Tag Archives: bill of rights

“Blooding” the Public, Door-to-Door


FK – That’s what I call a rape of justice. Another reason we desperately need a militia force in every county in this country.

When the trash is so poorly educated it doesn’t understand how evil this is we have a serious problem. It IS happening here.


NYPD Launches Plan to Deal with Protests – Arm Police with Long Rifles, Machines Guns and Extra Protective Gear

FK – New Yawk City and several other places will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered.

Tell Your State Legislators to Oppose All Article V Convention Applications

There’s a very important issue that is becoming more and more prominent in state legislatures in recent years. It goes by several names, such as an Article V convention, a constitutional convention (often abbreviated as a Con-Con), a convention of the states, or a convention for proposing amendments. All of these terms refer to a provision in Article V of the U.S. Constitution whereby if two-thirds of the states apply to Congress for a national convention for proposing amendments, then Congress shall call such a convention.

The stakes are very high with this Article V convention issue! Will we preserve and restore the Constitution that has secured our rights for over two centuries? Or, will we subject it to the Article V convention process and risk harmful changes that very well could end our heritage of freedom and prosperity?

FK – You’ll have to plug in your own address.

Jews And Guns

Besides the extraordinary cost of maintaining a full-time force that will always be at their stations, we must also worry about the prospect of collateral damage that an armed volunteer can cause when missing his target, for example, or if the weapon falls into the hands of a child or someone not properly trained in the use of guns, or into the hands of a person intent on doing evil.

Real violence and TV violence are not the same. Even highly trained police officers confirm that when real-life shooting begins, the adrenaline rush that kicks in will often cause an experienced officer to empty his weapon even after the immediate threat has been neutralized, resulting in many shootings that were never intended. How do we balance those concerns against the image of an armed terrorist entering a school or house of worship with nobody inside who is trained and armed to respond, leaving us faced with the choice of cowering in fear or fighting armed attackers with our bare hands until our heroic first responders arrive on the scene, hopefully in time to prevent mass murder?

I am worried, however, about encouraging a plan that arms too many civilians. As someone who has spent 40 years in the criminal-justice system, I have been around guns and the people who use them for both good and bad reasons. I have seen the murder and mayhem that weapons can cause when used by criminals, but I also know of many cases in which guns were used by private citizens who, despite their best intentions, caused more harm than good, as well as cases in which a failure to safeguard the weapon resulted in horrific tragedy and the loss of innocent life.

FK – How about just forcing our governments to acknowledge the most basic right any human, any creature, possesses, that of self defense, the right to fight back against criminals whether they be in government, on the street, in the home or wherever?

But that ‘scares’ you too much doesn’t it? You’d rather a grandmother be beaten or a child be raped by thugs, when the victims aren’t otherwise capable of fighting back against superior strength or numbers in the several minutes to hours it can take for official ‘help’ to arrive.

Many millions of instances of self-defense with guns simply aren’t reported.

It’s time to put the governments of the world in their place, as servants to ‘we the people’ and not as our eternal masters.

A right applied for is a privilege. Life is not a privilege, it’s a right. The tools to defend said life are a right, not a privilege.

Cops Can Now See Through Your Walls!


FK – Many have been screaming their heads off for decades yet the brain dead pacified sheeple graze on. They fully deserve what the beast system is doing to them and they fully deserve what’s coming.


FK – Nothing short of lots of lots expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. and Wall St. will fix this mess if it can be fixed.

Chuck Baldwin: Where Will 2015 Take Us?

Unfortunately, there are only a precious few who seem to understand this burgeoning Police State and who actively oppose it. A majority of Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, unbelievers and Christians, all seem to, not only tolerate the police-state mentality, but enthusiastically support it. And there is no momentum whatsoever to stopping it. It will only get worse in 2015.

*Christ And Caesar

True Christianity has never been associated with, supported by, or underneath Caesar’s (civil government’s) auspices or benevolence. For most of the 2,000+ years of Church history, true believers met in non-state-sanctioned or even underground churches and fellowships. In fact, the Early Church was birthed in a baptism of persecution from both the civil government (Rome) and established religion (Judaism) at the time. Not until the unholy union of the Church and State under Theodosius I (almost 400 years after Christ) did Christians accept official sanction from government. And for many centuries to follow, the official merger of Church and state led to the persecutions and deaths of untold thousands of believers deemed heretics and outlaws because their religious beliefs contradicted those of the official state-sanctioned church.

Even in early America, state-approved denominations and churches were guilty of horrific persecutions against independent-minded Christians who refused to submit to the doctrines and liturgies of state-sanctioned churches. These state-church persecutions ultimately led Roger Williams to found the colony of Rhode Island and John Leland to convince James Madison that religious liberty must be the first in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

After the acceptance of our Bill of Rights, America’s churches enjoyed complete independent status, being answerable only to their Creator and their own conscience. All of that changed in 1954 when then-Senator Lyndon Johnson (D-Texas) successfully introduced the Johnson Amendment to the code of the Internal Revenue Service: the now-infamous 501c3 nonprofit organization status for churches. This designation made churches a creature of the state–answerable to the direct dictates of government–even regarding speech and activity.

FK – And some wonder why I have deep negative respect for mainstream ‘christianity.’