Tag Archives: amerika

Citizens Fight Back Against Jade Helm Takeover


FK – Wow. What condescending arrogance. The distaste can be seen in his face.

Did anyone ask him what he’d do if asked to use this ‘training’ against real Americans, i.e. patriots who simply want to live in the free country we’re supposed to have here?

Did anyone ask the Lt. Col. if he’d immediately shoot the officer who ordered him to do so as he should?

Asymmetrical warfare? Many can play at that game. We outnumber them. Remember that. When enough realize this maybe then we’ll take our country back and re-establish Liberty here and shore up the Bill of Rights with a way to constantly force the governments to respect our natural born Liberties with a militia force in every county whose job it is to make sure the granite gallows in front of every government building doesn’t fall into disuse.

It’s time to stop asking absurd questions and prepare for what will be required.

More to come on this via this link…


FK – The entire meeting.


Probably the most important vid to watch:


FK – Regardless of what so many ‘patriots,’ and ‘libertarians’ and ‘conservatives’ think they want we are existing in very dangerous times and a very dark age. It’s time to wake up and grow up and deal in this reality and stop waiting to get beamed up.

Schlafly warns America ‘may be at a breaking point already’

Martial Law? Obama Confiscates National Guard Helicopters From All 50 States

In all, the Defense Department will confiscate 192 Apaches from National Guard units around the country and give them to the active duty Army.

In exchange for the heavily armed and highly maneuverable choppers, Guard units will receive 111 UH-60 Blackhawk transport helicopters from the Army, Defense One reports.

Last week, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, claiming that the measure will save taxpayers $12 billion, over the next three years.

FKThe NATIONAL guard is all federal property anyway. They created it to discourage the states from having their own militias…

Local police amassing arsenal of surplus Army weapons

3rd Amendment No Longer Offers Protection Under the Police State

Andrew Breitbart – Racism and the Tea Party

FK – Didn’t know much about Breitbart. Now I see why they may have killed him: “Men… have become eunuchs…” Boy he nailed that.

There is no limit to what our blood domestic enemies will do to achieve their goals except for the limit they will force those who claim to love Liberty to force upon them. There will NEVER come a day when our blood domestic enemies will throw up their hands and say “Sorry we bothered you, we’re going home now to live in peace and Liberty with our neighbors.” They’re not capable of that. Like rats in a corn crib there is only one way to deal with them. Just making this plain has gotten me condemned multiple times.

What he said:


FK – They’re just following their nature:


FK – Let’s torture it until it dies. Pretty much nails it.

7 Children Taken from Parents During Search for “Miracle” Treatment Chemical

Stanley opened his door Monday afternoon to find a warrant waiting for him and his home surrounded by State and Garland County agents.

“It said we’re here to search your house,” Stanley explained.

Hal and his wife Michelle were kept outside for hours while officers searched the home with their seven children inside.

Hal said, “If they had asked me if I had MMS, I’d say yes and give it to them.”

Hal insists that only he takes the supplement and he uses MMS as a water purifier for his garden.

The garden is part of the Stanley’s way of life.

They avoid most contact with the government. The parents have home schooled their nine children, two of which have graduated and gone on to college.

The Stanley’s keep to themselves, are generally self-sustained and consider themselves “preppers”.

FK – We should have a militia force in every county in this country to deal with this kind of evil.

Mom of 7 Homeschoolers in Arkansas Taken by Authorities Speaks Out

About why the children were taken by authorities:

I don’t believe it is about child protection. I think it is more about taking away our rights, because we believe differently and we do so many things differently. I think I’ve had all of our convictions that we have stood by for all our lives just ripped away. Our kids are in public school. Next thing it will be vaccinations…

We didn’t find out until today (Tues. Jan. 20th) that our court date was tomorrow… They served us the papers less than 24 hours…

And then they made the press statement and switched the issue from… it’s not that MMS is not an issue, but I think they realized it is not going to be …. because we got 2 chemical companies now called to defend their products, and they were given all the details which we didn’t have the knowledge about… they’re shifting it to how bad a parents we are or whatever…. It’s about our beliefs. I think they just saw us as an ideal target or something, I don’t know…

The family has requested that the public call the following people:

  • State Police Headquarters: 501-767-8836
  • Kathy Finnegan 501-767-8550 (head investigator at State police department of our case.)
  • DHS Department 501-321-2583 on menu choose Dept. of Children and Family
  • Garland County Sheriff office Main Office Phone: (501) 622-3660 ask why did Mike Write make the decision to hold the Stanley kids?

Asa Hutchinson is the Governor, and can be contacted here. His Facebook Page is here. Phone number is 501-682-2345.

Their Facebook page.

Their gofundme page.

FK – How much longer?

Cops Can Now See Through Your Walls!


FK – Many have been screaming their heads off for decades yet the brain dead pacified sheeple graze on. They fully deserve what the beast system is doing to them and they fully deserve what’s coming.


FK – Nothing short of lots of lots expensive suits hanging along Pennsylvania Ave. and Wall St. will fix this mess if it can be fixed.