Tag Archives: bill of rights

Fox News Throws The NRA Under The Bus!


FK – The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group needs to be thrown under the bus for not openly demanding a repeal of all ‘gun laws,’ treason trials for those who write, vote for and enforce gun law, and their cowardice that keeps them from openly supporting, training and organizing the militias for what will be required.

What a pathetic nation of cowards.

Here’s How Democrats Will Attack Gun Rights if U.S. Sees a Paris-Style Attack

So the pattern is already set. Facts do not matter, and, more specifically, the demonstrable failure of background checks is beside the point. Democrats and their willing surrogates in the gun control movement are determined to expand background checks anyway, thereby eliminating the private gun sales Americans have enjoyed since 1791.

In the event of a firearm-related terror attack expect the Democrats to tell us that our safety depends on expanding background checks to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists. In doing this they will ignore the fact that expanded background checks already exist in France, were private gun sales are illegal, and yearly mental and physical background checks are required for anyone who would own a gun. Moreover, entire categories of weapons are banned from ownership in France–including the very weapons the Charlie Hebdo attackers used to gun down 12 innocents during their January 7 attack, not the mention the weaponry attackers were able to obtain and use to kill upwards of a 150 innocents in Paris on November 13.

We would all do well to learn from CNN analyst Tom Fuentes, who surveyed the landscape after the horrendous attacks in Paris and noted that Europe pretends gun control works but “it just doesn’t.”

FK – There is only one ‘fact that matters’: Our reluctance to hunt our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, “Liberal”(commie) trash, to extinction, is what will kill human Liberty in this country.

Greensboro, NC Residents Sheepishly Turn in Their Guns at Police Request

FK – It’s way past time to change who gets to vote.

This is How AK-47s Get to Paris

Open Letter to State Legislators Everywhere: The Other Side of the Article V Convention Issue

If there is an Article V convention, we will lose the Constitution we have, and another Constitution will be imposed.

You are not getting both sides of this issue. Throughout the Country, those of us who are warning of the dangers of an Article V convention are marginalized, ridiculed, smeared, shut out of meetings, and barred from speaking in public forums. THIS short essay from the Principled Policy Blog describes what we face every day.

THIS article is an account by Donny Harwood, a citizen of Tennessee, describing how he was shut out of the public meeting which the Convention of States people held on October 19, 2015 at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. According to The Leaf-Chronicle, a number of Tennessee Legislators were at the meeting. A prominent Tennessee radio talk show host was also present.

And everyone at the meeting was prevented from hearing the other side of this issue.


The Left has been pushing for a convention for 50 years—ever since the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations produced the Constitution for the Newstates of America. They need a convention to get it imposed.

Several other Constitutions are already prepared and waiting for a convention.

If there is a convention, the only issues will be (1) whose Constitution will be imposed by the Delegates; and (2) what new mode of ratification will be set forth in the new Constitution.

FK – I’ll agree to a con con only with a militia force encamped outside the front door to arrest, try and execute any commies that show up to participate.

GOA: Time to Shoot Down Restrictions on Suppressors

Rep. Salmon Sets His Sights on Increasing Shooter Safety

Take action now to RESTORE your lost gun rights!

Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) has introduced the Hearing Protection Act, H.R. 3799, which restores your right to buy suppressors for your firearms.

Under Salmon’s bill, anyone who can buy a gun can buy a suppressor.

It also waives the $200 fee previously needed to get a government permission slip.

Suppressors protect the hearing of shooters, including the young and hearing impaired. They are of no value to criminals or mass shooters, and even homemade suppressors are rarely used in crimes.

They are effectively banned for one reason — because gun grabbers want to make it more difficult for gun owners to exercise their rights.

The irony of the whole situation is that items like suppressors actually increase the safety of shooters because they reduce the noise that is generated when operating a firearm.

FK – Another tiny step in the right direction…

ACTION: Contact your Representative NOW and ask him or her to co-sponsor H.R. 3799, a bill that restores your right to buy suppressors for your firearms.

Gun Owners of America: Time to Let Gun Grabbers Know We Will Not Comply

EXCLUSIVE–Sheriff Clarke: The 2nd Amendment Is Treated Like the Constitution’s Bastard Child

Britain’s latest crackdown on free speech should make us grateful for the First Amendment

We here in America take the First Amendment for granted. We switch on the television, we post memes online, we listen to a talk radio host rail against the federal government without ever acknowledging the value of such swashbuckling openness. We can say pretty much anything we want, so long as we don’t put others in direct danger. Attempts to circumscribe this liberty, most famously Oliver Wendell Holmes’ lunkheaded and abused “fire in a crowded theater” ruling that tackled the looming danger posed by Jewish socialists quietly distributing anti-war pamphlets, have ultimately been overturned.

Most other nations don’t have this ironclad protection against censorship. Among them is Great Britain. Charles C.W. Cooke reports on the latest anti-free expression outrage in the Mother Country:

FKThe entire Bill of Rights, insisted on by the anti-federalists as a defense against the constitution, is what makes us exceptional.

Star of BBC reality TV show The Call Centre faces JAIL after posting ‘sick’ Facebook message that ‘anyone born with Down’s Syndrome should be put down’

FK – There are many types of walking ‘vegetables.’ We let too many of them vote. We are in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.

But this is evil:


Under the Malicious Communications Act any ‘indecent or grossly offensive’ message that causes ‘distress or anxiety’ can lead to prosecution.

The maximum punishment is six months in prison and a £5,000 fine. The 1988 law came into force before the widespread use of the internet, e-mail and social networking.

It has since been updated on at least two occasions as the use of social media has exploded.

The police will investigate each case and hand a file to the Crown Prosecution Service who will decide if there is enough evidence to bring charges.

Ministry of Justice figures show 694 individuals were guilty of offences under this Act last year – the highest number for at least a decade and more than 10 times higher than the 64 convictions recorded in 2004.

Last year the Government announced measures to increase the maximum sentence for trolls who are convicted under the Malicious Communications Act from six months to two years.

Australia: A Nation of Defenseless Victims

FK – So what does ‘never surrender our rights’ mean to the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group huh? Why don’t they have the guts to say what that will ultimately mean? What will the NRA do when hitlery or some other trash says “Turn them in,” or “Owners are grandfathered but they cannot sell their weapons nor leave them to their children nor teach their children how to shoot them?” and a commie SCOTUS agrees?

Our domestic blood enemies would be plenty satisfied with an inter-generational process. This must NOT EVER be allowed to happen.

The Aussies need to dig up the weapons they buried years ago before they turn into artifacts and use them to hunt and exterminate their “Liberal”(commie) trash just as we so desperately need to do.

Any whore manning a ‘gun buy back’ station deserves to be killed on sight, and will be. Those who helped destroy those weapons shouldn’t be safe in their own homes. They are traitors to their own people and to human Liberty.

4:33 and I can’t stand it any more. These sobby handwringers should’ve walked out their front doors and began hunting the trash that worked to disarm them. Now they are pathetic cowardly slaves who don’t deserve any respect from anyone.

When will the NRA really stand up and start working openly to organize, train and arm the militias for what will be required to fix this mess if it can be fixed?????

I’ve been asking this question for years and have yet to get an answer. Meanwhile trash that should’ve been executed for treason decades ago gets to walk around convincing mindless morons to vote for it to occupy the most powerful public seat in the world and maybe in human history.

I would be amazed if I hadn’t spent 20 years watching all this crap. Every day that goes by without millions of us publicly declaring what must be done and initiating the process of doing it is another day we spit on our Founders’ graves.

Well, some of us are still learning, if decades too late:

Military Wants On-Base Concealed Carry, Will Likely Get It

FK – This is why they want us disarmed:

German Law Would Give Police Power to Enter Homes to Check For “Refugee Suitability”

FK – Our domestic blood enemies will never stop until we force them to. There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to enslave others:

Wisconsin “Gun Safety” Advocates Want To Outlaw Your Guns

FK – Because they never ‘learn’ but that’s not the issue:

Maryland’s Controversial ‘Gun Fingerprint’ Database Shut Down After 15 Years, $5 Million — Here’s How Many Crimes It Solved

FK – The issue is they are waging war on us all.

And another reason they want us disarmed:

At Least 120 Dead in Paris After Multiple Terror Attacks; French President Blames Islamic State

FK – So they can kill us with distraction while our real enemies with white skin work to help the fundie ragheads gain political power over here.

And once again our greatest enemies prove who they really are:

In Paris Aftermath, Salon’s Chief Concern is Conservatives

FK – I don’t ‘disagree’ with the trash. A disagreement is when a couple go to buy a car and can’t decide on a color.

Our domestic blood enemies are waging war on us. It’s way past time to get over our denial.

The issue that matters? – Hearing Protection Act: No NFA Tax for Silencers?

This is not a column per se but a point by point response to certain issues, or the issue, that still, after all these years, seems to be missed by many. Watch the video first.

FK – We’ve had the internet for 20 years now. So it would be called ‘willful ignorance.’ There’s nothing more important than monitoring our govt. and the laws we are forced to exist under at the point of a gun. I simply can’t have any respect for those that ignore this reality.

If only the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group would kick out its infiltrators and its idiots and do what it should: organize and help train the militias for what will be required.

The NRA was founded by Yankee generals because their conscripts in the war to continue taxing the southern states couldn’t shoot well enough. So in reality it’s been part of the problem from the beginning. It had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this war and still pretends we’ll be able to win it via elections and legislation and that the Second Amendment is the only issue. We could win the gun battle and still lose the war.

The Second Amendment doesn’t mention licensing, taxes, stamps, permission, background checks, I.D. cards, concealed carry, open carry, sporting purposes, hunting furry animals, harvesting food, and on and on. It reads “…shall not be infringed.”

If the NRA had a backbone it would be demanding every candidate publicly declare their stance on repealing all ‘gun laws.’ This is probably the most basic concept they deal with in any campaign. If they don’t ‘get it,’ what our most basic right is: the right to hunt and kill them if they work to enslave us or in our case enslave us further, they don’t have any business being an elected, hired or appointed public servant and they break their oaths as soon as they take them which should bring about a treason trial and a death sentence.

I’ve attended the machine gun shoot in Kentucky many times. In the last year or so one of the vendors said this to me(paraphrase): “This was a good event until they let all the poor people in.”

Those who have several grand invested in a machine gun might not be interested in repealing the NFA. Tough. We’re supposed to be armed equally with any infantry soldier, Marine or militiaman in the world, so we can kill them if we have to. It should be an affordable item to the common man or woman.

800,000 suppressors? That’s some good news. If they’re spread around where they’ll be available to us when enough finally come to grips with what will be required.

The NFA was never ‘needed.’ It was a power grab like all they do. As soon as the war starts they will ‘outlaw’ all those fighting it and their weapons. Does that mean we will then turn them in and go home and sit in front of the big screen and yell at Faux News?

Hunting is fun and a good skill to acquire. The upcoming primate season will be even more interesting because many of them will shoot back. Their ideology killed 200 million in the 20th century alone, so they have proven their pacifism is false. They readily vote to have the cops and soldiers they claim to hate break down their neighbors’ doors and murder them for not surrendering any more of their liberty. Yet so many are in such deep denial about the situation we face here.

Our domestic blood enemies are telling basically the same lies they were 20 years or more ago, with some minor alterations. Nothing short of the ‘compromise’ they’re always whining about, going their way, will do. Without that they are political wallflowers that in reality should be kicked out of the dance, because that is exactly what they plan for those who claim to love human Liberty.

As someone once said, “When you begin to ‘compromise’ on what you already possess, you lose.’ The only thing we should be compromising on is whether the communists, who are neither ‘liberal’ nor ‘progressive’ get one or two broken oars for the leaky rowboat we allow them to row to Europe. The no-compromise part is they GTFO of OUR country because they don’t belong here.

A stepping stone process is not necessarily bad. As many have argued it took years, decades to get to this point and it may take as long to get back to where we should be. That is not, never has been, the issue. The issue that matters is what will we do if they say ‘turn them in,’ or ‘you can’t buy anymore nor introduce children to the shooting sports,’ in so many words and a commie SCOTUS agrees?

Without an organization in place to deal with this, and the NRA’s shysters and lobbyists won’t do the trick, we are doomed, as a nation and as a so-called ‘free people.’ We will be no better than England or Australia or many other nation states. The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional. Without the resolve to spill blood if necessary to protect it we are spitting on the graves of the ancestors who fought to provide it.

I have long felt there is no issue more important than this.

Was Hughes Amendment lawfully passed?

Something else I ran into.

Michigan city elects America’s first Muslim-majority city council


FK – So will they respect real ‘freedom of religion’ which of course means ‘freedom from religion?’ That’s the question that matters. A lot of ‘christians’ don’t get that.

The minute they disrespect the Bill of Rights they should be escorted to the granite gallows in front of city hall. But then we already have millions of white skinned authoritarians of various stripes who should’ve been given a speedy treason trial and execution, going back multiple decades. Who are our real enemies?

This is why we need a militia in every county in this country to make sure our elected, hired and appointed public servants keep their oaths.

Hamtramck is 1st American city to elect majority Muslim council

GOA: Senate “Sentencing Reform” Bill Could Crack Down on Gun Owners

The bill in question is supported by anti-gun Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT). They are cosponsors of S. 2123.

So what are they getting for their support?

Well, while many non-violent offenders are being let off the hook — and even some violent offenders who plea bargained down to “non-violent” offenses — the bill actually increases penalties for many law-abiding (non-violent) gun owners.

Hence, section 105 of S. 2123 increases — from 10 to 15 years — the potential prison sentences for “prohibited persons” and for those who merely possess a new machine gun, even if they are licensed under the NFA.

Have a gun, go to jail … for a long time!

Regarding the penalties for “prohibited persons,” the increased penalties in the bill would include the more than 175,000 veterans who have lost their gun rights, if there is still a gun anywhere in the house.

And it would include the 4.2 million seniors whom Obama proposes to strip of their gun rights by doing a computer search of social security.

Think about it: While this bill lowers sentences for many offenders, it raises the penalties for law-abiding gun owners who have had their gun rights stripped from them — like veterans and seniors mentioned above.


ACTION: Please take action today and urge your Senators to demand the removal OF ALL OFFENDING language that would penalize law-abiding gun owners.

FK – This is why we need a militia in every county in the country. Any time any BAFT Nazi trash tries to railroad anyone into prison it should be hunted along with any shysters participating. It’s garbage and should be treated as such.


The Left’s War on Comment Sections

The internet was born open but is becoming closed everywhere. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the rush to shutter readers’ comments sections at major news organisations. Cheered on by intolerant, snobbish cultural elites, news organisations from The Verge to The Daily Beast have, in recent months, informed their readers to take their opinions elsewhere.

Dozens of progressive blogs and news outlets are following suit, citing “abuse” and “harassment” as the primary reasons they no longer want to hear the opinions of their readers. But that’s not what is really going on.

There was a time when comments sections were seen as the next step in a golden age of democratised communication, particularly by the political Left. “For the first time ever, we are thinking aloud, unfiltered by mass media gatekeepers,” wrote a former Hillary Clinton advisor in 2008. “Never before has the global discourse been so accessible, recursive, and durable.”

FK – We’ve known for some time now they, those who consider us to be livestock, would try to mainstream the net. We need to let them know in no uncertain terms that this will not be tolerated and viewed as a destruction of the First Amendment. It’s another reason why we need a militia force in every county in the country.

They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.

Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.

This concept is nothing new:
