them and wouldn’t have to be a force of Rambos to defeat them.

As I’ve been writing for years:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

Just Who Are Black Lives Matter?


FK – Not all ‘vets’ value human Liberty. Simple fact. The military always has it’s share of those who are just there for a check, career or ‘profession’ and will do whatever they are ordered to do. A lot of ignorant 19-year-olds die in wars. This one apparently never overcame his ignorance or swallowed commie propaganda as ‘knowledge.’ Every prez election cycle proves there are millions of middle-aged and older mush heads who are incapable of making an informed decision much less abstract thought.

BLM is another arm of the beast that is waging war on us all. Our failure to recognize them as the domestic blood enemies they are and to hunt them to extinction is what’s killing us.

We must focus on the real issues:

FK – I don’t care what tools the cops have or use. What I care about is them acknowledging our right to own, bear and use the same tools. What I care about is what their hearts and minds contain. If they don’t respect and protect the Bill of Rights above all else they have no business with a badge or any authority over anyone.

By definition and Supreme court ruling their job is to enforce the will(law) of the state, not to protect anyone. So therein lies the problem. They force us at the point of a gun to apply and pay for drivers’ licenses so we’d be easier to track in case they decide we owe them money or time.

Part of this puzzle is probably a desire to make the police feel they are in a vice between the ‘right’ and the ‘left’ and the fundie ragheads and whoever else their masters(not us) tell them the ‘bad guys’ are and condition them through fear to do whatever they are ordered to do in service of the NWO and to preserve their own paychecks and retirement plans.

When the police are in any situation such as this they will use the military strategy of overwhelming force, what Clausewitz called ‘greater superiority.’ If that force is a robot that accomplishes the mission and saves their own lives/health than so be it.

The issue is who they think the ‘bad guys’ are.

As I’ve written for a long time now:

Millions will dig the ditch they are told to dig then wet their pants when the machine gun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this happen to me?” The tiny minority will have to do what will be required.

It’s time to stop arguing over the culture war. It’s time to stop hunkering down for the apocalypse. It’s time to stop waiting to get beamed up. It’s time to start thinking Normandy.
If you sit home waiting your turn you deserve to have your gun taken from your cold dead hands.

The Founders didn’t wait for the Brits to knock down their doors. They gathered at the green and stood up like men and they killed government employees all the way back to Boston.
What will you do when it’s time to hunt NWO hacks, republicrats and commies(“Liberals” and ‘progressives’)?

Dallas Police Used Bomb Robot to Kill Suspect

This is all part of a long slow escalation:


FK – We must get control of how our police and military are indoctrinated/educated. If they don’t value the Bill of Rights above all else they don’t need a badge or any authority over anyone.

We don’t need reform. We need restoration. Then we need to move forward to a global era of human Liberty with a ban on all forms of socialism, gun control and all forms of human bondage whether it’s blatant or sanctioned by the states or any other institution.

It’s time for a global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

We must stop apologizing to our enemies:

FK – You Canadians need to establish Liberty there.

Here’s the answer we should all be providing to our enemies and domestic morons: We ‘need’ weapons for the trash that tells us we don’t ‘need’ them. History shows that’s always what you end up using your weapons on. It’s a natural born right not a ‘need’ that can be decided or voted on.

We must stop apologizing to our domestic blood enemies for standing up for our right to kill them because they are working covertly and overtly to enslave us and in our case to enslave us further. They are waging war on human Liberty and the Bill of Rights and our Constitutional form of government. We are at war. Their elites fully understand what they do.

See my definition of the Second Amendment here.

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

We exist in a created society of sad sick pathetic pacified morons who have no understanding of reality beyond getting a job and paying bills and grazing and breeding. This is intentional. Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, seek to defeat us without firing a shot via Sun Tzu thus they must disarm us not only of physical weapons but of the mental ability to fight back. That’s what it’s about. All the rest if rhetoric. The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring.

Like North Korea. What a joke. Our masters only have to use force as a last resort. Most of the morons in this country are afraid of losing their steak, ice cream and big screens and mortgages so they willingly ‘comply’ with the thousands of regulations, taxes, permissions slips and on and on just to avoid ‘trouble’ like any quisling.

And the commies would happily have us all riding our bicycles from our govt. apartments to our govt. approved jobs in the big cities, or villages, they’d like to corral us all into. See Agenda 21. Auto pilot cars that the police have the ability to shut down and/or control are just over the horizon.

Hillary Thinks JUST LIKE This Idiot