Come And Take It Hillary!

FK – The trash will happily send it’s black-suited Nazi whores to kill all those that refuse to comply. Millions of pathetic cowards will comply to keep their mortgage and big screen. It will be up to that tiny minority as always.

We don’t need to spay and neuter our domestic blood enemies but hunt them to extinction. Our failure to do so is what’s killing the Bill of Rights.

Amerika doesn’t have a gang problem it has a commie/globalist problem. They paid the inner city single mothers to breed for generations and knew full well what the result would be.

So why don’t we have the militia force in place that we will need to do what will be required?

This is what the white “Liberal”(commie) trash sought to produce:

FK – Plenty of white trash will fight to keep the govt. tit in its mouth as well. But I don’t think Trump is any danger to them or the welfare state or the effort to create world government under the NWO.

I hope they do ‘declare war.’ If only someone would show them where the rich white “Liberal”(commie) trash lives.

And you’re not gonna get beamed up Mark. If you do it ain’t gonna be what you expect or want.

Not all of them are lacking in ‘intelligence'(loosely defined), just wisdom:

FK – The commies that indoctrinated these idiots, on both sides, want the illegals here so they can get them to vote commie. That’s what it’s about. That’s what matters. And fences work both ways.

Our real enemies were born here and have white skin and aren’t traipsing through the desert or hiding in a cave on the other side of the world and we should be hunting them to extinction.

We’ve been paying the stupid and lazy to breed for 50 years and allowing their offspring to vote and our natural born enemies, the americommies, to indoctrinate them and we expect better than this? Those who created the welfare state knew full well the outcome it would have.

I don’t think the commie globalists have that much to worry about:

FK – I thought hitlery was going to be his running mate? After all they were ‘friends.’

Looks like I’ll be writing in Mickey Mouse if I bother. Maybe I’ll write in Joe McCarthy. After all current events are proving he was right. They infiltrated the republicrat party as well.

Our real enemies:

FK – Why are we allowing this trash to stay in our country? They are waging war on the Bill of Rights and should be treated accordingly.

‘Democracy’ is the problem child. Demand Liberty.