The ban has drawn criticism from many Second Amendment activists, though others in the firearms community have been critical of the demonstrators whose action set in motion the chain of events. Southwest Washington activist Rick Halle with the Gun Rights Coalition sent an impassioned letter to the Washington State Patrol underscoring his concerns.
The text of Graham’s measure, HB 1886, is fairly simple. It would send the 18-page gun control measure, passed by voters last November, back to the voters at the next general election. Since it took effect Dec. 4, the measure has been publicly ignored by protesters and criticized by some officials, and is the subject of a lawsuit by the Second Amendment Foundation, and several private citizens.
It’s the second such proposal. A bill was introduced in mid-January by State Rep. Matt Shea to repeal the measure outright. Despite support from activists and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, that measure isn’t likely to go anywhere.
FK – Democracy is two wolves and a sheeple voting on lunch. Liberty is a well-armed patriot contesting the vote.
Our blood domestic enemies know this, that’s why they want us disarmed before enough come to grips with what will be required.