Tag Archives: armed and free

James Jaeger: MIDNIGHT RIDE – When Rogue Politicians Call for Martial Law

James Jaeger: Unfortunately, we were not able to get Ted Nugent or anyone connected with the NRA into this or our previous film. We tried very hard to get Ted and/or Wayne LaPierre into MIDNIGHT RIDE. I called and called and wrote and wrote, all to no avail. One of our producers, who even has a personal relationship with the Nugent family, was not even able to persuade Ted to participate. I am thus very disappointed that the NRA chose to not participate in either MOLON LABE or MIDNIGHT RIDE even though they claim that “The NRA will continue to fight for the Second Amendment” in their letters and literature.

I wrote Mr. Lapierre after MIDNIGHT RIDE was released and sent him a DVD of the movie as well as a copy of MOLON LABE. In my letter to him I stated: “Wayne, this is the film I wanted you to be in. Larry Pratt and Stewart Rhodes are both in this representing their associations’ views on guns and the Constitution. Why did you not participate on behalf of the NRA? Guns are not only for profit; they are ‘necessary’ for a ‘free state.’ Do you disagree?”

I received what seemed like a form letter back from a “David K” (no last name given) starting out: “Mr. Jaeger, Thank you for your letter to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne PaPierre. Unfortunately, Mr. LaPierre is unable to respond to your concerns personally, but he asked me to respond on his behalf . . . ”

This is almost exactly the same kind of letter I get from MPAA studio executives and supposedly “conservative Second Amendment celebrities” like Clint Eastwood, Ted Nugent, Gary Sinise or their agents. All of these people, and others, whom I have contacted seem to be cowed by political correctness and the agenda of Hollywood as dictated by the 21 men that govern the MPAA studio-distributors and New York-based Mainstream Media. Otherwise, why doesn’t Wayne LaPierre go on network TV and state something like: The NRA supports the Second Amendment and believes there are five reasons to keep and bear: 1) target shooting; 2) hunting; 3) self-defense; 4) deterrent against tyranny and 5) one’s role to participate in their state militia per the U.S. Constitution?

Answer: Because if he did this – or Ted or Clint or Gary did this – they would be roasted as much as Donald Trump is currently being roasted by the Establishment and the gun-control lobby’s propagandizing networks. Any non-multibillionaire who tries to buck the Establishment or the Globalist Agenda will be met with intense heat, total blackout or who knows what.

FK – When I first got involved in the patriot movement, wouldn’t have called it that at the time, that early in my waking up, I went to a SAF training session in Gatlinburg, TN where Tanya Metaksa was a guest speaker. She explained the NRA’s lobbying process thusly: We give money to the candidates we hope win but if they lose we offer money to their winning opponent. This ended my desire to be part of the NRA. I had only been a member once for a year anyway, a few years before. This was in 1994 when the first ‘assault weapons ban’ was passed.

I’ve asked the NRA why they fear the ‘m’ word so much and didn’t get much of an answer.

I attended their annual convention when it was held in Louisville, KY a few years back and saw lots of Safari guides and multi-thousand dollar shotguns. Not that I’m against those things but it told me a lot, or rather confirmed my suspicions that despite their claims of being made up of lots of $20 members at the top it’s a rich boy’s club.

The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group does some good things and if I were wealthy enough to become a life member and actually have a say I might do so but if I had the extra money I’d send it to GOA or some other group that has proven their mettle.

As for re-establishing the militia I don’t pretend to have the legal/research background of Dr. Vieira but I think it’ll be a snowy day in hell when all the states do such in a way we would find appropriate. When the order to ‘turn them in’ is given and a commie SCOTUS rules in favor of such as they will and the metal begins to meet the meat the militia will be made up of whomever has the backbone to show up and there’ll be nothing ‘official’ about it until we win and hold the treason/war-crimes trials.

Don’t miss the rest of that article.

Here’s the doc.:


FK – Since I haven’t had time to watch it yet I’ll reserve comment. Their earlier film Molon Labe is posted on my must read/watch page.

Their premiere page.

The problem:

FK – Sounds like a fundraiser with no meat. Where’s the beef Wayne? Why are you so afraid of the ‘m’ word?

This is what our domestic blood enemies wish for us all:

UK Firearms Attack Video: Run, Hide, Pray You Don’t Get Killed

FK – Pathetic Brits. But then we have many just as useless over here. The Brits lost all their Liberty when they failed to open “Liberal”(commie) trash season when they were told to surrender their weapons. That will not be tolerated here.

This is what makes us exceptional:


FK – The Bill of Rights is what makes us exceptional.

Celebrate Bill of Rights Day, Dec 15th

You’ll be Freer and Richer in the Bill of Rights Culture

Revolution is in the Air; It’s Time America

Gun Laws We Follow and Gun Laws We Ignore