Oathkeepers Bundy Ranch Advisory for April 29, 2014

Yes, it is true: Oath Keepers received a bizarre bit of leaked info which could not be verified but which also could not be ignored. Our contact is connected with the Department of Defense – or “was”. The info we received stated that Eric Holder of the Department of Justice had okayed a drone strike on the Bundy ranch near Bunkerville, Nevada, within a 48 hour period over the weekend of April 26/27, 2014.

That, fortunately, turned out to be “dis-info” – a false rumor. And though it came from a trusted source, Oath Keepers could neither prove nor disprove it. Oath Keepers is thankful that the rumor was false and no one got hurt. Oath Keepers also is aware that the source of that rumor requires debriefing, which would hopefully lead to the author of that operation. It was a directed attack on Oath Keepers to do several things including gaging our comms depth, our speed in Intel, and study how we responded. The project’s cheerleaders were already implanted in the militias operating on-site at the ranch, so that when Oath Keepers responded to the rumor new forces would be ready to pounce on Oath Keepers.

FK – This is war. There are always spies, counter spies, propaganda and counter propaganda. But personally, I wouldn’t put it past them, if they thought they could get away with it. None of the trash has stood trial for murdering the Branch Davidians and railroading some of the survivors into prison.


…and how many are incapable of understanding what the following actually means?:

All Oath Keepers know that President Obama signed into “law” the infamous NDAA-2012, which placed American citizens under military jurisdiction. Under the NDAA-2012 any American citizen may be picked up by the military and placed in custody under a military tribunal – without even being charged with a crime – and – without benefit of a lawyer – and – may be held indefinitely until the so-called “war on terror” is finally over, which some politicians have said could last a hundred years or more. We also know that the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001 greatly released restrictions on government enforcement agents and permitted them to violate American citizens’ unalienable rights. We all know that the NSA is collecting all of our communications. We know that dissent against current policy in government is being targeted by government agencies including the IRS and DHS.