FK – No prez candidate or prez is gonna ‘save us’ until we get off our asses and go do what will be required. Any prez who tried to really put the governments in their places would experience a severe reduction in life expectancy.
The idea that he would ‘save’ us from the banksters who created the country he prostrated himself before is more than ludicrous:
FK – If the newswhores are telling you not to listen to someone maybe you should:
PM: Israel to erect Red Army memorial
FK – If Paul really believes the things he said to get elected he’d be better off staying in the Senate long term where he might be able to do a little good. If he’s under some illusion that he can ‘fix’ the country as president without activating the militia and bringing home the troops and opening “Liberal”(commie) trash and bankster season he’s sorely mistaken. These creatures have killed in the name of their evil before and will have no problem doing so again.
Will we continue to elect our leaders based on their support for 3000-year-old tribal propaganda? Really?
Netanyahu Calls For ‘Mass Immigration‘ of European Jews to Israel
FK – Funny how the multiculturalism pushed by secular Marxist Jews is responsible for what’s happening in Europe.