Conley told the court she had renounced the warped ISIS interpretation of Islam and only ever wanted to be a ‘catalyst for good’.
But in social media posts in the run-up to her arrest, she revealed her extremist views and hatred for western values, sneering at American women for dressing ‘like ‘sluts’ and describing herself as a ‘Slave to Allah.’
Conley’s parents, John and Ana Maria, have accused US authorities of making an example of their impressionable daughter.
They described her as ‘an incredibly naive and idealistic young woman who trusted that others were telling her the truth.’
John T. Booker Jr was arrested April 10 as he fumbled with wiring in the back of a van parked near Fort Riley, a military post in Kansas.
Prosecutors say Booker was attempting to arm what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb – in fact it was a dummy device supplied to him in an elaborate FBI sting.
According to court documents, the 20-year-old wanted to slaughter Americans on behalf of ISIS and boasted to an undercover FBI agent: ‘I will kill any kuffar.’
Booker Jr’s fanaticism first came to light in a series of warped Facebook posts discovered when he applied to join the military in 2014.
‘Getting ready to be killed in jihad is a HUGE adrenaline rush!!’ he wrote in one. Booker Jr admitted enlisting so he could carry out an ‘insider attack’, including turning his weapon on his fellow soldiers at a firing range or murdering them with a sword.
FK – Without govt. assistance would most of these ‘terrorists’ have any hope of becoming martyrs?
And the brain dead ‘conservatives’ will eat this up and once again lose focus on who and what our real enemies are:
FK – I’ve wondered if a lot of the ‘commenters’ on these ‘enquirer of the internet’ sites aren’t paid trolls. There are a handful of these questionable sites out there. I see people pushing their crap all the time…
Section 215 of the Patriot Act, slated to expire on June 1, authorizes the government to collect “any tangible things” that the government proves are “relevant to” an investigation into suspected terrorists. It permits government agents to compel businesses to turn over records and documents of Americans who have no official ties to terrorist organizations.
The NSA’s unconstitutional, warrantless phone snooping program operates under Section 215. Supporters of the program claim it is critical in the fight against terror.
In a surprising bipartisan vote of 338-88, members of the House approved the USA Freedom Act, which would extend most of the powers except for the bulk collection of data. Under the USA Freedom Act, the government would have to ask phone companies to store the data, and agents would have to apply for a particular number if they believed it was associated with terrorism.
FK – How much longer? Will all of amerika dig the ditch it’s told to dig then wet its pants when the machine bun bolts slam home and die stupidly wondering “How did this ever happen to me?”
FK – Gee, even the young tyrants have a clue about some things. What’s the world coming to?
This is why Paul should probably stay in the Senate for a while. If the elites allow him into the now red house they’ll either kill him if he actually does anything or stage a massive false flag in order to install one of their own again, discredit the Liberty movement and start WWIII over 3000 year-old tribal propaganda…
According to The Hill, McConnell is in a tight spot as he tries to pursue a renewal of the Patriot Act by the June 1 deadline. He already filed legislation to try to push back the deadline by two months to buy more time.
“He’s really in a box,” Connecticut Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Wednesday before the House vote, according to The Hill. “With all due respect, he’s in a box that the courts have made for him, so to speak, by correctly interpreting the law,” he said, referring to a ruling by a federal court recently that the program is illegal.
In voting for the USA Freedom Act, the House will force the agency to obtain a narrower set of records from private phone companies, a move that McConnell has said would land the NSA with “an untested, untried, and more cumbersome system.”
McConnell is committed to passing a “clean” reauthorization bill that would extend part of the Patriot Act for 5 1/2 years.
FK – Mccommie needs to be in a box, with bars on the windows, along with every other bastard that voted for that evil law without even reading it. That kind of garbage must end.
FK – Make no mistake, there are ‘troops’ in the military who will when ordered break your door down at 3 am, kill your dog, your kid, your grandma or whatever else gets in the way of them carrying out their orders in the service of the beast. Time to wake up and grow up cause no body’s gonna get beamed up.
The 2001 USA PATRIOT Act was drafted and swiftly passed in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Due to the nature of the crisis, the goal was simply to pass a bill as quickly as possible. Many congressmen did not have an opportunity to thoroughly read, analyze or vet the bill’s numerous and lengthy provisions. In fact, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, one of the original authors of the Patriot Act, later declared that he was shocked by how the law was used to spy on innocent Americans.
Congress and the American people now know, thanks to whistleblower leaks, that federal agencies like the National Security Agency regularly perform mass surveillance on Americans without bothering to obtain a warrant. As constitutional law scholar Randy Barnett wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “The National Security Agency has seized from private companies voluminous data on the phone and Internet usage of all U.S. citizens. … This dangerously violates the most fundamental principles of our republican form of government.” He concludes that “[s]uch indiscriminate data seizures are the epitome of ‘unreasonable,’ akin to the ‘general warrants’ issued by the Crown to authorize searches of Colonial Americans.”
FK – Too many ‘conservatives’ have no problem with the police state if it’s enforcing their version, sub-version or subversion. We are still a very primitive species, existing in a very dark age.
All who voted for that law without reading it should be tried and put to crushing large rocks with a sledge hammer in a northern state.
It may seem daunting, like being a surgeon, but projectile wounds that don’t break bones are mostly plumbing and ventilation. Stop the leaks, keep the pressure up, get expert help ASAP.
For a bleed, apply everything you can at once – direct pressure, arterial pressure, and elevation.
Elevation may be all you have in a groin or internal wound. The worst casualty I ever evacuated had survived almost three hours with both legs crushed flat, simply because he was hanging upside down in rubble.
I call this the “teapot effect” put the hole at the highest point to keep the tea in. If it is a lung wound where the threat is respiration, you put the wound down to let fluids out of the chest.
FK – This is a question on Quora, with some interesting responses…
Alaska, Wyoming, Vermont, Arizona and Arkansas may have a new state joining their ranks if State Rep. Jim Lucas of Indiana has anything to say about it.
Lucas has introduced House Bill 1144 which would strike down the permitting scheme currently in place and would repeal whole chunks of the nearly 30 pages of laws dealing with carrying firearms.
Most important among them is the “poll tax” that requires law abiding citizens to pay for the ability to exercise their rights. Colloquially known as purchasing a carry permit.