FK – If someone tells me they blindly trust any source I know I’m dealing with a child. The govt. elites proved with Waco that they don’t mind murdering American children and railroading real Americans into prison.
FK – I guess I missed it but I’m not clear on why the federal bureau of instigation was involved in Sandy Hook? Wasn’t that a local matter?
All the ‘sandy hook was a hoax’ trolls came out for this one. Maybe it was. I wasn’t there. But Waco taught me it doesn’t bother the elites one bit to murder children in this country, on top of the probably millions now dead in the middle east, Vietnam, Korea, Germany and on and on.
It would be far easier to send in an extra shooter or two to ensure a proper number of casualties and to make sure the patsy dies, usually the best result, see McVeigh.
As far gone as this country is I still can’t see an entire community even in the commie NE participating in faking that many deaths.
Sandy Hook like Vegas was another marker in the long slow escalation in the death of an empire that once was a republic.
I can’t feel sorry for the sheeple anymore. They have been warned, and told, over and over again.
FK – Good overall but he forgets that most modern jews are secular Marxists. The National German Socialist Workers Party was fighting the Bolshevik Jews who were trying to install Soviet Union style communism in Germany. It was truly one evil against a greater evil since Stalin and Lenin killed tens of millions more than the Nazis did and continued even after WWII.
As some claim, we fought the wrong side. The Germans voted for the lessor of two evils just like we do. Are we doomed to forever vote for the lessor of two evils?
Who would be training the ‘private’ cops? Would the corporations teach them the Bill of Rights or ‘profit’ comes first? If the govt. teaches police that enhancing revenue comes first how can we trust private entities to do any better?
A lot of these idealists need to go get a ‘real job’ for a while and get treated like a jackass so they can learn how wonderful ‘free market capitalism’ sometimes isn’t. They can also learn how cowardly and brain dead the average worker is because they just put up with the crap instead of banding together and demanding basic laws that strictly control how the corporate workaholic assholes treat their employees and customers.
They don’t call us ‘human resources’ and ‘consumers’ and now treat us like ‘products’ because they respect us as human beings.
FK – All that commie witch has to do to ‘make of it’ is to look in the mirror. It fully understands the evil it does. Or we face the reality that commie constituents elect screaming morons to run this country.
The vid he refers to:
FK – The republicrat party, the original party of big govt., has long been heavily infiltrated.
If I were stranded on a desert island with frankenstein and a poisonous snake I’d try to live with the snake. Until we treat these evil creatures with the respect they so fully deserve their evil will not cease.
I knew better than to vote for Trump. He’s done a few ‘good things’ but the average amerikan must learn better than to vote for saviors with no record to back up what they’re saying.
If we ‘wake up and our guns are gone’ that’s exactly what we deserve. They will happily come round to one household at at time and kill your dog, your grandma, your kids on their way through your door if you refuse to ‘turn them in.’
We must stop this ‘molon labe’ crap and prepare to do what the Militiamen did on April 19, 1775 – gather together and kill government employees. That’s what founded this country and gave us the few liberties we have left.
FK – I’ve known about the ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ problems for decades. I’ve known for decades that GOA is far superior Getting the average newbie to understand that ‘bigger is not always better’ is the issue.
FK – Try it for treason and execute it. Why the hell are the BATF Nazis still funded????!!!!!!!
Another beast:
What a concept:
FK – The SCOTUS has ruled more than once that it’s not cops’ job to protect anyone. Their job is to protect the state and enhance revenue. Search ‘Dial 911 and Die.’
FK – The ‘No Rights that aren’t Allowed’ group has long been part of the problem. Their leadership and most members are still in deep denial of the realities of this war.
FK – See my response above. If you don’t understand click on the links below and educate yourself. If you do click on them anyway and share.
Compromise or cowardice?:
FK – The BATF Nazi trash have proven to be murderers in the past and regularly railroad people into prison. Why are the republicrats still funding them?
Compromising on a right one already possesses is a fool’s game. When the commie trash cry ‘compromise’ they mean in their direction, the only direction they ever willingly move in with the end goal being our total submission to them.
If you want to make the fakers squirm ask them what they plan to do when we’re told to ‘turn them in’ and a commie or ‘conservative’ SCOTUS rules it’s OK.
Hint: The SCOTUS is NOT the final arbiter of our rights! WE ARE!!!!!!!!!
Maybe one of their employees is beginning to get a clue:
FK – When will ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ summon the courage to stand up and say “Enough is enough!???”
If the BATF Nazis did ‘what’s right’ they’d all commit suicide or start hunting “Liberal”(commie) trash instead of real Americans.
And from the jackass’ mouth:
FK – The ‘great hypocrisy’ is the probably willful negligence of the nra to say what will/must happen if we’re ever told to ‘turn them in.’ Those who claim the Second Amendment and pretend our modern government is our friend or the amerikan communist insurgency and the globalists that fund it are just ‘misled’ ARE WORSE THAN OUR ENEMIES!
Are you passing your slavery on to your children?:
FK – It will be up to that tiny minority as it always is.
Another marker in a long slow escalation of our civil war, until they tell us to ‘turn them in.’ Time to put on the big boy pants.
Attempting reason with communists and many ‘conservatives’ is akin to slitting one’s wrists and jumping into shark infested waters.
We must make amerika free.
“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. – Sun Tzu
As for our current situation there is only one fix for it, if it can be fixed. But western so-called men have been de-backboned and de-nutted and shrink from the idea of shedding blood when the tree of Liberty cries out for it in such a plaintive and alarming way.
We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.
We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.
We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.
We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.
We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.
We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.
If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.
Then, my colleagues and I at FiveThirtyEight spent three months analyzing all 33,000 lives ended by guns each year in the United States, and I wound up frustrated in a whole new way. We looked at what interventions might have saved those people, and the case for the policies I’d lobbied for crumbled when I examined the evidence. The best ideas left standing were narrowly tailored interventions to protect subtypes of potential victims, not broad attempts to limit the lethality of guns.
FK – While the author ran across some obvious truths that anyone with a brain has been aware of for decades she is still deluded. ‘Gun control’ has as much to do with public safety as the welfare state does with helping people.
Both were created as a form of ‘control,’ the former to render any civilian population unable to fight back against those who would rule them and the latter to creat inter-generational parasites that will consistently vote to continue their slavery.
FK – As usual a commie rag comes out on the side of history’s dictators and real mass murderers, ignoring their own ideology’s blood soaked hands painted with the reality of 200 mil. murders in the 20th century alone and of course on the side of common criminals who would rape, torture and murder a child while a commie parent watches because they were too pathetic to be able to defend their own family much less their Liberty.
Our real enemies are here, they have white skin and were mostly born here. They do not belong here.
Crime is a red herring, always was, always will be. The words ‘illegal gun’ aren’t in the Second Amendment.
All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the brain dead mindless sheeple to more ‘control’ and finally citizen disarmament. Thus all ‘gun control’ is an act of war and nothing less.
The communists that call themselves ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ in order to hide their evil when there’s nothing of either about them, are waging war on this country, our Bills of Rights, and human liberty.
This has been going on for many multiple decades. It’s not something new. The demonscat party was infiltrated by the amerikan communist insurgency in the 1920s. The Radical Republicans that ran southern reconstruction had Marxist/socialist elements among them.
Our domestic blood enemies, our greatest enemies, understand this. Until enough ‘libertarians’ and ‘conservatives'(both very loosely defined as ‘those who want to be free,’ or think they’re supposed to be living in a free country) understand that they are at war then nothing will get better.
Those who lie about these facts don’t belong in this country. Our failure to hunt our white-skinned domestic blood enemies to extinction will doom us and probably western civilization. See what they’re doing to Europe now. They will do that here if they can. In reality Europe was lost decades ago when it went socialist post WWII, that was allegedly fought to end socialism lite, more readily known as ‘fascism.’
The event in Vegas is another marker in a long slow escalation of our civil war, until they tell us to ‘turn them in.’ It’s way past time to put on the big boy pants because the real miracle is that we haven’t had far more and far worse events such as this in this splintered nation of 320+ million tool using monkeys.
How is that? A big percentage of any population are probably assholes who fully deserve to be shot. Then we have an all too-healthy population of communist trash that relentlessly works to enslave us all who are bringing the fundie ragheads into western civilization in order to destroy it.
I’ve predicted for years that when either ‘side’ feels pushed into a corner some of them will come out fighting. Since communism by whatever cute name must die to save what little is left of our liberty this is inevitable.
A few years before 9/11 someone sent me a video tape about the ‘danger’ of fundie ragheadism. I watched it and acknowledged its reality as far as I understood it. But even then I was far more concerned about the evil our real enemies who are dragging that Trojan Horse through our gates have done and are doing and will do if we don’t force them to stop.
A few months before 9/11 I attended a militia meeting where we were told our officers had received information through government contacts that in August or September of that year there would be a major event with a major change in law to follow.
So as I tell people at the very least elements within or without our government knew 9/11 was coming and let it happen for their own purposes.
There are many many ‘soft targets’ within this country and the reason for that is the mindlessness of the average pacified sheeple. The Constitution says “We the People’ so ‘we’ are responsible for not being prepared mentally, physically, tactically for such events.
If this were a nation of men and real women we’d have created militia units for every county in this country decades ago, during the klinton years after the Branch Davidians were murdered for being different and too far out of the mainstream.
To stress a point, the Bill of Rights exists to protect all minorities, not the ‘majority.’ We don’t exist in a democracy where mob rule is the order of the day but a representative republic where the rights of all are protected.
This means we don’t go begging the government to protect us from mass shooters or terrorists or other malcontents.
The Vegas shooter may prove to have been mentally ill, or some of the ‘conspiracy theorists’ real and fake that are already crawling out of the woodwork may prove to be right when they claim ‘false flag’ or ‘multiple shooters’ or ‘crisis actors’ and on and on.
All that is beside the point. The point is we need to organize, arm and train now for when some future evil entity orders us to do what the “liberal”(commie) trash are screaming for in this aftermath: “Turn them in!” Or as hitlery put it in 2016: “Australian style gun control,” which meant all semi-autos.
So why aren’t all the Trump voters and ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ congealing into the force we will need, not ‘might’ need but WILL need, to do what will be required and in the meantime melting down congressional and legislative phone lines and telling them “The twin evils of socialism and gun control must DIE!
Whether it’s ignorance or arrogance it’s just as dangerous:
FK – They should be praying for real Americans to forgive them for not repealing the gun laws, the 16th amendment, not de-funding the BATF Nazis, not repealing commie care, not shutting down the Fed, not bringing the troops home and having them target our real enemies and on and on…
And ‘who benefits?’:
FK – Of course this trash has no respect for travelers who choose to exercise the most basic right any creature possesses: to defend oneself.
The elites don’t care. As Carlin said “They own you.” It’s way past time to change that.
Elite-funded commie trash attempting to cover its evil:
FK – Gee, with no mention of the commie globalist scum that funds them and probably part of the ‘alt-right.’ This commie trash certainly won’t mention that the ‘alt-right’ is a term used by commies to broadbrush those who simply recognize we are supposed to be living in a free country and indeed a free world. But commie arrogance can’t tolerate that. Their busybody genes forbid it.
Their ideology murdered 200 mil. plus in the 20th century, far more than the ‘fascists’ ever thought about. That’s what ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ are. That’s what ‘Vox’ is.
Their ’cause’ is our enslavement. Their only goal is our submission. Nothing less will suffice. They won’t stop until we force them to.
Good old fashioned apathy, cowardice and willful ignorance is what truly imperils us:
FK – Aldean or whatever is a political child. Our choice is either to destroy our domestic blood enemies or submit to them.
Sadly, millions of morons would gladly bow down to and surrender what little liberty we have left in the name of false safety and security. Maybe this is the real goal of the elites.
So in reality our real problem has not changed through human history: Those who don’t want to be ruled vs. those who cannot live without ruling others and the grazing and breeding herd that’s always willing to go along to get along with whatever side is winning.
This is what commie trash that calls itself ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ prefer:
Oh the irony:
How much more of this will we see?:
Answer: Many more, until we see the necessity of using these:
Another marker in a long slow escalation of our civil war, until they tell us to ‘turn them in.’ Time to put on the big boy pants.
Attempting reason with communists and many ‘conservatives’ is akin to slitting one’s wrists and jumping into shark infested waters.
We must make amerika free.
“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. – Sun Tzu
As for our current situation there is only one fix for it, if it can be fixed. But western so-called men have been de-backboned and de-nutted and shrink from the idea of shedding blood when the tree of Liberty cries out for it in such a plaintive and alarming way.
We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.
We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.
We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.
We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.
We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.
We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.
If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.
FK – Most amerikan ‘conservatives’ and ‘libertarians’ are in such deep denial of reality they refuse to accept that their children or grand children may very well need the skills being learned by those Afrikaner youth.
How pathetic.
A more in-depth explanation of their situation:
FK – The key is the Marxist culture, not the color of their skin. Those originally responsible for this have white skin and were mostly born in ‘western civilization.’ Our failure to hunt them to extinction will spell our doom.
Attempting reason with communists is akin to slitting one’s wrists and jumping into shark infested waters.
We must make amerika free again. We must spread the message of liberty world wide.
Why choose one version of authoritarianism over another?
Again, when such happens here, and there are already instances in the cities, it will be because of our failure to hunt our real enemies, our white-skinned communist trash that propagandizes these events into actuality, to extinction.
FK – As the primitive species we are we have ‘no’ control over many to most of the possible ways the ‘world’ could ‘end,’ including some sadistic asshole of a bronze age god that was patterned after ancient tyrannical kings coming back to burn billions including kids and babies alive in fire forever.
How pathetic. On New Years Eve 1999 I was scrounging through a military surplus store and another customer asked me if I was ‘prepping'(I don’t think that word was in use then) for Y2K, an event the corporations spent billions to ‘prevent’ btw. I just looked at him and smiled and said “No, Liberal season.”
Four or five or many other dates I maybe didn’t hear about have passed since and we still haven’t done what must be done: Hunt our real enemies, our domestic white-skinned blood enemies who are doing us real damage by destroying our Bill of Rights, our civilization, our education system and on and on, to extinction. The republicrats that passed the ‘patriot act’ and other evil laws after 9/11, an event some at the least knew were coming and didn’t try to stop, should be next.
We must make sure that if some major cataclysm does happen enough have a basic understanding of human liberty that our species doesn’t descend into some centuries long dark age similar to the feudalism of Europe or the corporate communism of China.
But then we are slaves now. We are not free here. The military does not fight for our freedom. Trump would have to bring them home and have them hunt our aforementioned real enemies for them to do so.
All this doomsday/rapture crap is distraction from what desperately needs to be our real mission: re-establishing human liberty and our Bill of Rights, planet wide so that our slavery isn’t passed on to yet another generation. But as I mention often we are still a very primitive species and still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. As always it’s up to that tiny minority to fight their way out of it.
So why has there been no movement on reciprocity and on the additional provision of recognizing state permits in the District?
“We’ve got over 80 cosponsors at this point,” Massie told Walters when asked the status of his bill, which is currently and procedurally in the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform because Congress has oversight responsibility for Washington D.C. He’s “pressing for a hearing on it.”
“Why haven’t we seen movement over either 38 or 2909 since the horrific events in Virginia?” Walters asked, noting the Republicans control the House and the Senate and both Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appear to be blocking bills advancing the right to keep and bear arms.
“You know what?” Massie replied, “The Speaker told me he didn’t think the timing was right. And I think this is the exact timing to bring this bill.”
Of course it is. What a disingenuous excuse. When will the timing be better?
FK – It’s been a puzzle to me for some time now why all the Trump voters aren’t keeping republicrat phone lines melted down.
The words ‘illegal gun’ are not found in the Second Amendment.
If the military were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here. The empire’s military hasn’t fought a war for Liberty since 1865 and the bad guys won that one.
“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. – Sun Tzu
As for our current situation there is only one fix for it, if it can be fixed. But western so-called men have been de-backboned and de-nutted and shrink from the idea of shedding blood when the tree of Liberty cries out for it in such a plaintive and alarming way.
We have a representative republic, guaranteed to every state, not a democracy.
We have a Bill of Rights that acknowledges rights we are born with, not granted or created by any government.
We vote with the knowledge that voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a government gun in our neighbors’ faces and force our version of reality on them at the threat of their very lives.
We stand ready to protect our Liberty and the Liberty of our neighbors, not destroy it, via any version of authoritarianism, of any age or place.
We are prepared with knowledge and force of arms to make war against and kill if necessary those who would destroy our Bill of Rights whether they represent domestic or foreign enemies.
We do not lie to ourselves, our families, our friends, our business associates, our descendants, our enemies, about these things and do not EVER tolerate those who would have us do so.
If the troops were fighting for our freedom they’d all be here.