Tag Archives: bar code

Biometrics & The TSA In Your Car?! This Is Going Too Far!!


FK – “But if I’m not doing anything wrong, and properly sucking that big corpogovt. cock they stick in my face every day…”

The Imminent Digital Exile

FK – We’re already an enslaved society. It’s all a question of the efficiency of control.

The most important things to do

What They Found Should Rewrite History!


FK – As far as ‘ideological contamination’ goes we fought the wrong side. The communists, that now call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ and other cute names to hide their immense evil, killed far more the the ‘fascists'(socialism light) did.

The patriot newbie guidebook

If the Nazis had this tech why didn’t they use it? Was the war started by the allies because they feared Hitler would build the first atom bomb or the first flying saucer fleet?

Yes, WWII was about empire, money. Hitler and the Japanese were as much pressured into what they felt was necessity of conflict as they were guided by their own foolishness. Just like Lincoln manipulated South Carolina into firing on Fort Sumter, which the Yankees should have already evacuated because it was no longer in their territory, to start the War for Southern Independence, which was fought over the ability of the North to continue taxing the southern states, not slavery.

“Who are we really fighting now?” should be the question we’re asking.

The big question is when will mainstream scientists(and preachers/priests/churches) stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?

Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…

What’s the real tech we should be concerned about?:

FK – We need extreme vetting for elected, hired and appointed public servants but amerika has no men to carry it forward.

And on to less stranger thing(Original vid was taken down this is a mirror.):


FK – That’s indeed strange. Yesterday I watched an episode of ‘Rules of Engagement’ and was thinking it actually encourages marriage with the 5th character, a single Lothario type, generally setting a bad example.

Isn’t it really in the interest of the banksters/corporate globalist commies/established religions to have more children(workers, taxpayers, slaves, damned souls) produced so they can grow up to show up on time, do what they’re told, never ask inappropriate questions and pay their taxes/tithes like good little sheeple?

I can see them wanting to destroy truly strong males, the ones who might actually recognize the revolving wheel in their gerbil cage for what it is and work to destroy it and escape.

Netflix(and I’m NOT defending them as a corporation in any way shape or form because they ALL do evil things) also shows ‘The Walking Dead’ which has a strong male father type lead who isn’t generally afraid to do whatever he has to do to protect his family, friends and survive.

What is a man, really?

Modern ‘christianity’ is just as infiltrated as the rest of the mess. They’re sitting on their asses waiting for the world to end as they’ve been instructed to do while passing their slavery on to their children.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

It’s ‘all’ propaganda.

While our so-called leaders do the same stupid shit they always do:


FK – They won’t learn until we force them to.

That Bloodbath in the Old Dominion

Who is preying on you in the name of profit and control?:


FK – Only those who will help you make and bury the bodies are your true friends.

The most important things to do

And I can’t believe they’re even having this conversation:

FK – Allowing them to force all drivers into auto only cars will be no less cowardly and evil than surrendering our guns on command without a blood fight.

If amerikans do so they fully deserve whatever is done to them.

Personally I think the tool using monkeys which are basically biological robots are already running on someone else’s software.

Don’t miss the comments on that one.

The only real reason for the militia

They want us all in their autonomous control:

FK – So will our brains have a kill switch like our ‘self-driving cars?’

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

Major Newspapers Confirm No ‘Gun Laws’ will Ever be Enough for Them

FK – The crime issue is a red herring. Always has been always will be. The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights! WE ARE!

The Zombie Apocalypse is Real, and it’s already started


Most People Don’t Even Realize What’s Coming

FK – What the alien greys are alleged to be is what they wish us to become. Is all this coming from off planet?

In reality they’ve had us chipped or ‘marked’ for decades. What’s a socialist security number? What can the average sheeple do without one? And no one got beamed up.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

All the rest is simply streamlining.

The internet is like any tool that can be used for good or evil. The mistake is in always allowing the evil to lead. When on the battlefield one uses any tool that will get the job done.

The patriot newbie guidebook

Or what’s already here:


FK – Though I agree with much of his commentary in spirit we must acknowledge the fact that if we had true ‘anarchy’ i.e. ‘no government’ there would be assholes we would have to kill.

Our patriotism should be to human liberty, not a section of land, a piece of cloth or a song or a government or someone’s version of what ‘god’ is or should be or ‘allegiance’ which historically means subservience.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Who deserves to vote?

What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’

The most important things to do

The killer bees of fake news

The killer bees of fake news
Barry Bright – March 3, 2017

Several years back I ate in a small country restaurant in Western Kentucky near some spot-on-the-road town that had its 15 minutes, or paragraphs, of fame framed on the diner’s wall.

The story was from what passed as ‘fake news‘ in those days, at least in the mind of the average sheeple, one of those checkout line tabloids that regularly broke stories about three-headed alien babies visiting the White House.

Allegedly there had been an attack by ‘killer bees‘ in the area, and some people really were stung by honey bees or hornets, I forget, but it wasn’t the big deal the ‘reporters’ had made it out to be.

People actually bought those papers or they wouldn’t have been printed. Sheeple actually believe a lot of garbage or it wouldn’t be produced, sometimes for centuries, or spewed from the mouths of educators, preachers, entertainers, newswhores or politicians.

That stinging story did the same thing all propaganda does in mixing fact and reality. As in there really is a UFO phenomena that most don’t want to think or talk about because it makes them uncomfortable, and for years before the internet politicians would regularly run campaigns based on nothing more than ‘change’ or lower taxes or ‘helping the poor’ or some other simple-minded goobledygook.

Politicians got away with their subterfuge because the average voter, then as now, would rather die than think or take on real personal responsibility for the world they exist in. They often just want to vote for “…the man that’ll “do somethin’ fer me.

We have a representative republic here, not a democracy, which means we elect supposedly superior, educated, thinking, logical, talented, honest, experienced, successful members of our insane human cultures to make important decisions for us. Take all that with a buck-fifty to the truck stop and they’ll give you a cup of coffee.

This means it’s incumbent on the rest of us to pay attention to what these elected public SERVANTS are doing for and to us and to hold them accountable. This is why I’ve maintained for some while now we need a granite gallows in front of every govt. building and a local militia force to make sure it doesn’t fall into disuse.

But back to the newswhores. While working as one back in the 80s I saw that a lot of garbage is produced in the name of meeting deadlines and justifying paychecks. Now we have an internet full of it and an unsuspecting public armed with brand new smart phones that are not only introducing them to the very useful global encyclopedia that is the internet but all the shiny baubles and dark corners that come with it, or rather that come with real freedom and Liberty.

Back in the 90s the net was mostly patriots or at least it was to me. It was the only place to go for ‘real’ not commie or globalist, now ‘fake’ news.

Actually it’s laughable that the mainstream newswhores tried to label us as fake. But that’s a discussion for several books. I explained my reasons for this website several years back, in my early stages of waking up.

We’ve had the internet for 20 years now so in reality there’s simply no excuse for the willful ignorance I see around me every day. But the smart phone phenomena is stressing how many had never owned personal computers or how many have gone on line over time and been exposed to realities they didn’t want to deal with so they shut their computers off and went back to reality TV or sports or soaps or church or whatever their favorite brain-numbing garbage was/is.

Now that smart phones are part of most sheeples’ daily reality they’re also on the social sites or whatever and sometimes seeing bits of information their little brains repel from because it doesn’t mesh with what they’ve been spoonfed all their existences at home, in school or Sunday school or on the evening propaganda cast.

Part of this as I’ve experienced recently is the habit many have, developed along with the skill of texting, of reading a headline and emotionally reacting to it, leaving a nasty response, or an emoje or whatever, without bothering to actually follow a link and turn their inner brains on long enough to actually analyze what someone is desperately trying to get them to understand and share.

My mistake is in assuming that I’m dealing with intelligent adults on fakebook and other places that realize a header might not represent all the info contained therein.


And we let them vote.

Back to the ‘fake’ news. How to tell if a news site is ‘fake’:

Since propaganda, and it’s ‘all’ propaganda, without exception, is a mixture of ‘truth,’ or ‘facts’ and reality, what exactly is fake? This is another subject we could spend years and countless nights around campfires maybe pointlessly arguing over.

Let’s just go ahead and realize that the globalists and the commies and Marxist front groups they fund are and have been working covertly and overtly to enslave us all for decades, really centuries. Those who claim they want to return us to some sort of global plantation, if we’re not already there, are not far off the mark.

In fact, as I’ve written before, we are there.

With these realities in mind, a short guide to how to judge ‘fake’ news:

In journalism school we’re taught that a good reporter looks for the ‘who, what, why, when, where and how.’ Later on with experience a reporter learns to look for the funding and to develop an inline lie detector because most interviewees will be lying about something, either directly or indirectly.

All the ‘isms’ ignore those aspects of human nature/behavior they find inconvenient.

If a story doesn’t have a good representation of some the above w’s and an h or two that’s a bad sign. The net nowadays is full of he/said she/reported and so and so’s cousin, employer, political or religious savior or whatever claims this or that. Sort of like how it’s always been but now the average mush head is much more exposed to it than they were in the check out line.

In the last year or so there’s been almost an explosion(one of those dramatic words we writers like to use) of ‘conservative'(loosely defined) or patriot or whatever ‘fake news’ sites. Beforeitsnews comes to mind. Go study their ‘style.’ That’s what I’m writing about.

Then go read something on the new yawk slimes. That’s the opposite end of the spectrum. Their ‘journalistic style’ may be impeccable but they’re still lying garbage that should’ve been lined up against the wall or walked up the gallows steps long ago.

See how hard and easy this can be?

A professor in college told us to not be afraid to ‘read along the fringe.’ I have no clue if he’d think I stepped off the fringe into free space long ago or not. I wouldn’t know/understand/still wonder about what I do now if I hadn’t. But one still has to use some form of judgment.

Now for the easy part: Just because you’ve always been told something is/isn’t true doesn’t mean it is/isn’t.

Just because a headline or article seems to ‘attack’ your newest or oldest object of worship doesn’t mean it really does or isn’t doing what all ‘real journalism’ should be doing: not letting anyone, or any institution, or group or government or ideology off easy.

In a free country there’s no such thing as a group or an individual whose motives can’t be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem. In fact we have several.

Human history is a story of climbing out of a well of darkness where some think they were told they deserved to be tortured alive in fire forever for choosing independent thought over blind obedience. Sadly many are still there and will waste their time in this world waiting for it to end. And we let them vote.

Others blindly put their blind faith and blind patriotism into Earthly or otherwise saviors who are no more deserving of it than any god.

Climbing out of the well involves clinging to all sides when the occasion demands. Sometimes there are poisonous snakes on one side and killer bees on the other and there’s always casualties.

And as the ancient book of tribal propaganda claims, I think in this case very truthfully, “They shall cry ‘peace’ and safety,” and there will be none.

We’re better off demanding Liberty, and justice for those who think they can make a living lying the rest of us into their version of slavery.


We have become the product, and thus the news:

FK – Schmidt worked to get hitlery elected. It should be hung the same day, on the same scaffold.

We’ve all been turned into mental goldfish so we can focus on the clickbait?

I’ve certainly become more picky about what I call a ‘friend.’ Most ‘friends’ end up expecting me to be like them and sadly most of the time there’s little to nothing about their existence in this world that I envy. Here in the suburbs of podunk finding someone who can have more than a 30 second conversation about something that actually matters is a lifelong quest in itself. The cities aren’t much better in reality. The average sheeple would rather die than think.

The net is a tool like any other that can be used for good or ill. The mistake is that we as the common sheeple allow evil players into our systems and our elected public servants assist them in their evil in the name of false security.

Let me know when I can have my own stand alone holodeck.


How long till we’re all sitting on the curb?:


FK – Anti-war left dead as a dodo? Really? WTF planet are you on?

Wanna bet Soros or whatever rich sick globalist bastard succeeds him will have commie robots on the streets carrying signs and demanding ‘just-us?’

Those without the intelligence or skill sets to run the robots can return to the land and garden for a subsistence. Just ask the Venus project or whatever. Of course they also want to bulldoze all the major cities! :0

What about those who watch NWNW on their TVs? They can be hooked up to computers and thus the net now ya know. I’m watching this and other YouTube propaganda on a 24″ monitor which at one time was a ‘big’ TV.


And I’ll admit I did forward this on fakebook. Even if he didn’t say it, it’s easy to imagine him or his former ‘friends‘ doing so. And the sad truth is it’s not far off the mark.

Congress Hands Government Authority to Microchip People with ‘Mental Disabilities’


FK– The mission is to condition the brain dead sheeple to this tech.