FK – Maybe we should be looking at what ‘is’ happening rather than what some religious huckster claims ‘might’ happen.
Getting rid of the ancient tribal propagandas would be a good thing. Global socialism as a replacement not so much.
He is right that the average dumbass will choose false security over Liberty. Years of trying to pay attention and trying to get the brain dead tool-using monkeys to do their part has convinced me of this.
The fact that billions think it’s perfectly OK that their god, that’s ‘their’ god, will burn the vast majority of tool-using monkeys that ever existed alive in fire forever tells us we still exist in a very dark and dangerous age. The rapture theory was probably created as another way to keep ‘christians’ distracted or to keep every generation convinced it doesn’t have any responsibility for what the government is doing. Sad pathetic creatures.
When millions or billions believe a falsehood to the point they’re willing to kill you over it that makes it very real.
During WWI experiments with projecting images over the battlefields of Europe were conducted. All the isms will try to make use of the UFO or whatever phenomena until they are forced to do otherwise.
No sacred cows, or a new global Bill of Rights
The purposes of gods and golden rules
What to teach your kids
The big question is when will mainstream scientists stop lying and when will we stop lying to ourselves?
Disclosure, or exopolitics is now a thing…
This is what we need to focus on:
FK – That evil creature worked to elect hitlery. What else do we need to know about it? If this were a nation of men both creatures would be tried and executed on the same day.
Gas didn’t hit a buck a gallon until the late 70s or early 80s if memory serves. If it’s not OK for governments to treat us like jackasses it’s not OK for corporations to treat us like jackasses. They don’t call us ‘human resources’ or ‘consumers’ or treat us as products because they respect us as human beings.