Tag Archives: assault weapon ban

A few rules for life in the 22nd Century

Still recording the fall, while they sweep the snow off the iceberg.

 “Any visitors to our solar system would undoubtedly carry out a thorough survey of all the planets and planetary satellites. Scanning techniques could be used to detect and diagnose all radiated emissions. In that way, it would be possible to detect intelligent (and therefore, by definition, dangerous) lifeforms from a distance without alerting those lifeforms to your presence by sending probes to the surface. Having carried out your survey, you would be delighted to find an apparently highly formed, intelligent lifeform on the third planet from the star which, although potentially hostile to you and your environs, was to all intents and purposes a prisoner on its home planet. Given that there is not much hope of the lifeform becoming more civilized and less aggressive within the timeframe allotted to your expedition, you would make it a a priority to ensure that the lifeform stayed planet-locked for as long as possible.” – Raymond A. Robinson in ‘The Alien Intent’

But I have a feeling their finger hovers over that reset button.

In the name of the insane age-old tool-using monkey desire to control/predict the future:

We’re flying millions of miles an hour through space on a water soaked fire spitting rock. There are no safe spaces here.

The two kinds of morons I don’t waste time arguing with are flat earthers and young earth creationists. They’re either paid trolls or too stupid to converse with.

For the sake of ‘theoretical discussion’ if either or both of the above are real then we are simply bots in some cosmic teenager’s gameboy and there’s no reason to be here.

If the only reason we’re born is to choose between eternal torture at the hands of a sadistic bronze age god or eternal slavery there’s no reason to be here.

No one with an independent mind would ever want to be guilty of bringing a child into that situation.

Conversely, and this shouldn’t have to be stated, if the only reason we’re born is to blindly bow down to whatever earthly savior gets the most morons to vote or carry guns for it or its professed ideology then there’s no reason to be here.

The greatest violence is teaching mindless pacifism of whatever source which allows evil of whatever source to rule.

The greatest hatred is pretending civility in the name of ruling others.

Blindly defending someone or any group because of how they’re born is as mindless as hating them for the same reason.

It’s better to be the crazy guy crying out from the mountaintop than the moron whimpering in the cave while waiting on a savior.

Fighting natural born tool-using monkey ignorance is like standing in the deepest trench of the deepest ocean while bailing with a teacup.

We are what we are because of a few key points:

At some time someone decided they were tired of the chaos in the cave and rolled the malefactors around in the fire for a while then declared a ‘new cave order.’

Someone else later on decided they had a better technique for the fire rolling and rolled their rulers around in the fire for a while.

This process still continues today if only in a slightly altered form. Read ‘The Prince’ by Machiavelli and ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu.

Being armed but ignorant of the proper use of arms in a military fashion/context is cowardice and impotence.

Natural born tool-using monkey ignorance based arrogance and hubris makes all this possible.

The submissive have been surviving to breed for a very long time.

Whatever made us obviously installed a slave mentality, or a religious gene, the same thing, in the programming.

“Our spiritual convictions remain just as strong today. Surveys show that more than 95 percent of Americans believe in God, while 90 percent meditate or pray, 82 percent say that God performs miracles, and more than 70 percent believe in life after death.

Our faith is not unique. Even in China and the former Soviet Union — where powerful governments used every possible form of persuasion to replace God with Communism — more than half of the people retained their spiritual beliefs. Meanwhile, the forces of fundamentalism — whether Christian, Jewish, or Muslim — are sweeping across the globe from South America to the Middle East to Africa.” – Dean Hamer in ‘The God Gene.’

The greatest challenge for the 22nd century(or the distant future) is to root this out and destroy it and replace it with the concept of Natural Rights that the Founders of our REPUBLIC enshrined by ACKNOWLEDGING them in our Bill of Rights.

This by necessity would include instilling a sense of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for the world around us. 

The lowest type of tool using monkey doesn’t worry about what goes on in the world around them because they pretend it’ll never affect them or they make the pretense of some religion that tells them whatever ‘god is in control’ which gives them the excuse to sit on their pathetic cowardly asses and wait for the world to end until they die as they always do and pass their slavery on to their descendants.

Those creatures are lower than the govt parasites, whores, druggies, criminals, child abusers and on and on because they allow all of the other to continue. 

But most ‘christian patriots,’ a minuscule minority of modern christiandom, are blind to this reality, because they choose to be.

If we’re not hanging our collectivists/statists/theocrats of whatever stripe on a regular basis we fully deserve what they do to us.

The end result being that the rulers ALWAYS KNOW they are prone to being rolled around in the fire and PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGE this before, during and after taking their positions as elected, hired and appointed PUBLIC SERVANTS

If drudgery and misery are the only reasons we’re in this existence then there’s no point to it at all.

If willful ignorance and fear is your only currency then your breath is a waste.

Both sides of the so-called culture war are so desperately in love with their fav form of authoritarianism that they are blind to the reality that there might be anything else.

How many more countless generations will be lost wasting their time here waiting for the world to end or waiting on a savior that isn’t coming. He said he was coming 2000 years ago and didn’t make it.

How many more will waste their time here being scared to death of what they’re going to lose or blind to what they’ve already lost?

The political systems and the religions have always worked with and against each other. The sheeple believe in a certain form of ignorance whatever it is thus the rulers pretend to go along with it or constructed it in the first place as a ruling device and humanity’s future is still slavery in one way or another in one form or another, some political system or some insane religion however evolved or un-evolved. 

I hope they prove me wrong but at this point I see little evidence of it.

America’s real birthday – The day they shot back

What’s the ultimate question?

In the name of predicting the so-called future:

Revealed: What humans will look like in 1,000 years, according to scientists

FK – Apparently the ai programmers neglected to inject the data from this website into their code.

The future so-called is far far worse than any human 100 years ago could imagine. When infant mortality fell and the less genetically deserving reached physical maturity in greater numbers this sealed the fate of the tool-using monkeys.

And predicting the future is always a very tricky thing. Slime magazine had a cover a couple decades back that showed a ‘future human’ that was obviously a brown/Asian mix. Something that might eventually not be too far off the mark.

But then as many have noted sometimes the mutt is the smarter dog. The white skinned Europeans have sat on their asses waiting for the world to end and allowed their countries to be stolen from them by other white skinned Europeans who hide behind their special made up status. They plan to use that status to rule humanity.

In fact most ‘christian’ religionists would claim humanity has only two futures: Standing singing praises to a sadistic bronze age god for eternity or being tortured alive in fire simply because they were born and didn’t go along with the correct version, sub-version or subversion.

I clearly remember hearing a preacher once say he didn’t care if his god essentially lobotomized him(not his exact words, if he even knew what lobotomized means) as long as he escaped the fires of hell.

Think about that, while you’re allowed to.

Yet often it’s the religionists that are breeding like the lab rats they are.

The tool-using monkeys are collectively insane and current events don’t bode well for their salvation. Their futures may be straitjackets or the death rays of whatever civilization shows up and reacts with the appropriate disgust.

Western govt.s have been paying the stupid and lazy to breed for generations. They knew exactly what the results would be. Yet the hormones fed to the animals we eat are allegedly causing early puberty and height increases and probably a lot of the fat.

Don’t miss the comments on that.

Supporting modern Israel is supporting genocide:


FK – What about the oil and natural gas? Who or what gets that?

I’m sure there are several amerikan corporations ready to profit from the ‘enormous undertaking.’

The zionists are the real uniparty.

Trump Wants To Take Over Gaza, Announces 500,000 Dead

America First or Israel First? Sen. Rand Paul pushes back against Trump’s plan for Gaza

The Riviera of the Middle East? Does that include topless sunbathing and nude beaches and resorts?
If nudity itself offends you then you need to grow TF up and worry about something that actually MATTERS!!!!

Have they cracked the iceberg or still just sweeping off the snow?:

USAID is a Deep State Trojan Horse


FK – Of course they want to control the lie of democracy. It’s the ultimate political manipulation. Make the sheeple think ‘democracy’ equals freedom and they stay in their cage.

If Cuba has a hip hop scene it’s already been infiltrated.

Gee, if the cia is ousting commies in little foreign countries why can’t they oust the commies here?

There are hundreds to thousands of NGOs and globalist foundations in this country and you can bet that 90 + percent of their leadership should be tried for treason and executed.

FARA is basically moot since most of our GREATEST ENEMIES have always been DOMESTIC.

What was prez in 1938? What had it already done to destroy our form of govt.?

More than likely FARA was focused on groups opposed to the commie globalist takeover of America or what became amerika.

Who or what is more to blame, the outside enemy that built the horse or the inside enemies that drug it through the gate?

Trump’s NGO Apocalypse

George Soros Funded Anti-DOGE Protests Across America

Same standard question: If Trump’s military fights for our freedom why is Soros et al still breathing?????


In reality it should be the genuine people’s militia’s job to deal with such evil. But as I keep noting on here our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN and NO ADULT WOMEN left in this country who have any understanding of what their rights, duties and responsibilities, in a free republic where we ARE ALL BORN RESPONSIBLE, should be.

Instead they sit on their pathetic cowardly asses and wait for saviors.

This would be splitting the iceberg:

Who will really pay?:

Trump DOJ sues Chicago and Illinois over sanctuary laws, citing public safety risks

The taxpayers, or the banksters, or whatever really creates money will pay for this leaving the criminals to walk free and retire to speech making and book writing.

There is only one real solution:

If this doesn’t show you where you are then your head is too far up your ass for retrieval:


The hallway is full of commie trash applauding commie garbage which means your govt./’just-us’ dept./fed bureau of instigators and the other alphabet soup agencies are full of commie trash that  thinks this commie trash ‘did a good job.’

When WILL you grow up and realize what must be done?

Or maybe this will help you to understand where you are:

None of the speakers work for us. Only a nation of MEN can rectify this.

And once upon a time we had MEN:


FK – Have you read ‘Hamilton’s Curse?’ He wasn’t a good guy.

Now we have cowards that will sit home and wait their turns:

FK – Many elected, hired and appointed public servants have never read the constitution much less have any understanding of the Bills of Rights. They get into govt. to make money, the real god of this world.

This continues because our enemies have been successful and we have NO MEN left with any understanding of what their rights, duties and responsibilities are. We have nearly 500 mil. guns and NO MEN and thus no genuine people’s militias to use them.

‘We’ are the militia, not ‘I.’ I cannot stand against the flood. But we could if we had MEN and ADULT WOMEN. If we had the force we were trying to build 20 years ago the election fraud and the plandemic would have been dealt with in way it should have been.

Likely the garbage that orchestrated it would have already met its fate at the granite gallows in front of every govt. building.

The panthers were a commie front group but they drifted to the commies because the ‘conservatives’ had ignored their plight for too long. The Klan was organized to protect white southerners against yankee radicals after the war to keep taxing the southern states.

In the mid 19th century the democrats were the ‘conservatives’ and the republicrats were the radicals.

All this history and the fact it’s not taught in the govt. schools or churches, for a reason, matters.

‘National reciprocity’ so-called like all the 2nd Amend. sanctuaries and ‘constitutional carry’ laws are statute law and can be repealed by evil scat that we should be hanging on a regular basis.

We need to stop begging for grains of sand from a beach we already own.

FK – If Trump’s military fights for us their first airstrike should be WEF headquarters and all their other facilities.

Gee, will those who question the special little country still be labeled ‘antisemitic?’

The First Amendment doesn’t contain that word as an exception.

So we have more coal and oil and gas than any other country? So why is gas still so high?????

How does one obliterate nearly 40 trillion in debt fairly rapidly?

It goes up by a million every 17 seconds or so.

No mention of the demolition and genocide in Gaza????

Well I’ll mention it:

What do the special people actually believe?(Those of them, a minority that aren’t secular Marxists, that do ‘believe.’):

Search: Yossi Gurvitz

Reading the ancient tribal propaganda we can learn that some of their barbaric laws made sense, or maybe made sense for their time. Many others are atrocious for any time:

The fact that anyone takes that garbage seriously now is mind blowing.

Some more snow off the iceberg:

Pentagon Purge: Trump Fires Chairman of Joint Chiefs, Navy Chief, Other Top Brass

We need to do more than sweep the snow off the iceberg. We need to sink the iceberg.

The Government Says Money Isn’t Property—So It Can Take Yours

But that’s what free speech is:

You Probably Won’t Like What I Have to Say… But You Need to Hear It


FK – The avg. dumbass besides the avg. ‘conservative’ or libertarian has NO CONCEPTION of their right, DUTY and responsibility to pay attention and fight back and if you asked them to show up for genuine people’s militia training they’d run away like scared rabbits.

So yeah. amerika is dead.

That’s not black pilling. That’s simply acknowledging where we are in tool-using monkey history. All empires die. This one will be no different.

Trump will do a few ‘good things’ but at the end of his admin the establishment republicrats will likely have prevented us crossing the parsecs of space between where we are and what America is supposed to be.

I’ve been watching all this too long to think otherwise. They’re welcome to prove me wrong but I won’t be holding my breath.

‘So Bad*ss’: Support Grows for Idea of Adding President Donald Trump to Mount Rushmore

FK – Maybe we should at least wait till the end of this term and see if we still have an income tax, the fed, gun laws, communists in our schools and universities and textbook publishing companies, fed nazi agencies and a military that have only served the NWO for GENERATIONS, and that’s the short list…

FK – Sounds like a tiny step in the right direction. Now he needs to read ‘War is a Racket‘ and make sure the military fights for the Bill of Rights based upon the concept of natural rights that they all took an oath to uphold and protect and not for corporate or MIC profits.

Why aren’t the corporations that’ve made trillions from the wars of the last century plus paying for veterans’ health care and pensions?

The Brits are still tolerating their commie trash:

Slowly, stealthily, Starmer doubles down on two-tier justice

FK – The Brits fully deserve whatever is done to them after they stupidly surrendered their modern weapons 20+ years ago without killing their commie trash.

Trump suspends dozens of top officials for blocking his freeze on foreign aid

FK – Another tiny step in the right direction. Meanwhile the U.S. adds another million of debt every 16-17 seconds.

More things that are happening because our enemies have been successful and there are NO MEN left in western civ. and because the anatomical ‘males’ that are really grown children have forgotten what hot lead and rope is for:

The Great Taking – Documentary




And for what reasons?:

Trump: U.S. Will Take Over Gaza, ‘We Will Own It’

FK – So all the tourists who go there and slather on sun screen and roll around in the sand can be coated in the blood of thousands of Palestinian children.

What kind of monsters are we?

This kind:

‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza

According to A., who was an officer in a target operation room in the current war, the army’s international law department has never before given such “sweeping approval” for such a high collateral damage degree. “It’s not just that you can kill any person who is a Hamas soldier, which is clearly permitted and legitimate in terms of international law,” A. said. “But they directly tell you: ‘You are allowed to kill them along with many civilians.’

“Every person who wore a Hamas uniform in the past year or two could be bombed with 20 [civilians killed as] collateral damage, even without special permission,” A. continued. “In practice, the principle of proportionality did not exist.”

According to A., this was the policy for most of the time that he served. Only later did the military lower the collateral damage degree. “In this calculation, it could also be 20 children for a junior operative … It really wasn’t like that in the past,” A. explained. Asked about the security rationale behind this policy, A. replied: “Lethality.”

Hamas Official Has Regrets: Would Not Have Supported October 7 Had He Known Outcome

FK – So he didn’t grasp the false flag would give the Israelis an excuse to continue their genocide?

Like 9/11 it was allowed to happen.

What happened to 70×7?

What else will Trump take over?:


FK – Admit the rural provinces. Let the Canadian genuine people’s militias surround their major cities, cut off the water, electricity and roads and let the commie trash zombie themselves into extinction.

Then those will be acceptable. Especially if we do the same thing down here.

The ev thing like the rest of their agenda is about forcing us all into cities, villages, where we have little mobility or say and simply show up on time, do what we’re told and never ask inappropriate questions.

1984 was a basic blueprint not a warning.

Isn’t Canada and Australia still called ‘crown land?’

Let’s be painfully clear about something: The ‘christians’ of western civ. so-called sat on their asses for GENERATIONS while all this evil transpired and did NOTHING because their whorish preachers and priests told them to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end or for a savior that isn’t coming, according to whatever version, sub-version or subversion they make the pretense of following.

Their religion was designed for this effect.

What’s good for the goose apparently isn’t for the gander:

A Scramble for Europe Is Now Inevitable


Why do they keep trying to appease tyrants by using the false word ‘democracy’ when that word is no where to be found in the U.S. Constitution?

Democracy is always another form of manipulation.

The day Israel came for the booksellers

Those conducting an ongoing genocide cannot afford to have unauthorized propagandists noting it.

Inside the Israeli movement to recolonize Gaza

The election of Donald Trump to a second term greatly heightened the settler movement’s already maximalist ambitions. At the Nachala event in Sderot, there was a widespread feeling that with Trump in office, the settlers, and the far right more generally, would have even freer rein.

Standing in front of a banner promising to build “New Gaza” — an all-Jewish city on the ruins of what is now Gaza City — a man named Yaakov explained enthusiastically how a future that had once been unthinkable had, to his mind, become possible. “We are going to flatten all of Gaza and build a city on top of it,” he said. “If you asked me even six months [ago] about this, I would have said you were crazy.”

I had no clue what a mezuzah is.

Goose or gander?:

Australian nationalists mass banned from X as government pushes new ‘hate speech’ laws

What does that ‘n’ word even mean now anyway?

Or what monsters await their chance?:



FK – Don’t watch this guy very often. He seems a little too well packaged. Not that I disagree with all he’s claiming.

I’m more concerned with what his real purpose may be. But I can claim that about all political figures.

The right vs left crap is a construct, yet millions believe in it and are ready to murder millions of others for not going along with their program of whatever origin.

Maybe I missed the vid where this guy explains his program. My program is simple: restore the Bill of Rights based upon the concept of NATURAL RIGHTS which ACKNOWLEDGE our right to kill those who would enslave us further or keep us enslaved in whatever system one wants to think currently RULES us and end ALL forms of authoritarianism.

The word ‘antisemitism’ isn’t found in the First Amendment. Thus there are NO LIMITS on what groups or whatevers whose motives can be questioned.

I equate none of this with fun. This is a war.

Yes x shadow bans or whatever. They openly admit it by ‘limiting exposure’ or whatever. Few of my posts ever have any comments on them.

They accused me of posting ‘violence’ because I wrote we need to be hanging our globalist enemies. I didn’t write ‘lynching.’ We must have WAR CRIMES TRIALS as close to the top of they pyramid as we can get, even if we have to look off planet.

In the early 90s there was no internet. We had the mainstream newswhores which a tiny percentage of the pop. realized was evil. We had video tapes from gun shows, alt. publications that one actually had to go to the effort of searching out, and fax machines, and short wave radio.

I learned about short wave radio from a letter to the editor in the Louisville commie journal. Why they published it is another question.

Now everyone has a printing press they can hold in the palm of their hand. Most of the dumbasses have no clue of its power, potential, or of their right and duty to use or its potential. Most of them don’t want to know. They’d rather yell at and be rude to strangers in chat rooms/apps or whatever or follow whatever mindless ‘influencer’ is making the most money from producing garbage.

Naive is the word of they day:

FK – If the military fights for our freedom why aren’t we free?

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

Is Tiktok just not greasing the right palms?:


FK – Tiktok banned me, can’t log in. So they must consider me to be dangerous.

Fakebook disabled my acct. several years back. Or rather demanded a scan of some form of. I.D. They wouldn’t accept my library card.

x had suspended me or whatever until musk bought it. Now they simply shadow ban me. My posts rarely to never have a comment.

TT is no more evil than goolag, fakebook, goolagtube, and probably x, considering that Musk doesn’t seem to mind all the zionists in the Trump admin.

The trash knows who I am and has since the 90s. The primary reason I get on any of these platforms is to gather or spread propaganda.

They do this because we have NO MEN to hang them.

Who or what will be doing the hanging?:

FK – Money/greed is the true god of this world, regardless of pretense. Even Yashua allegedly told a parable about a rich man who left two or three guys in charge of his business or whatever and basically praised the guy who made the most with what he was left.

But then we have the eye of the needle thing.

And of course how much of it is literal has been argued over for 2000 or so years. But most modern ‘Christians’ are pathetically historically ignorant, even about their own religion, and have little clue of this and mostly don’t want one. That would require thought and if they applied too much of that they wouldn’t be ‘believers’ but thinkers.

I think the point is that Yashua focused on what the individual does or doesn’t do in regards to his fellow man/believers. He’s not quoted as saying “Force thy neighbor to be a good Samaritan at the point of a govt. sword or gun.”

If you don’t know the reason for ‘helping’ the illegals was so they could come here and vote commie and be good wage slaves for the corporations. It’s all part of destroying western civilization.

How many versions, sub-versions or subversions of what the ancient tribal propaganda claims are there? They all without exceptions pick out the verses they like, ignore the ones the don’t like and hate the ones that point out their particular sins.

amerikan politicians use the word ‘god’ when speaking to a national audience in order to not offend any of the various versions. Some of them when in front of evangelicals or whatever will use the name ‘Jesus’ because they know most fundamentalist voters are so stupid that just by hearing that they will assume the candidate is a good whatever.

If by some miracle we could hit the easy button and all the commie globalist trash dropped dead the next political movement would be which version, sub-version or subversion would rule, basically a return to what was going on for the last 2000 years

I had made the mistake of thinking that our population had grown up more than it has, particularly patriot types and even ‘christian patriots’ who I learned a lot from in my early waking up. But over the last few years I’ve had to acknowledge what a truly primitive species we still are.

And most ‘christian’ patriots are blind to the reality that modern Christianity has been infiltrated and turned into a slave creation device, In reality it was that from the beginning. But most of them now, unlike the Christians of whatever flavor that founded our country, have been indoctrinated to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end.

Then we have the versions that claim in opposition of one another, that either Modern Israel has to be completely established for Yashua to return or it has to be destroyed or on the brink of destruction.

But that all depends on whose apocalyptic literature, fiction and ‘non-fiction” so-proclaimed, one reads. If only I had a hundred dollar bill for every one of those written over the last century or so. I could give Musk a run for his rocket business.

Religion will not end. It will only continue to evolve and be re-interpreted as it always has such that each generation of believers is usually grossly ignorant of what even their grandparents thought about it.

I well remember the 60s when the older generation still thought women should only wear dresses, girls playing sports was un-ladylike and probably even sinful, and on and on. When I read the comment sections on a lot of these conservative sites and see them defending movies, tv shows, bikinis, and other things from a few decades back I’m all but amazed. They have no clue.

Biblical scholars who actually study the ancient tribal propaganda and its origins will tell you that Moses didn’t write the books attributed to him.

If one went back in a time machine and told the old people of my youth what had transpired here in the last 4 years they’d immediately call the guys in the white suits to come take you away.

The church I grew up in had a preacher who told us during one Sunday service that “If this church has a dance I’m leaving.” That was because the big Baptist Church in town was having one.

Now the mega churches hold baptismal services with the young women wearing one piece bathing suits. I can only imagine what my great grand-stepmother in her black Victorian dress would make of that.

Of course we still have holy rollers who’s females wear dresses that are probably too short for biblical times and ‘conservative’ Catholics who think there hasn’t been a legitimate pope since the Vatican council of the 60s when the church declared that one no longer has to be catholic to get into heaven.

It’s all gross insanity and they’re all blind to it.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Did Yashua tell anyone not to take the vax?

The plandemic isn’t over and may never be:


FK – All we see and hear in this existence is a diversion.

We need WAR CRIMES TRIALS and PUBLIC HANGINGS!!!!!!!! We need to SET A PRECEDENT!!!!!!!!!

But our enemies have been successful and we have nearly 500 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them as part of the genuine peop[e’s militia.

And the plandemic is far from over:


SHOCKING: What they DIDN’T tell us about the Covid-19 vaccine

Another State Moves to Ban Covid ‘Vaccines’ Over Surging Deaths

RFK Jr. Orchestrates New Vaccine $care

Epidemiologist Reveals New Data Linking Covid ‘Vaccines’ to Global Heart Death Surge

Study of 9 Million Confirms Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause AIDS

“Follow The Silenced” exposes COVID-19 vaccine injuries and the CENSORSHIP of victims

Just now realizing this? Really?:

Those who paid attention knew within a month or so of the beginning of the plandemic that corona or whatever was a bioweapon.

It became obvious that it was almost certainly intentionally released.

We knew they’d intro a vax and try to force it on the population which told anyone with two brain cells to rub together not to take it.

Millions to billions did so anyway because they would rather die than think or pay attention. 

I cannot feel sorry for them.

Yep, I did:

Real or not, Corona is a setup

An ongoing act of biowar

What if the guy with the glasses is not acting?:


FK – If the guy is so intelligent why couldn’t he read the stack of papers?

He’s very ‘believable’ but maybe he’s just a good actor.

If they can wipe memories they can probably also install them.

If they’re so much faster and smarter why do they even need the tool-using monkeys?

If they’re so advanced what’s the point of their habitation of Earth?

If they wanted to control our population they could probably easily do that. If not then they’re not all powerful.

What kind of laws do we exist by in the prison cell? This matters very much, as the ancients asked: “How shall we then live?” Which gave the ancient elites the impetus to create the religions in the name of control.

This seems to still be distraction from whatever our real situation is, if even the ‘aliens’ know.

If whatever put us here has the mentality of a bronze age king then we’re screwed anyway.

Millions to billions put much faith in the left/right paradigm and their insane religions and are quite happy to murder millions of others to ensure their version, sub-version or subversion rules their neighbors.

What does Mr. Icke think of the ‘right to bear arms’ or the concept of natural rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights? This would tell us much.

Of course technological progress is no guarantor of cultural progress. The tool-using monkeys prove this every day.

The original vid is on goolagtube on Icke’s channel. I don’t link to the evil goolagtube anymore. If you wonder why peruse my site and see all the vids and content producers they’ve erased from their evil platform.

Or maybe this version:


News Flash – World’s smartest guy says conspiracies are real:


FK – The republic died in 1865 when a portion of the states told another portion at the point of a gun with 600,000 dead, “You can’t un-volunteer from something you volunteered for.”

It took him that long to realize he was being lied to about the plandemic? Gee, I feel so much smarter now.

They both need to interview Richard Dolan.

I probably don’t want to see any ghosts. Maybe that’s why I’ve never seen one. I think I have seen the shadows though.

Did he have any missing time?

The CIA by definition, good or bad, because their primary purpose is allegedly to wage war on behalf of the United States, could NEVER commit to telling anyone ‘the truth’ in any situation because the truth is the first casualty of war and they would undoubtedly have certain ‘truths’ it would not be wise to divulge because of ‘national security’ per se.

Has he ever read ‘The Art of War?”

I’ve never found any ‘meaning’ in any of the shit blue collar jobs I’ve had. I did learn what it’s like to be treated like a jackass.

Every ‘job’ (just over broke) is serving mammon, unless one really is just rich, bored and stupid.

Plenty o’commies in the Catholic Church. Nothing new about that. Watch the movie ‘Conclave.’ What are the Jesuits?

Apparently they’ve never heard the old saw, “Art is in the eye of the beerholder.”

Centuries ago only the church funded art, or wealthy men who knew in one way or another they had to answer to the church.

Now we have ‘free speech’ which ACKNOWLEDGES that in reality there’s no such thing as heresy or blasphemy. Doesn’t mean there’s no such thing as poor taste or bad taste. The fedgov might fund a velvet Elvis but the issue would be ‘Why is any govt. on any level funding any art?’

When I’m walking around the redneck mecca beholding all the walruses that actually bred I have a VERY HARD TIME seeing the beauty in the creation. That’s plenty demoralizing.

If god so-called doesn’t tolerate evil what’s going on in Gaza, just for a tiny starter? NO ONE has ever been made to pay a price for the murder of the Branch Davidians, members of the Weaver family, or the ‘victims’ of the 9/11 false flag.

So we have to do away with any art he finds offensive? How long is that list? How long was Stalin’s or Hitler’s?

Does art imitate life or vice versa? What’s the purpose of the painting ‘The Scream?’

I find the ancient tribal propaganda and any blind faith in it to be exceedingly demoralizing.

Any advanced culture would seek to prevent the obviously mentally ill or maybe birth defected or both from presenting a danger to children.

Basically the U.S, Constitution is a strict but loophole filled description of what the fedgov is supposed to be. Lot’s of stuff isn’t mentioned. The trannies and the religionists have every right to find their own version of happiness as long as they don’t seek to force it on anyone else.

If the god of the Torah by whichever name wasn’t tolerating his version of evil wouldn’t lighting be striking every home occupied by ‘gay couples?’ Or every home where child abuse or incest is taking place?

Here’s my reading list.

If we exterminate ‘cultural Marxism’ so-called as we should but return to the dark ignorance of the past we won’t be ‘progressing’ any more.

If god by whatever name doesn’t tolerate evil yet there is a duality by necessity you just blew the bravo sierra meter or rather the contradiction meter.

Can’t have it both ways.

Eternal torture vs eternal slavery is ‘free will’ within parameters. It’s not true ‘free will.’

But then we don’t have that in an atheist or agnostic universe either. I might choose to sprout feather wings and flit about the moon but it’s not likely to happen because I lack the tech or the proper knowledge of genetic manipulation.

Something Arthur C. Clark said about any sufficiently advanced tech being equal to magic.

That’s probably why we don’t understand alien physics.

There’s no way with our understanding of human biology to prove immaculate conception (well, I meant that the holy spirit knocked her up)  at least that I’ve heard of. Maybe some religionist apologist has created a neat set of lies about it as they are often wont to do.

Quoting the ancient tribal propaganda doesn’t prove it. The more I look at all this the more I realize how insane it all is.

The avg. believer knows nothing about Aristotle or neo Platonism or even the history of their own religion. Had a guy tell me once that the baptists go back to the time of Christ.

I knew better but not enough then to argue it with him as my govt. church rarely to never told me any real history.

That’s not in their interest nor is it their job description.

The avg. dumbass has no conception of what meaning is supposed to be. Not because it’s hard to define but because as he said they all love money, greed, the true god of this world. They’re just not smart enough or vicious or disciplined or whatever enough to get rich. There’s nothing new about this.

Real meaning is the pursuit of understanding which leads one to value human liberty based upon the concept of natural rights without which we await those who are willing to tell enough lies or spill enough blood to dictate ‘how shall we then live’ to all around them.

It’s the oldest game: King of the Hill.

When exactly was that time when the tool-using monkeys at large cared about meaning and truth? That’s always been a minuscule minority and probably will be for a long time if not forever.

What is it Musk or someone thinks, that we’re several layers down in the simulation and that who or whatever made this one is someone else’s?

I like my theory: This is some cosmic teenager’s gameboy headed for the landfill as soon as he leaves for college.

It would explain a lot.

It should be a restoration. Revolution is what the communists do.


Here’s the secret: Ignorance and fear will continue to reign for a very long time at the behest of their master, money, or greed, the true god of this world.

If the tool using monkeys don’t replace themselves:

FK – Can a problem be solved by the same faulty moral compass that created it?

What a joke. The govt. oversaw the plandemic and the ongoing murder and disabling of millions.

Or if this guy is right:


Oh, I see a lot more than that, that’s only a good start:

The question as always is: How does one define ’empathy.’ –

And that’s pretty much all we have left.

“Fact of the matter is, there is no hip world, there is no straight world. There’s a world, you see, which has people in it who believe in a variety of different things. Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence.” ~ Frank Zappa (1940-1993) American Musician

Necks that need rope burns, a speech to the NRA?

Well he started out good…

FULL SPEECH: Vivek Ramaswamy Remarks to NRA Leadership Forum

FK – Here in amerika we have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

The union invaded the southern states so they could keep taxing them. Only a political child buys the propaganda that they, as ‘white supremacist’ as they really were then, killed 600,000 young white men to ‘free’ the southern slaves.

The slaves were freed by the 13th Amendment, not Lincoln.

This guy may be well-intentioned but he still has a lot to learn. Or maybe he knows that when speaking to the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group he has to tow their propaganda line. The NRA was founded by yankee generals after all, because they were disappointed that their conscripts, young men forced to fight for northern greed, couldn’t shoot well enough.

Then he marches into a greater absurdity. The demonscat party of today bears no resemblance to that of the mid 19th century which was the ‘conservative’ party of that time. The republicrat party of that time contained the radicals. There have been books written about that reality.

Hoover at least in his youth was fighting communists in this country. And McCarthy was right.

And it just keeps getting worse. The Second Amendment like the rest of our Bills of Rights can only ACKNOWLEDGE our natural rights. It takes MEN and ADULT WOMEN of which we have basically none to RESTORE what has been lost and to be ready for what happens when an evil govt. like the one we have now blatantly ignores the Bill of Rights as it’s been doing for over a century.

One wonders what the reaction would have been if he had mentioned the ‘m’ word most self-proclaimed supporters of the ‘right to bear arms’ are so frightened of. It’s the basis of the Second Amendment but most would rather die than form one or train with a genuine people’s militia so they’re ready to do what should be done, what should have already been done, when the govt. comes for their neighbors’ guns.

See the Branch Davidians and the Weaver family.

In Jan. 2021 when the fedgov surrendered all legitimacy we passed the point of no return.

We should be holding war crimes trials for the murders mentioned above, the stolen elections and the plandemic. But will this guy see the necessity of that?

What will he do if/when the globalists steal the election from him, assuming he’s not among their number?

The pledge of allegiance so-called was written by a socialist preacher, as if those two things can go together. I doubt that the anti-Federalists who insisted on a Bill of Rights would go along with such.

Our country is not supposed to be about blindly believing/obeying any authority much less pledging ‘allegiance'(servitude) to a piece of cloth that has long since ceased to represent what its creators intended.

Words on parchment or ink on paper or ones and zeroes in cyberspace have not ‘stood in their way’ for nearly a century. If they had neither the NFA nor the 68 gun control act, both of which the NRA supported, would have been passed.

The words and intention of the Second Amendment have been blatantly ignored and trampled upon by both its enemies and its supporters for multiple generations.

This is because neither side in the so-called culture war want true liberty much less to continue the concept of natural rights this country was founded upon because that might mean their necks would as they should end up with rope burns.

But again we have NO MEN and NO ADULT WOMEN to bring this about.

Nearly 7 minutes in and all I’ve heard so far are basic ‘conservative’ talking points most of which might have been pulled from the American Rifleman or some other milquetoast publication.

Well, they are better than they were in the 90s when the extremists of that period were struggling to get basic, licensed, ‘concealed carry’ to be ‘allowed’ by some states.

How pathetic. The Second Amendment made the same claims then that it does now and did over 200 years ago yet so many felt the necessity of begging for grains of sand when ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ are supposed to own the beach.

Again, that was because we had/have NO MEN to do what must be done.

Self defense certainly was/is a crime in many parts of this depraved over the cliff country. In some places it will still earn you a prison sentence.

The Founders who wanted/wrote the constitution, some for good, some for bad, reasons, took basic self defense as a commonplace right and thus did not include it in our Bill of Rights. It would have seemed absurd to them to forbid it.

What they did with the Second Amendment was ACKNOWLEDGE the natural born right of ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ to destroy any evil govt. that might bring our natural rights including free speech and free press into question.

We passed those markers long ago.

In reality I now see that the NRA and most ‘conservative’ groups, many of which are as fake as the NRA, are defending a bridge over a river that dried up long ago.

The lobsterbacks went out on what should be our nations real birthday, the day they shot back, to seize ‘cannon, powder and shot,’ and small arms.

That’s why the Second Amendment reads ‘ARMS.’ The local militias possessed those things just as our genuine people’s militias of today should possess at the least stinger or other anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank weaponry to deal with any forces our evil chiefs of staff might send after us.

But instead our govt. that is controlled by the arms makers send billions in ‘ARMS’ to help globalist allies fight for their false freedom, or leave them behind in the graveyard of empires.

The fact that so few understand this proves amerika is in the graveyard, waiting for the dirt that will surely cover our bones for some future archaeologists if there are such things to dig up and lie about.

The ‘in god we trust’ thing didn’t come about until the 1950s. The Founders knew full well the danger of organized religion and sought to keep its power and influence out of governments. They knew their history and how millions had died in wars over whose version, sub-version or subversion of what ‘god’ is or should be would RULE.

That’s what all this is about, WHO WILL RULE.

Modern churches have obviously been infiltrated, long ago, now convinced to sit on their asses and wait for the world to end when our ancestors prayed then the MEN and ADULT WOMEN got up off their asses and went to kill their enemies.

If you want to solve the problem you need to hang the Marxist globalists and their rich elite donors who built the schools for their own purposes.

If we dealt with our real enemies who have ALWAYS BEEN HERE the border wouldn’t be an issue.

The family structure is useless in a representative republic if the parents are ignorant of their own history and reality and waste so much of their time in exchange for money they can’t continue a real adult education and allow daycares and government schools to raise their children for them.

This country has existed on mythologies for most of its lifespan. The current war is about replacing those mythologies with new ones. In a couple generations the sheeple won’t know the difference just like they have no clue now.

For most being an amerikan means getting a check, job or some other benefit while blindly believing/obeying authority of whatever kind. How many took the vax and wore the masks and cashed the ‘stimulus checks?

What it means to be an AMERICAN not an amerikan is to be ready to step out the door and defend your neighbors from tyranny at the drop of a hat, not sit in your recliner and recite ‘molon labe’ which has a modern translation of ‘I’ll sit home and wait my turn.’

Those who possessed this continent 500 years ago probably considered our ancestors to be lawbreakers. Our ancestors conquered this continent by breaking treaty after treaty with the ‘native americans.’ Simple fact.

We must teach real history warts and all and not mythologies. If we are to RESTORE what has been lost or maybe never really had, then we need a nation of MEN and ADULT WOMEN who teach their children ‘You don’t know what you might have to do in your time in this world up to and including killing your enemies.’

Those who exist in denial of this reality are committing child abuse of future generations.

Shutting down the Marxist bureaucracy will do no good without hanging those who run the Marxist teachers unions and those who fund the hundreds to thousands of Marxist globalist Foundations and front groups that have spewed their propaganda for multiple generations.

The federal bureau of instigators only needs to be replaced with an agency whose leadership isn’t appointed by the current executive administration and whose only job is to investigate government corruption/infiltration by authoritarian elements of all kinds on all levels.

The batf nazi trash have been enforcing laws that don’t belong in a free country and should be provided treason trials and execution for such.

Enforcing the Bill of Rights, the basis of our form of government, with statute law is ludicrous. Statute law can be later repealed by demonscat or republicrat or whatever trash that lies its way into power in the future.

We simply need to ENFORCE the Bills of Rights of the federal and several states constitutions. But again, WE HAVE NO MEN AND NO ADULT WOMEN TO DO THIS.

This is the root of why we are in this situation.

GCA 68 was de facto registration just like the socialist security number is how they ‘marked’ us. Most of the brain dead sheeple and most ‘conservatives’ and libertarians dutifully filed their tax returns with no clue of why we have an income tax or how we got one or what its source is or who or what funded its creation.

That’s just a little too much thinking for most of them. It’s easier to vote for a demagogue and/or wait for some temporal or whatever savior to come and magically solve their problems for them.

Giving guns to brain dead sheeple with no military experience much less the mere thought of why that might be important is like giving bear spray to sheep. They’re just going to stare at you with their mouths hanging open. I know, I’ve seen it for over a quarter century now.

From many one is a ‘fascist’ concept that goes back millennia. The U.S. House has fasces on its wall. Look that up.

This guy doesn’t even have a Bitchute or Gab account.

The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only real reason for the militia

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

A new birth of Liberty, or death

A modern 10 commandments

What to teach your kids

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

Why the commie globalists want us disarmed

The most important things to do

What I told my elected public servants about ‘gun control’

AR15’s are Weapons of War? (2nd Amendment Fact & Admitting the Truth)

PROOF the NRA Stands WITH Anti-Gunners AGAINST the 2nd!

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

The Coddling of the American Mind: How Overprotective Parenting Led to Fragility on Campus

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

A precursor to Hell on Earth

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

How nations fall and empires rise

Generals: We will murder real Americans

The fed gov has lost all legitimacy

The earth turns over and an empire falls

The obedient must be slaves


Tomorrow, April 19, is our real birthday

A couple days ago I heard another stream of lies on national propaganda radio about the upcoming anniversary of the ‘OK City Bombing.’ As usual the commie trash that we’d be hunting to extinction if there were any men here were whining about the loss of Fed Nazi life when the BATF Nazi trash weren’t even there that morning. They’d been warned, or were complicit.

I won’t go over all the research that was done in subsequent years or the books written that show at best it was probably some kind of govt. op. The Patriot Movement had been growing by leaps and bounds in the 90s since the beginning of the klinton era. After the bombing it deflated like a popped balloon, showing that by that time there were still not enough men left here.

Tomorrow is our birthday(First published here)
Barry Bright
April 18, 2008

One can learn something new every day, providing an effort is made. During my daily quest for a news junkie fix I ran across this:

“The ATF still worships Eliot Ness. They have Eliot Ness Golf Tournaments and annual Eliot Ness birthday bashes. They host these on the anniversary of Ness’s birthday, 19 April 1903. Yep, that’s right, the ATF’s patron saint was born on Patriot’s Day, the day of Lexington and Concord — the day the Founders’ Republic was born in blood and fire. And thanks to that unhappy fact, we mark the anniversary of Waco on the same day — but more about that in a minute.”

Who woulda’ thought? It’s ironic indeed that the patron saint of the most evil law enforcement agency on the planet today would share what should be our nation’s most important holiday, to commemorate April 19, 1775 the day our ancestors shot back.

The universe is full of strange coincidences. But I really no longer believe in them. To observe what is being done to this country, now an empire possibly on the decline, or at least in transition, is to realize that what one of our worst presidents said was probably an understatement:

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt, Father of the Welfare State

For years now I’ve thought we need to make an effort to recognize this important holiday. While attending an 18th century trade fair a while back I admired a powder horn inscribed with scenes of Lexington and Concord on that fateful day. I told the maker that should be our biggest holiday because that was the day they shot back. He gave me a knowing smile.

Not to take anything away from those who struggled with rolled up sleeves or in fancy wigs in Philadelphia heat over a year later, putting their lives and fortunes on the line by scripting and later signing a Declaration of Independence from English rule. But they didn’t, most of them, have to stand up and face British lead.

The signers, founders, were mostly either the aristocrats of the colonies, or important businessmen. The men who stood on the green and at the bridge were of a different stock. They had spent their lives on their farms, or in their shops, sweating every day for their food.

They were the common man who according to the laws of their day had shown up on occasion to train with the ‘militia,’ which often more amounted to an excuse to socialize with neighbors and party than to practice their marching and shooting. Not much has changed about human behavior.

General Washington struggled the entire war to create a ‘professional army’ that could stand across from the empire’s troops and face the volleys of fire with courage and resolve. But there were times when the militias were useful and even turned the tide of battle, times when fighting by their enemies’ rules wasn’t the best idea. For doing so would have ensured defeat, for their forces and their Liberty.

In history class they don’t teach how few actually stood, or hid behind a fence, or did the numerous other things it takes to carry out a war. In a collection of colonies with about 3 million people only 3-7 percent of them actually fought or participated.

Many kept bowing to their earthly king. Others went into battle with the cry, “No king but King Jesus.”

We need a similar battle cry today, but with the knowledge that a majority of the now 300 million sheeple of these no-longer sovereign nation states will have no clue what we’re talking about. It should be our job to make sure they do.

Why haven’t we been petitioning Congress and the state legislatures to honor “Patriots’ Day.?” Do the NRA and other ‘pro gun’ groups hold special shoots and ‘militia’ meetings on this day? If not why not?

We will have to start small of course. You can do what Teddy Roosevelt said, by doing what you can with what you have where you are. Here in Kentucky we have a Take Back Kentucky meeting tomorrow. There’ll be no shooting, but we will be standing against this evil we all face.

Every April here in Kentucky is the Machine Gun Shoot at Knob Creek Gun Range. It was canceled this year because of rain, but couldn’t they plan next year for some kind of short ceremony before the evening shoots to educate the attendees, who are often from all walks of life and parts of the country and the world, about our most important holiday?

Of course celebrating such a thing as killing government troops won’t be politically correct. Personally that’s what I love about it. But it gives a perfect opportunity to explain the nature of government, which of course is force.

We can have fun telling pacifist “Liberal” idiots that every time they vote they’re electing someone to hire someone to stick a gun in their neighbors’ faces to force their socialist garbage on them.

A weapon can be anything from a pen, to a computer to an ‘assault weapon’ to a ballot box. All of the Bill of Rights are based on our most basic right, the right to self defense, the right to fight back. If we’re not fighting for the right to fight back what are we fighting for?

If the pacifist “Liberal” freaks could be made to understand that maybe some of them would stay home on election day. OK, I’m dreaming. We all know they have no problem using violence to get their way.

So we need to understand that the day will probably come when we are forced by them to use violence to stop their incessant march to total tyranny.

A new birth of Liberty, or death

In reality, one well placed round is all it would take. But the coming civil war won’t be fought only by snipers and sharpshooters. Suppressive fire is a thing.

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

goolagtgube took the next vid down so follow the link:

OKC – A Conspiracy Theory


Go here to see what else the Fed Nazis are capable of…

Why aren’t we hunting our blood domestic enemies, our greatest enemies, to extinction?

The only real reason for the militia

And don’t forget to properly indoctrinate the next generation:

What to teach your kids

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Sanctuaries are where cowards hide their buried guns

The law the militia should be enforcing

It’s July 4: What are we really celebrating?

WATCH The Young Turks Unwittingly Promote SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED as They Slander a Trump Supporter!


FK – Have you watched ‘The Swamp?’ What are they not telling you?

That old well-meaning guy needs to keep learning/waking up. We’re not free now. We cannot be ‘great’ if we’re not free.

You are dealing with trash that would arrest Paul Revere for inciting violence. But there are no men here to do what must be done.

Actually he did ‘threaten violence’ in so many words. As he should be doing. It’s our NATURAL RIGHT to tell the trash that it’s our NATURAL RIGHT to kill them when they work to enslave us further.

But again there are no men here to stand up for this reality.

Communism has a clear history of misery, slavery and murder yet we tolerate this scat spewing forth its filth to young minds and to the simple-minded and the ignorant and the desperate.
There is no right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. Those who do so deserve to be hunted to extinction.

TYTs are not ‘pansies’ They fully comprehend the evil they participate in and the outcomes, well maybe except for the part where the machine they helped create carts them off to the re-education camp. At best they are paid whores.

I’ve heard the drone of such garbage for 25 years. I don’t have to waste time analyzing it. I know what it is and what it intends.

The patriot newbie guidebook

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

The Bill of Rights, the document that makes us exceptional, is what we’re fighting for.

We tried years ago to build the militias that we NEED NOW and since there are basically none or not enough to make a real difference the amerikan male fully deserves the big dick that will be crammed in its face while its women and children are turned into lifelong whores for the NWO, you know that thing we used to talk about before the morons heard about ‘the swamp.’

There will be no where to hide from it. As some wise man once said the wheels of govt. grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine.

And nobody’s gonna get beamed up. That’s another set of lies billions of morons have been sold to keep them pacified and stupid and satisfied with their slavery.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

Choosing sides

What to teach your kids

It would be nonsense to ‘fight for Trump’ or any demagogue. But that may be the best we could hope for. Most self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ or ‘patriots’ or ‘real Americans’ with their MAGA caps have no real understanding of what we should be fighting for and are so blinded by the daily squabbles, distractions, that accompany every administration they are unlikely to learn. One may as well flail a brick wall with with a wet mop.

Actually I’ve seen many such comments, about a civil war if the commie globalist trash remove Trump in one way or another, from keyboard commandos and morons with no real support base, no local genuine peoples’ militia, no idea of how many in the military would do as they should and kill any superior officer that commands them to help finish off our Bills of Rights that have been seriously damaged for 160 years by both major parties.

Unless there is some secret black force out there with real operators who understand they should be fighting for NATURAL RIGHTS not a charismatic politician, with real capabilities, skills, mindset, training, equipment whatever that I haven’t heard of and don’t want to hear of until necessary then amerika or what’s left of it is screwed.

And most will outstretch their hands and grab that big fat govt. cock and kiss, fondle and suck it as commanded as long as they can keep their bigscreens, their car payments and mortgages and ice cream and steak or beer and sports or religion that helps them avoid reality and the personal responsibility that comes with it.

They love their slavery.

The commie trash in red is right. Morons think they will sit home and wait their turn and that makes them brave. I’ve heard it for 20 years.

The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our NATURAL BORN RIGHTS! WE ARE!!!!!!!!
Their only goal is our submission. All the rest is propaganda.

When we allow our enemies to decide what we are ‘allowed’ to say or do or own they own us.

The republicrats have proven multiple times they have no interest in saving us or our Bills of Rights. The Tree of Liberty must be watered and soon.

Until those who claim they want to live free learn to rule those who don’t nothing will get better.

Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?

All gun control is an act of war. There’s no such thing as a good ‘gun law.’ All gun control is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to accept more control with total civilian disarmament being the final objective thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against human Liberty and executed.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

We have a long way to go

What the evil is doing to our ‘mother country,’:

FK – Nowww do you know why they took your guns? Do you see yet that democracy is a lie? Labor(demonscat here in amerika) = communists. Stop lying to yourselves. This evil was always their plan. You were a Dupe all those years. FACE up to it!

Here in amerika the evil calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ to hide its evil from the ignorant and the desperate it depends on for votes. The demonscat party here once called itself the ‘party of the little man.’ But now the little man is no longer of any use to them. They and their globalist masters consider us all to be livestock. All their actions must be judged by that fact.

“Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

And what’s being done to our former enemies:


FK – The globalists nuked Nippon for non-participation twice in the 20th century. Don’t dream they wouldn’t do it again.

What are the roots of ‘social justice?’ Do you know?

Social Justice: Not What You Think It Is

Do the Japs know the proper way to spell amerika because of what it’s become?

Sounds like their religion is still a good control device.

The most important things to do

Sounds like the propagandists have established a foothold there. If the Japanese people have any sense left they will exterminate them before they put down any roots at all. They are waging war.

Good advice regularly ignored:


FK – We must discard the illusion that we have commie trash ‘friends.’ Every time they vote they vote to murder us and end human liberty, kill Natural rights and enslave humanity. It’s not our fault they refuse to understand this reality.

One can lead a jackass to a library but one cannot make it think.

There’s no such thing as casual ‘friends’

Anger can make it hard to exercise good trigger control. But patience is not a virtue when it leads you into prison.

In reality our enemies have been successful. There are no men left in western civ. who understand the dire need to act yesterday. Here in amerika we are still basically armed but guns without the will to use them are toys for the range and the deer stand. We lack the genuine peoples’ militias that should’ve been built decades ago and used when the black-suited Nazis fired into a building full of women and children outside Waco, Tx.

amerikan troops should’ve been kept home from Vietnam and Korea and told to hunt and exterminate the commie trash here first, here, where our greatest enemies have always been.

The fight should be for global human liberty and natural rights for all. The evil ones are aiming for global domination and nothing less. Their only goal is our submission. All else that spews out of their filthy upper sewers is propaganda to achieve that goal.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

They know they’re waging war. Why don’t you?

Are you sure no commie trash has been buying guns?

What will you do when they come for your neighbors’ guns?

Never ever underestimate them. They are led by highly intelligent evil.

If self-proclaimed ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ don’t understand the evil they face by now and what must be done about it, NOW, then the empire is indeed in a tailspin and there’s no saving it.

Our Bill of Rights, the basis of ALL our ‘law,’ is ignored on a daily basis in thousands of ways. We lost the ‘rule of law’ long ago.

The only question that matters is: Where are the men to do what must be done when they say “Turn them in?” If we’re not prepared for the worst case scenario we’re still losing. Lawsuits and trivial political details will mean nothing at that point.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

When Armed Resistance to Tyranny is Appropriate

Family of Mexico Massacre Victims Message to America: “Hold On To your Guns!”

Feel free to share, if you have the courage and you probably don’t.

MUST SEE!! An URGENT MESSAGE for ALL Trump Supporters!


FK – Don’t worry, amerikan politiks has become like the cards vs. the cats and the fanatics are now too stupid to understand that their savior is just another tool that was never intended to work for them.

Oh, and there are NO MEN HERE to do a damn thing about it or we’d have public genuine peoples’ militias in every country to deal with this evil.

A precursor to Hell on Earth

There’s nothing new in the human psyche about looking for saviors:

FK – For multiple millennia the sheeple bowed before ‘god appointed’ kings or kings who claimed to be gods now they vote for the savior of their choice and ignore the real results of their actions. In reality they are voting for tools that don’t represent us but most are too blind to see this.

Whatever ‘created’ us or manipulated our DNA probably saw an advantage in the control device that religion provides. Most so-called adults are really children anyway. I see it every day.

You really need to learn to ‘read around the fringe’ as one of my psych professors encouraged us to do and then enlarge the fringes. The scholarly world has its own bugaboos.

Religion like democracy was either created or infiltrated and manipulated as another control device.

Real or not, this info like religions and political saviors can and will be used as another control device:


FK – Wars and rumors of wars. It’s always been that way and probably always will be.

We are the biological weapon symbolically represented in the ‘Alien’ movies.

So-called ‘non-violence’ aka pacifism is dangerous and evil. It’s raising children to be willing slaves.

It’s time to put guns back in the schools and educate children in reality not communist fantasy land.

What to teach your kids

Ignorance/simple answers to complex issues is/are always easier. That’s what’s kept the churches in business all these years. It eliminates the ‘believers’ desire, if they had any at all, to take on personal responsibility for the world they exist in.

Religion like democracy is another control device. Be a good slave and you’ll have paradise in the next life. Millions of morons wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while believing ‘it’s all foretold and we can’t do anything about it’ is a major part of the problem and one of the elites’ best tools for control. It was probably designed that way.

The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war or ‘Waking up is hard to do’

The purposes of gods and golden rules

A few things that might matter, or ‘The Basics’ part two

Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?

No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights

We can send the sacred, or scared, cows to Australia

The most important things to do

A conspiracy to indoctrinate, or “What is an education?”

What’s the ultimate question?

Christian rebels and modern cowards

Whose coop are we in?:

FK – I know what your rooster and dead commies should have in common. Did ya’ catch that?

But once again there are no men here to provide what must be done.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

The origin of the right to keep and bear arms

The cancer on America’s face, or why I do what I do…

A new birth of Liberty, or death

Proven right once again:


FK – Easy, every time you see a cop by the side of the road take a picture and report a government terrorist.

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

Dear Baby Boomer Conservatives, It’s Time to Face Reality


FK – If this plays out then I’ll be proven right about the wall. It will be praised by a future commie prez and be used to keep us in.

Is the reason for their ‘hatred’ of individual liberty ignorance, religion, culture, genetics, what?

Meanwhile our enemies continue to spread their lies:

Berkeley hosts prof to discuss how search engines are racist

How to fund our future imprisonment:


FK – So if they’re failing that badly why aren’t planes falling out of the sky on a daily basis?

Maybe the federal bureau of instigators isn’t trying hard enough to railroad created ‘terrorists’ into prison.

And we wouldn’t be distracted by their propaganda:


FK – If there were any men left in western civ. we’d be hunting this garbage to extinction.

What is a man, really?

The only real reason for the militia

What to teach your kids

A feminine perspective:

FK – They will NEVER allow you to exist in peace and liberty. You must take it from them or go buy a pair of kneepads and hope they let you wear them.

So close yet so far:

FK – Apparently you suffer from a gross miss-understanding of the situation you are in. We are NOT free here, we are parsecs from where we should be.

If the troops were fighting for our freedom, they’d all be here.

The patriot newbie guidebook

BRING THEM HOME and let them HUNT our real ENEMIES!

We should’ve kept our troops home from Vietnam and Korea and had them kill the commies here first. We need to bring them home now.

The empire’s military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.

If the military were fighting for our liberty they’d all be here.

I’m a vet, do ya’ want to thank me?

The most important things to do

The republicrats have proven multiple times they have no interest in saving us or our Bills of Rights. The Tree of Liberty must be watered and soon.

Until those who claim they want to live free learn to rule those who don’t nothing will get better.

Where are the genuine peoples’ militias we need in every county to deal with this evil?

All gun control is an act of war.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Feel free to share, if you have the courage.

Families of Sandy Hook shooting victims win legal victory in lawsuit against InfoWars, Alex Jones

Six families of victims killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School won a legal victory Friday in their fight against controversial radio and internet personality Alex Jones.

A judge in Connecticut has granted the families’ discovery requests, allowing them access to, among other things, Infowars’ internal marketing and financial documents.

The judge has scheduled a hearing next week to decide whether to allow the plaintiffs’ attorneys to depose Jones.

The plaintiffs include the parents of five children who went to the school as well as family members of first-grade teacher Victoria Leigh Soto and Principal Dawn Hochsprung, according to a statement from the plaintiff’s attorneys.

According to the statement, the plaintiffs allege a “years-long campaign of abusive and outrageous false statements in which Jones and the other defendants have developed, amplified and perpetuated claims that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged and that the 26 families who lost loved ones that day are paid actors who faked their relative’s deaths.”

FK – In reality it would’ve been cheaper for them to hire a couple extra shooters to ensure a high body count for propaganda purposes, i.e. encouraging the brain dead sheeple in this country to support disarming the civilian population, which is what this is all about.

To be clear for the brain dead I never bought into the ‘crisis actor thing. Our govt. has proven over and over again it doesn’t mind killing children, from Waco to the Weaver family(and no fed nazis have ever been made to personally pay for that evil) to the ‘collateral damage’ in the war on terror

I’ve watched Jones for years and don’t agree with all he says/does and can’t prove that he’s a real patriot or a faker. I tend to think the former.

I didn’t watch all he ever did on this issue but my understanding was he simply interviewed some who held views contrary to the mainstream version of reality of Sandy Hook, which was used by the commie trash and political establishment to push for disarming the common people so they can’t fight back against them.

So basically he was doing what any mainstream newswhore does on a daily basis, dealing in attribution and conjecture.

The globalist garbage that walks among us want our First Amendment destroyed and the internet mainstreamed since both have been turned against them in recent years.

Their only goal is our submission. All the rest is propaganda. They consider us to be livestock. All they do must be assessed via that fact.

Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.

The History of the Second Amendment(And the militia)

Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

DeShaney v. Winnebago County

Judge Rules Police Had No Duty To Protect Students During Parkland Shooting

Stoneman Douglas commission calls for arming teachers, more school security spending in first report to state leaders

Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

Dial 911 and DIE

The Anti-American Dream

FK – “Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” – Karl Marx

The biggest problem with amerika is we let the willfully ignorant vote for a check or a job or “…fer the feller who’s gonna do somethin’ fer me!”

Stages of political awareness….

Who deserves to vote?

Questions for your candidate

What to teach your kids

Don’t forget the Second Amendment, which ACKNOWLEDGES our natural born right to kill the fuckers when they claim we no longer have the First.

Free speech should be sacrosanct with a simple recognition that there’s no such thing as a right to work covertly or overtly to enslave those around you. American men should’ve long ago started hunting such to extinction but there are no men left here.

Really sir I would have thought that you Brits with your Bill of Rights that ours was loosely based on would’ve started hunting your commie globalist trash to extinction when they told you to surrender your weapons.

But you like most amerikans to include so-called ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ fail to understand that the camel’s nose must be cut off and the camel slaughtered when it invades the sacred tent of human liberty for it will not stop with it’s nose but will soon, as you Brits now see, make your bed into its own and shit all over your once prized possessions.

But western man has been blinded by the lies of communism/globalism.

amerika’s indoctrination system was built by its statists. They used to glorify ‘free speech’ when they felt they needed it to overcome parochial powers. Now it’s a dirty tool they no longer need and fear falling into the hands of their enemies.

Most sheeple here have no real conception of what America is supposed to be for we were far too immature as a species when the Founders wrote our Bills of Rights, of the nation and the several nation states that formed it, so we have and still struggle to even understand/enjoy any real freedom here.

The Founders only allowed male landowners to vote. Now we allow any pathetic creature with a real or imagined complaint to crawl to the polls or be bused by ‘community organizers’ or even dragged out of the grave. Next pets and livestock will be allowed to vote, in the right master’s name of course,

Forty percent and more of our population is now on some ‘public assistance’ or another. But telling them to ‘get a job’ won’t fix it either. Go get a job and learn what it is to work for the corporate workaholic assholes who have no better understanding of our Bills of Rights than the average welfare recipient while you waste most of your time in this world in exchange for money the banksters print or really is just ones and zeros floating in cyberspace.

Free Speech is based in the most basic right any creature possesses: the right to fight back, the right to self defense, and is really, like voting, only one tiny step in the on-going process of keeping our elected public servants, our servants, and not our masters. They should all be forced to walk around every day with a noose about their necks so it’s handy in case we need it.

The most important things to do

When we lose sight of the enlightenment idea that we are born with natural rights then we immediately become slaves suffering at the whims of ‘democracy’ which is of course like religion, a manipulation, a tool of the elites who invented it.

Democracy deceives morons into thinking they’re some version of free because they’re ‘allowed’ to vote and exercise certain ‘rights'(which have been turned into privileges) while religion keeps them stupidly waiting for paradise in the next life while being good slaves in this one under ‘god appointed magistrates’ their ancient tribal propaganda tells them to stupidly obey.

The purposes of gods and golden rules

This has all been going on for a very long time and the submissive have been surviving to breed all the while.

“I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” – Harriet Tubman

Written guarantees obviously mean nothing without the will to use the force necessary to enforce them. The pen is only powerful when it has enough swords/guns to back it up and that are wielded by real men who don’t shrink from the cyclical necessity of sweating and bleeding.

But there are no such men left here as far as I can tell. The best among us are waiting ‘for the right time’ when in reality that passed decades ago. The rest are deceived into believing their greatest enemies wear brown skin and are hiding in a cave on the other side of the world or are waiting in some desert to cross a river or climb a fence.

The ignorant and the fearful clamor for a wall that will eventually be used to keep them in.

Democracies have been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death. – James Madison

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.” — Robert Heinlein in his novel “Starship Troopers”

“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.” – Thucydides

“The decadence of a civilization by loss of faith and vigour can be observed more than once in history. What is extraordinary about the American situation is the stupidity. The Romans, such is my impression, did not become stupid and incompetent with their decadence. Americans have not lost faith in their cultural inheritance—they have been entirely separated from it. How this happened is one of the few topics still worth exploring in this Twilight.” – Clyde Wilson

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’

Proven right once again:

Trump Keeps His Word On Bump Stocks – Plan In Motion – Not Everyone Is Happy


FK – It will cost him millions of votes and maybe the election.

Trump is a deal maker. Read his book written back in the 80s when he advised a friend to ‘go with a winner’ regardless of political party or ideology.

We exist in very dangerous time and the average dumbass is too stupid to see it. They fully deserve what’s coming.

The so-called defenders of the Second Amendment are little better:

NRA Statement on Bump Fire Stock Rule

FK – No way to comment on the NRA page. Such respect for free speech they have. Cowards and appeasers they are.

Until those who claim to want to live free face the reality that all gun control is an act of war and our domestic enemies’ only goal is our submission nothing will get better.

GOA to file lawsuit protecting bump stocks and AR-15s

An in-depth explanation?

FK – How many pages?

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws!” – Tacitus (A.D. 55-130)

Did the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group set up a form for its members to use?

The republicrats keep funding the evil BATF Nazi trash. Morons keep voting for them. But really all I need to know about the trash is spelled ‘Waco.’

None of them have ever been called to personal task for instigating the murders of 80 men, women and children. There are no men in this country.

If there were any men here we’d have the county militias we so desperately need to deal with such evil.

Where do pussies come from? amerika apparently.

Until we are prepared for the worst case scenario we are still losing.

Don’t be found in a pile of brass. Be found with your brass strung out behind you along an avenue of approach. That’s how wars are won.

My answer to ‘Molon Labe’