FK – That’s transgusting….
But the problem is that even those who claim to be men in this country aren’t. If they were this insanity wouldn’t be tolerated.
FK – That’s transgusting….
But the problem is that even those who claim to be men in this country aren’t. If they were this insanity wouldn’t be tolerated.
FK – Are we ready? Of course not.
What if the elites do it instead?:
FK – What an opening statement for someone who worked tirelessly to put Trump in the now red house.
But you wouldn’t want the militia to provide security for Trump right? They’d be just as trustworthy as the Secret Service.
Have you been ‘forgotten?’:
FK – The forgotten man needs to wake up and grow up and figure out what will be required.
If enough of us can stop waiting to get beamed up:
FK – Maybe we should wait and see what Trump actually does while applying extreme political pressure to the republicrats in Congress and demand they repeal the gun laws, shut down the BATF Nazis; repeal the 16th Amendment and shut down the IRS and the Fed and pass an amendment banning all forms of socialism forever.
Wouldn’t that be better than whining about all our little butt hurts right now?
Meanwhile for the globalist commie trash it’s business as usual:
FK – So much for globalist commie trash respect for free speech and a free press huh?
When are enough gonna figure out what must be done?
At the least we must demand that the republicrats in the Congress and Trump shut down the U.N. and bulldoze their building and create a Liberty school so citiots can be taught what kind of country and govt. we’re supposed to have here.
Here’s some basic instruction for them:
FK – In general he’s correct, if we had a future prez that had a real record we could look at to judge his possible future actions instead of nothing but mouth and rhetoric not based in past actions. Maybe we should wait and see what Trump actually does or doesn’t do before we gloat too much…
Though it’s hard not to pretend everything’s gonna be OK:
FK – Can anyone tell me who is telling the Saudis to fund ISIS and ‘attack’ us with fundie ragheadism? Maybe that’s the real question. The Saudis were a creation of the Brits, just like the modern state of Israel, that was founded by European socialists btw.
“Here’s what is news in the summary – nobody died until 05:13 in the morning, when the SWAT team entered. Prior to that no one had been killed. The 53 that were injured, and the 49 that were murdered all met their fates at the time of, and during, the police entry into the building,” Judge Napolitano said.
FK – All large venues should be required by law to acknowledge their patrons’ most basic right, that of self defense and/or always have armed guards on hand who can deal with any ‘mass shooters’ from covered/concealed positions.
The whiny baby commies won’t like the acknowledgement that we exist in a dangerous world but they can get over it or leave this country. Crime is a red herring in the ‘gun control’ issue anyway. They want us all disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally see the necessity of doing so.
Part two of the above:
Who are the police paid to protect? Not us:
FK – They call them ‘law enforcement officers’ not ‘public protection officers’ for a reason.
Don’t miss this one:
FK – But our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, claim we don’t need our weapons:
FK – If we had a nation of men this trash would’ve been executed for treason decades ago.
We have a few men, but not enough:
FK – The ‘narrative’ of our domestic blood enemies won’t change until we force it to change. There will never come a day when they will throw up their hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you. “We’re going home now to live in peace and liberty with our neighbors.” Their limitless arrogance and hubris would never allow such.
Case in point:
FK – I don’t think that safe will fit in my pack or even the back of my SUV. Plus it’s too heavy to hump. Spend the money on more beans, bullets and band aids.
But sadly we no longer have a nation of men or we’d have a militia unit in every county in this country to deal with this evil. As our domestic blood enemies like to say: “Think globally, act locally.”
And they’re not idiots, they know full well the evil they do. If we had a nation of men those creatures would’ve been hunted to extinction decades ago. Every member of the ‘progressive'(communist) caucus in congress would have long ago been executed for treason, or for waging war on this country from within.
What our cowardice is allowing:
FK – That would be ‘commiefornia.’ Commiefornia will have to be re-invaded and re-conquered. But we lack a nation of men to do such. If the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group was doing it’s job we’d have a militia organization to deal with this evil. Sitting back and calling it B.S. won’t fix it. If this weren’t a nation of cowardly whores this evil wouldn’t be tolerated.
My standard answer to such:
The Bill of Rights is what we’re fighting for.
Who’s our greatest enemy? Those who build the Trojan Horse or those who open the gate?
Nothing will get better until we stop worrying so much about the fundie ragheads and start rounding up and at the least deporting our real enemies, our domestic enemies.
So who or what is our real enemy? A tiny no. of fundies who manage to kill a few mush heads now and again or our own white home-grown “Liberal”(commie) trash that works relentlessly to disarm and thus fully enslave millions?
What will we do when a commie SCOTUS rules it’s OK for the “Liberal”(commie) trash, our real enemies, to demand we ‘turn them in?’ How many cowards will comply? Those are the questions that matter.
What’s an ‘illegal gun?’ Those two words are nowhere to be found in the Second Amendment. A right applied for is a privilege.
Was the last ‘mass shooting’ site a ‘gun free zone?” Why are commiefornia and others still ‘may issue’ states? Why do we seek ‘permission’ to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses, that of self defense?
If the Marxist mutt and other commie extremists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ tell us to surrender our weapons and thus our most basic right, they’ll find out what blood really is.
The most important ‘private property’ anyone owns is their own life, health, safety, and no one, anywhere, anytime has the ‘right’ to take that from them or deny them their most basic right, that of self defense.
We all get the elected public servants the brain dead sheeple deserve.
I’ll vote for the candidate that will bring the troops home, activate the militias, and re-invade and re-conquer commiefornia and the other commie enclaves on the left and East coasts.
They’re not ‘leftists,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive.’ They’re communists/globalists. They want us disarmed so we can’t kill them when enough finally wake up to the necessity of doing so.
Our Liberty is dying because of our failure to hunt the “Liberal”(commie) and globalist trash to extinction.
What must be done – A manifesto of the ‘isms.’
Don’t understand my bad attitude? Start here.
Governments will always be able to get guns so we must always be better armed than them.
Act politically but prep for what history shows will have to be done. It’s way past time to prep for what will be required.
FK – The commie/globalists are doing what they always do, finding some minority with a real grievance to exploit.
The problem with ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ et al is they have been and still are adept at ignoring real issues and damn near useless at fighting the imagined ones because often their answers are childish, based in ancient tribal propaganda, or just as ‘knee jerk’ as those of the commie dupes.
The human race is still a very primitive species and we still exist in a very dark age and several wars are probably yet to be fought over our idiocy. If anyone gets beamed up it’s probably not gonna be what they expect or want.
For if we were truly created to be slaves to some asshole of a god that was patterned after the ancient tyrannical kings that told their subjects/slaves “Obey me or I’ll torture and/or kill you,” then there’s no reason to be in this world and certainly no reason to bring a child into it.
I’d rather look forward to a future where we overcome all this insanity and live in Liberty, but too many idiots are wasting their time here waiting for the world to end while trying to keep us all in an ancient slavery and pretending to fight the new slavery which they are consistently adept at lying to themselves about.
The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.
More insanity with a different spin, as in who or what is behind all this:
FK – So have these insane inclinations always been with us or is there more of it or is our society simply more ‘open’ about certain topics?
What’s the real reason our ‘jewish masters’ need to do all this? Why do we allow their ancient tribal propaganda to control our minds when it wasn’t even written for us?
Does it make you feel better to imagine those who live up to your moral standards being burned alive forever? Is that what it’s about? Believing in it is condoning it. That’s how that works.
Do they really think they deserve to ‘rule’ all of us?:
For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
Why do we in our modern society with a Bill of Rights and a constitution that did away with god appointed kings and controlling religions even allow this mentality to continue?
And why are most modern ‘jews’ secular Marxists and don’t even believe in their ancient tribal propaganda anymore?:
FK – Israel was founded by European socialists. Read the wiki page on David Ben Gurion.
Most modern jews are secular Marxists. They’re commies, not leftists. Has he done any vids on Bolshevik Jews?
I call them the unmentionables. In a free country there’s no such thing as a group whose motives cannot be questioned. When we have that we have a serious problem. We have a serious problem.
FK – The key to all of it is to stop choosing from among the various forms of authoritarianism and to stop trying to force our versions down everyone else’s throats. But I fear we’re still too primitive a species for that.
I don’t pretend to know much about DNA but I’ve seen/heard plenty of naturally biologically confused humans, mostly butch sounding/looking ‘females’ and effeminate ‘men.’ If the great asshole in the sky was so concerned about our sex lives he shouldn’t have put those possibilities in the mix nor made ugly people who can also be prone to be fat.
None of them will get the help they need by being used as political pawns or being told they’re ‘sinful’ when in reality it’s a birth defect or mental illness or some combination thereof.
The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.
FK – So we’re self-re-programmable biological robots and we’re too dumb to see it.
‘Racism’ is the cause for the drug war? At last this creature’s commie bias comes shining through. Money is the reason for the drug war. It’s continued for so long because all the ‘right’ people on all sides are making billions from it. LEOs are just as guilty as the dealers.
They simply use the minorities and poor whites in the same way this “Liberal”(commie) trash does, as tools to further their objectives, one being profit the other control. You can decide whether I’m discussing the dealers, the cops, the judges, the banksters, the politicians, the preachers, the amerikan communist insurgency, the ‘educated’ rich elite or whatever.
The human animal or biological robot, whichever you prefer to ‘believe,’ is programmed to go from one extreme to another, either as an evolutionary tool or as a means of control. That’s why we have one group of morons whining about ‘sin’ and another whining about ‘racism’ and social inequity and calling obvious birth defects and mental illnesses ‘happy, healthy and normal’ while indoctrinating children in the love of one Big Brother or another, either an Earth bound one or one that sits on a throne or judgement seat and is ‘king of kings.’
It’s all different versions of the same crap, same human behavior, inclinations, whatever.
As my M.D. pointed out to me as I was telling her about some snake oil I take “It’s all chemistry.”
I can go out in my yard or along the roadside and pick dandelion blooms and eat them raw, pick poke and cook it twice to make it safe or pick water hemlock and die in about 15 minutes or eat some hog weed seed and go on a trip I may never recover from.
We have stupid people among us and unfortunately we pay them to breed and allow them to vote. Society has to have bars of some kind and figuring our how high they should be and who should set them will always be a matter of contention.
I’ve seen morons who get addicted to their jobs, whether it’s some ‘professional’ position or putting screw A in hole B or delivering freight all while destroying their health and families and doing it in the name of their families.
We are very curious creatures and we’re still growing up with no guarantee of maturity and certainly no guarantee of getting beamed up before ‘things get too bad.’
Now if our esteemed physicians could only come up with a cure, prevention or vaccine for natural born ugly and a way to keep broken brains from voting.
On the other hand, or someone’s hand:
FK – When I was 12 I weighed 168 lbs and was a lot shorter. That was before fat kids were common. It was mostly from garden raised food and white sugar infested home made deserts. I’ve fought it all my life. Too many middle-aged folk can’t grasp that they can’t eat like they did when they were 25, nor do they need to.
Metabolism varies among humans, simple fact. Our bodies evolved to get fat easily because of periods of famine and old man winter when food was scarce, until our ancestors learned to store it, can it and make twinkies.
Capitalism can be good and a little greed can be good but when I knowingly sell poison to someone and work to addict them to that poison in the name of my personal profit I need to be sent to prison. I grew up in a culture that prized tobacco, raised it and provided it to the cigarette manufacturers. We should know better now but economic necessity under ‘capitalism’ often creates strange bedfellows and lacquered consciences.
We need to learn to ‘love our neighbors’ and ourselves and take the time to think about the world we’re really in and get out and actually enjoy it and in the process get our heart rates up and burn a few calories, if we can afford to. Many can’t, or think they can’t, simple fact. Exercise isn’t enough. It’s about portion size and finding out what your body responds to in positive or negative ways as we all vary.
As far as the commies using another minority in the quest for ultimate control over all of us who’s surprised? Until we develop the resolve to conduct an extensive and thorough “Liberal”(commie) trash season and hunt them to extinction all this crap will continue.
FK – The homo or whatever they’re calling it now agenda is about the commies/globalists dividing and conquering us via false issues and absurd laws, court cases, ‘rights’ and on and on. They always pick a minority to champion, the ‘PC’ minorities that is, usually commies as well, to create more division, confusion and frustration and most are falling for it.
These ‘trannies’ are mentally ill and maybe because they were born with a genetic or other birth defect. Calling it a ‘sin’ isn’t gonna fix it.
Should the govt. even be involved in marriage beyond noting it ‘legally’ for future ‘legal’ purposes? Should two clearly mentally ill or birth defected morons be able to force someone from a religion they don’t belong to to conduct a ceremony or bake them a cake? Is marrying people a public business? Are bakeries?
This is all an intentional convoluted mess designed to distract but it did get Kentucky a ‘Republican’ governor so I guess we should count our lucky stars such as they fall. And you can bet this birth defect has been with us a long time, since way before the ancient tribal propaganda was generated as a way to keep the simple minded and uneducated in check.
The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war.
It works like this: in 2004 Kentucky had in an open election that it wanted “traditional marriage” by a margin of 75% of the entire states 3 million votes. That made it a constitutional amendment, the law of the land in Kentucky. So, when 9 black-robbed-wizards in Washington D.C. passed of their “opinions on law” as law to the (corporate) US from coast to coast they have no standing, except what we allow them to have. Guess what the States are to be run as little countries under the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution; each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right. If we don’t stand up to the Federal Government under the 10th amendment we are going to loose our country.
FK – (This is a fakebook post so maybe it’ll link correctly) What a tangled web we weave… No, not that this is deception but the irony of ‘states rights’ vs. the Bill of Rights. If the same idea is applied to the Second Amendment then commie states would be able to disarm their sheeple entirely. Wait, we have a state ran by commies but enough rural voters who are otherwise clueless to at least keep our guns. It’s likely we’ll continue to have yaller dawgs in the governor’s mansion and legislature. I’ve puzzled over this many times in the years since I attended a ‘watermelon bust’ in a western county several years back during the klinton era. I was told it was a ‘democrat’ event. They were all sitting around eating watermelon and listening to gospel bands. The sad fact is that for most of the population ignorance is golden. All we can do is keep banging our heads against the walls…
FK – This makes me immensely proud even though I can’t ‘agree’ with all of their beliefs. At least these ‘christians’ are standing up for themselves in that pit of hell of a city.
If all amerikan ‘christians’ would stop waiting for the world to end and stand up for themselves and their descendants’ futures we could take our country back. An America ran by such wouldn’t be perfect, would be another form of authoritarianism, but at least we’d have some freedom left as opposed to what the ameri-commies want to do.
The amerikan communist insurgency is using the homos just as they use the other minorities, for their primary purpose of overthrowing our form of govt., what’s left of it, and the Bill of Rights, which they hate, and installing some form of communism which will completely enslave us all.
FK – Both ‘sides’ play this game but the commies started it. The ‘chrisitians’ as usual are only playing copy cat the result being that instead of fighting for real human Liberty they’re arguing over govt. granted ‘civil liberties’ that of course can be rescinded whenever whichever side lies their way into power decide they can.
It’s all such a sickening fiasco especially when one considers that our next prez will be some NWO RINO hack that mumbled out ‘Jesus’ a few times and claims to be for ‘god, country and the amerikan way.’
See comments on the next vid:
FK – I’ve known enough Tennessee good ol’ boys to happily give you permission to make fun of Kentuckians. A good portion of us fully deserve it.
Nepotism in any rural southern or midwestern area is a given. Most of these families have been here since the settlers and everybody is someone’s cousin. Ya’ll are probably related to algore. Study on that.
I don’t even know what party Davis is allegedly registered under. Not that it makes a lot of difference up here. We send ‘conservatives'(loosely defined) to the u.S. Congress but the commiecrats still control the legislature and on occasion we get a RINO governor.
Several years back I attended a ‘watermelon bust’ in western Kentucky hosted by a local bank. There was a gospel group on stage. I was told it was a ‘democrat’ event. This was during the klinton years. I found it very ironic. But most are too ignorant to understand all this considering the history not taught in our government indoctrination centers.
The point to all this is she took an Oath, on a Bible, to the u.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and the Kentucky Constitution, which she swore to uphold. Those two latter documents are about protecting the rights of the individual and the common welfare, which doesn’t mean a govt. check. They were only partly based on the 3000-year-old tribal propaganda. Much to most of our ‘law’ comes from England and the Romans who ruled it before the ‘dark ages.’
As an elected ‘public servant’ she has to serve ‘all’ the public. Even though fudge packin’ isn’t mentioned in the Bill of Rights this is supposed to be a ‘free’ country and if two sufferers of the birth defect or mental illness or some combination thereof that is ‘homosexuality’ want to form a contract of some sort with one another they should be able to do so as long they aren’t forcing anyone else into it or forcing us all to lie about what it really is.
The real question is why is the govt. in the marriage license business? Money and control, plain and simple. I find it ironic that the commie homos are fighting for a ‘right’ which really amounts to a permission slip from Big Brother.
Mostly this is all about commie propaganda and distraction. The 2016 race for the now red house is another exercise in the quest for the idiot vote, as always.
FK – One insanity vs. another. We’re still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark age.
FK – The crazies won’t be helped by the culture war: