Tag Archives: big government

Why Big Oil Takes Huge Risks In The Arctic


FK – My response to this young propagandist:

You’re not seeking very far. Global warming is a lie. How do I know this? Because the “Liberal”(commie) trash that calls themselves ‘environmentalists’ keep repeating it over and over again.

When I was your age and younger they told us A. We’d all starve to death by now. B. We’d be out of oil. C. We’d be living on space stations.

There’s always been climate change, as long as there’s been a climate. Why don’t you do a show on carbon credits and how much ‘money'(carbon credits) the evil global corporations are making from them and how they’ll be used to control every aspect of our existences in this world. Would your ‘sponsors’ let you do this?

The important thing to remember about the global warming propaganda, and it’s ‘all’ propaganda, is that the “Liberal”(commie) trash who call themselves ‘environmentalists’ to hide their evil will use it as an excuse to control every aspect of our existences in this world. The ‘evil’ corporations love it too cause they can make money off carbon credits and the governments love it because it’s another way to control us all.

BATF Ammo Ban Violates Its Own Regs As Well As The Constitution


FK – This will not be solved permanently until enough develop the resolve to hang lots of expensive suits along Pennsylvania Ave. and Wall St.

GOA Alert: Will Obama be Forced to Swallow a Repeal of the AR-15 Ammo Ban?

ATF’s ban on common AR-15 ammo

As GOA activists know, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently proposed a ban on “green tip” AR-15 ammo.

The ban is completely lawless and unconstitutional, and there are legislators who want to fight the ban.

At least one Republican office is considering an amendment to block Obama’s illegal AR-15 ammunition ban by attaching it to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill.

But if you’ve been watching the news, you know that there is a royal battle right now over this bill because of Obama’s Executive Amnesty, something that GOA has reported on before.

ACTION: Click here to contact your Senators and Representative. Urge them to support a repeal of ATF’s AR-15 ban. And tell them to vote against the DHS funding bill — specifically urging your Senators to vote against any cloture motion that would facilitate it.

FK – This is a multi-front war. Act politically but prepare for what history shows will be required.

2nd Amendment Rally at Knob Creek Gun Range

Saturday, February 28, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Join 970 AM The Answer and Knob Creek in defense of our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. Resistance-Radio host Jim Coyle will emcee the event with guest speakers ranging from 2015 Gubernatorial Candidate Matt Bevin to Project Apple Seed, Gun Owners of America, Freedom Training Group, The NRA, Rick Howlan: the Black Heart Conservative from 970 AM The Answer and more. Grassroots activist and local business will have booths on hand to spread information and rally people to action in defense of the constitution! This is your chance to learn more about guns, gun safety, self-defense, security and what is happening in the courtroom and at the UN that could affects your 2nd amendment rights! Come out and stand up for the Constitution and experience the local gun community on a whole new level.

Location: Knob Creek Gun Range, 690 Ritchey Lane West Point, KY 40177 (1 mile off Dixie Highway on Highway 44)
Sponsored By: 970AM The Answer

FK – Thanks to the Marxist mutt for proving my point above.


McConnell Caves, But Reid Wants Full Surrender From Boehner As Well

Republican leadership in the Senate is fully caving to the demands of Democratic lawmakers calling for a so-called “clean” Department of Homeland Security funding bill that leaves President Obama’s executive amnesty intact, but Democrats are still balking at the plan.

“I’ve indicated to the Democratic leader that I’d be happy to have his cooperation to advance consideration of a clean DHS bill, which would carry us through September 30,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told reporters Tuesday. “With Democratic cooperation on a position they have been advocating for the last two months, we could have that vote very quickly.”

“This is a total victory for the Obama position,” said a GOP senator unhappy with McConnell’s plan. “The House hasn’t passed it yet, so they might could come up with something. But that’s a grim prospect.”

But Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid balked at the offer, saying Democrats would continue to filibuster the bill until House Speaker John Boehner indicated he was willing to also pass it through the House.

FK – Has anyone mentioned that a ‘free country’ shouldn’t have a ‘Department of Homeland Security?’

As Democrat Filibuster of DHS Bill Holds, McConnell Urges Plan B

FK – How about ‘Plan C?’: Shut down DHS and let the police state wither on the vine…

The Specter That Haunts America

Another private organization that has been viciously smeared by The Specter is one that lives by the motto that “the legitimate function of government” is to secure our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property because “the nature of government is to usurp the liberty of the people.”  They, too, must be marginalized and destroyed says The Specter.  Any totalitarian would wholeheartedly agree.

The Specter once convinced the Department of Homeland Security to publicly announce that anyone with a “Ron Paul for President” bumper sticker “posed a terrorist threat.”  To The Specter, Ron Paul’s well-known views on economics, civil liberties, and foreign policy are bound to incite acts of domestic terrorism.  Of course, to the hardcore Marxists employed by The Specter, tax cuts or opposition to socialized medicine (or any other government program) would constitute “domestic terrorism.”

The Specter also spews hatred and slander at police and military officers who have reiterated their pledge to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.  Indeed, anyone who says such a thing is instantly placed somewhere on The Specter’s Hate-O-Meter.

FK – He forgot to mention that they’re our greatest enemies, they have white skin, were probably born here and aren’t hiding in a cave on the other side of the world.

Get ready to do what will be required.