Tag Archives: bill of rights

Our country is Doomed

FK – It will be up to the tiny minority as it always is:

Free Kentucky Column: What must be done A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

As far as the border goes, fences work both ways. End the programs they come to sign up for. Make it easier for them to legally come to work, without voting rights. See my column.

American corporations didn’t move their factories to Mexico, Latin America and Asia because they felt sorry for peasants.

The Founders would spit on us for our cowardice.

Allegedly the govt.s are insolvent. So with or without civil war your check may not be a guaranteed thing anyway.

The preachers are whores. If Jesus was walking the streets today most of them would be screaming the loudest to kill him again.

The human race must stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism.

On This Day: James Madison introduces the Bill of Rights

On June 8, 1789, James Madison addressed the House of Representatives and introduced a proposed Bill of Rights to the Constitution. More than three months later, Congress would finally agree on a final list of Rights to present to the states..


Some of Madison’s opening list of amendments didn’t make the final cut in September. The House agreed on a version of the Bill of Rights that had 17 amendments, and later, the Senate consolidated the list to 12 amendments. In the end, the states approved 10 of the 12 amendments in December 1791.

One of two amendments rejected by the states was eventually ratified in 1992 as the 27th Amendment; it restricted the ability of Congress to change its pay while in session. (The other proposed amendment dealt with the number of representatives in Congress, based on the 1789 population.)

But if Madison had his original way, our Constitution would have a two-part Preamble that includes part of Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence before the current preamble.

FK – Should be our second biggest holiday, after the day they shot back.

GOA alert: House Republicans Push Back Against Obama

The Obama Administration resumed its assault on gun owners this week, when it unveiled a so-called “Unified Agenda” containing 12 proposed anti-gun regs being planned by the Justice Department.

This prompted a Fox News discussion this week, where GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt debated an anti-gun (Bloomberg) spokesman. You can view that debate here.(Also in this Free Kentucky post.)

Gun Owners of America will continue to update you about what is happening with this new ground assault being leveled by the Obama administration.

But first, we wanted to alert you to the counter-offensive that House Republicans are waging against Obama’s gun control agenda.

Kudos to Reps. Buck, Gosar, Massie and others

Several Republican Representatives in the House went to bat for gun owners this week and have successfully added good amendments to a “must pass” appropriations bill.

A “must pass” bill refers to a legislative funding bill that Obama is 99.9% certain to sign, given that he won’t shut down huge parts of the government for relatively minor add-on amendments.

FK – How much longer until enough wake to the reality of what will be required and we have 3-5 million advancing on the district of commie criminals to do what must be done?

What the “Liberal”(commie) trash wants for all of us:


FK – Don’t deceive yourselves into thinking you have “Liberal” friends. Every time the trash votes it votes to kill you.

Obama Prepares To Restrict Guns Outside Of Law


FK – If the so-called ‘good people’ would get involved and help form, organize and train the militias ways could be found to deal with the infiltrators et al. This should have been done years ago. We are way behind the eight ball. Why are the ‘gun rights’ and ‘patriot’ and ‘liberty’ movements so full of cowards? How pathetic.

And they’re not ‘progressives.’ They’re communists. To them we’re the ‘reactionaries.’  Most of them know full well the evil they do. The political activists among them have the intelligence and ‘acumen’ to understand their own propaganda. They are evil and know how to target their dupes. We should have been hunting them long ago but we exist in a nation of cowardly whores.

Governments will always be able to get guns thus we need to be better armed than them.

The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.   All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.

When guns are outlawed “Liberal”(commie) trash season begins. The Newswhores die first.

Obama Announces Draconian, Unconstitutional Gun Regs by Executive Fiat

GOP Reps To Block DOJ’s Backdoor Gun Control

FK – Here’s where our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, who have white skin and who were born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world, want to take us:

Self-defense in the UK Is Illegal


FK – Or the alternative:

FK – If the fundie ragheads gain any power here it will be because our domestic blood enemies allowed or encouraged it.

As I wrote before:


FK – Why do we allow such trash to stay in our country when its avowed purpose is the overthrow of our form of government, the one we’re supposed to have, not the one we have, and the Bill of Rights? I’m referring of course to the “Liberal”(commie) trash more-so than the fundie ragheads, for the fundie ragheads will gain power over us via the policies instituted by our greatest enemies, our domestic blood enemies, the “Liberal”(commie) trash and their elite masters.

FK – So who are our real enemies?:

FK – See how the creatures lie about their intentions. Their evil will only stop when we force it to stop.

Know thine enemies:

Mark Glaze: Bloomberg’s Gun Control Advocate

Obama’s DOJ To Circumvent Congress With ‘More Than A Dozen’ New Gun Controls

Obama’s Department of Justice is working on “more than a dozen” new gun control regulations it plans to begin implementing apart from Congress. Some of the regulations are set to be put in place by November, others simply by the end of the Obama administration.

According to The Hill, “the regulations range from new restrictions on high-powered pistols to gun storage requirements” and the issuance of “new rules expanding criteria for people who do not quality for gun ownership.”

Part and parcel to this new “criteria” will be an ATF-implemented ban on gun ownership for anyone “convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence.” Gun Owners of America’s Michael Hammond warns that under this rule the person barred from gun ownership “could be [someone] who spanked his kid, or yelled at his wife, or slapped her husband.”

The new regulations will also include ATF enlargements on mental health-based gun ownership bans. Hammond summed this up by saying, “The Obama administration is trying very hard to disqualify people from owning a gun on the basis that they are seeing a psychologist.” And the NRA pointed out that because most mentally ill persons pose no threat to society, the new regulations will actually become “snares [for] masses of mostly harmless individuals.”

FK – My standard response to such: Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.

White House: Epic Gun Control Failure in Baltimore Proves More Gun Control Is Needed

Oklahoma Passes Law Arming School Teachers

Vince Vaughn voices opinion: Guns should be allowed in schools

FBI Report Adds Fuel to Fire Over Expiring Patriot Act Snooping Powers

Earlier this month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the USA Freedom Act, which would renew some of the “less controversial” expiring portions of the Patriot Act, but also would end the government’s bulk collection of phone data. That bill is now facing resistance in the Senate, where Republican leaders assert that a full extension on the Patriot Act provisions should be granted without any changes. However, an FBI report admitting that no major cases have been cracked with surveillance powers authorized by the Patriot Act provides fodder to fuel the fight against extending the Patriot Act’s bulk data collection.

Section 215 of the Patriot Act, slated to expire on June 1, authorizes the government to collect “any tangible things” that the government proves are “relevant to” an investigation into suspected terrorists. It permits government agents to compel businesses to turn over records and documents of Americans who have no official ties to terrorist organizations.

The NSA’s unconstitutional, warrantless phone snooping program operates under Section 215. Supporters of the program claim it is critical in the fight against terror.

In a surprising bipartisan vote of 338-88, members of the House approved the USA Freedom Act, which would extend most of the powers except for the bulk collection of data. Under the USA Freedom Act, the government would have to ask phone companies to store the data, and agents would have to apply for a particular number if they believed it was associated with terrorism.

FK – How much longer? Will all of amerika dig the ditch it’s told to dig then wet its pants when the machine bun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this ever happen to me?”

FBI admits Patriot Act snooping powers didn’t crack any major terrorism cases

Watch McConnell Try To Extend Patriot Act To June 8, June 5, June 3, June 2… And Rand Paul Object

News release from Sen. Rand Paul:

Sen. Rand Paul Blocks Extension of the USA PATRIOT Act

Security News This Week: If the Patriot Act Expires It Won’t Spell Doom



FK – Gee, even the young tyrants have a clue about some things. What’s the world coming to?

This is why Paul should probably stay in the Senate for a while. If the elites allow him into the now red house they’ll either kill him if he actually does anything or stage a massive false flag in order to install one of their own again, discredit the Liberty movement and start WWIII over 3000 year-old tribal propaganda…

GOA: Tell Senator McConnell “Enough is Enough!”

“There are more than a few voters back home that are asking ‘what exactly is the difference between a Democratic and Republican majority when the exact same individual gets confirmed as Attorney General, promising the exact same lawlessness, what’s the difference?’” — Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)

ACTION: Copy-n-paste the pre-written letter below — and then click here to email Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. By doing so, you will express your disappointment with his leadership and demand that he take immediate action to safeguard Second Amendment rights. Also, GOA members should take note of a special message for them at the bottom of this alert.

Gun Owners Betrayed: Congress Needs a Wake-up Call Right Now   

Not too long ago, the Pew Research Center released a major study showing how Americans feel about gun rights vs gun control. And the results are sending shockwaves through the liberal media:

* FIFTY-TWO percent of respondents see gun rights as more important than gun control, up from 45 percent!

* FIFTY-SEVEN percent of respondents said guns help prevent becoming a victim of crime, up from 48 percent!

Andrew Kohut, founding director of Pew Research Center, says that: “We are at a moment when most Americans believe crime rates are rising and when most believe gun ownership — not gun control — makes people safer.”

Of course, crime rates are not rising, but that belief, says Kohut, has pushed people toward the pro-gun position. Kohut notes that, “Republicans have become far more supportive of gun rights during the Obama years.”

It would be great to be a fly on the wall in the boardrooms of the anti-gun lobbies today … especially when it was reported that these gun control organizations “outspent groups like the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Gun Owners of America (GOA) at a rate of 7 to 1” (courtesy Breitbart).

FK – It’s so sad that the general population is so stupid that most of them are incapable of understanding the real reason for the Second Amendment is not common ‘crime’ nor ‘sport,’ unless the “Liberal”(commie) trash is running or shooting back.

ATF FBI Merger Plan for Stricter Gun Laws

FK – The revolution/restoration will be very televised.

Obama administration: GOP to blame for shoddy gun regulation

FK – $8 billion budget for the FBI? Huh? Time to cut that as well, by about 98 percent.

Texas Senate Approves Open Carry, And Restrictions On Police Stopping Gun Owners Without Cause

FK – We’re still begging our masters for permission. Why is that? We exist in a nation of cowardly whores, that’s why.

Barry Bright: What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’
Barry Bright May 12, 2015

This is in response to a group I joined on Fakebook and their ‘manifesto‘ of sorts. I’ve seen many ‘manifestos’ over the years. Most are usually interesting, and strike at the heart of one ‘ism’ or another.

As I’ve noted in the past all the ‘isms’ ignore those aspects of human nature/behavior/history they find inconvenient. I’m far from being an expert on every issue I’ve endeavored to understand in 20 years of being a patriot activist and I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do know a few things.

I wouldn’t want to be called an expert anyway, or even a ‘constitutional scholar’ as someone once referred to me, as most experts I’ve seen on the weaponvision over the years were simply someone’s whore and most scholars are still beholden to one political ideology or another.

If I have to label myself I say I’m a pragmatic libertarian paleo-conservative populist. In other words I know what it’s like to yearn for the Liberty that was stolen from us before we were born and to be treated like a jackass while simply trying to ‘make a living'(loosely defined).

So here we go, from 30 years of attempting to pay attention and 20 years of waking up…

Eliminate the Federal Reserve system and all forms of income tax on every level. The income tax is the second plank of The Communist Manifesto. If they are stealing their money out of your paycheck before it even reaches your hands, you’re a slave.

Look at Wall Street and the inordinate/undeserved power it has gained over our legislative process and our economy. Find ways to limit such without destroying individual Liberty.

Cease wars for profit. Bring our troops home and let them hunt our real enemies, who have always been among us.

Repeal all gun laws on every level, federal, state and local. Prosecute for treason those who have passed them, attempted to create them or enforced them.

Set a definite deadline, within 10 years, of the end of all forms of socialism, including corporate socialism/welfare, within our governments. As the old saying goes, “If we can put a man on the moon…” then surely we can come up with a way to help those who truly need help without creating inter-generational parasites who are simply dependable constituents for those who constantly seek to destroy the Bill of Rights and control every aspect of our lives.

Establish basic rules for voting: All voters must prove citizenship via a ‘birth certificate’ or ‘certificate of live birth’ or proper immigration papers; prove literacy in English; pass a test that shows they have a basic understanding of the type of government we are supposed to have here: small and limited, with a focus on the Bill of Rights.

To further protect our ‘franchise’ and to prevent vote fraud all voters will receive a receipt with a number, or their voter number, upon voting that they can use to check their vote against a tally on the internet the next day. Election officials will publish election results at 6 am the next day but not before so all interested parties have an opportunity to check results online. This must be done to prevent the evil mainstream news media from ‘calling’ elections before the polls even close and thus affecting the outcomes.

Educate all law enforcement and military and elected, hired and appointed public servants that their first priority is the protection of the Bill of Rights and the expansion of Human Liberty. Hold them to their oaths at the cost of their very lives.

Since the First Amendment reads thusly, in part: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” No religious law will ever hold sway over the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights or over those who want freedom from any religion.

Since the internet is the single most important Liberty expanding technology after the printing press, as it allows anyone who can afford a computer, a smart phone or access to any such device to posses and use their own press as they see fit, all efforts to ‘mainstream’ the internet, whether by corporate or government entities, will end. This means neither Google nor any other internet search service shall use means to channel search results away from certain topics or information, real or imagined, factual or fictional.

End the ‘drug war’ and the ‘war on terror’ since neither would exist anyway if the ‘right’ people on all sides weren’t profiting from them. Let the governments pursue only real criminals who have actually harmed a person or their property.

Release no violent prisoners who cannot be trusted with weapons, as easy as weapons of whatever kind are to acquire in a free society. When felons are released from prison they get all their rights back since they have ‘paid their debt to society’ and thus deserve even their most basic right, that of self defense, whether from criminals in government or common criminals.

We must have basic, enforceable and enforced labor laws for the simple fact that many cannot or will not stand up for themselves against oppressive, abusive employers and will literally do or say anything to get or keep a job including degrading their health from lack of exercise, over work, repetitive injuries and on and on. The elites who run the corporations, from whatever country, have proven time and again they prefer desperate workers who will show up on time, do what they’re told and never ask inappropriate questions.

We must establish a basic easy to understand tariff system that will discourage American corporations from taking advantage of either foreign or domestic workers.

Since in reality there is no such thing as a ‘right’ to work to enslave others or restrict their liberties, deportation for communists(by whatever cute name they call themselves), fundamentalist religious extremists, statists and authoritarians of various stripes, corporate workaholic jerks…. shall be considered.

A recognition that corporations are not human beings and thus cannot enjoy the same rights as a human being. They may have certain rights as in speech, property, copyright etc. but they cannot put their rights or their desire for profit over the rights or well-being of human beings.

Establish real environmental laws that hold corporate executives and their workers personally responsible for the damage they do to our environment.

We must create a civilian militia force outside government intervention with the primary purpose of protecting the Bill of Rights from all government and corporate and/or other entities at all levels within our society.

Since so many in our society are mentally so far removed from reality and so physically unfit as to be useless in a national emergency, such as would be needed to counter domestic insurgency or foreign invasion by statist/authoritarian entities we need some kind of basic conscription and military training for all youth. In short, there are many millions who could use a drill instructor yelling in their face for a while and others who desperately need to be trained away from their mindless pacifism.

Reveal everything the governments know about the alien/inter-dimensional presence on our planet, in our skies, where ever they may be or not be. The yet simple-minded will scoff at this, but it could actually be the most important item on this list, especially if as some claim, our governments and corporations are privy to information and or technology that would change how we all live within and see the reality we exist in.

I’ll throw this last one in for fun, even though it’s not likely to happen, it’s nice to think about:
We should shut the district of commie criminals down and turn it into a museum of tyranny. Move the capitol to the middle of Kansas. Allow them to meet only two weeks of the year – Jan. 1-15, during which time they must sleep in tents heated by cow dung. No hotels, airports, bars, NGOs, lobbyists, or any other assorted distractions allowed within 500 miles.

I don’t pretend the above is perfect or complete, not by any means. But it’s a fun start. The sad fact is that achieving such in any near future will most likely involve doing what will be required, as much as so many are loathe to even admit to themselves much less publicly.


Walter E Williams – Is America Any Different Than Rome?

FK – Rome lost it’s republic after 80 years, like us. It existed for hundreds of years as a dictatorial empire. Our modern masters have simply re-worked the paradigm, democracy as it’s called, to deceive the average dumbass into thinking he’s free.

We will not get back to the Bill of Rights, and the form of government we’re supposed to have, until enough who claim to love Liberty develop the backbone to do what will be required. Eventually it will be forced on them, but by then it may be too late.

FK – It’s been my experience that most who don’t read books have little interest in conversing with those who do about anything that actually matters.

The average dumbass will never read Rand, Rothbard, Mises, Rockwell, etc. They will continue to vote according to their stomachs and their glands for a long time to come.

We may win a few political battles, as we’re doing with the war on the Second Amendment, but that doesn’t mean we’ll win the big war. The now red house is controlled by the elites and recent actions or in-action by the republicrat congressional leadership shows we will have to do what will required.