Tag Archives: bill of rights

Google controls what we buy, the news we read — and Obama’s policies

A former Google officer is the president’s chief technology adviser. Google employees contributed more to President Obama’s re-election than did employees of any other company except Microsoft. Google lobbyists met with Obama White House officials 230 times. By comparison, lobbyists from rival Comcast have been admitted to the inner sanctum a mere 20 or so times in the same period.

Oh, and on Election Night 2012, guess where Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt was? Working for the president. In the president’s campaign office. On a voter-turnout system designed to help the president get re-elected.


Google says that in the future, its determinations about what is true and what is untrue will play a role in how search-engine rankings are configured.

Google has the power to bump an article it doesn’t like off the table and under the rug. Even moving information off the first page of search results would effectively neutralize it: According to a 2013 study, 91.5 percent of Google search users click through on a first-page result.

FK – The press is only ‘free’ for those who own one. The internet gave everyone a press. They’d like to change that.

Facebook Reveals its Master Plan – Control All News Flow

FK – I’m all for the abruptly dying part… Even though I recently got back on FB, only to push my site, until they boot me off again.

Army Admits SOCOM Plan Is Psy Op


FK – Regardless of who or what is really ‘targeted,’ public awareness of this kind of crap is essential. Make no mistake, they will kill us in large numbers if ‘they’ deem it necessary, for they consider us to be livestock.

Hillary Clinton Wants to Send Citizens to Camps—Fun Camps!


FK – My idea of a ‘fun’ camp would involve target practice with “Liberal”(commie) trash serving as target stands. It would be ‘sporting’ if they moved around or danced…


GOA Alert: Senate to Vote Next Week on Concealed Carry Reciprocity and other Gun Amendments

— Sen. Crapo moves to ‘Choke’ Operation Choke Point

Next week, there will be more gun votes on the floor of the United States Senate than there will be for the rest of the year put together.

The Senate will vote on an amendment by Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) on whether to eliminate the Operation Choke Point program — designed by the Obama administration to squeeze the financial life out of the firearms industry.

In addition, the Senate is expected to vote on whether or not to implement national concealed carry reciprocity.  It could vote on whether ATF’s ban on AR-15 ammunition should be permanently prohibited.  It could vote on whether to make it illegal for the Senate to push semi-auto or magazine bans — or universal gun registries.

The vehicle will be the Concurrent Budget Resolution.  And it’s perhaps the only time when senators can — and do — offer amendments on ANYTHING THEY WANT.  And they offer hundreds of amendments.

But — and this is an important “but” — despite the fact that there will be hundreds of amendments, these votes will freeze senators into a “pro-gun” or “anti-gun” position.  And, when reciprocity or Choke Point come up again in two or three months, senators will find it almost impossible to shift from the positions they will take on the Budget Resolution next week.

FK – I hear hemp makes a good choke point…

Contact your elected public servants and give them their walking orders.

Arizona Senate Passes Bill to Nullify All Federal Gun Regulations

Gun Control Group Sets up Fake Store, Shames First-Time Buyers

Do You Know Anyone Who Is Going To Hell?

What is hell?

We’re told that it’s a place of utter anguish and torment. An eternal destination for those who turn their backs on God and reject the Ten Commandments. Imagine the most painful, the most degrading, the most unspeakable torture you can imagine, multiply it by a thousand, and it probably will not come close to the reality of hell.

Flesh-eating demons, eternal fire, the stench of sulfur…

There’s no sleeping in hell. No rest or reprieve from continuous suffering and agony. And it lasts forever.

So who goes to hell?

FK – How disgusting. Those who most deserve hell are those who think it’s OK there is such a place. I’d rather go to hell than spend eternity with a bunch of brain dead sheep who think it’s fun to stand around praising some sadistic asshole who made billions of people knowing they would be tortured forever after this less than a blink of an existence, a sadistic asshole that was clearly patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings who looked down their noses at their subjects and declared “Be good little slaves and subjects or I’ll torture and kill you.”

We are still a very primitive species. Our Founding Fathers, some of whom were some version of ‘christian’ at least codified in the Bill of Rights the notion of ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ though it will clearly be multiple generations before the human race is mature enough to understand what that means.

How many millions or billions more will die in religious wars before that happens? Sorry, wars aren’t really religious, greedy narcissistic leaders simply use the ancient manipulations to dupe their ignorant masses into thinking they’re fighting for god when the real goal is power and filthy lucre. It’s always been that way and clearly will be for some time to come.

Sorry, I forgot, we’re all gonna get beamed up soon even though we send our kids to the government schools so they can get ‘good jobs’ while they’re here in Satan’s world yet we can’t be bothered to try to affect the laws they’ll exist under because they’ll get beamed up before it matters.

And of course it’s OK if that sadistic asshole of a god burns billions of little kids and teenagers alive in fire forever because it’s all part of its ‘plan.’ And you’ll all stand around singing praises to it while you watch all the infants the catholic church didn’t sprinkle in time and all the 8-year-olds that weren’t cajoled or scared into ‘gettin’ saved’ in time, writhe in fire.

Huh? The human race is insane. I’ve seen/heard it all my life and it gets more disgusting every day…


FK – But they’re not truly ‘open-minded.’ That’s the problem. Blind faith and willful ignorance is easier.

The bible is clearly a lot of different crap made up by a lot of different ‘humans'(loosely defined) over time that was their idea of what god/religion/human nature/society/human behavior, is/should be/or could be. Most are too mal educated or not educated enough to grasp this.

Glenn Beck’s charges against NRA director divert attention from amnesty threat

Conservative media powerhouse Glenn Beck told The Blaze, a news and editorial outlet he founded, that following a one-hour telephone conversation, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne La Pierre is opening a “fully transparent” ethics investigation into NRA director and Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist. The development comes after Beck announced that he will resign his membership if Norquist is re-elected to the board.

While allegations that Norquist is “an agent of influence” on behalf of Islamic interests will raise concerns of many NRA members and gun owners in general, Beck did not cite one reason why his activities in that regard conflict with NRA’s bylaws, the charter that defines director eligibility and all other matters pertaining to operational policies. And while it’s useful for NRA’s voting members to know the truth about such ties (not surprisingly, Norquist and his American Conservative Union allies dispute and condemn the legitimacy of such criticisms) so that members can decide if that’s a personal show-stopper for them, chances are his reelection is already a done deal.

FK – Are you familiar with the concept of ‘controlled opposition?’

Some interesting comments on that one.

More 2A stuff:

No Comments Allowed Regarding Ammo Ban

Climate change hypocrisy ignores environmental impact of illegal immigration

What The Judge Who Blocked Amnesty Order Just Did Could Blow Up Obama’s Plan

FK – More from GOA on ammo bans etc.:

FK – So how long until we can buy the ammo the military uses now?

Amid congrats for Capitol Hill pols, ATF still looking at ammo ban

FK – The SCOTUS is not the final arbiter of our rights. We are. They are our employees. They will ultimately have to be forced to accept this reality or they will force us to accept a deeper slavery than we now enjoy.

The ‘other side’ seems to have discovered their 2A rights:


FK – How many of them are Fed agents or narcs or informants? Someone should have done a poll. They need to work on their ‘marching’ as well…

Search the names on their patches if you don’t know the history of the ‘Black Panthers’ and gun rights.

Speaking of history:

FK – Our domestic blood enemies know full well a nation of pacified ignorant children is a nation of future willing slaves.

This is what happens when they run things:


FK – Why would they ‘outcry’ over a situation they created for their own purposes?

ATF and DOJ punt on response in machine gun case

FK – We need to be kicking the creatures in the head, not allowing them to play games with our natural born Liberty. We either put them in their places or they will do so to us.

White House Spits in our Face over AR-15 Ban

ACTION:  Contact your Senators.  Demand that they oppose the Lynch nomination, and do everything in their power to get the ammunition ban reversed.
Senators can use the Lynch nomination to hold Obama accountable

A smirking White House spokesman Josh Earnest couldn’t conceal his glee, yesterday, as he reveled in the trick Obama had played on the Second Amendment movement.

Think back to April 17, 2013, when the Senate killed the Feinstein amendment to ban the AR-15 by a vote of 60-40.  This fell 20 votes short of the needed 60, even though Democrats controlled the Senate at the time. But now Obama is trying to effectively ban the AR-15 by “regulatory fiat” by banning the most common ammunition used in that firearm, M855 ammunition.

But a gushing Earnest was unrepentant:  “The President has long believed that there are some commonsense steps that we can take … taking some commonsense steps to prevent people who shouldn’t have guns from getting guns.”

FK – How much longer?

Lawmaker proposes bill to block ammo ban

CCRKBA letter to ATF chief blasts proposed ammo ban

FK – The Second Amendment isn’t ‘sporting’ unless the “Liberal”(commie) trash is running or shooting back. Plenty of them will shoot back. The evil creatures killed 200 million in the 20th century alone. And they’re recruiting from down south:

Gun Owners of America to score amnesty votes in politician gun ratings

FK – It would be best for the current generation to do what will be required before future generations are outnumbered. It can and will happen. We should be building the military structure NOW that will be necessary to save what’s left of the Bill of Rights. It will come to that. It always does.

More from the war:

Anti-gunners memorialize criminals while trying to disarm law-abiding

If concealed carry is so bad, why do so many people do it?

FK – Because it’s not about common ‘crime.’ It’s about our domestic blood enemies disarming us so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

GOP presidential hopefuls headline NRA convention in Nashville

FK – One wonders if the attendees will be required to disarm before listening to these whores as they were for McCommie at the convention in Louisville a few years back.

If the NRA had a backbone it would require everyone attending to be carrying a rifle to send our future and present elected public SERVANTS a message.

Now some attention to the insanity our domestic blood enemies represent:

Obama Recognizes Trayvon Martin To Honor Black History Month


Amnesty danger to gun rights conspicuously absent from LaPierre CPAC speech

In his speech Friday before the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre discussed a host of issues impacting gun rights, declaring they all depend on each other. Curiously absent from his speech was any acknowledgment of the danger amnesty for illegal aliens with a “pathway to citizenship” would pose to continued government recognition of the right to keep and bear arms.

That’s because credible polling confirms it would add a massive influx of new Democrat and “gun control”- sympathizing voters to the rolls. And that tracks with warnings issued by Gun Owners of America, curiously alone among national gun rights advocacy groups in sounding an alarm.

GOA has warned that the “pathway” will provide for millions of new anti-gun voters with the electoral clout to undo all hard-won legislative and judicial gains gun owners have enjoyed in recent years. That the administration is working toward that goal is corroborated by what Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, the official behind so-called “executive amnesty,” told the United Conference of Mayors, when he maintained that “the approximately 11 million people who are in the country illegally have ‘earned the right to be citizens.’”

Despite knowing this, and knowing that that one of the supposed “pro-gun Democrats” who betrayed NRA and gun owner support has openly proclaimed immigration “will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years,” the NRA head talked about all kinds of other issues but didn’t breathe a word about amnesty.

FK – The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group is ran by big money republicrats who put profits and their lifestyles before human Liberty.

The Story of April 19th, 1775, Patriot’s Day, The Three Strikes

FK – They were fighting their own govt. Just like us. How very enlightening. Some of this I’d never heard before.

April 19, the day they shot back, should be our biggest holiday.
This is a multi-front war. Be political but understand that our domestic blood enemies will never just throw up their hands and say “Sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Won’t happen.Best to prepare for what will be required.


Big Brother Unveils Tankbulance To Keep You Safe!


FK – The problem is not the gear but the mentality. We MUST get control of how these jr. Nazis are indoctrinated. If they don’t know their first job is to protect the Bill of Rights they don’t need a badge nor any authority over anyone.