About a year ago, the Second Amendment community was rocked by news that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had teamed up with Attorney General Eric Holder to utterly destroy firearms manufacturers and dealers by cutting off all credit and banking relationships with them.
For its part, the FDIC categorized gun and ammunition sales as a “high-risk business,” lumping it in with drug dealers, pornographers, and Ponzi scheme operators — all of which it was working to completely destroy.
Holder, in turn, would provide the “muscle” — using a program called Operation Choke Point to make sure banks “got the message.”
Senator David Vitter (R-LA) and Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) soon got appropriations language to defund Operation Choke Point. But when Holder promised to be a “good boy” and the FDIC removed guns from its “high-risk list,” the appropriators relented and allowed the program to continue.
FK – Gee, the republicrats just won’t learn will they? Compromise with “Liberal”(commie) trash means moving in it’s direction, towards slavery. We should be hanging the creatures, not compromising with them.
This is a multi-front war. Be political but understand that our domestic blood enemies will never just throw up their hands and say “Sorry we bothered you. We’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Won’t happen.Best to prepare for what will be required.
You read the title correctly, Delaware County United for Sensible Gun Policy (Delco United) held their “Firearms 101 Presentation” Monday night (02/02/2015) in Springfield, PA. They figure if they gain a little book knowledge about guns they’ll have more credibility. OK, stop laughing, you have an article to read.
A page from the handout questioning
the nonexistent gun show loophole
As you can see by following the link above, the presenter,
Larry Glick, is well credentialed being a former law enforcement officer and a former National Rifle Association member. Unfortunately, my request to video his presentation was denied. Let me start with one of the most most important things that he said, “there is no gun show loophole”. He went to great lengths to explain that the idea that there are many gun sales going on at gun shows with no background checks performed is false. Glick very directly told the Delco United people not to pursue that angle. Let’s let that sink in for a moment. At a meeting of one of the major gun rights hating groups in the Philadelphia area the speaker debunked one of the biggest lies that gun rights haters put out.
The evening started out interestingly enough. When I first got there Terry Rumsey and Robin Lasersohn, Co-Chairs of Delco United, recognized me as the leader of the Open Carry Counter-Rally For Gun Rights that stole the thunder from their march and rally for universal background checks in Media, PA last June. They took me aside and expressed their concern that I might try to disrupt their meeting. “We don’t want people being afraid of being mocked when they ask questions”, is how I recall Robin Lasersohn putting it. After agreeing to behave, which was my intention all along, I was allowed to stay.
FK – My comments, mostly in response to comments on the column linked above:
The most ‘private property’ anyone possesses is their own body/life/health. No piece of mindless pacified trash has any ‘right’ to tell us we can’t defend ourselves where ever we are.
If the creatures can’t or won’t ‘accept our guns’ they don’t belong here. There’s no such thing as a ‘right’ to destroy our most basic right.
The ‘non-aggression’ principle is pacifist Bravo Sierra. Of course we shouldn’t attack ‘peaceful’ people or always resort to violence first if there is a true viable alternative, but if I learn a group is planning to come attack me I have every right, duty and responsibility to destroy them in place if I’m able.
The Ameri-commies, the “Liberal”(commie) trash, are working openly to destroy this country and rob us of the Bill of Rights, which wasn’t written by Libertarians. They will happily send their black-suited Nazis, soldiers, to kill us for refusing to obey their evil laws despite their false pacifism.
Carry anyway and lie to your domestic blood enemies, because it’s their nature to lie to you.
FK – Is that a neutered male standing to the right of the purple cow? And what about that shifty eyed nutbar standing behind the propagandist? Have they been vetted for voting, the most violent act anyone can engage in?
Here’s a real mom, and a real woman:
FK – Who would you want home alone with your kids, the purple brain-dead cow or the hot red-head who knows how to shoot?
FK – Unfortunately we’re still operating under their evil system and their evil laws. Too many cowards in the ‘gun rights’ movement to openly demand the repeal of all ‘gun laws’ I suppose much less construct the organization that will be necessary to do what will be required.
Some of the detractors of yesterday’s actions are missing something big here in the rush to disparage and condemn actions they don’t agree with. And yes, no argument, more edicts may be enacted as retaliation against hard core protests by oath-breaking political opportunists we all ought to recognize as the true extremists. The thing is, these defiant citizens are going to disobey any future edicts, too. What government enforcers do after that will determine the reactions of those who will not obey them.
We’ve moved into new territory, or more precisely, been moved into it whether we want to go or not. And the only thing those who disagree with such direct tactics can do about it is side with the antis, the same people who would call them extremists.
FK – Maybe the guy is a moron. But then we have to slice and dice all the versions of that.
This is war. We’re gonna have fakers, psyops, idiots, double agents and on and on.
In the Militia we used to have a saying: “If there’s five guys at a Klan meeting three of them are probably FBI agents.” Look up ‘Hutaree Militia’ and see how the Fed Nazis failed to railroad them into prison.
Lot’s of ground has been gained by ‘working within the system’ that the Founders bequeathed to us. The keys are defining that so that we aren’t just playing dupes to our domestic blood enemies who’d call us ‘extremists’ because we throw a rock at a rabbit in our garden if it was advantageous to them and if rocks were all we had left.
The other key is being ready for what will be required. Our domestic blood enemies will never, that’s the ‘never’ that’s in the dictionary, throw up their evil despicable little hands and say “Oh sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” Won’t happen. They’ve invested way too much time and money in the destruction of this country and the Bill of Rights. They will not walk away without a fight.
This means that when they say “Turn them in,” and the first raids happen and/or there’s a ‘gun turn-in point’ we’re ready to respond with the necessary force to stop them dead in their tracks. Why hasn’t the NRA focused on this as they should have long ago? I know, it’s a rich boys club and they’re too busy maintaining the status quo, for a short answer. Plus a lot of them are simply cowards.
Whatever starts the blood war, and it might not be over guns as events in Nevada last year so clearly proved, we shouldn’t rush headlong into it, but simply know ourselves and ‘know our limitations’ as a famous movie character liked to say. If all the ‘good people’ got off their mental and physical asses we could take our country back, but it would still be a costly affair, for the “Liberal”(commie) trash are just as sincere about enslaving all of us as we are about preventing them from doing so.
FK – If Fed or NGO or otherwise ‘instigators’ can show up and try to cause trouble at a commie rally such as happens all the time as it did in Ferguson why not at a Liberty rally? Simply don’t let them get away with it.
Some believe that all of this is building toward some sort of reckoning between gun owners and those who want to abolish the right to keep and bear arms, regardless what they say about supporting the Second Amendment. Ultimately, they may not oppose that right, just as long as nobody actually exercises it.
The West has become a battleground for Second Amendment rights. It’s not so much an urban versus rural phenomenon as it is a battle of values that was inevitable. It’s what the late Charlton Heston called a culture war. It’s not coming to a neighborhood near you. It’s already there. This year in state capitols all over the western landscape, citizens and politicians need to decide quickly which side they are on.
FK – A ‘dangerous criminal’ is presumably but not always someone who has been convicted of a violent crime and is in prison. If we have a ‘dangerous criminal’ in prison that cannot be trusted with weapons why are we letting him out? Why has the ‘pro gun’ community ignored this obvious question for so long?
We need to end the ‘drug war’ and free the prisons up for those who actually belong there. When felons are ‘trusted’ to return to society they need to get all their rights back. No person should be deprived of their right to self defense. If they’ve ‘paid their debt to society’ society has no business treating them like second class citizens.
But then we need to repeal GCA ’68 and the NFA and all the other evil ‘gun laws’ anyway don’t we?
The ‘crime’ issue is a red herring. Even if ‘gun control’ could be proven to lower crime it would still be evil.
All ‘gun control’ is propaganda designed to condition the sheeple to more ‘control’ until full civilian disarmament is achieved. Thus all gun control is an act of war. All who forward it should be arrested, tried for treason against Human Liberty and executed.
JPFO had the right idea years ago: Destroy gun control.
FK – Remember the Hutaree Militia? They were infiltrated and nearly railroaded into prison but the Fed Nazi trash finally had to let them go. Do you know the basic rules for the militia?
“Congress doesn’t need to hold hearings on this,” Dobyns maintains. “They simply need to draft a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and ATF Director B. Todd Jones demanding truthful and complete answers. This is all it will take. If the AG and Holder will answer honestly, this will be soon be resolved for good.”
He’s making big assumptions, particularly that the Holder DOJ will be inclined to do anything but stonewall, that is, continue with the same pattern of obstruction that resulted in contempt of Congress charges against the defiant attorney general. That said, the prospect of seeing this play out will give further evidence to the public of just how little the administration values fair trials and rule of law when they perceive an advantage undermining both.
That won’t happen unless and until lawmakers responsible for oversight stop ignoring the unprecedented action of a federal judge (and a Clinton appointee at that) sidelining seven United States attorneys from a case due to fraud. Why they have remained silent so far, while troubling, is hardly unexpected to those of us involved in the early days of Fast and Furious, when the media, the Congress, and even some “pro-gun groups” had to be dragged kicking and screaming — and even harangued — into calling attention to another clear record of government-sponsored lawlessness.
FK – Why aren’t the ‘gun groups’ pushing hard to simply shut down the BATF Nazis and repeal ‘all’ the gun laws?
FK – What is Reform Judaism and what are it’s real goals? Those who claim pacifism cannot vote for voting is the most violent act anyone can participate in because government is force and voting is electing someone to hire someone to stick a gun in your neighbor’s face and force your political will upon them.
In its attempt to get Miller fired, CSGV pointed to a Jan. 19 speech she gave at an event held by the Virginia Citizens Defense League — which CSGV claims is “a radical pro-gun group that embraces the use of political violence.”
During the rally, Miller said that Washington D.C. “is not part of America, because they don’t recognize the Second Amendment.”
Miller also told the audience that she was “part of this fight that we’re all in.”
Citing the Society of Professional Journalists, CSGV asserts that Miller should be fired from her job on the grounds that journalists should “act independently” by avoiding “conflicts of interest, real or perceived.”
The April 2009 email states that “DEA Phoenix Division Office is working closely with ATF on attacking the guns going to [redacted] and the gun shows, to include programs/operation with LPRs at the gun shows.” The government redacted the rest of the email, but when we received this document we concluded that these agencies used license plate readers to collect information about law-abiding citizens attending gun shows. An automatic license plate reader cannot distinguish between people transporting illegal guns and those transporting legal guns, or no guns at all; it only documents the presence of any car driving to the event. Mere attendance at a gun show, it appeared, would have been enough to have one’s presence noted in a DEA database.
FK – Another reason to shut them down, as if we need another one.
FK – Murdered? Really? Need to read “The Real Lincoln.”
The presidency has always been the office of the elites, back to Jackson, really from the beginning.
Our country was founded by the colonial aristocrats of the 18th century, plantation owners, shysters, banksters, smugglers, etc. The diff. is some of them did truly value their version of human Liberty. Now they’re mostly whores.
It must be stressed that we can make some difference in elections beneath the now red house and obviously they do respond to proper pressure, the ‘gun rights’ movement proves this. But our weapons and the Second Amendment without the will to use them are nothing but toys to be regulated and taken.