Tag Archives: barter

MUST WATCH: The Truth About The Great Depression


FK – This is about the last ‘financial’ warning/advisor/the end is coming soon thing I waste, uh, spend any time on. I got tired of hearing Celente et al say ‘April’ or ‘next year.’ I expected 2008 fallout to be far worse.

The next one, uh big one, whatever, will feature high ammo and cheap slaves. Food will be whatever you can catch. But then I’ve been hearing that most of my adult life from the ‘The Day After’ to ‘The Road.’ My fav was ‘A Boy and hIs Dog.‘He kept his priorities straight.

And I have no respect for those who profit from others’ misery. A few years back a ‘friend’ made an offhand comment that buying people’s property on the courthouse steps because they couldn’t pay their property taxes would be a good way to make money.

“People who do that deserve to be shot,” was my answer to him. He gave me a look and shut up.